Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Picture ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Ten

Duo felt as his heart had been violently grasped in a huge hand and squeezed until he could hardly breathe. Milliardo? It couldn't be! It was court rumor only. Milliardo would not lie to him. He loved him; Duo refused to listen to malicious gossip. He would find the truth out for himself.

Duo had not spoken a word, but he turned to look at Heero he found him studying him. Heero smiled when their eyes met. Heero was about to ask Duo to dance with him when still more guests were announced. Duo heard the name - the Duke and Duchess of Carter - and saw Heero's smile falter.

Duo knew at once, when Hilde Carter's gaze fell on him and Heero, that the duchess had been looking for Heero. Her smile never wavered, her posture control never faltered for a moment. If her eyes narrowed and her smile grew a bit more rigid, no one noticed . . . except Duo. Duo was going to say something to Heero, when he sensed a ripple of expectation going over the entire company. The huge double doors were opening, heralding the arrival of the queen.

Duo stood nervously beside Heero in the long line of people. His every muscle was filled with tension and he knew that his hands must be shaking.

Duo watched closely as the deportment of each person as the queen approached and memorized each movement so that he would not shame Heero when his turn came.

The queen was a least seven inches shorter than Duo and quite a bit plumper. She wore rings on every finger of each hand, and her hands were so small that Duo wondered how she managed to do anything with the weight of the jewels on them.

It was not surprising that the queen was longer slim, Duo thought. After all, she had borne the tall and surprisingly handsome man behind her nine children.

When the queen reached him and Heero made the formal introduction, Duo emulated the deep and graceful curtsies he had seen the other woman make. When he rose slowly, his eyes met the queen's and a sense of relief flowed over him. There was warmth in the depths of the monarch's eyes.

"We have not seen you at court before." Victoria spoke with the calm, authoritative tone only a queen could carry.

"No. Your Majesty. I have lived a great distance away and have never had the opportunity fro such an honor."

"But you live in London now?"

Duo was quite aware that Heero was watching him that his strong arms brushed his, that the power of his presence seemed to reach out and shelter Duo.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The queen's eyes turned to Heero and Duo would have sworn he saw a gleam of mischievous amusement in her eyes.

"Lord Yuy, it has been some time since you have visited Windsor. We have missed you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"See that you and your family pas us an informal visit soon, and -" her eyes were smiling now - "bring Mr. Maxwell with you."

"It will be my pleasure, Your Majesty." Heero replied.

The queen and her entourage moved on but Duo could hardly get his breath. The queen actually wanted him to visit again. He was so awed he didn't hear Heero's soft laugh. Then he was taking Duo's arm and they were moving into the crowd.

"Oh my," Duo said softly, and Heero laughed again. Duo looked up at him and had to smile.

"You'll find Her Majesty most charming. She is very proud of her family, has a delightful sense of humor, and" - he winked and grinned - "loves to play card and games to be amused."

"I should think she would like to be amused. Wearing a crown must be tedious at times. The weight of it all, I imagine, must become very heavy."

"You are very astute," Heero said quietly. Duo glanced at him, not quite understand the look in Heero's eyes.

Before Duo could speak again, a deep voice came from behind him. Milliardo. As he turned to face him he caught a look in Heero's eyes that alarmed him. It was feral . . . like a wolf gazing on its next meal. Beneath Heero's calm exterior lurked a devastating force.

"Hello, Peacecraft." Heero said. His smile controlled. "Lord Noin . . . and the always enchanting Lucrezia. May I present Duo Maxwell."

Duo smiled and acknowledged the introduction. Lucrezia was even more beautiful close at hand. Duo gulped back his curiosity and his insecurity.

"Heero." Noin's deep voice was deep and resonant and his eyes were a penetrating gray. "I have not seen your friend Errol for over a week. Nothing is amiss is it? I have not known him to be absent from the queen's side for such a long time."

"He is quite well" - Heero's smirk widened - "and busy as usual, protecting the queen from any . . . distractions."

No one's smile slipped, but there was an atmosphere of such palpable hatred that Duo could feel it to the center of his being. He had just begun to understand what Juanita had been talking about when she spoke of undercurrents at the royal court.

Milliardo, as soon as was socially possible, asked Duo to dance with him. Once they were away from the group, his smile warmed.

"Duo, you look remarkably beautiful. You seem to belong here, as if you were raised at court. I was watching you as you were presented. Even the queen seemed impressed."

"Thank you." Duo tried to smile, but a tingle of annoyance moved through him. How condescending he sounded, how . . . snobbish. "The only difference between me and the other people here is circumstances . . . and attitude."

"I didn't mean to imply . . . Duo what's wrong? Has something happened?"

"Milliardo - " Duo decided a straightforward question was best. He needed to know the truth. "What does Lucrezia Noin mean to you?"

"Lord Noin is my friend and mentor. I've been friends with Lucrezia for over ten years. Duo, can I hope this is a bit of jealousy on your part?" His eyes revealed pleasure at this thought.

"She . . . she is very beautiful," Duo remarked, feeling a bit foolish. Yet . . . what he felt wasn't really jealousy. But what he didn't really know.

"Yes, Lucrezia is very beautiful. Her father is powerful as well. He had done a great deal for me and I will forever be in his debt. As far as Lucrezia is concerned, I'm sure she feels toward me as a she would a brother."

"Rumor says you want her to be your wife."

"By now you should know better than to listen to rumors. Duo, if you choose not to go through with this, I'll understand. I will just have to find a way to . . . perhaps negotiate with Heero, give him whatever he wants. I shall have to live with the idea of betraying the queen and Parliament's trust."

"No, Milliardo, I didn't mean that. I suppose it was a bit of jealousy."

"It wasn't Heero who whispered that little rumor in your ear, was it?"

Duo's expression told Milliardo he had guessed right. "Of course. Leave it to Heero to be so clever. He wants no competition. The man wants you all to himself. Please, Duo, talk to me when you feel . . . unsettled."

"I . . . I sound foolish."

"No, my sweet. Just like a person in love, I hope. You couldn't have pleased me more. Come, smile for me . . . and forgive me."

"Of course." Duo did smile, but he still fought an unnamable, dark, and insidious feeling that was building inside of him.

Before the dance was over and the music had stopped, Milliardo whisked Duo into the shadows of an alcove where they were alone.

"Duo, you must tell me what you have found out. Is here any sign of where the packet might be? What progress have you made?"

Duo needed warmth and reassurance. He needed to be held and to hear Milliardo say he loved him. Duo fought a feeling of disappointment. Of course Milliardo was worried, and he had given Duo a great deal to perform this one act for him. Duo struggled to exchange disappointment for understanding.

"I haven't found it, but now I think I know where it is. I just need a little more time to find out how to get in."

"Wonderful! Duo, what an actor you are. I knew if anyone could get the elusive Heero Yuy to trust it would be you. That innocence you have is exactly the quality to capture a man like him."

Duo was silent, annoyed that what Milliardo had just said made him feel guilty and . . . unclean. Heero did trust him, as did his mother and sister, and Ebony. He hated the thought of using that trust and betraying it.

"Duo, this is will soon be over. Once I've defeated him, all my plans for a brilliant future will come true."

Desperate from some words to banish his guilt, Duo was about to ask more about the future they were to share, when a shadow fell between him and Milliardo. Both turned to see Heero.

"Duo, I hope that haven't forgotten that you promised this dance to me."

"No . . . no, of course not." Duo placed his hand in Heero's, quite unaware that he had been watching him from the moment Duo left his side, that he had watched him and Milliardo dancing together, and that he had seen Milliardo draw Duo into the alcove.

Heero had started in their direction with murder in his eyes, but Juanita had stepped between him and his goal. "Heero!" she hissed. "Don't be a fool. The queen is here, for God's sake. Think of the consequences. Everything you've planned for will be for nothing."

Fiercely Heero struggled for the control he so rarely lost.

"One day," he said with grim coldness. "I will have that bastard at the point of sword or in the sights of my pistol."

"I agree. But not if you ruin yourself tonight."

"You're right." Heero had finally smiled. "Thank you Nita. That was a mistake."

"Only part of it," she'd replied. Her smile was teasing as she slowly stepped aside. "Good hunting, brother. There is more than one way to skin the proverbial cat."

Now Heero was well aware of the fearful look in Milliardo's eyes and it pleased him immensely.

But Heero could hardly keep Duo at his side all evening. The dance had barely finished when Duo was whisked away by another man. Still he kept a close eye on Duo, making sure there was not another opportunity for Peacecraft to get Duo alone again.

Duo thoroughly enjoyed himself, storing up sights, sounds, smells, and tastes to relate to Dorothy later. The insidious voice deep inside him warned him that this situation, beautiful as it might be, was a fragile one. Duo was determined to enjoy it as much as he could.

It was only after the queen had retired that Heero told Duo they were leaving. Heero had enjoyed Duo's enthusiasm and his laughter. Heero realized he had not seen Duo laugh often. He meant to remedy that.

Quatre and Duo had little time even to talk, for Quatre, like his friend, found himself the object of much masculine interest.

But Quatre was quite prepared to go when he saw that Duo and Heero were leaving. He didn't believe that Duo would want to be home alone with Heero too long. It was Juanita who, very deliberately kept her mothers and Quatre at the ball quite some time after Duo and Heero had gone. She felt they deserved some time alone to talk. She was mischievous enough to play Cupid.

Actually, Juanita had prayed that someone like Duo would come along and brighten Heero's life, give him something to consider besides his involvement in furtive and often dangerous affairs. She wished Heero could be freed of his responsibilities, and his penchant for finding danger.

Maybe Duo was the answer. It was the first time she had seen Hero react to anyone this way.

Juanita was also keeping her eye on Milliardo Peacecraft. But he displayed no sign of leaving. He was now dancing with Hilde Carter, and she wished in vain that she could overhear their conversation.

"He's quite lovely," Milliardo said. "I can see why Heero is so captivated."

"Captivated," Hilde repeated angrily. "He's another toy. Heero will tire of his pretty-faced innocence soon enough."

"Don't be jealous Hilde. The time will come soon when Heero will be pleading for your favors."

"Not until I've found a way to rid myself of Roger."

"In time . . . in time. He will go with Wray. Who knows, he may share the same fate."

"Then you've made all the plans!"

"Be quiet, and don't look so pleased. Things are moving along."

"Who has found what you lost?"

"I did. And I will have it back long before Heero, or anyone else, can decode it. As far as who found it . . . that's not of your concern. You need only keep me informed of Roger and Lord Wray's plans, and if any suspicion has fallen on either.

"No, there is nothing."

"Then things will go on as planned. You, sweet Hilde, will make a charming widow and Heero will be much easier to pluck once you are. I . . . I will be Noin's right are and have more power than you can dream of. I will be able to make Heero dance to your tune. Do you want to wed him?"

"Oh, well. It would be fun to put him in Roger's place."

"What a wicked thought."

"He has it coming. Milliardo, who is that chit anyway? He seems to have come out of nowhere."

"I don't really know. But if you like, I'll investigate."

"Yes. I'd like to scratch his eyes out. Find me some answers and I'll take care of him."

Milliardo smiled. Hilde's jealousy was a tool he meant to make use of . . . once he had what he wanted.

The carriage would have been dark had it not been for a full and bright moon in a totally cloudless sky. Heero could see Duo quite clearly. They rode together for a few moments in silence. Surprisingly, it was Duo who broke the quiet, because he sensed a tension in Heero.

"Heero . . . are you angry about something?"

"Angry? No, whatever gave you that idea? I'm please that you seemed to enjoy yourself tonight. You were quite the center of attraction and I can't blame any of the gentlemen for wanting to dance with you. You put ever other person there in your shadow. You are utterly lovely, Duo."

Duo should have felt a satisfying sense of power. Instead he felt a kind of longing he could not name.

"Actually, Duo," Heero said softly, and as he spoke he turned toward Duo so that the moonlight fell across his face. "I've been considering how to say what's on my mind for hours."

"I've never known you to be at loss for words, Heero." Duo tried to laugh, but his heart had begun to beat rapidly. He was afraid of what Heero was going to say.

"Maybe it's because I've never felt so strongly about what I want to say."

Duo turned toward him, struggling for the confidence to handle this. Heero took one of Duo's hands between both of his. It surprised Heero that they seemed to be chilled, and trembled a bit.

Heero reached one hand to gently touch Duo's cheek. "Duo, I know you feel something for me. I could tell by the way you returned my kiss. Do you care enough to consider becoming my husband? I will not rush you, but I find it very difficult to think of the future without you. I'm very much in love with you."

"Oh, Heero . . . I . . . this is a surprise."

"Is it really? Can't you tell how you've filled my life? I never realized it was so empty until you came into it."

"But . . . marriage . . . I . . ."

"You needn't say you or no right now. But I want you to consider it, and to give me time to convince you that I can make you happy." Heero said, shaken by the thought that Duo meant to refuse him.

Duo was just as shaken. Shaken by the knowledge that he wanted to move into Heero's strong arms that he wanted to say yes to Heero. When had he, fallen out of love with Milliardo? More importance, when had he fallen in love with Heero? Time was what Heero wanted, and time was what Duo needed to search his own heart.

"All tight, Heero, time is what we both need."

Heero felt a surge of pleasure. Duo did not mean to refuse him, and given enough time, he meant to convince Duo that he loved him, and that he could fill his life as much as Duo had filled his.

"How beautiful you are," he said softly, "and how much a part of me I want you to be. You walked into my life so casually, and now I can't bear the thought that you will ever walk out of it." Heero drew Duo close to him, and Duo wanted his kiss. Duo relaxed in Heero's arms and when Heero's mouth gently tasted his, he felt rightness about it.

Duo swept from his mind all he had been told about Heero, all the plans he had made. As their lips blended, and the kiss deepened, all thought but this deep, burning pleasure left him. Duo had never felt this way in all his life.

Heero, too, was lost to the moment. He felt Duo's soft mouth open to accept his, and his breath caught. He had never loved before, never wanted any person to be a part of his life, his world, his very soul. But now there was Duo. Beautiful, sweet, innocent, Duo.

Gently he lifted Duo and pulled him across his lap, enjoying the way Duo's arms came around about his neck and the sound of his soft sigh of pleasure.

Every sense Heero had was coming alive in a wave of exuberance he'd not enjoyed for a number of years. Heero surrendered to the sheer joy of it, and even the sensation of surrender was novel and exciting. He would have Duo as his husband if he had to move heaven and hell to him Duo. Nothing, not even Duo's inexperience and resistance, would stop him.

Duo, too, was in a state of ecstasy. He felt as if he were floating at an extreme height and clung to Heero, afraid to fall. He savored the taste of Heero's warm, seeking mouth and the delicious new feelings that uncoiled in the depths of him. He had never felt anything so enchanting in his life.

Duo was confused, and Heero's heated kisses, growing deeper and warmed by the minute, were no help. Duo was caught in a cocoon of sensual heat that him weak, yet wanting more. Nothing had prepared him for this.

Heero was struggling for some semblance of control, but it was growing more elusive by the minute. Even through Duo's encumbering clothes Heero's sensitive hands could feel the smooth arch of Duo's back and his narrow waist.

Heero's hands roamed lower to push up the voluminous skirt and Heero gave a ragged sigh of pleasure when his hand caressed a smooth, silken tight. A small murmur of drugged contentment from Duo was all he needed to spur him on.

Heero cursed softly under his breath when the carriage came to a rocking halt, but he knew it was the best thing that could have happened, for the Gods alone knew how far he would have gone. He was well aware that his control was slipping as fast as and through an hourglass.

He righted a still half-dazed Duo and was pleased at the heavy-lidded sensual look in Duo's eyes and the flush on his face.

"It seems we are home, my love."

Duo was too breathless to answer, and too flustered even to think of anything to say. When he put his hand in Heero's to be helped form the carriage, he was grateful for Heero's strength, for he felt as weak as a newborn kitten. Duo realized, as the cool night air touched his heated skin that he had come close to total surrender.

Inside the house, Duo would have panicked if Heero hadn't been astute enough to see Duo's fear. It almost made him feel good. The fear meant he had come as close to the edge as he had that Duo did not believe in his won will to resist any longer.

They stood together in the semi-dark foyer, inches apart and silent. The distant sound of servants reminded them they were not alone.

"I . . . I had best go up -" Duo begun.

"Come in and sit by the fire with me for a while, Duo. We can talk."

"No," he said quickly. Just the thought of it sent a trembling through his body. If Heero was his husband . . . no, Duo could not think that way. "I'm very tired, Heero. I think it best I go up now."

"Are you afraid of me?" Heero asked quietly.

"No. I'm not afraid of you." Duo reached out a tentative hand to touch Heero. "Perhaps, Heero, I'm a bit afraid of myself. Good night."

"Duo -" Heero began, a new hope blossoming, but Duo was already racing up the stairs. Heero stood for a while, contemplating going after Duo. Then Heero faced the realization that he might be destroying something very new and very fragile if he did. Instead Heero walked into the library for some brandy to keep his mind from picturing a lush and accessible Duo undressing for bed.

But Duo was not undressing. He had turned the corner at the top of the stairs and paused. The door, the one that was always locked, was slightly ajar.

He inhaled a deep breath. Heero wanted him to marry him, and the door to the room that might contain the packet that held Milliardo's freedom was open and beckoning.

Again Duo fought a battle. But even while his mind was in turmoil he was moving toward the door. His hand gently rested on the door handle. Then he pushed it open, stepped inside, and closed it behind him.

Duo stood for a few minutes until his eyes adjusted to the semi-dark room. Moonlight washed it in a hazy glow. Several portraits graced the walls but they were difficult to view and of little interest to him. He moved toward the huge desk that dominated the room.

It was an immense piece of furniture with many drawers on one side, and a door on the other side that opened to reveal shelves stacked with papers, Duo knelt and checked the contents, but the packet he sought was not there. Then he moved to the drawers. Each drawer boasted a small gold keyhole, and he hoped none of them were locked.

He tried the first one, breathing a sigh of relief. It wasn't locked. It took him only seconds to know the packet wasn't there and to go on to the next drawer, and then the next. Hope was waning that he would find what he wanted. Still, there were a lot of others pieces of furniture in the room and he had the time . . . he hoped . . . to search everything.

He closed the last drawer in defeat. He would have to search around the rest of the room. He had started around to desk to the large cabinet when the sound of footsteps in the hall startled him. Heero! Was he coming here? The sound of a key being slid into the lock sent Duo speed. Panic-stricken, he raced into a small alcove and drew the curtains closed seconds before the door opened. Duo could see into the room perfectly from his darkened corner, and realized that Heero carried a lighted candle with him.

Duo held his breath, wondering if Heero could hear the thunder of his heart.

Heero stood just with the room for a minute, as if he were hearing or sensing something. Then he smiled slightly and walked to the desk. He set the candle holder on the desk and proceeded to take some papers from the top drawer. He read for a minute and then laid the papers down and walked to a painting that hung on the wall. It surprised Duo when Heero slowly swung the painting open like a hinged door. Behind it was a space that held three small shelves. He removed some things and wing the painting shut again. Heero carried the material back to the desk and added the papers he had taken from the drawers.

Then Heero left the room. When the door closed behind him, Duo breathed a ragged sigh of relief. When he gathered his nerve, he left the alcove and walked to the painting. He swung it open and there before him, on the lowest shelf, lay the packet he had been looking for.

Duo removed it from the shelf and swung the painting shut again. Duo stood stock still, trying to convince himself he was doing the right thing.

If he refused to take the packet, Milliardo, who had done so much for him, who had changed his life, who professed his love, would suffer. But if he took it, Heero, who trusted him, who said he loved him and wanted to marry him, would know Duo betrayed him. The thought brought a jolt of pain and overwhelming confusion.

He felt like crying but knew the tears would not help the situation. He needed someone to tell him what was right or wrong. Dorothy. Yes, Dorothy.

Duo slept very little that night. He heard the family return but didn't answer the timid knock on the door. He knew it was Quatre, and at the moment he had no answers for Quatre or himself. He had felt lost, lonely, and afraid before, but now the misery he felt went beyond those conditions. He prayed for the morning to come soon. He planned to be up and away before anyone else arose. He had to talk to Dorothy, level-headed and sensible Dorothy. Then he had to make a decision.