InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Past Meets Present ❯ Hiei meets Hiei-chan ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am so sorry I forgot your pen name. Thanks for reviewing everyone. I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.


Kagome tucked the children into bed before going downstairs.

"You make a good mother Kagome." Her mother complimented.

Kagome blushed.

"I do what I can." she replied. "After all, both of them are my boys."

Kagome's mom smiled.

"I am very proud of you Kagome."

Kagome smiled at her mom and sat down on the couch to study.

Half an hour later, Kagome's head shot up.

'Demons!' her mind hissed.

Her blue eyes darkened. No one would hurt her sons. She grabbed her bow and a quiver of arrows, and went to meet them in the middle of the courtyard.


Hiei's nostrils flared. That scent. He knew that scent.

'It couldn't be her…'


Kurama noticed that his friend had stopped.

"Hiei? What is it?"

"It's nothing." Hiei mumbled.

Kurama shrugged and continued on, that is until he was hit with the most delectable scent.

'Mmmm. What is that?' Youko asked in Kurama's head. 'Coconuts, fresh spring water, jasmines, and mint.'

'I don't know Youko.' Suichi replied puzzled.

'Well find out boy! I want to know what heavenly creature is giving off such a scent.'

'Quit harassing me and I will.' Suichi muttered.

Most of the time Suichi was a very polite young man, however sometimes Youko irritated him.


Kagome watched four boys approach. Black greased haired boy…human. Orange Elvis-haired boy…human. Short black haired boy…demon, a fire apparition even and boy was he strong. Last but not least, a gorgeous boy with long red hair and beautiful emerald eyes…a kitsune yet human but not half-demon. That's strange. She took a deep breath and pointed her loaded bow at them.

"Hold it right there!" she shouted.


"Hold it right there!"

The boys looked there fill of the curvaceous young women in front of them. Her long black hair hung to her waist and her dark blue eyes spat fire at them.

"Listen Chick…." yelled Yusuke.

"Shut up Detective." Hiei hissed.

Yusuke was shocked into silence. He whipped around to tell off Hiei when he realized something, Hiei was staring at the women with wide eyes and a pale face.


'Ohhh. Look at her eyes! There is soo much passion in them. Now if we just directed that passion where it is useful the most…'

'Hush Youko. Something is wrong with Hiei.'

Youko shut up immediately and watched from inside Kurama.


"You're alive!" Hiei whispered in an emotion filled voice.

"Do I know you?" asked Kagome.

Hiei swallowed and had the odd urge to cry.

"It's me Hiei."


Kagome's eyes widened.

"Little Firefly?!"

Hiei nodded.

"Oh my God!"

Kagome hugged Hiei.

Hiei's hands fisted and he hugged her tight.

"I have missed you Mother." he said, his voice strained.


The rest of the Detectives watched the scene with wide eyes.

'Well what do you know…'

'This makes no sense Youko. She is not even a demon. She can not be his birth mother. Besides she seems so young.'

'I am aware of this.'


"Where have you been all this time Mother."

Kagome pulled away.

"Well Hiei it's like this…"

A red blur rammed into Kagome's chest. This blur however, turned out to be a kitsune kit.

"What is it Shippo?"
"He did it again!" he said angrily, showing her his singed tail.

Kagome sighed.

She spotted a small head peer from the door to the house.

"Come out and tell me what happened."

A small demon child with ruby eyes and spiky black hair came out.


'There is no way that is…'

'It can't be…'


"What happened Little Firefly?" asked Kagome.

"Shippo was playing tricks on me again."

The young demon looked at the newcomers, all the sudden noticing them.

"Hiya! My name is Hiei. I am seven years old." he said smiling cheerily, showing a missing baby tooth.


The present Hiei looked at his past self stunned.

"Mother…" he said slowly.

Night of the Raven