InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't know what you've got 'til it's gone ❯ A New Home ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

shadowwolf_02: Kagome's mother is a little difficult since she isn't in a lot of the episodes. I'll think about that, though.

FelanSilverchild: Thanks! Could you cite a couple of examples of grammatical errors? My grammer is rusty - I write in C all day.

Netsui: No, that wasn't it :)

w_j: I was trying to catch the mediaminer posting to the posting before I posted the next chapter on ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other character created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 18 - A New Home

Kikyo stood with her back pressed to the trunk of a tree, her jet black hair tangling in the rough bark. Her face was impassive but her eyes blazed as she listened to the gentle breathing of the sleeping couple. She had been drawn to the gathering power and had only heard the sounds of love-making when she was close to the small campsite. Intending to move on so as not disturb them, she had turned to retrace her steps but paused when she had recognized his growling voice - Inuyasha.

Rage had flooded her cold body, heating it from the inside out, and she had slammed her back against the nearest tree. She stood there, rigid but trembling, as the cries died down, to be replaced by the soft whispers of slumber. ‘Inuyasha, you promised me forever!’ her bow creaked in her hand, threatening to break. ‘I will not release you from your vow.’

She had never strayed too far from Inuyasha and his group of friends. Even when they hadn’t known it, she’d been close, watching. Occasionally, she had allowed him to sense her presence to make sure he didn’t forget about her. She thought she’d succeeded; though he protected that insipid fraud with his life, he hadn’t gone any further. How had this happened?

She froze as a rustling of the bushes across the campsite announced the presence of another creature. Peeking around the trunk of the tree, she watched the young kitsune creep back into camp and curl up against Kagome’s back. Her eyes narrowed, ‘Happy little family, is that what they think? I will not be replaced by an imitation.’ She risked another glance at the female who dared steal from her. ‘But what is this? She’s different…no longer human…and no longer pure.’

A wicked grin spread across her face as a plan began to form behind her steely eyes. What she was contemplating was unconscionable, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and she wanted the girl to pay.


Kagome sat in the circle of Inuyasha’s arms, letting the conversation flow around her but not paying attention to anything said. She smiled softly at how close her two human friends were sitting, knees almost touching. Ever so often, their hands would brush against each other and their eyes would meet. Since she, Inuyasha, and Shippo had arrived at the demon slayer’s village a week ago, Kagome couldn’t remember her friend being so relaxed and happy.

“Kagome, have you and Inuyasha chosen a house?” Miroku asked, his eyes gleaming with warmth. The lech hadn’t commented on her lack of uniform but sent her plenty of meaningful looks. Kagome strongly suspected that the knot on the back of his head had been acquired during a fruitless quest for details from the hanyou.

Kagome couldn’t help the pink that stained her cheeks. “We were thinking that we’d move into the one on the hill near the east wall.”

Sango smiled at her, “It has a beautiful view of the mountains. I’m so glad you’ve decided to stay here. With your help, we can bring the village back to life.”

“Do you think your ancestors will mind a youkai family in their village?” Kagome chewed on her lip with a fang, her brow creasing.

“My people hunted evil youkai who hurt people. Besides, Kirara has lived in this village for as long as I can remember,” the demon slayer patted the fire cat’s small head.

Kagome nodded, willing to accept her friend’s reassurance but still not completely convinced. Inuyasha’s arms tightened around her and a pulse of warmth flowed through her from the mark on her back. She snuggled in closer and sent the warmth back, almost purring when he whuffled in her ear.

“Kagome? Can we go take a bath now?” Shippo piped up, fidgeting with the stick of his lollipop.

She sighed and stood, reluctant to leave her comfortable seat. However, a promise was a promise and she had told the kit that they would bathe after he had finished his candy. “Ok, Shippo, let’s go.” She gathered her bathing supplies from her pack.

Sango grinned, “That sounds nice. I think I’ll join you.” The trio sauntered from small house toward the bathhouse, Shippo bouncing at the head of the group. Two pair of male eyes watched them disappear into the twilit evening.

Miroku turned to Inuyasha, “No word yet from Myoga?”

Inuyasha shook his head, his eyes still on the doorway.

The monk closed his eyes and composed his features. “What will you do if we discover a way to change her back?”

Scowling, the hanyou cracked his knuckles. “Where are you going with this?”

“I just want to make sure that you will do what is best for Kagome.”

Inuyasha was tired of this line of questioning. Her mother had asked it, he had asked it of himself, now the monk was pestering him. He couldn’t answer any of them because he just didn’t know. Of course he would still love her as a human, but they would lose their claims on each other. They could marry, but that wouldn’t stop other demons who didn’t recognize human ceremonies. And, he would have to watch her grow old and die.

The alternative would be to use the completed jewel to become human. However, Naraku had disappeared and they had no real leads on his whereabouts. As a human, he would be vulnerable to attack from any youkai that came along and once word got out about his change, his enemies would line up for a piece of him. He and Kagome wouldn’t last very long, even with help from their friends.

He pushed himself to his feet and fixed Miroku with an intense stare, “I’ll do what’s best for us.”


Sango smiled at her best friend through the steam of the bath. “So…how’s mated life?” Candles placed around the edge of the sunken bath illuminated the wooden walls and made their skin glow golden.

Kagome blushed and giggled. “It’s wonderful, but it’ll be better when we have our own house. Not that I don’t like staying with you, but…” At Sango’s knowing smile, her blush deepened.

“It’s nice to have privacy,” Sango finished for her. She opened her mouth to say more, then closed it again. She had learned about demon mating rituals and up until now, they had simply been part of her studies. Discussing them with her now hanyou friend put them into a different, personal light. However, she couldn’t stifle her curiosity. “Did you…mark him?”

The younger girl’s face burned with embarrassment and she glanced at Shippo to see if he was listening. The kit was making water spouts with his hands and seemed oblivious to the conversation. She nodded and scooted a little closer so that they could whisper. “I didn’t know that I had done it until he showed me. I mean, I knew I had done something, but…”

Sango leaned forward, intrigued. “What was it like?”

Kagome thought for a moment, then shook her head. “It’s hard to describe…I didn’t do it on purpose, it just built up inside…but I’ve never felt closer to him…” she trailed off, staring into space. She returned to the present with an internal shake, “How about you and Miroku?”

It was Sango’s turn to blush, “Well…”

“Did you kiss?” Kagome grinned impishly and giggled.

“Almost…” Sango rolled her eyes, “then he grabbed my butt and I had to hit him. He always ruins things.”

Secretly thrilled that her friend’s relationship had progressed, Kagome sighed in commiseration, “Yeah…” She was positive that, eventually, Sango wouldn’t follow a grope with a slap.


Inuyasha reflexively slapped the back of his neck as he sat on the porch of the house he shared with Kagome and Shippo, watching his mate practice simple attacks with Sango. She had decided that, since she could no longer shoot purifying arrows, she should learn how to use a weapon that did a little more damage. She had chosen the chained sickle that Kohaku had used and was quickly getting the hang of it, thanks in part to her enhanced youkai reflexes and agility. Inuyasha would help her develop her demon attacks when they figured out what they were. Smiling, he was proud of his strong, beautiful mate.

“Myoga,” he opened his hand, frowning at the squashed flea demon on his palm.

The tiny youkai sprang back into shape with an indignant, “My lord!” Twitching his mustaches, he regarded his master reproachfully through beady eyes. “Is this how you greet your faithful servant?”

“Yeah, when he takes a bite outta me.”

He humphed and crossed his arms, “I’ve been traveling many miles for you, my lord, and was in need of some refreshment.”


The flea rolled his eyes; it was useless to expect gratitude from his young lord. “You may wish to call your mate. I have discovered the origin of her crest.” Inuyasha’s ears perked forward and he emitted a short, high pitched bark. Kagome deftly caught the sickle and, winding the chain around her forearm, hurried over to her mate. Sango followed a few paces behind; she couldn’t match the speed of which Kagome was now capable.

When the group had settled and their full attention was fixed on the flea youka, he drew himself up to his most regal stature. “I have traveled the length and breadth of the lands to the north-”

“Get on with it,” Inuyasha growled impatiently.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome protested and nudged his shoulder.

Myoga cleared his throat, “As I was saying…I traveled the northern lands in search of news of the crimson star that you bear.” He pointed to the crest on Kagome’s forehead. After a week of fruitless search, I finally found a tribe of kitsune that were familiar with the mark.” He paused for effect.

“And?” Kagome nudged the hanyou again, harder.

Myoga clasped his hands in front of him, enjoying the center of attention but less than thrilled at the bad news he was about to give, “They informed me that the star belonged to a tribe that had lived in the mountains but were decimated and driven from their homes by a ferocious ogre. The few survivors that fled into the lowlands were picked off at the ogre’s leisure or died of their wounds.”

“They’re all dead?” Anger flared in the pit of her stomach and Kagome clenched her fists. “How long ago?”

“Over a year ago, according to the chief of the kitsune tribe. I am sorry, my lady” he sketched a quick bow at his new mistress.

“Is the ogre still there?” Inuyasha interjected and took Kagome’s hand in his, squeezing it.

“It is, my lord, but very little is known about it. No creature that enters it’s realm lives to tell about it.”

Kagome couldn’t suppress the growl that rose out of her chest. Her youkai was seething within her, demanding blood for blood. “I’ll kill it.”
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