Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Picture ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8

Duo warmed to his role by giving a soft moan as he felt Heero laid him gently on the bed. Duo felt the mattress shift when Heero sat down beside him and took one of Duo's hands in his.

Duo could felt the presence of others and hear whispers which became clearer as they neared the bed.

"I've sent for the doctor," Morgana said, and Duo felt a touch of guilt when he heard the strain in her voice.

"And I've sent a servant to bring word to NightWind Hall," Juanita added.

"Thank you," Heero said, and Duo was shocked. His voice was not that of an unfeeling man. In fact, if Duo hadn't known better he'd have called it frightened. This supposition was hard to believe and it made him open his eyes. Duo wanted to see his face.

Heero watched Duo's eyes slowly open and breathed a sigh of relief. He had never felt so shaken in his life, or so helpless as when he'd seen Duo thrown to the ground and lying as still as death. It had come to him like a forceful blow that Duo meant so much to him. In fact, Heero was able to admit, only to himself, that he was falling in love with Duo. He knew that wasn't anyone in his world who wouldn't be amused by that. The elusive Heero Yuy caught by the sweet innocence of this young and guileless creature.

"Duo." Heero's worried gaze held Duo's. "Are you in any pain?"

"No, I . . . .I think I'm all right."

"Lie still," Heero said. "You have no idea if you really hurt. The doctor will be here soon."

"Heero," Duo said weakly, "This is a terrible imposition. If you will just supply a carriage to take me home, I'm sure Quatre will see to my care."

"You'll stay right where you are," Heero replied firmly. "The doctor will look you over, but we insist you stay here at least overnight."

"Child, it would be foolish to move about too soon," Morgana said softly. "I have seen such accidents lead to severe problems. You are more than welcome to spend the night. In fact, I must add my insistence to Heero's. I would feel terribly guilt if you moved too soon and some problems should arise."

"Mother's right," Juanita said. "You've received quite a blow. Such things are hard to judge. Please stay, Duo."

"You are all very kind," Duo replied.

But Heero wasn't thinking about kindness. His gaze had never left Duo. And he could not help thinking that the sight of Duo in his bed was more than a welcome one.

The doctor, an old friend of the family, came a short while later to confer with the entire family.

"You've been quite shaken," he said, "but I can discern no internal injuries. The blow on the head is the problem, and I don't you should be up and about at least until tomorrow afternoon."

"Then that's settled," Heero said. "Duo stays right here. I'll see that he gets plenty of care."

The doctor's visit was concluded only minutes before the arrival of a worried and very frightened Quarter, whose fears were immediately put to rest.

Quatre intended to hover until he realized that Duo would be much happier if he returned home and left Duo to his plans.

Duo laughed in delight when Heero insisted they were all going to have desserts and wine in Duo's room. The evening turned out to be fun, and Quatre was the only one who paid attention to the fact that Heero seldom took his eyes from Duo.

Finally Quatre insisted he must go. Morgana agreed that it was time for Duo to get some rest.

Duo was too tense and excited to do any such thing. He was surprised when he heard a knock on her door and Juanita entered. Over her arm she carried a nightgown.

"I thought you might need this."

"You're very kind, thank you."

"You're quite welcome. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night."

When Juanita left, Duo rose and picked up what turned out to be a beautiful lavender nightgown, sheer with thin lace straps. Over it went a peignoir of the same color. It was breathtaking.

When he put it on he felt beautiful. He brushed his hair and waited; he paced the floor and waited. He felt his tension growing and poured a glass of wine to calm himself . . . and waited.

He had no idea was the family's habits were or when Heero would retire for the night, so he would have to wait until it was quite late.

He also knew he was fighting to keep his fear and his attraction to Heero. He needed to keep things in perspective, and he needed to see Heero Yuy not as a handsome and charming man, but as subtle and villainous one who would manipulate other people's lives by blackmail.

It was two o'clock in the morning before he finally gathered his nerve, blew out the candles, and went to his door. Duo cracked it open and looked up and down the hall. The house was quiet.

Duo dew the door open, slipped into the hall, and closed the door softly behind him. Slowly, he made his way down the hall toward the steps, crossing his fingers and hopi9ng the floorboard didn't squeak.

His luck held and he reached the top of the steps without a sound, then made his way slowly down. Even in the semidarkness, where no the only light was the glow of the moon; Duo had no problem finding his way about. He had carefully memorized where every room was. Now all he had to do was to get to the study and search it thoroughly. The packet had to be there; it had to be.

The door to the study seemed a million miles way, but his bare feet were silent and he made his way swiftly toward it. Once inside he breathed a sigh of relief, then on of surprise. The fire in the fireplace was burning and two candles were light. Obviously the servants had forgotten to extinguish them. He would do it before he left to make certain there were no problems for the maids. At least the fireplace was carefully screened.

He could see clearly enough to recognize what he was looking for the minute he found it. Milliardo had described it to Duo in minute detail. He couldn't miss it if it was here.

Duo went immediately to the desk, which was large and had a number of drawers. He slid the first one open. By the time he had go to the last, he was sure of two things. The packet wasn't here, and Heero Yuy was extremely neat and careful.

Duo stood for a minute gnawing his lower lip and gazing about him. Where . . . where? As he gazed about him he suddenly had the nerve-wracking feeling that the room was occupied. Over a nearby chair hung the same jacket Heero had worn at dinner. On a small table next to a huge wing chair lay an open book and an empty brandy decanter with a glass beside it. His heart began to pound and his legs grew weak. Heero had not gone to bed! He had been in the room possibly minutes before Duo had come. Duo could feel Heero's presence everywhere. He started for the door and froze as it slowly opened.

Heero had found sleep totally impossible. He had lain fully dressed on his bed, tossing and turning and imagining Duo only a few doors away. After a while he couldn't stand it anymore. He'd gotten off his bed and gone down to his study. Perhaps a little work or a good book would settle his mind.

He tried to make himself comfortable, but Duo's vivid violet eyes came between him and the pages of his book. Finally he went to the cabinet and took out the brandy, only to find it nearly empty. He took the last drink and set the empty bottle and glass on the table by his favorite chair. One drink was not going to be enough to wipe Duo from his mind. Duo . . . a plague. Heero was angry with himself. With all the danger and intrigue in his life with the kind of people he found a necessity, had had no room for Duo . . . innocent, sweet Duo! But dammit! He wanted Duo. Heero went for another bottle of brandy. In fact he opened it on the way back to his study and took a healthy drink straight from the bottle. If there was no other way to rid himself of this desire for the lithe beauty, perhaps brandy would do it.

He walked back to his study, bottle in hand. When he opened the door he was stopped by what he was sure was his too vivid imagination, or his deepest and most desirable dream come true.

Duo stood between him and the fireplace in a mist of lavender that revealed much more than it concealed. The fire picked up the light of copper in his hair and made it look like a shining halo. As a matter of fact, he looked like the most sensual angel anyone could have drawn up from the depths of the imagination. For several seconds neither could move.

Duo tried to think of some reason why he should be here, but came up with no logical explanation. He could not think of anything except how magnificent Heero looked and that the warmth in his eyes was doing something to him he found unbelievable.

Heero had rolled the sleeves of his shirt above his elbows and opened the neck, making his shoulders appear massive. His dark pants made him look lean, yet tremendously strong. The tan of his skin was magnified which he slowly closed the door and walked toward Duo, the bottle of brandy hanging indolently from his hand.

Duo could not have moved if his life had depended on it. If he felt that Heero was a predator it was because he was so obviously his prey.

When Heero stopped, he was so lost Duo could feel the warmth of his body. Duo looked up into his eyes and struggled fro something to say that would release him from Heero's relentless magnetism. But he spoke first.

"Duo." Heero said his name at the same moment on of the candles sputtered and went out. Dou inhaled a deep breath, but nothing could ease the trembling in his legs or the way his pulse was racing.

"I'm . . . I . . . ah . . . I couldn't sleep."

"Nor could I." Heero's voice was velvet smooth and wrapped around Duo's senses like a gently cress. "How beautiful you are." Heero reached to touch Duo's hair and let his hand roam to Duo's cheek. Had Duo come to him because he knew and understood this hunger that had been gnawing at his vitals from the moment they met? His heart was beating fiercely. If he had been condemned to death for it, he could not resist holding Duo for this one perfect moment.

Slowly, gently, as if the magic of the moment was too fragile to be broken, he spanned Duo's slender waist with one hard-muscled arm and drew Duo against him. His breath caught when their bodies touched. He, who had bedded the darlings of the court, was shaken by the intensity of the fire that seemed to ignite in his depths.

Their lips met with a delicate touch, tasting the newness of this heady emotion. Duo felt as if he were clinging to the edge of a chasm, about to fall into oblivion. Duo clung to Heero because he was the only stable thing in a world rapidly spinning out of control.

Lightly Heero's tongue found the sensitive corners of his mouth and traced their softness, and the pleasure filled Heero to capacity when Duo's lips parted to accept his. With slow, torturous deliberation he left the kiss grow deeper and deeper until he was drinking in Duo's sweetness and his tongue dueled with Duo's.

Duo was bound to Heero in a prison in which he'd lose the will to escape.

Duo's mind was clamoring a warning, but his sensed were drowning it out. /This is wrong, / it shouted . . . but he had never felt so wonderful before. This is not Milliardo! The deceitful voice whispered that Milliardo had never made him feel this way.

When Heero's mouth left Duo's, both were breathing heavily and Duo felt bereft of Heero's delicious warmth. Then he gasped and his eyes closed as he traced heated kissed down Duo's throat.

Oh Gods, he thought. If he surrendered, as he desperately wanted to, what would this maker him? He couldn't carry deception this far. He could not allow himself to be seduced by a man he knew would discard him at the first opportunity.

Duo forced himself to remember all that Milliardo had told him and how experienced Heero Yuy was at getting what he wanted.

"Heero . . . Heero . . . no, please." Duo pressed his hands against Heero's chest in what would have been a futile struggle had Duo been any other person. Heero would have known that his resistance was a way to draw him on. But when Heero looked into Duo's eyes, his heart saw otherwise.

Heero saw pure, virginal fear shining in those violet depths and the realization struck him with a jarring force. Heero was about to take the man he was coming to love on the floor like a bought whore. The thought was chilling enough to stop him in his tracks. Grimly he fought for a way to rein on the passion that had nearly raged out of control.

Duo eyes were wide and glazed with unshed tears. Heero could feel Duo's body trembling through his fingertips. His cheeks were flushed, and his mouth was full and moist from Heero's kisses. Heero's voice was thick and shaky even to his own ears.

"Duo . . . I'm sorry." Heero inhaled a deep breath and slowly released Duo.

Duo could feel the emptiness as son as Heero let go, and wanted nothing more than to step back into the warmth and strength of his arms.

Duo looked up into the ocean blue depths of his eyes, and a wave of guilt washed over him. He had allowed this to happen on purpose and now he was caught in his own dilemma. He didn't want to want Heero, didn't want the taste of him to linger on his lips, nor the feel of his hard body to remain imprinted on Duo's. He had come to take something from Heero and had not planned on the possibility of leaving something behind.

"Heero . . . I must go back upstairs. What if someone should find me here like this?" Duo's cheeks grew even more warmed at the thought.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you. I couldn't sleep."

Without a word Heero took his hand and drew Duo with him toward the fire. He stopped by the table and poured two glasses of brandy. Heero handed one to Duo, who took it almost reflexively. Then he set the bottle aside and took the other glass of brandy. He turned to face Duo.

"Perhaps a little brandy would help." Heero touched his glass lightly to Duo's.

Duo drank a sip and watched Heero over the rim of the glass. He realized then that Heero wore an almost puzzled expression. He set aside his empty glass and took one of Duo's hands in his.

Duo held the glass in trembling fingers. He did not need brandy; his blood was heated enough, and he needed nothing to make him more aware of Heero than he already was. But he held the glass as it if were an effective barrier between them.

"I'm glad you came down. I've been thinking of you." His voice was as warm as the brandy. "Duo, the truth is, I've been thinking of nothing but you since the night of the ball."

"Heero - "

"No, let me finish. This is rather a unique situation for me. It's just that you re such a combination of creatures that you've left me fumbling like a schoolboy." Heero captured his face in one large hand and lifted his chin to force Duo's fleeting gaze to meet his own. "I learned long ago that innocence and sweet honesty are forgotten qualities. I never expected to find them in one so beautiful as you. What I'm trying to say, Duo, is that I believe I'm falling very much in love with you."

Duo was stabbed by a piercing sense of guilt. Hero was saying he loved him and he was deceiving him. Duo struggled against the guilt but could not seen to overpower it. Why couldn't the packet have been here where he could have found it? Why had he agreed to this horrible deception in the first place? Milliardo . . . he knew Milliardo loved him, and he knew that Heero had such a reputation that he could quite well only be seducing a boy he thought too young and naïve to resist.

Heero took Duo's silence as shock and again cursed himself for being clumsy. If they had been at court he would have taken Duo to his bed and proven his point. But a man could not take a boy like Duo in that way. Besides, he needed to know that when Duo came to him, it would be by his own will, not only Heero's.

"Heero, you cannot love me. You don't really know me."

"But I want to. Next week, when we leave for London, I want you to be with me. Until then, spend your days with me. Let me show you that love is simple and beautiful between the right people. Give me this time."

Duo, furious that he could not fight the mist of tears in his eyes, and knowing he must make the trip to London to free Milliardo, could only nod his agreement.

Heero smiled softly and bent to capture Duo's mouth again with his. Heero's mouth lingered gently against his as if he were tasting the sweetest of all nectars. Heero had drawn Duo's one hand up about his neck and put his strong arms around Duo. Duo was not aware that his other hand slowly lowered until the brandy glass tipped and the brandy spilled slowly to the carpet. The glass followed, making a soft sound as it hit the wet carpet, and Duo's other arm circled Heero's neck as the kiss deepened.

It was with reluctance on both their parts that the kiss ended.

"Gods," Heero groaned softly. For a minute he continued to hold Duo close, then, his voice thick with restrained passion, he slowly released Duo. "You'd better go, for in another minute I'll be past the point where I can let you."

Duo understood quite well what Heero meant, for the temptation had eaten at his will, too. He had lost himself in the kiss and was grateful for this reprieve.

"Good night, Heero," he said softly. Then he was gone from Heero's arms, and Heero did not turn around to see him go. Heero closed his eyes for a second when he heard the door click shut

Duo lifted the long skirt of his nightgown and ran up the steps. In his room he closed the door behind him and leaned against it until he could get his pounding heart under control and stop himself from shaking. He could never tell Milliardo how he had felt or what had happened. Would he laugh at Duo's childishness at falling into Heero's neatly woven trap so easily? Would he be angry and call him a fool, or would he be hurt at how easily he might have ruined all his places and endangered his future . . . and his? But, he could not tell him. But then he would be lying to Milliardo as well as Heero. He felt entangled in a spider's web of lies.

Duo went to bed, whishing he had never seen Heero Yuy.


Heero found sleep even more difficult that h had before he'd found Duo. Another glass of brandy made little difference, for he could see Duo's face with his mesmerizing violet eyes in he flames of the fire, and he could still feel Duo's soft and strong curves pressed intimately against him. He had sensed every emotion, had known he had teetered precariously on the edge of surrender. But he had stopped himself because Heero would have never been able to bear a look of fear, or worse, condemnation in Duo's eyes had Heero taken the situation to the conclusion he desired.

Hero's body raged with the fire of need, but another, more logical part of him knew he was right to left Duo go. There would be a time got them, he promised himself. But it would be a night of perfection . . .He would make it so.

Pushing aside the thoughts that would keep him from sleep, he rose from his chair and set his empty brandy glass aside. All the brandy in the world would not erase the indelible memory of Duo's touch.

Heero walked to his desk and sat down, prepared to do enough work the make him tired. Only then did he notice one of the drawers was half open. He reached out to slide it closed, a frown drawing lines between his brows.

After a while he dismissed the incident, with a promise to remind the servants that his desk of never to be touched. It was a good thing; he thought to himself, that the things of real value were kept in his family's home in London. There he had the most trusted servant a man could have to stand guard.

It was long time before he rose and walked up the stairs to what he knew would be a cold and lonely bed. He had to pass Duo's room on his way, and he paused by his door. Heero reached out and laid his hand on the handle. Would Duo deny him if Heero came to him now? Heero could feel and taste him, warm and drowsy from sleep. He could imagine the pleasure he would experience to kiss Duo awake and make love to him the rest of the night.

It took every ounce of determination he had to release the handle and slowly walk away. Had he known that Duo had heard Heero pause by the door, sat up in the middle of the large bed, and watched breathlessly as the handle moved slightly, he might have been surprised. He had almost come to the door, opened it, and asked him to come in. Duo was grateful when he had heard Heero walk away, for he would not have had the strength or the desire to tell him to go.


The next morning Duo woke just before dawn. Confused and jumbled dreams had made his sleep restless. He rose and wrapped a blanket about himself and walked out on the veranda. The sun was just about to come up.

He watched the horizon slowly go from deep red to amber and gold, and then to pure white. How peaceful it was here, and how easy it would be to spend one's life here.

He caught himself. Milliardo would provide such a place as this and they would hare it. He would be happy and able to forget his past and the longing to know and what he was.

A sound below him drew his attention, and he looked down to see the gardener shuffling out to tend the roses that bloomed profusely in the garden.

Duo didn't want him to see him and was about to go back inside when a sound drew the gardener's attention. He turned to look at a place Duo could not see from where he was; then the gardener smiled.

In a moment, Duo saw Heero walk out to join the gardener and they stood, speaking quietly enough that the gist of their conversation could not be made out from where Duo stood.

Duo took the moment to admire Heero again. He was handsome, no matter what else was aid about him. He wore only dark breeches and riding boots and a shirt that was buttoned halfway. His dark hair caught the rays of the morning sun, and Duo liked the sound of his deep voice and soft laughter as he responded to something the gardener said.

Then the gardener turned a clipped a half-bloomed rose and handed it to Hero, who nodded and turned from the gardener as if the reenter the house.

Caught up in his study of Heero, Duo wasn't quick enough to step back before Heero turned. He looked up at Duo's first movement.

Duo had been leaning his arms o the balustrade and gripping the blanket at his chest. But it had slipped from his shoulders and his hair lay soft against his skin.

When Heero looked up he stopped to take in his dishabille and smiled.

"Good morning. You're up early. Didn't you sleep well?"

Duo wanted to say no he hadn't.

"Yes, I slept fine, thank you."

"Do you always get up this early? I thought I was the only one in the house awake. Juanita is a slugabed, and Mother hardly comes down before ten."

"Oh, I like mornings, they're so fresh and new. You can take the time to decide how you want to spend the day."

Heero inhaled the sweet scent of the rose, then tossed it up to Duo. He caught it with a laugh of delight, hardly realizing the seductive picture he made.

"It smells wonderful."

"Marcus is proud of his roses. Come down and share breakfast with me."

Duo nodded, and again he was held by the warmth of Heero's slight smile. Had Heero taken the rose to please Marcus, or had he intended to give it to Duo? The thought made Duo's pulse race. He had to caution himself again . . . but how easy it would be . . .

Duo raced back into the room, washed from the pitcher of water on his table, and dressed with disgraceful haste. What to do with his hair? He gathered it into a quick braid as best as he could, it was unruly this morning and he could not control the tendrils that seemed to cling to his cheeks and the back of his neck.

At the top of the stairs he slowed his speed and was grateful that he did. Heero was standing at the bottom. Duo was also glad he's carried the rose with him.

Heero stood immobile, drinking in the picture Duo made. His cheeks flushed and his eyes glowed. Duo's mouth was pink and lush, and begged to be kissed. Heero had the strong desire to drag Duo back up the stairs and lock the door behind them. Heero's hands literally itched to loosen Duo's hair and tangle themselves in the glowing silk strands.

"Thank you for the rose."

"Thank you for coming down. I really hate to eat alone." Heero's words said one thing but the warmth in his eyes said quite another.

Heero took Duo's arm and tucked it under his and they walked to the kitchen together.

"You don't have breakfast in the dining room?"

"Too big," he replied. "The kitchen is much more comfortable, and much more informal. I'd like to show you Marcus's entire garden after breakfast. It's really quite a work of art."

"I'd like to see it." Duo knew he should insist o going home, but he didn't want to. There were so many places in his study he hadn't searched, and there were only three days until they left for London. If the packet was here, he had to know. If it wasn't, then the trip to London was a necessity.

Over breakfast Duo was entertained by amusing stories, and he found himself responding to Heero's unique charm.

When they walked in the garden later with Duo's arm in Heero's, he felt relaxed. Once again the thought came to Duo that maybe Milliardo was wrong. Perhaps Heero could be persuaded to be merciful and left Milliardo go. Heero was wealthy and he appeared a contented man. Why would he be so cruel as to sue blackmail to get what he wanted? It seemed to Duo that if Heero Yuy wanted something badly enough, he was the kind of person who could get it his own without using another to achieve his goal. Duo would have to talk this over with Milliardo.

The garden was lovely. Duo could easily tell that a loving hand tended it carefully. Heero named every flower and told Duo its origin.

"Your gardener is a genius."

"You have no idea," Heero smiled. "He had even constructed a maze."

"A maze?"

"You have never been within a maze?" Heero asked. Duo missed the sparkle of devilment in Heero's eyes. "Would you like to see it?"

"Yes, I would."

When they stopped before the entrance of the maze, Duo looked at it in wonder. The hedge grew to several feet over his head. Heero took Duo hand as they entered, but after several turns Duo glanced back over his shoulder, wondering how anyone could find his way out of this.

Turn . . . turn . . . twist and turn. Duo was totally disoriented. Then they came to the center. There was a fountain with several small benches placed at random. Roses bloomed in every corner. It was quite except for the falling water, and it was secluded and beautiful . . . and dangerous.

"This is one of my favorite places," Heero was saying. "I often come here when I want to think or read and not be disturbed."

"How did you learn your way in and out?"

"It's complicated, but it can be mastered."

"I'm afraid I never could. Quatre always said if you turned me about twice I was lost."

"Then I doubt very much if you would ever find your way out. Perhaps," Heero said softly, his hand brushing lightly against Duo's braid, "I should keep you my prisoner."

"Heero - " Duo eyes were brilliant and he smiled. "We would starve to death. For the benefit of your won stomach, it would be better not to stay `lost' very long."

"So, you're not frightened?"

"Should I be?" Duo laughed. "Should I not trust you?"

Duo's laughter stilled when Heero's arms came about him and his intent cobalt eyes looked deep into Duo's.

"Maybe you shouldn't. I begin to believe you trust to easily."

Duo wasn't sure what he meant. Did he warn him to trusting him, taking him at face value - was a mistake? Was Milliardo right? Was Heero unscrupulous?

"I believe you trust by instinct or you don't trust at all. I choose to believe you will not take advantage of me, but will lead me from here as easily as you led me in."

With intrigue and deceit, with liars and charlatans, Heero was a master. With Duo's plain, pure, innocent trust, Heero lost his hold.

"As you will, my fair one. But there is a price on your freedom."

"You are not fair."

"Ah, but my price is fair. One kiss, my lovely, will see you to freedom."

"You are a pirate."

"Alas, I must agree. But the ransom is still the same."

Heero's eyes filled with joy and challenge, and Duo could not seem to deny wither.

"Then," Duo spoke softly, "to gain my freedom it is a ransom I must pay."

Duo could feel Heero's arms tighten about him and Duo was pressed against Heero until their two heartbeats blended.

Slowly Heero's mouth lowered to Duo's. Duo tried to remain in control, to keep himself above it. But he was caught in a storm that took his breath away. It was not a gentle, teasing kiss, but one that demanded response. And Duo could not stop the response as his mouth parted to accept the depth of the kiss.

But Duo refused to let him continue. Duo drew away and heard Heero softly whisper his name.

"Duo," he began.

"One kiss was the ransom," he said breathlessly. "I have your word."

Reluctantly and very slowly Heero released him. Then he smiled softly, and Duo recognized the wicked gleam in his eyes for what it was.

"It seems you are the pirate here and I am caught in my own web." Heero took Duo's hand again and started for the open way in the tall hedge. "But kindly remember, dear one, that all is fair in love and war."

Duo followed, not sure of which conflict he was engaged in.