InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Twenty Five ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: See last chapter.

Author's Note: Yes, I know. I'm a terrible, heartless, never-updating shrew. I'm sorry! But, as I have said before- I have a life, whether you like it or not! And that life consists of things like friends, homework, parties, etc- even after school ends! (Well, no homework, but still. . .) Also, the weather over in my part of the country has been REALLY bad lately, lots of nasty storms and such. So it's been kind of unsafe to turn my computer on. . .

So yeah- I apologize that it took so long to update. I know it's been ages, and I'm really sorry. I really am.

Anyway, I lost (I think it was) the fourth round of the elimination contest. Oh well. ^_^ It was still a treat to be in it. Once again, a BIG thankies to everyone who voted! XD

In other news I seem to have acquired a delightful flamer who calls himself/herself `I'm Better Than You' or something like that. I'd like to thank all of you who defended me, even without my asking. ^_^ I love you all! And because of my love for you I sent said flamer an e-mail telling him/her to shove off when he/she started degrading you guys. And yes, I used naughty words. ^_~ My friend Emily would be proud. So thank you, guys!

Let's see, what else. . . Oh, yeah! This chapter is set in month eight! Woo! ^_^ This fic is almost over! (Though that's sad. T_T)

Umm. . . that's it! ^_^

I hope y'all enjoy!



Chapter Twenty Five: Come What May

Inu-Yasha's PoV


Alright- this isn't so bad. . .

This really isn't so bad. . .

I can make it through this. . .

. . .


No, I can't.

No, I really, really can't!

Kagome glances at me oddly as I begin to quietly hyperventilate, a feeling of claustrophobia setting in as a group of three, giggly teen girls drags my mate and I through this large, stinky thing they call the `mall'.

"Are you okay?" Kag whispers worriedly, pushing back a strand of her hair with the sleeve of her overly large, soft blue sweater. "You're shaking."

"I- I am not!" I squeak (Oh, gods! Squeak?!), fixing my hat as about twenty busy shopper push past, jostling me left and right so forcefully that I almost crash into the large, fake plants that the managers have basking in the sunlight that shines through the glass ceiling. Clearing my throat and attempting to sound a little more manly, I continue: "I just- don't like- - - everything." The pungent smell of thousands of mortals slams continuously into my nose as the fragrance of mixed "meats" (if you can call them `hot dog' things MEAT) and undiluted sugar wafts from random booths and stores.

I have officially reached hell.

"What? How can you not like this, Inu-Yasha san?" the one called Ayumi chirps, swinging her purse cheerfully as we make our way past packed stores and screaming children. Thanks to the fact that December is all but upon us- and the fact that we just had this thing called `Thanksgiving dinner' (it was great!) two nights ago- Kagome tells me that the Christmas shopping season has begun.

Whatever that means.

But all the same, my mate's friends had insisted on helping us pick out new clothes for the pup. Even though it's busy. Even though it's stuffy. Even though Kag reassured them that we already had some. (She still has that box safely hidden in Sango and Miroku's house, by the way. She caught me looking through it a few weeks ago- it was embarrassing.)

Yes, despite all that, they're still making us go.

"It'll be fun!" Ayumi had promised.

"It'll be a chance to catch up!" the idiot Hojo added, though he didn't add any more after I shot him a glare. (He's actually been pretty easy to put up with after my `talk' with him on the day we arrived. Heh heh heh. . . )

"It could be our Christmas gift to the baby!" Yuka and Eri had cheered before throwing a coat over Kagome and me and dragging us (literally) to the subway station. (Oh- the subway! Don't remind me- - -!)

"Inu-chan?" my mate's voice brings me briefly back to reality, her concerned blue eyes mere centimeters from mine. "Are you feeling all right? You're beginning to look rather green. . ."

I just mutter under my breath as Eri cries out in triumph. "Here! I found it!"

"And it only took her two hours," Yuka rolls her eyes, snickering as Eri's elbow finds her stomach.

"Shut up."

"Come on, Kagome-chan!" Ayumi giggles, lacing her fingers with Kag's and pulling her into- uh-

"Baaaaby Deeepooooo?" I sound out quietly, frowning as the group of squealing girls push my Kag into the store. Hojo shoots me an odd look before shrugging and following the others.

. . .

It takes a minute, but I quickly realize that I'm being left in the dust.

"Hey! Wait!" I cry, glaring at all the staring shoppers as I push into the store as well, quickly locating a nervously laughing Kagome.


"Now, guys, please!" my mate is pleading with a rather strained smile, waving her hands frantically as Yuka picks up different, little outfits and hands them to Eri, who proceeds to set them gently on top of Kag's stomach. "I told you- I really appreciate this, but there's no need!"

"Kagome-chan, please, forget it!" Ayumi sings perkily, examining (what I assume are) toys. She currently has an odd shaky-thing in her hands- a ball on a stick that sounds like it's full of dried beans. Already the sound irritates me. "We WANT to buy this stuff for you!"

"Yeah! After all, we feel terrible that we weren't here for you during most of this!" Eri adds, pouting slightly as she gently pats Kagome's round abdomen. I silently slide in behind them (doing a rather good impression of my half-brother, now that I think of it), though I know Kag senses my presence. She catches my eye discretely, looking rather desperate, but I just shrug.

What am I supposed to do, anyway? I'm already feeling woozy from all these weird scents. . .

"So, what kind do you want, Kagome-chan?" Yuka prods conversationally, holding up a tiny, red, frilly dress for examination. "A boy or a girl?"

"Well, I- - -"

"When's it due?" Ayumi continues, tossing a few yellow and blue checkered blankets into (what Kagome calls) a `cart', along with that annoying shaky-thing and some kind of doll from a large stand. Frowning, I pick up one the dolls myself- poking it gingerly.

It's certainly ODD looking. . . a red, furry thing with long legs and arms. . . And hard, white eyes that- - -

"What the hell?!" I gasp, throwing the THING to the ground as I poke its belly- and it begins to chant some kind of curse.

"Heeeheehaahaahaa!" the demented doll cackles. EVIL! I stamp on it with my foot, but it only begins laughing again.

Damn, conceited- - - !

"DIE!" I hiss, lunging after it. "SANKONTES- - - !"



"What the- - - ? Inu-Yasha!"

I look up, blinking, as little pieces of white, fluffy stuff floats down to the ground- white, fluffy stuff that is now pouring from the red, scrap remains of the IT beneath me.

. . .

The whole store stares as Kagome's face turns an embarrassed shade of red. "Er- nothing to see here!" she laughs, striding over to me and kicking the doll thing out of my grasp, despite my muffled protests. "Sorry- he just tripped! Clumsy. . ."

"What?! I am n- - -!"

She shoots me a glare that could freeze a fire.

I swallow and shut up- - -

While behind us, Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka try to contain their laughter- snickering into their hands- as Hojo points rather hurriedly at an approaching, angry-looking figure. . .


"I've NEVER been more EMBARASSED in my LIFE!" Kagome screams as we burst through the doorway of her house, positively red with rage. "Couldn't you keep your hands to yourself for ONE MINUTE?!"

Sota, who just happened to be walking out of the kitchen at that exact moment, pauses- shoots us both horrified looks- before turning swiftly towards the bathroom. However, Kag and I don't notice.

"I DIDN'T DO NOTHIN'!" I bellow, stalking after her as she stomps up the stairs, swinging the two big bags of little clothes and weird toys that her friends had quickly paid for before the store owner came. (That was the fat guy Hojo had seen coming, evidently.) "THAT THING PROVOKED ME!"

"HOW COULD A TICKLE-ME-ELMO PROVOKE ANYONE?!" she cries in exasperation, throwing her hands into the air as she reaches the top of the steps. I, however, stand dejectedly near the bottom as she aims one more glare at me, turning towards her room. "Inu-Yasha, I REALLY expected BETTER of you!"

With that, she storms into her bedroom and slams the door behind her, making the whole house quake.

I simply stand there, staring for a moment.

Well. . .

At least I didn't get- - -

"OH!" her furry-filled voice suddenly calls from behind the closed door, as if in an afterthought. "AND ONE MORE THING- SIT!"


. . . Damn it.


"I don't understand!" I moan to Mrs. Higurashi, leaning against the countertop as she bakes cookies, flour caking her kind face. "What did I do wrong THIS time? I don't know anything about that stupid mall place, and Kagome expects me to be some kind of expert or something!"

"Oh, Inu-Yasha," she smiles warmly, patting me on the head after wiping off her doughy hands. "You didn't mean to do anything. I know that, and Kagome knows that. She just needs to cool down a bit."

"I dunno. . ." I sigh, pulling up a stool and sitting upon it as Mrs. H continues to bustle around the tiny room, putting two cookie sheets into the oven and taking two out. "It just feels like everything's my fault lately. Miroku told me that it isn't, and that women are just like that, but I don't think that's fair. Or true."

Mrs. Higurashi chuckles, pushing a few strands of her short hair behind her ear as she fixes her apron, pealing baked cookies off of their pans with a weird, flat thing. She called it a `spaa-two-la' a while ago. "You're right. It's not fair or true. But Kagome's having a tough time right now- all pregnant women get into a stupor like this. It's a hormone thing. She has no right to yell at you, but she's going to, anyway. Just like how I yelled at her father before she and Sota were born."

"But I bet your husband didn't destroy an Elmo doll in the public mall," I grumble, balling up my hands and resting my chin upon them. I suddenly feel awful. . . and I hate that.

She laughs softly, grinning slightly as she taps her chin. "No, I can't say he ever did."

"And I bet he didn't threaten your old boyfriend and tell him not to touch you, or else he'd horribly dismember you with his claws?"

"No, I don't recall him ever doing that, either," she nods lightly, pulling out a large plate and putting a few, moist, chocolate chip cookies on it.

"And I bet he didn't make you watch the Wizard of Oz whenever he came over, or make you eat ramen all the time."

"No, he didn't do that," she admits, taking a glass out of the cupboard and filling it with cold milk from the `fridge. (Those stickers with the names of devices that Mrs. Higurashi bought are really helping. . . look at all the words I'm learning!)

"And I bet he didn't leave mashed potato and turkey stains on the wall after Thanksgiving."

"Nuh uh," Mrs. H confirms happily, setting both the platter of cookies and the milk on a serving tray. "He never did."

"And I bet he didn't drag you down a magic well every other day."

. . .

"Right. . . ?"

Mrs. Higurashi simply beams at me, winking cheerfully as she hands me the serving tray. "Now, you go make up with my daughter. I'm sure she's cooled off."

"Huh? Hey- you didn't answer me!" I frown, confused as she ushers me out of the kitchen, still grinning mysteriously.

"Never mind. You two just enjoy those cookies." With that, she turns back to her baking, humming perkily as I walk up the steps, still shooting her odd looks.


The first thing I notice when I make it to Kagome's room is that strange music is pouring softly through the wooden barrier; tinkling little melodies that I don't recognize.

Weird. . .

"Kagome. . . ?" I call quietly, ears subconsciously lowering as I knock once. "Kag-chan, can I come in. . . ?"

". . . Sure," she returns calmly after a moment of silence. "You may."

Creeeeeak. . .

The door moans softly as I carefully push it open, walking through it with the try and a nervous expression.

"I, uh, brought you some food. . ." I clear my throat, swallowing a bit loudly as I stare down at Kag. She's resting with her back against the bed, magical-mantra-player (but for some reason she shortens it down to CD player) at her feet; listening to that music I heard in the hall. "Are you hungry. . . ?"

She smiles gently, patting the floor beside her. "Yes. Thanks."

"Okay. Here." I place the food where she had touched the ground, before shuffling away again. "There you go."

She rolls her eyes, giggling. "I meant for you to come here, silly," she admonishes, picking up the tray and putting it on her bedside, indicating the spot once more. "So come on, sit." Our eyes widen simultaneously. "No- Wait- I didn't mean- - - !"


"Ack!" she gasps, eyes as large as plates as my squashed form lands right beside her. "Oh, Inu-chan! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to- it slipped out!"

"At least the cookies weren't there, anymore," I grunt into the carpet, a bit amused by her unusual reaction. I've never heard her so apologetic before. . . "Though I'd bet they taste better than the floor."

"I'm sorry," she whimpers again as I pull myself to a sitting position, crossing my arms and legs. "I sort of. . . forgot. . ."

"Forgot?" I scoff. "After all the times you've sat me, you forgot?"

"Er. . . yeah."

. . . I can't help it- - -

I start to laugh. "I can't believe you forgot!" I grin widely. "How dumb!"

"Oh, you! Shut up!" she demands, a smile tugging on her lips as well- especially when I begin to tickle her. "Don't make me say it on purpose!"

"You wouldn't dare," I whisper, my arms still around her as I peck her on the cheek. "Because if you did. . ." I gently tighten my embrace, before pulling her into my lap. "So ha."

"Unfair," she sighs contentedly; resting her head against my shoulder as she lays her hands on her stomach, and I place my hands upon hers. "Very unfair. . ."

"But you love it."

"Oh- shush."

We loll into silence; simply listening to the songs playing on Kagome's mantra-thingy.


"So why are we listening to this, anyway?" I question after a bit, eyes lightly closed as I enjoy the music.

"It's for the pup," she explains, cuddled into my chest. "I read that music helps their minds and stuff. . . so originally I wanted to come back home to use my CD player and some of my CDs. That was all."

"And then your friends found out about us and we were made to stay another week and a half so they could `help' you."

"More or less," she giggles faintly, eyes half lidded as she relaxes. "And- oh!"

I blink, looking down at her as her grin widens. "What is it?"

"Shh!" she demands. "Listen! This is my favorite song." A wide, peaceful smile blossoms on her face.

"Never knew

I could feel like this

Like I've never seen the sky

Before," she softly sings along, craning her neck to gently kiss my cheek.

"You're not supposed to sing this section," I murmur teasingly in her ear. "It's a guy's part."

"So? You don't know it," she sticks out her tongue before continuing. "Want to vanish

Inside your kiss

Every day I love you more

And more. . ."

"Listen to my heart

Can you hear it sing?" I smirk as Kagome's eyes grow wide again, turning her head completely to shoot me a bewildered stare. "Telling me to give you everything!

Seasons may change,

Winter to spring

But I love you

Until the end


Time. . ."

"How. . . ?" she gapes at me, beyond surprised as I pull her to her feet, linking our hands and spinning her around.

"You left it in your portable mantra player once before you fell asleep and. . . well. . . " I chuckle as she shoots me a glare.

"Why you little thief! That's what happened to it! I was wondering why the CD was all scratched up in the morning. . ."

I grin nervously again as she glares accusingly. "Uh- Oops?"

Come what may. . .

Come what may. . .

I will love you

Until my dying day. . .

After another moment of hard stares, she begins to giggle- and then laugh as I dip her, careful not to hurt her or the pup. "Oh. . . forget it." She cocks her head cutely. "I don't know why I love you so much, Inu-Yasha. . ."

Suddenly the world

Seems such a perfect place

Suddenly it moves with such a

Perfect grace

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste

It all revolves around you

"Because I'm strong and fast and devilishly handsome?" I suggest innocently, kissing her on the nose as she rolls her eyes.

"Sure. That must be it," she drawls sarcastically, though her eyes are glittering with humor.

And there's no mountain too high

No river too wide

Sing out this song and I'll be there

By your side!

Storm clouds may gather

And stars my collide. . .

But I love you

(I love you)

Until the end

(Until the end)



After a few moments of simply twirling around her tiny room, Kagome hugs me close again (well, as close as she can), and begins humming along.

Come what may. . . !

Come what may. . . !

I will love you

Until the my dying day-

Oh, come what may. . . !

Come what may!

I will love you!

(Oh, I will love you. . . )

"By the way. . ." I suddenly blink, looking down at my mate as she smiles into my haori. "Why is this your favorite song, anyway?"

Suddenly the world

Her grin widens as she glances up at me, a soft pink blush on her cheeks.

Seems such a perfect place. . .

"Silly," she shakes her head, looking away in embarrassment. "Because. . .

It reminds me of us."

Come what may!

I blink again, a bit shocked-

Come what may!

And then I positively beam at her.

I will love you

"Me too."

Until my dying day!


Sorry, guys- I couldn't help it! KAWAIIIIIII MENTAL PICCIES! XD XD XD

Anyway, I love that song. It's called `Come What May', and you can hear it on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. I don't own that. Oh- and I don't own Tickle Me Elmo's, either. ^_^

BTW- I know some of you will ask: how does Inu-Yasha know how to dance?

He doesn't.

He's just winging it. ^_^

Well, that's all for now!

Please R&R! ^_^

Ja ne!