Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Transformers Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Mixmaster ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic other than the characters: Starkaro, Mac, Harimku, and Burt Gummer (not the one from Tremors). Now on to the story.
Previously on Inuyasha: Kagome and company come across a village is unfriendly towards demons and their associates. Kagome returns to the village to purchase supplies when she is captured and thrown into stocks. A young boy named Burt Gummer saves her. He then meets with Inuyasha and the others outside the village and agrees to meet them in two days at the next village to the east, a less hostile environment. Burt and Kagome are attacked inside Burt's home and he is forced to destroy it to protect himself and Kagome from a couple of vengeful demons. Burt and Kagome then begin their journey to the next village and into a perilous situation as we begin the final part of Inuyasha.
Guest Starring:
Burt Gummer
William Daniels as the voice of K.I.T.T.
Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara walked along in a mist. As the mist began to clear they could make out what appeared to be a village forming. This was the village Burt Gummer told them to meet him, and Kagome at two days ago. As they got closer they could see a rather small figure sitting on a rock with its head resting on the palms of its hands. The figure, still too shrouded to tell who or what it was heard them approach and lifted its head in their direction.
"Inuyasha" Kagome shouted and run up to him and the others.
"Hi Kagome, we've missed you." he said.
"Kagome, it's good to see you again, it's been lonely without you around." Sango said
"Kaagoomee" Shippo exclaimed as he jumped into her arms.
"Hi Shippo, it's good to see you, all of you." Kagome said.
"Why were you sitting there all by yourself, where's Burt at, he said he would be here with you."
"I don't know he left about an hour and a half ago to check to see if anyone was at the village and he hasn't come back yet." The mist son began to clear and the sun came out. Kagome and the rest proceeded to long around the village themselves. They soon found it to be deserted, and there was an awful stench there too. Kagome walked to the center of the village. As she was looking around the ground started to shake and rumble. At first she thought it was an earthquake, but as soon as she saw that the others were not in distress she began to get frightened. Suddenly the ground heaved up under her and she was forced to take a couple steps back. The large creature shot up out of the ground. A Graboid was in the middle of the town and was about to snack on Kagome. Suddenly a loud boom rang out and the part of the Graboid that was above ground burst asunder, spraying its gooey remains all over. Part of them splattered on Kagome, but the others remained clean. Everyone turned around to see some dust settling just outside the village. There stood Matt a.k.a. Burt Gummer with his Grizzly Big Boar at his side. Drums roll and the 'Tremors the Series" theme plays in the background.
"Didn't I tell you there might be Graboids in the area" Burt said rather annoyed.
"Well yes, but when you didn't come back. I thought…well you know..." Kagome trailed off.
"You're all safe, that's the main thing." he said "As for me, I was fine I was out checking the Graboid Monitoring System I installed here. There's at least two of 'em." he said.
"Say what" Inuyasha had a puzzled look on his face.
"That creature that just tried to chomp Kagome was a Graboid." Burt said
"Then there's another one of those thing out there" Miroku asked.
"Yes, and we had better get somewhere safe, once a Graboid finds its prey, if it can't get it, it'll just sit and wait. And we'll be on the menu if we don't move out." Burt said. Burt turned and began to head out of the village. The others followed Inuyasha first, Miroku second, Sango third, Shippo and Kirar fourth, and Kagome, who was still slimed, last. Just before they reached the edge of the village Kagome tripped over something.
"Ouch." she said sitting on her knees.
"What the hell" Burt said as he and the others looked at what she tripped over. There right in the middle of the street was a steel object poking out of the ground. Burt and the others cleared away the dirt and found a steel drum had been buried there.
"What's that weird language on the thing" Inuyasha asked.
"It's English." Kagome said
"What's it say" Sango asked.
"Prood-t? I can't make it out." Kagome said defeated.
"Let me have a look" Burt said as he stepped forward. "Proudfoot Corporation, what the hell is that doing here"
"Proudfoot Corporation, I've heard that name before." Kagome said.
"I'm sure you have, they're a big company for bioengineering, I thought though they got shut down, I wonder how this got here." Burt said.
"I can't clearly make out what the label says can you" Kagome asked.
"I think so, it says warning dangerous chemicals, do not expose to animal DNA without authorization, chemical may cause irreparable side effects" Burt read, he then looked at the top of the label "Oh no, it's Mixmaster."
"Mixmaster, what's that" Kagome asked.
"It's a gene splicing chemical. Proudfoot developed it back in the 1970's due to the fact that there were no gene splicing tools back then. It performed better than they anticipated. They built a lab in the U.S. to conduct experiments, but they pulled the plug on the whole operation. If I'm not mistaken, the chemicals leaked out of the lab at one point and affected a small town in Nevada."
"Mixmaster? Gene splicing? What the hell are you talking about" Inuyasha asked angrily.
"It's gene splicing." Burt corrected.
"What is gene splicing" Miroku asked.
"You want me to explain it or do you want to tackle it" Burt asked looking at Kagome.
"You go ahead." she said.
"Gene splicing is the combining of DNA or your blood. Mixmaster was not meant to combine human blood, just animal. Which means we had better get the hell out of here. That barrel was empty and there's likely to be more. I don't want to be around when another creature is combined with that Graboid's blood." Burt said and he and the others left. That night they heard many strange and ominous sounds. Many of them had never been heard by anyone of the group before. While they were eating dinner Burt asked a question.
"Hey, Kagome I think I ran into a friend of yours earlier this month." he said.
"Oh really who" Kagome asked intrigued by his question.
"A guy by the name of Starkaro. He mentioned he ran into a unique group of people. And they pretty well fit your guys' description."
"Yes we met Starkaro. That was about two weeks ago. He helped us compete the Shikon no Tama" Kagome said.
"The what? Oh wait that jewel that hangs around your neck. Ok I gotcha. He mentioned that he was going to investigate that strange meteor shower we had. I don't know exactly how he knew what it was, seeing as he looked like an ordinary villager."
"Oh well Starkaro was from another planet, if I remember correctly. He was also from the future, like our time."
"Well that explains that." Burt replied. The next day they headed for another village just a little north of the other one. When they arrived they had heard stories of some sort of monster running amok and killing people.
"Where did it come from" Burt asked one villager.
"From there, up there, from the castle on the mountain." said the villager pointing toward a castle that was set into a neighboring mountainside.
"Thanks, we'll check into it and see what we can find out for ya." Burt said. The group then proceeded up to the castle. Just as they were about to enter they could hear a higher pitched screaming coming from inside and a voice begging someone not to go. Suddenly a huge creature with purple skin, beady red eyes, six arms, and amass of tentacles coming from it emerged from the side of the castle, destroying half of it as it went on its way. Inuyasha drew the Tetsugia but, Burt stopped him saying,
"Wait we'll deal with that mix and match puzzle of a monster later, first let's take care of him." and pointed to a small figure huddled on the ground with his hands over his head and whimpering. Burt and the others approached the figure.
"You wanna tell me what the hell that was friend" he asked a little annoyed.
"It was…it was... not my fault. I didn't know he was going to act like this.. I didn't know." he said crying the through his speech.
"Didn't know who was going to act like this" Kagome asked
"Him, Messchelschimter." the man said. (A/N: that's Mess-shel-schm-iter)
"Who, you mean that monstrosity that just trashed half of the castle" Miroku asked.
"Uh-uh, he's not a monstrosity, he's just angry that's all." said the man.
"Angry my foot, he's on a rampage and he's going to destroy all of Japan if we don't stop it." Burt said growing very angry.
"The only way to stop him is to calm him down by giving him flowers to eat, but there are no more flowers, not in the whole village, he's eaten them all." the man said.
"Well forget that" Burt yelled "We'll have to kill it."
"No, please don't hurt Messchelschimter, he didn't mean any harm."
"No harm my ass! He's going to kill everyone in that village and us too if he isn't stopped."
"There's nothing you can do to stop him, he's impervious to any assault." the man replied.
"Not by any assault of this time period, but from mine there may be a way." Burt said.
"What are you planning" Kagome asked. Just then a boy was half running half walking up to them, panting and shouting,
"Hey, Kagome over here"
"Oh my gosh! Mac! I forgot we were supposed to meet him today" Kagome exclaimed.
"Hey, where you guys been, I've been lookin' all over the place for ya." he said.
"Sorry Mac, we got a little preoccupied and forgot about our meeting." Kagome said.
"It's ok no biggie, I found you and that's all that matters."
"With much difficulty." K.I.T.T. said.
"Man did you see that monster back there it was gianormous." Mac said.
"We saw it, and we've got to destroy it before it destroys us." Burt said.
"Who's you're friend" Mac asked.
"Name's Matt, but you can call me Burt, everyone else here does."
"Alright, I'm Mac and this is my partner K.I.T.T." Mac said pointing to his watch.
"Hello." K.I.T.T. said.
"Hey." Burt replied.
"So what's the plan" Mac asked.
"We've got to destroy old Messchelschimter there and I know how to do it. Trouble is I don't have the proper tool at hand."
"Which is" Sango asked.
"Explosives." Burt replied.
"Explosives" everyone other than Burt said in unison.
"Where do you plan on getting these explosives" Miroku asked.
"I thought you might be of help to me." Burt said.
"I don't know where you would get them." he replied.
"Perhaps Mac and I would be better equipped to help you, Burt." K.I.T.T. said.
"Do you know where I can get the proper ingredients for what I need" Burt asked.
"Yes, Mac and I just passed through a town that could supply you with every ingredient for any kind of explosive you could want." K.I.T.T. said.
"How far" Burt asked.
"Not very, if we leave now we could be back before noon tomorrow." Mac said.
"Alright, let's get going, you guys'll have to hold that creature off 'till we get back, understand" Burt said. Everyone else nodded. With that Burt, Mac and K.I.T.T. set off to get explosives.
The village was on fire and everyone had left, so it was up to Inuyasha and the gang to keep the Messchelschimter busy until Burt and Mac returned with the explosives. They went down to the village and it was laid in ruin almost. Inuyasha drew his sword and the others prepared their weapons. The long battle began. Inuyasha manages to severe several of Messchelschimter's limbs, but some power allowed him to regenerate them. They battled all through the night. Kagome's arrows succeeded in accomplishing almost nothing, other than annoying it. Miroku could not use the Air Rip because of the monsters size, and everyone would get sucked in. They could not distract it long enough for Miroku to use it so he used his other fighting skills instead. Sango's boomerang did little more than Kagome's arrows. It seemed that this bad beast would be the end of them. Just before morning Messchelschimter disappeared. As the sun rose everyone looked around the decimated village, but could not find him. How does a monster that size just disappear? It didn't make sense. Kagome went off by herself to look when suddenly she screamed.
"Ahhhhhhhh" Kagome wailed as she came running to the center of the village where everyone else was at. Just behind her came a small two legged toad thing. It was a Shrieker. A small wooden tube landed just in front of it and exploded, killing it.
"That's the last of 'em." Burt said as he came around the corner, with Mac close behind.
"What was that thing" Miroku asked.
"That, my good monk, was a Shrieker. A dangerous, ravenous little man eater that can reproduce just by eating a sufficient amount of food." Burt said giving them all a little too much information. "Now, where's our friend from the castle" he asked.
"He's over there, he's been cowering there ever since we came down to the village." Inuyasha replied.
"Alright mister you've got some explaining to do. Who are you and why did you create this monstrosity" Burt questioned angrily.
"My name is Harimku. I was told that if I used the chemical in those metal barrels on my animals, then I could rule the world. I didn't know what would happen. After I used them, I buried them in the next village west. I didn't know." Harimku whimpered, half crying.
"Do you know that by burying those drums that attracted Graboids and the Graboids killed the entire village, and one of my good friends was among them? You dirty s. o. b." Burt said. (A/N: s. o. b. stands for son of a bitch, just some fyi)
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry ok? I didn't know." he whimpered.
"Sorry isn't going to bring back that village, and it sure is hell ain't going to bring back the people from this village either. Who told you that load of crap about ruling the world" Burt asked his temper getting out of control.
"Some man, the one that gave me the chemicals, I don't know what his name is, he didn't say. All he said was to use the chemicals on my animal's blood and you know the rest." Harimku said.
"Good enough. Now, I've got pressing business with this damned creation of yours." Burt said and stormed off. Then Messchelschimter returned. He looked very hungry.
"Time to get down to business." Burt said.
"What are you going to do" Inuyasha asked.
"I'm going to get him to swallow a bunch of my homemade bombs." Burt said as he grabbed about seven of them and tied them together with a piece of rope. He then twisted their fuses into one big one. "I need to get up to his mouth so as I can administer our cure for the not so common monster."
"Kirara can take you." Sango said.
"Fair enough, let's go, Kirara." Burt said and mounted the transformed demon. Kirara flew him up in front of Messchelschimter mouth just as it opened up.
"Open wide your dirty, rotten filth of a demon" Burt said as he lit the fuse for the bomb and threw it in the monster's gaping mouth. As soon as the monster swallowed Burt's "pill" Kirara and he touched down.
"Everyone, let's move it" Burt shouted and everyone made a bee line for the safety of the trees. Messchelschimter began to contort and heave in all kinds of unholy ways and suddenly with a loud boom exploded into nothing. Burt then opened a very large umbrella that encompassed everyone in the group as guts showered down from above.
"Phew, that wasn't too bad, Burt." Mac said complimenting him. The group began to spread out observing the damage done. Harimku began to cry at his loss.
"Oh, I'm sorry about Messchelschimter, Harimku." Kagome said trying to comfort him.
"I'm not, it had to be done or we'd all be monster chow by now." Burt said.
"That's cold, Burt." Kagome said.
"No, that's Perfection." Burt said. Suddenly K.I.T.T. began to bleep.
"Mac, there's a Graboid approaching" he said.
"From where" Burt asked.
"From the east." K.I.T.T. replied. Then the Graboid burst through the ground and opened up its maw. Three long tentacles shot out and hooked around Harimku. He screamed as he was pulled into the Graboid's mouth and sucked underground never to be heard from again. The group then dispersed all over the place in a panic. Burt and Mac had scrambled up a tree unnoticed, while Inuyahsa and Miroku dashed into a nearby house. Kagome and Sango were left standing in the middle of the village alone. Then another small wooden tube flew through the air and landed about ten feet or so behind them. It was attached to a string and was being pulled by someone. Sango and Kagome turned around and screamed as the Graboid shot out of the ground with the string coming out of its mouth. It swallowed the bomb. Sango and Kagome, who were off guard fell to the ground in horror as the Graboid appeared and then disappeared. The bomb went off inside it. Kagome and Sango who were at ground zero got slimed from head to toe with Graboid guts. Inuyasha and Miroku appeared out of the house and began to laugh at the two girls who were now very orangish in color.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" Inuyasha and Miroku laughed unison.
"Hey stop it, it's not funny" Kagome whined and they did.
"Ha ha ha haa" came another laugh.
"Hey I said stop it! Sit boy" Inuyasha fell to the ground saying
"What'd ya do that for? It wasn't me who was laughing."
"Ha ha ha haa" it came again.
"Hey who is that" Kagome said. Burt then moved the tree branch that was blocking him and Mac from sight.
"You know, you two look good in orange." he said. Kagome and Sango both shot him death glances. The next day they were back at the destroyed village where they had found the barrels of Mixmaster.
"So what exactly are you going to do now that your house is blown up" Kagome asked.
"Well. I think I'm going to tear this old town apart and rebuild my home, and make some new additions. I've got everything I need right here and I can go to the town where I got my explosives from if I need anything else." Burt replied.
"So that's it? You're not coming with us" Kagome asked.
"No, 'fraid not. I've got no place with you guys. But I believe we'll meet again soon. Don't worry; you'll see me again before it's all over." Burt said and gave Kagome a small hug.
"It was nice working with you Burt; we'll have to compare demon exterminating notes sometime." Sango said.
"You bet." Burt said and gave her a small hug too.
"Miroku, you take care of yourself." Burt said and shook his hand.
"I will, you do the same."
"Hey, Shippo, I kept my promise didn't I? You behave and listen to Kagome, you hear"
"Yeah, I will, you take care too." Shippo replied
"Well, what can I say Inuyasha? Thank you, if it weren't for you I'd've never been able to get those explosives."
"It was nothing, I should be the one thanking you, you saved Kagome's life." Inuyasha said.
"It was no big deal, always willing to help out a fellow man or demon." Burt replied.
"Mac, thanks for everything, I appreciate the help I got from you and K.I.T.T., I'll never forget it. If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask." Burt said.
"I won't, and you're welcome." Mac replied.
"Yes, you're welcome to." K.I.T.T. said. With their goodbyes said, Inuyasha, Kagome, and the others set off into the sunset for yet another adventure.
A/N: Well what do you think? I've posted two other fanfics and got no feedback from them whatsoever, I'm begining to think you people don't want me around. I could defiantly use the feedback. Well ttfn ta ta for now.