InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Past Meets Present ❯ What Happened to Hiei ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for reviewing guys. I do not own Inu and Yu Yu.


Kagome had once heard that you should always learn something from your elders. She decided to use something from Toutosai and make a pathetic attempt to get out of this mess.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she said scratching her head.

"Mother." Hiei growled.

Kagome whistled innocently.

"You want me to explain don't you?" she asked nervously.

"Who are they Mama?" asked little Hiei tugging on her shirt.

"Friends," she said smiling.

Shippo delicately sniffed the air.

"A kitsune Mama!" he said excitedly. "I smell a kitsune! Which one is he."

Kagome indicated Kurama. "He is."

Shippo squirmed out of Kagome's arms and latched onto to Kurama's neck.

"Hiya! My name is Shippo. Who are you?"

"Kurama." he answered smiling.

"Really? What kind of fox are you huh? I'm a red one. How come you look human? Is your illusion spell broke? What is your weapon? Where do you keep it?"

"Let him breath Shippo." Kagome said grinning.

"Sorry." Shippo said looking sheepishly.

"May we sit down and talk about a few things?" asked Hiei.

Kagome nodded.

"Alright munchkins bed time."

Kagome scooped the two protesting kids up and went to put them to bed. When she came back she invited the guys into her house.

"What happened Hiei?" she asked gently.

"After you defeated Naraku, Miroku and Sango were married. Kikyo was brought to life by Inuyasha's wish and they were planning on having a family, however, after Kikyo and Inuyasha's child is born, you stop coming back. Shippo and I had no way of knowing why you didn't. We couldn't impose and the mutt or the demon slayer and the monk so we left and lived on our own for a few years until we were separated. Shippo…" Hiei swallowed. "The last time I saw Shippo, he was wounded badly and told me to go hide from a huge dragon demon we were running from. I never found his body when I went back. Nor could I track his scent. I still don't know if he was able to get away or not."

Kagome swallowed.


"I started forgetting the line between right and wrong. I became a power hungry monster. I…I have done some very evil things. I have traveled with a thieving kitsune and hurt and killed many people. I…"

"It's fine Hiei. It will be ok." Kagome said pulling Hiei into a hug

'I always was curious about Hiei. When we first met it was like he was trying to find someone in me. It must have been that fox kit Shippo he was looking for.' said Youko.

'I see.'

"Hiei?" asked Kagome.


"How do we end up defeating Naraku?"

"I don't know, I don't remember. I have been having problems remembering that past for a week now. Now I remember things that never happened."

"What do you remember? Youko being there along with Kurama and Kuwabara and Yusuke."


"How is that possible? Youko and I can't exist in the same place at the same time." said Kurama.

"Who's Youko and why is that?" asked Kagome.

"Youko is Kurama." explained Yusuke.

"Oh the guy from the tournament?" asked Kuwabara.

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Yes the guy from the tournament. You know the one on our side?"


"So that must mean that you guys go back with me." said Kagome.

"When are you going back?" asked Hiei.

"Tommorrow morning. Stay the night and you can go with me and Shippo and erm...the other Hiei."

Hiei nodded.

"We will."

Kagome smiled but her smiled was quickly turned to a frown.

"Oh boy it's the mutt." muttered Hiei.

"KAGOME!!!! Where are you wench?"

"SIT." she shouted.

The spirit detectives heard a huge thump followed with a muffled yell.

A minute later, a silver haired half demon with amber eyes and doggy ears flew into the living room. "Kaede needs your help wench."


The rest of the room had the pleasure of seeing the half demon make a face plant in the floor. However he didn't stay down for long. He got up and started yowling while patting his pants out.

"Owwwww. Call him off Kagome!!"

Kagome watched amused for a little longer before she reprimanded the perpetrator. "Thank you Little Firefly but that's enough."

Little Firefly (small Hiei) came from around the corner and grinned up at his surrogate mother. "He should know not to call you bad names!"

"I know." Kagome said patting his head affectionately.

"Let's go Kagome. Kaede needs your help." he said totally ignoring the other occupants in the room.

"What's wrong?"

"Two thieves are parading around the country side, terrorizing people and Kaede's village is next."

"Alright, you guys want to come with?" she said asking everyone else.

They all nodded their heads.

"Alright. I'll get Shippo and then to the well!!!"