InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to the original characters that appear in this chapter.

The ride to the shrine had been enjoyable. Surprisingly Inuyasha was a very good driver, even if he did yell at the other drivers. Shippou helping him yell from the back didn't help matters. 'Entertaining yes,' Kagome decided as Shippou poked Inuyasha once again. "Check this guy out, I swear he was picking his nose!" 'Entertaining but, not helpful." Kagome thought as Shippou again stuck his head between the front seats. "Shippou...I'm driving here. I don't really care about..." Inuyasha began but, was interrupted by Shippou pointing at a passing vehicle. "Just look!" Sighing Inuyasha glanced over at the motorist that had caught Shippou eye, returning his glaze to the road suddenly a stange look came to his face as he did a quick double take. "He really is going at it ain't he?" Inuyasha finally agreed. "Told ya," a smug Shippou replied, "he must be picking out a seat in the theater, way in the back!"
"Shippou, how old are you?" Miroku asked sighing.
Turning to his friends in the back Shippou asked, "In human years or youkai terms? Cause in human years it's 511, in youkai terms I'm an adult. Why?"
Shaking his head Miroku replied, "just wondering exactly how adult you were suppose to be."
"Leave him alone Miroku, he is kitsune after all. It's just his nature." Sango reminded her husband.
"Of course my dear Sango, you are wise as always." Miroku answered.

'These guys must be something to live with everyday.' Kagome looked out her window as she wondered what life with all of them everyday would be like. 'Will I get the chance to be with them again?'

Inuyasha stole a glance at Kagome and slide the hand closest to her off the wheel, slowly he inched it over till he was on her arm rest. Taking a deep breath he finished his hand's journey as he slyly touched her hand with his.

Feeling someone touching her hand Kagome looked down to see a human hand barely touching hers. Following the arm back to the hand's owner she found it to be Inuyasha. He had a slight blush on his checks as he continued to look ahead driving the vehicle. 'He's holding my hand.' Smiling Kagome turned her hand over to cradle his.

As Kagome moved her hand, at first Inuyasha thought he'd over stepped his boundaries but, when she then was cradling his hand he chanced a glance at her. What he saw made his heart skip a beat, she was sitting beside him holding his hand with a sweet smile on her face directed to him. Smiling back and feeling just a little more confindent he gently squeezed her hand. things were going wonderfully until Shippou stuck his head between the seats yet again, "hey old man, getting your moves on?" Shippou asked waggling his eyebrows at him. Shocked at being caught Inuyasha jerked his hand back to the wheel, flushed. Kagome also blushed and returned to looking out the window. Sango and Miroku looked at one another and angrily yanked the unruly fox back and both bopped him in the head.

Parking near the shrine steps, they exited the vehicle and started up the stairs. "I almost forgot to tell you, mama said she'd cook you dinner when you came..." Kagome started telling Inuyasha as they went up the shrine steps. Coming to a sudden stop Inuyasha stared at the entrance to the shrine, looking down at the stairs he was shocked to see his claw marks on the stone step, 'this is the spot I sat that day.'

Flashback 18-years ago

Inuyasha, under his human concealment, sits on the stone steps to the Hugurashi Shrine. In his boredom he uses his claws to carve into the stone steps. To the human eye the carving would have just appeared as his hanyou claws were disguised as human nails. In the background he can hear old Jii-chan yelling words of encouragement to his son and daughter-in-law as they head out of the shrine entrance. Inuyasha looked up when he hears the you man ask, "Inuyasha....are you even listening to me?..."

End flashback

"What?" Inuyasha aked looking around. Kagome stood in front of him a few steps up so she could look him eye to eye. "What's wrong? You kind of spaced out there for a minute." Shaking his head to chase the memories away he answered, "nothing...just thinking about the last time I was here." Smiling softly Kagome reached out and grabbed his hand. "It's been awhile for you since you've veen here but, it's okay. No one is going to look at you any differently. Your like part of the family, come on." Kagome assured him as she pulled him up the stairs. "Right.." he answered allowing her to pull him to the house.

Coming to the house Kagome opened the door dragging Inuyasha in with her as the others followed. "I'm back....Inuyasha is with me!" She yelled.

Before he could even drop his concealment spell he was attacked by her family. He had spent many new moon nights at her home when they looked for the shards so his human appearance did not completely shock them. He was tackled by a happy 12-year old Souta, "Inu nii-chan! Your in disguise, like Shippou, right?" A very excited Souta asked from his arms. "That's right runt, watch." Inuyasha instructed closing his eyes as he once again placed his hand on his rosery and mumbled some words to drop the spell. When he reopened his eyes they were now golden amber and he was in his true hanyou form with his jagged face markings. Meeting Souta's eyes Inuyasha smiled, "how's that?"

"Cool!" Souta exclaimed, "you got tall Inu nii-chan, when did you get those markings on your face? Why doesn't Shippou have any? How old are you now? Shippou said you guys are immortal, is that true?"

Souta had been nine years old when Kagome had first fell through the well. For Kagome and her family the journey had taken three years, like it had for Inuyasha and the others from Sengoku Jidai but, for them the final battle with Naraku had only been a couple of days ago where for those from Sengoku Jidai they had lived those years from Sengoku Jidai to today.

Chuckling Inuyasah attempted to answer the boy's questons, " one at a time kid. Yep, you get tall when you grow up, I got my markings about five years after the well closed on my side. Shippou doesn't have my markings because they are from my oyaji, Sesshoumaru said they are just like his. Yes, were immortal, all with youkai blood are."

"Alright Souta enough." Mama Higurashi told her son smiling at Inuyasha as he put the boy on the floor. "We were worried about you dear. I'm so glad to see your alright, welcome back." Reaching up she cupped his check in her hand, "you have gotten tall." Looking at this women who had been kind to him when he hadn't deserved it, he smiled at her putting one of his hands over hers. "I have missd you all as well, Mrs. Higurashi." Pulling her hand back she waved it at him dismissingly, "oh dear, I've told you before just call me mama." Shaking his head smiling Inuyasha found it very humourous that this women, who in youkai terms would not even be considered an adult yet wanted him to call her mama but, it was a very comforting thought so he did.

"Oh wait, I forgot I brought some things for you."
"Things for me?" Kagome asked taking a seat on the floor in the living room.
"Yeah, I'll be right back, Souta come hold the door for me."
"Sure thing Inu nii-chan, " Souta followed his hero back out to the door.

Turning their backs to Kagome and her family Sango, Miroku, and Shippou whispered to one another. "What did he bring? I didn't see him put anything in the vehicle." Sango asked Miroku and Shippou. "I've no idea. Shippou do you?" Miroku asked turning to Shippou. Shippou scratched his head thinking, "only thing he brought for Kagome was the mementos and 'the price' stuff."
"The price, oh kami don't tell me he brought that!" Sango whispered.
Tapping Sango on the back Kagome asked, "is something wrong?" Turning around quickly the three assured her they were fine.

Inuyasha made his way back in with Souta in tow with two large chests, placing them on the living room floor. "What's in these?" Mama Higurashi asked. "Mementos I saved for Kagome over the centuries." Inuyasha explained opening the first chest.
"Mementos Sango, Inuyasha brought the mementos." Miroku happily exclaimed. "Yes, I see that Miroku." Sango answered kicking him lightly.

Leaning over to whisper to Inuyasha Kagome asked, "Do they always act so strangely anymore?"
"Keh, who knows with those two." Inuyasha replied shaking his head.

He took out something wrapped in cloth. Gently he placed it on the flooor as the Higurashi family gathered to see his treasures. "This is the bow you used in the battle with Naraku. I saved it for you and carved your name in it." He said handing the now ancient weapon over. Turning back to the cloth he unwrapped another bow, "This was Kaeda's, she asked me to give it to you when I got to see you again." He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat.
"Shippou said you were with her when she died." Kagome mentioned taking the bow, she saw Inuyasha had also engraved this bow putting Kaeda's name on it. "Will you tell me about it?" She asked hopefully. She was sad Kaeda was gone, she had been good to her and Kagome had come to love the old women like a grandmother.
"Alright, " he sighed, "I promised her I would tell you about it."

Flashback 2-years after the defeat of Naraku.

Shippou had went with Kohaku that morning to help in the fields. Inuyasha had been going to go as well but, when Kaeda expressed how tired she felt that morning he had decided to stay with the old women to make sure she would rest. Spooning out some broth for Kaeda Inuyasha asked, "you got enough energy to eat baabaa or do I have to feed you?"
"I'm not hungry Inuyasha."
"Not hungry, you haven't eaten since last night. I had to force you then, what's wrong with you? Your to tired to even eat." Inuyasha asked dumping the broth back into the cooking pot and coming to sit on the floor by the old women.
"Inuyasha, will ye do an old women a favor?" Kaeda asked.
"Sure, whatever you need."
"Get my bow, child."
"Your bow," he humphed, "you don't have the strength to eat and you want your bow?"
"I want ye to put it with Kagome's," she instructed as he got up to fetch it. He turned back to her, "Kagome's why?"
"Will ye promise to give it to her, when ye see her again? Tell her she was very precious to this old women, she taught me much even at my age and my life was enriched by knowing her."
"I guess, where is this all coming from baabaa?" He asked as he brought her bow to her placing it on the floor and returning to his spot.
"I believe my time has come, child.""Time? What time?" He asked eyeing her nervously.
"Time for my departure from this life. Time to go to my final rest." She informed as she closed her eye.
"What! No, it's not time. You get up right now!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped to his feet. "I'll get Miroku, he can help you."
Snapping her eye open she yelled, "Inuyasha!" He stopped, turning back to her. "There is nothing to be done child. Please sit with an old women." She pleaded. Going to her head, he sat down, lifted her head and placed it on his lap. "I don't want you to go baabaa," he said quietly.
"I know child and I am sorry to leave you so soon but, is my kind's way. We are not immortal as ye are." She replied reaching up and patting his leg, "ye and Shippou have also given me great joy in my life. I will not forget ye on the other side." She promised.
"Why does everyone leave me Kaeda?" He whispered, "first father, mother, Kikyou, Kagome, now you. When will Miroku, Sango and Kohoku leave? Shippou's immortal like me but, he'll probably find a mate and make his own life. How long will I have to survive with no one?"
"I am truly sorry child, if there was a way I would stay with you but, it is not up to me." She said closing her eye once again. "I'm tired Inuyasha, I just need to rest now, forgive me."
Patting her head softly he replied, "I forgive you but, I don't like it."
"I did not think you would, do ye promise to give my bow to Kagome?" She asked.
"Yes, I promise."
Barely a whisper but, with his Inu ears he was able to hear her last words to him. "Do ye promise not to forget me?"
Blinking back the tears he refused to let fall he replied, "I promise." By the end of his reply she was gone. He could smell death upon her and knew she had stopped breathing. For once he cursed his father for giving him Tetsusaiga instead of Tenseiga. He decided he would not loose anyone else to this death because of age again. Closing down his emotions he continued to think of away to rid his friends of death.

As evening began to fall a 13-year old Shippou returned from the fields. As he approached the hut that he and Inuyasha shared with Kaeda he could smell the scent of death, rushing in he found Inuyasha sitting with Kaeda's head in his lap. His eyes were cold and emotionless, it was almost like staring Sesshoumaru down. Shivering at his friend's cold eyes he asked, "is she gone?" Though he already knew it to be so.
"Just like everyone else," was the cryptic answer he got. "You'll leave me too, won't you?"
"What?" Shippou asked.
Inuyasha gently placed Kaeda's head on the floor and covered her face with the blanket she had been using, "I'll get Sango,Miroku and Kohaku. We need to have her buried." Leaving the hut to fetch his friends he left a bewildered Shippou behind.
After the burial Inuyasha turned to his friends, "watch the runt for me. I'll be back. I'm not going to let this happen again, I'm not loosing anyone else to their own weakness." Before anyone could question him he was gone.
Shippou watched his friend disappear from sight as he promised, 'don't worry Inuyasha, I won't leave you till after we find Kagome. If you can wait so can I.' Sighing to himself as he looked at the fresh grave he thought, 'it's only 500-yrs and I'm immortal I can wait for a mate and my own life till after Kagome is back."

End flashback

"Inuyasha," Kagome said as she held the bows close to her. "That's when you got the talisments, right?"
"Yes, I didn't want to loose anyone else, I had to go to the mainland to find them but, I got them. It didn't help Kohaku but, I understood his reasons."

Mama broke the silence that had fell between them to ask what else he had in his chests. He pulled out several papers. "I remembered you like to read so I saved papers from all the places we went." He told her.

Looking at the papers they were from several countries, "how did you get these Inuyasha?" Kagome asked thumbing through the delicate papers. "We had to sail from Japan to North America in the 1700's when Sesshoumaru named me Taiyoukai, so every port we stopped at I saved papers from them."
"You had to sail all the way to North America?"
"At the time that was the only was to get there. We sail from Japan to the mainland, then India, towards Africa and around the horn, up to Spain then over to the Caribbean. That's when I meet Mankee. From the Caribbean we went on up to the eastern coast of what's now the United States."
"Wasn't it hard to be on a boat that long?" Mama Higurashi asked.
"Yes, it was but, we were lucky that the ship was run by youkai and hanyou sailors. So we didn't have to hid ourselves until we went to port."
"When I meet Mankee he said you saved him. What happen?" Kagome asked.
"Well, that was interesting." Inuyasha started.

Flashback to the 1700's in the Caribbean Islands. At this time they are under Spanish control and slavery is a normal thing.

Having put on their concealment spells Inuyasha and his companions exit the large sailing ship to spend a couple of days in port. Being Taiyoukai of the Americas this was the first lands he had been to that were now under his control. He needed to find the local youkai population and give his declaration of position to them.

Going into the town square they found it to be full of people. Turning to a Spanish gentleman Inuyasha asked, "pardon, we just arrived. What is going on?" Turning and taking in Inuyasha's Japanese human appearance the man replied, "They are preparing to execute one of the slaves that incitated a riot." "Thank you sir." Turning to his companions Inuyasha instructed them to stay, he wanted a closer look. "I think I smell youkais." Pushing his way through the crowd he came upon a youkai, hands tied behind his back and severely beaten. He had no concealment spell and the Spanish soldiers were preparing their guns to shoot him.

Youkais and hanyous were very powerful creatures and while could survive a gun shoot, just like a sword a gun could kill them. Coming up by the youkai Inuaysha leaned over and whispered to him. "What did you do?" The youkai looked up at this tall man and could tell from his aura he wasn't human. "What you be man?" The youkai asked.
"My name's Inuyasha, I've been named Taiyoukai of this area. What did you do?"
"I tried to help my people exscape from the slavery these damn Spaniards have inflicted on our kind. They caught me so now they are going to kill me for it."
"Why don't you have yourself under concealment?"
"What is concealment?" The youkai asked.
"Be prepared to run, ready."
"Sure man but, how you going to free me? I can't break away, how are you.." just then the ropes fell away. Grabbing the youkai slave Inuyasha put his fire rat haori over his head and lead him between some building back to the end of the crowd. Inuyasha hit Kouga getting his attention, "yo! Get Miroku."
Nodding once Kouga reached through the group and yanked on the monk, "Inuyasha wants you, back here." Going back Miroku found Inuyasha standing in front of someone.

The crowd had gone into hysterics about the slave in question had escaped. "Put a concealment spell on him, make him look like us." Inuyasha told the monk.
"Right," pulling out a sutra Miroku placed the spell on the slave youkai making him look Japanese. "Let's return to the ship for now." Inuyasha instructed them.

After finding out from Mankee where the head youkai families were and Miroku made enough concealment spells for all the youkai slaves and altering them so the youkai's would appear as Spaniards.
Inuyasha went out with the youkai slave he had freed. When all the native youkais and hanyous were freed and under concealment Inuyasha and his group loaded up to continue their journey to North America, where he would stay to oversee the youkais and hanyous in this part of the world.
"How can Mankee ever thank you Lord Dog for saving me? I owe my life to you." Mankee asked looking up at his savior.
"Keh, you don't owe me a thing. Just stay out of trouble from now on, okay friend?" Inuyasha said laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Friend? You and me?" Mankee asked hopefully.
"Sure, whatever. Got to go now. Take care of your self." Inuyasha said as he ran up the plank to the awaiting ship.
Tychell came up and put an arm around her friend Mankee, "he be one good looking hunk of dog meat. Don't ya think?"
"Mmmm...he makes my mouth water chicky girl." Mankee said getting a smug look on his face, "and he be my friend."
"Well, how ya going to thank your friend for saving ya?" Tychell asked.
"I don't know yet but, I'll think of something." Mankee replied waving at the ship containing his new friend and lord.

End flashback

"So you really did save his life?" Kagome asked. "When did you learn to speak Spanish?"
"Yes and times I really regret it." Inuyasha replied with a smile. "We had to learn all the popular languages." Going back to his chests of mementos he pulled out an old photo album when his cell phone rang. Excusing himself from the room he answered it. "Taisho Inuyasha speaking....Ayame? Hey how goes everything? Oh gods, don't cry....No! No! Don't..just a minute!" Holding his clawed hand over the phone he turned to Kagome who had followed him out of the living room.
"What's wrong Inuyasha? Who's on the phone?" Kagome asked laying a hand on his arm to lend support.
"It's Ayami, you remember from the White Wolf Pack." Inuyasha explained.
"That she wolf who liked Kogua, right?" Kagome asked, she could tell he was getting upset.
"Yep, their mated. I took Kouga and his pack to the Americas with me but, when we left to come see you he and Ayame were fighting. Now she's crying on the phone, I guess Kouga hasn't made up yet and is still staying at our house. Let me step out and take this, you guys go ahead and look at the old pictures." Inuyasha told her as he backed out of the house to finish his call. "Alright tell me again."

Flashback before the call was made, across the Pacific Ocean in the Canadian wilderness.

It had been a couple of days now and still Kouga had not returned home. ' I can't believe he was watching those hentai movies and now won't come home.' Walking towards the Inutaisho estate Ayame started wondering why Inuyasha had allowed Kouga to stay at his home. 'Inuyasha has always been for the sanctity of mating. Why would he allow Kouga to stay at his home if Kouga was wrong?' Gasping Ayame stopped in her tracks, 'maybe I'm wrong?' Shaking her head she decided, 'no, what Kouga did was wrong. I bet Lord Inuyasha doesn't even know what he did. That's it!' Ayame smacked her fist on her other hand. 'Inuyasha must not know.' With her thoughts in order she continued her trek to the estate to talk to her wayward mate. She had made good time and was soon knocking on the door to only be greeted by her mate. His arms folded over his chest, Kouga looked as arrogant as he had all those years ago before they were mated. "Humph, what ya want wench? Finally come to give me an apology?"
'Oh...that Kouga!' Ayame silently fumed, "no, I came to talk some sense into you!" Grasping her hands in front of her, Ayame began to plead with him. "Please Kouga, you know it's not right for you to be looking at other females. I can't believe you were looking at human ones at that. Just swear to me you won't do it again and I won't involve Inuyasha in this."
"Bah, like I'm scared of Inuyasha!" Kouga replied studying his claws like he was bored, "besides where do you think that movie came from?"
"That's right," he replied looking very smug. "I got that movie from here at Inuyasha's house."
Rearing back like she had been smacked Ayame stared at Kouga. Red bled into her sight, "oh yeah, well where is Inuyasha? Let's just see about this!"
Still feeling safe in the fact that he could pull one over on her, he told the truth. "Not here, he's went to Japan to fetch Kagome and left me in charge."
Ayame balled her fist at her side, " in charge...I should have known you would never get rid of that sick perversion you had for humans Kouga!" Turning she stomped away from her shocked mate. Now she found herself on the phone to the Taiyoukai of the Americas, crying her eyes out.

Ayame explained to him about the movie she had walked in on that Kouga, Ginta and Hakkuku sat clustered around in the basement of their home. She had startled them and gotten a good look at the nasty movie. It was a human porn flick, the brief glance she seen it had three men with one female all mating her at once. To say she had been shocked was an understatement.

Not all youkais and hanyous mated for life but, wolves did. The fact these three mated wolf youkais were watching this human porn flick was an insult to their mates, especially since the air was filled with the scent of thier arousals.

Ayame had broken the door throwing the three males out of the house. Ayame finished her recount of the events and how Kouga had said the movie came from Inuyasha's home. "Sob, I just coldn't believe it. I mean..sob...every female that ever approached turned away because of Kagome. I can't believe you'd have such a thing and then give it to Kouga. To deprive pleasure from another female when your mated or in your case have an intended isn't that against the vows of life mates?"

There was silence on the line, had she over stepped her bounds with the Taiyoukai? A cold emotionless voice came acrossed the line, "he said he got it from my home?"
Taking a deep breath Inuyasha continued, "this Inuyasha will find out the truth and will deal with those responsible. Your issues will be addressed. I knew not about this movie or the reason for Kouga's eviction from your home. Thank you for informing me, this will be dealt with." The line went dead and Ayame had a feeling it was not the last thing that would die that day.
Inuyasha hung up and grasped his Tetsusaiga to hold his temper. Thanks to a seperate concealment spell on the sword it appeared as a pocket knife in a case.

He truly had not known why Kouga was fighting with Ayame, if he had the wolf would not have been permitted to stay in his home. Calming himself down he couldn't remember Kouga ever having done anything against Ayame in the past. He had taken her only a year after Kagome had disappeared. 'Almost 500-years to just now be unfaithful?' It didn't sit well with Inuyasha. 'Got to be something to this..the only human female he ever was interested in was Kagome.' He rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand trying to think why Kouga would act like he had. 'To say he got it from me. No, wait...from my house. It's not mine so that leaves Toutousai, Shippou, Miroku or Sango as suspects.' He hadn't notice he had started to pace when he found himself leaning against the Goshinbuko tree. It was slightly unsettling for him, he could just make out the fading scent of his 20-year old self on the tree from his last new moon night he had spent with Kagome in her time. It had been just a couple of days before they had engaged Naraku. In this time line less then a week ago he had been here and had only been 20-years old. "A week later I'm 520-years old." He remarked to himself as he shook his head. "Inuyasha?"
He looked up to see Kagome approaching, 'she hasn't changed a bit in a week,' he mused. "You okay? what was the problem wtih Ayame?" She asked as she sat down leaning against the tree.
Sitting by her he couldn't help the smile that blossomed to his face. "Oh, I got some P.I. work to do for Ayame. You know, it would have been easier if you'd just let me kill him when I wanted to."
"Kill who?" She asked looking at him wided eyed.
He fixed her in his gaze, "Kouga."
"What did he do? You said they were mates right?"
He went on to tell her what Ayame had said, not going into the details she had about the movie. "So who's movie do you think it is?" Shaking his head he asked, "what's in Kouga's pea brain this time?" "There's a question as to who's movie it is?" she asked.
"Oh, don't discount any of them. Trust me, Sango burned her bra in the 60's."
"Burned. Her. Bra?" She laughed.
"Yep, female sexual revolution in the Americas. Sango loosened up a lot during that time. I even caught her groping Miroku a time or two."
"Sango!" Kagome exclaimed with laughter.

The laughter helped Inuyasha alot, he had been worried that since he wasn't the same man he had been that she wouldn't want him but, may be it didn't matter. Her smile, voice, laugh, and presence still had the same calming effect on him as well as healing his heart and soul. "Let's go talk to the others. Ayame asked for my help so I have to." He said standing and extending a hand to her to help her up. Smiling at his gesture, she took his hand and continued to hold his hand as they walked into her family home. Walking in he released he hand but, not before giving it a squeeze. Crossing his arms he eyed his three dear friends who were more family then friends and said bluntly, "alright that was Ayame. Who knows the real reason she kicked Kouga out?"

The three in question looked between one another then Shippou spoke up. "All he told me when I let him in was they had gotten into a fight and she threw him out."
"That is true Inuyasha, I over heard them when he let Kouga in and that is all he said." Miroku added.
"I have no idea Inuyasha. He came to me a couple of days before and borrowed a instructional line dancing tape." Sango promised.
"Well, he got some instructions alright but, it wasn't dancing...hee, hee." Inuyasha couldn't help but, laugh at the damn wolf. He probably had been shocked by the human porn video.
"What do you mean?" Sango asked.
"He..pickup..a by...mistake." Inuyasha finally answered as he tried not to completely laugh his ass off at the dumb wolf.
"Oh, no." Sango said covering her mouth. "Ayame caught him with it? I told him where it was, he must have grabbed the wrong tape."
"That's maybe my fault," Miroku said, "I just rearranged those videos the day before and had not had a chance to tell you."
"I'm going to go call Kouga, I know what happened now." Inuyasha snickered as he went back outside to call Kouga.

Across the Pacific Ocean in the Canadian wilderness at the Taisho estate.


Toutousai walked into the private den and answered the phone, "hello?"
"Hey old man, you behaving yourself?"
"Inuyasha? Where are you?" Toutousai asked.
"In Tokoyo, remember?"
"Oh yes, get your kimono yet?"
"My what...oh gods, sure Toutousai I got it. Pick you up one up too! Get Kouga for me."
"Well thanks but, I'd rather you bring me a little miko then the kimono."
"Kouga, old man." Inuyasha growled.
"Aright...KOUGA!" Toutousai yelled.
"Aaah...the ears you old coot, careful with the ears!" Inuyasha huffed holding the phone away from him. Not long he heard Kouga's voice on the line. "Yo, dog breath what's up?"
"Not much, things alright there? Any problems?"
"Don't worry dog turd, I got it all under control."
"Good, good. You and Ayame make up yet?"
"No, she hasn't come to her senses yet." Kouga replied.
"Oh, is that what's wrong? Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you took the wrong video from Sango and she caught you and the boys watching a human porn is it?" The line was silent, "problem, mangy wolf?"
"You...talked to Ayame?"
"Now..your going to go and explain what happend and beg for her forgiveness. Do whatever she wants to make this up to her. When I get back, if she has forgiven you I'll think about not gutting you. Ah, and Kouga..if you ever use me as an excuse for your stupidity again I will gut you, pack or not. Are we clear?" Inuyasha asked.
"Yes, what?" Inuyasha asked coldly.
"Yes Lord Inuyasha..."Kouga replied quietly.
"Good, now that we are clear. What were you thinking?"
"Look, it was an accident. We were going to take the girls to that up coming dance in town but, needed to brush up on the dancing so I went to Sango to get a video. The damn thing started and it was like seeing a train know you shouldn't watch but, you can't help it. Damn, I'm sorry. I guess you've never done anything you shouldn't have, have you?" Kouga asked.
Being reminded that he himself had also done something very wrong he stopped the conversation. "Just make it right. You might have fucked up but, fix it, okay? I got to go." Hanging up Inuyasha sat down then noticed while talking he had walked to the shrine entrance, looking around and making sure no one had seen him he put his concealment back up. Just like Kouga he had fucked up and the time had come for him to pay for what he had done.
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kitsune: fox
Inu nii-chan: dog brother
the price: after more research this is a term that refers to the money given by a groom to the bride's family, it is based on the groom's families wealth. it is a chinese marriage custom. why inuyasha is going by a chinese marriage custom will be covered later.
oyaji: old man, rude term for father
baabaa: old women
youkai: demon/ghosh/spirit/magical creature
hanyou: half magical creature
jii-chan: grandfather
taisho: general
Goshinbuko: sacred tree of ages
kimono: overgarment worn in Japan
hentai: pervert

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