InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Twenty Seven ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Yada yada yada- you know the drill.

Author's Note: Hiya! I'm finally a'coming home. XD But I got a lot done on my two-day "vacation", as I'm sure you've gathered. I finished these two chappies of ED and one of Mermaids. (I spaced out the days between posting them, as I'm sure you've figured out.) And, as I'm sure you've all gathered, these are the last chapters. In fact, this is the last chapter of Early December. HOWEVER THERE IS AN EPILOUGE FOR BOTH OF THESE FICS. YES, THERE IS AN EPILOUGE FOR THIS FIC. DO NOT STOP READING, I WILL POST AN EPILOUGE SOON.

First I just need to write the first chapter of my next fic. :-)

Alrighty. . . Well, I think that's everything. Please enjoy- I know how much everyone was looking forward to this chappie!


Chapter Twenty Seven: The Ice Storm, Part Two: The Name

Inu-Yasha's PoV


"Inu-Yasha, stop pacing. You're wearing a hole in the ground."

I flash a rather irritated stare at Miroku who, though he looks as nervous as I, is sitting casually underneath a nearby tree, trying to keep the storming hail off of his, Kaguya's, and Shippo's heads. Kaguya blinks up at me, her normally lively features a bit pale- scared. "What's wrong?" she whispers to Shippo. "What's going on, Shippo-chan?"

Shippo just shakes his head, silencing her.

"I can't help it," I grunt in the monk's general direction before beginning to pace again. Large chunks of ice continue to beat down upon me, but I find I don't really feel them. I'm too busy concentrating on the hut, damning my dog appendages to hell. I can't take the sounds of her cries and screams. . .

"Worrying isn't going to help, my friend. Don't fret- Kagome will be fine. You know she will- she's very strong," the dark haired man sooths, subconsciously picking Kaguya up and placing her in his lap. The little girl almost begins to purr as her father strokes her head, his eyes finding a point on the distant horizon and staying there. "Sango was, as well. . ."

. . .

I sigh and flop restlessly next to him. Yes, Sango is strong. And I know Kagome is very strong. . . "But you were scared, too, right. . . ?" I can't help but question quietly, remembering the day myself. We had been out here, just like now (only the weather had been a considerable bit better), passing the time with silence. Miroku had spent the near 5 hours simply picking at the grass, humming quiet prayers to himself. He seemed to be the calmest of us all, but. . .

"I was terrified," he admits, hugging Kaguya even closer than before. "Completely and utterly terrified."

I nod and exhale loudly, giving a slight start as I feel a warm hand touch me gently on the arm. Glancing over I see Shippo watching me with a mixture of concern and guilt on his face. I blink at him.

"Um. . . It's okay to be scared," he consoles awkwardly, as if confused as to why he has even opened his mouth. "Because everyone gets scared sometimes. . . even strong, brave people like you, daddy. And. . . well. . . I'm scared, too. . ." He then wastes no time in hastily removing his fingers, as if afraid I'll bite, before gnawing his bottom lip and starting determinedly into the ice storm.

I can't help but smile slightly. Keh. Stupid runt. . .

"Thanks." The kitsune starts in surprise at the sound of my voice, and almost stiffens in shock when I ruffle his hair. But after getting over the initial surprise he beams shyly and nods, a bit proud of himself.

I'm a bit proud of him, too.


Time passes oh so very slowly in this odd limbo. It feels like we've been sitting here for a small eternity, but when we actually figure out the amount of time that has passed it hasn't been more than minutes. The hail doesn't help our mood any- if anything it only helps this frozen hell of ours. And when a group like ourselves sits outside, alone, in weather like this, it doesn't take long for most of the village people to realize that something is going on.

After a half hour, we've acquired more than ten village men, eight women, and twelve children- each clamoring anxiously with us as we await the fate of "the miko Kagome-sama" and "her sacred child". A few of the younger ones stick their noses in my face, asking me if I'm excited. I find it hard to answer them and generally nod once before allowing them to crawl all over my back. The rest of the people avoid me for the most part.

Of course, then the more noticeable of company makes his appearances. . .

"Oi! Dog Turd!"


I groan silently as I turn and find the whirl-wind that is Kouga racing towards this little camp of ours, consequently scaring all the people around us into going back home. As the swirl of snow accompanying his presence dies down and a few hail chucks bop him over the head, the wolf demon stares coldly down at me.

"Why didn't you TELL me Kagome was having the pup?!"

"I was a bit more worried about getting her here alright," I drone dryly, flicking a few balls of ice listlessly away from me. "Why didn't you smell us? We passed right by your den."

The demon prince snarls but Miroku whaps him deftly over the head with his staff. "Be quite, Kouga," the monk sighs, "no one's in the mood to hear you bitch."

Both Kouga and I can't help feeling a bit surprised by his word usage, but I don't care. I whole-heartedly agree, after all.

"Keh," the oni finally grumbles, flopping down next to me and crossing his arms in a pout. "You could have at least sent Shippo or someone to announce the news! I'd have never forgiven myself if I'd had missed the birth of Kagome's pup, or the delightful wordplay I can hear inside the hut right now." He smirks, superior, as I feel my ears droop a bit. "I didn't realize how little Kagome thought of you, dog breath."

"Don't listen," Miroku says calmly before I can even open my mouth to retort. "It's the pain talking. In this time, the woman is always wrong."

. . .

I shoot the monk an odd look. "But I thought you said that the woman is alw- - -"

"I lied."

. . .


"All the same," Kouga sighs in content as he leans up against the tree, trying to hide the worry I see in his eyes. He really DOES care for Kagome, the stupid ass. . . "Glad I didn't miss it."


As it turns out, he'd have had to TRY to miss this birth- even after seven hours of patience (or, in my case, not so patience) waiting, we've not heard one thing from Kaede's except Kagome's screams. We're all freezing, worried, bruised from ice, and beginning to feel a bit of panic take hold of our stomachs. Even Kaguya, (who, despite Miroku's in depth teachings doesn't quite know what's going on,) is starting to get a bit frantic.

"When is Awntie Kagome gonna come out of the hut, Unccy Inu?" she questions incessantly, eyes shining as she stares at me. "When?"

"I don't know," is the only answer I can come up with, so I use it over and over and over again.

Never have I felt more alone or guilty or angry or helpless as I do right now. For once I can't help my Kagome- I can't destroy anything or kill anyone or send her back home to help her pain. I wish with all my might that I could, but I can't. All I can do is sit here and hope, pray, wait, and listen- straining to make sure that she is still alive in there. That she hasn't died like so many other woman have before her.

I can hear her voice inside my head: "Come what may. . .

Come what may. . .

I will love you,

Until my dying day. . ."

I hang my head and bury my face in my hands; oblivious as Shippo cuddles into me and Kouga shoots a concerned look my way.

Please, gods- please don't make that be today. . .


It has been nine hours, twenty minutes, forty-three seconds, and thirty-eight sits since I left my mate in the old miko's hut.

It has been nine hours, twenty minutes, forty-three seconds, and thirty-eight sits worth of pure torture, worry, and stress.

It has been nine hours, twenty minutes, forty-three seconds, and thirty-eight sits worth of `what if's, horror, and prayers.

But then. . .

When the clock strikes nine hours, twenty minutes, and forty-four seconds- something happens. Something wonderful.

We hear another cry from inside the hut- a second, younger, louder cry.

Everyone turns to face each other so quickly we almost get whiplash.

The pup is here. . . !

It takes all our self-will and determination not to jump to our feet and race into the house. Instead we clench our fists and grind our teeth, watching the rush-reed flap- waiting for someone to exit and give us permission to enter.

If anything, the five minutes it takes the old miko to open the door to us feels longer than the nine hours, twenty minutes, and forty-three seconds ever did. But finally- - -

There she is- that wrinkled, smiling hag that I have never once been more overjoyed to see.

"Well?!" we all breathe at once.

"Kagome requests Inu-Yasha's presence, first," Kaede announces gently, crooking her finger and motioning for me to come. "Then you may all join them."

I nod, trying a few times to get to my feet, but finding that my legs have turned into jelly. Shippo can't help but giggle, suddenly all smiles as he helps me up, giving me a careful push towards the porch. "Go on! It's only mama!"

I forgot that he can smell my sudden fear.

"Well, hurry up, Inu-Yasha," Kaede ribs me. "You can't be any slower than I."

"Keh!" I snap at her, still trying to find my feet. Eventually I make it up the few steps and to the flap that separates me from Kag-chan.

I have never experienced what others call `butterflies in the stomach'. That has all changed just now.

"She's waiting," I hear the aged priestess whisper in my ear. "And a new special someone is, too. . ."

I nod once more, take a deep breath- - -

And step inside.


"Kagome. . ."

She smiles at me, from that futon in the corner, face pale and moist, hair tangled and stuck to her skin. Her original outfit had been removed during some point- she is now wearing a loose cotton kimono. She smells of blood and sweat, and she looks more exhausted than I have ever seen.

She is positively beautiful to me.

"Inu-Yasha," she tilts her head at me, hugging a small bundle to her chest. "Come over. . . Come see. . . "

I take an uncertain step forward- - -

Before all but running to her side, flopping down next to her- barely noticing Sango as she smiles at us and slips out the door; her hand bandaged.

"Kagome- Kag-chan, are you alright?" I inquire frantically, kissing her gently on the lips and the cheeks. She giggles and nods, moving herself slightly so that she can lean into my chest comfortably between my legs.

"Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine," she beams. "And so is our daughter."

I feel my whole body tingle as she looks at me, smiling, before gently moving the cloth bundle in her arms- rearranging the carefully set blanket so that I may stare into the face of our pup.

My heart lodges itself in my throat as I reach out with a trembling hand to touch her. She. . .

She is tiny- so very tiny- and already possesses the delicate body of her mother. I can see a tiny scar on her side- where the Shikon Jewel was forced from her small form so many months ago. Her hands are currently balled in weak fists, but I notice right away that her fingers already taper off in dull claws. Her eyes slowly open as I brush a wispy lock of short, downy hair from her face- hair the color of a stormy sky; of silver and ebony mixed- and stare into her deep blue eyes- eyes of an almost indigo silver. She blinks, as- on the top of her gorgeous little head- one of her droopy gray dog-ears twitches.

I've never fallen in love with a girl as quickly as I have right now.

"Kagome. . ." I breathe, hugging my mate carefully closer as I gently run my fingers over the pup's face. "Kagome, she's. . ."

"Perfect?" Kag suggests playfully, kissing her softly on the cheek.

"Perfect," I agree, smiling. "But. . ." I give a small start, suddenly realizing something. "What are we going to name her?"

"Actually, I already thought of a name," Kagome admits, lovingly rocking the bundle. "And a middle name or two- is that all right?"

"Provided you tell me what a `middle name' is," I chuckle quietly, "I'm sure it will be a fine name."

And it is a fine name.

Moments later, I'm outside, proclaiming the birth of Kori Kikyo Ramen to my friends.



Kagome and I stare in utter shock at Sango, Miroku, Kaguya, Shippo, and Kouga, as they flair their arms in the direction of a new hut- one that is placed right next to Sango and Miroku's. Kag, who is on my back, glances down at me as I glance up at her, tightening my hold on Kori.

"What is this?" my mate finally manages, painfully releasing me and supporting herself on her own two feet. I glance at her worriedly- she only gave birth two days ago- but she seems fine. . . After all, she had enough energy to forcibly make me take her home.

"It's your surprise! The one I pushed you in the well to plan!" the demon exterminator beams, laughing. "It's your own hut!"

"It's got everything!" Shippo gushes as our mouths sag open. "A room for you guys, a room for Kori-chan, a room for. . . well. . . me. . ." he blushes but takes Kagome's smile as a good sign and continues. "A kitchen, and a storage room!"

"We've even furnished the inside of it," Kaguya bubbles, holding the kitsune's hand with a tiny blush on her face. "Shippo-chan's crib is in the baby's room, mama and daddy got you and Unncy Inu a really comfy futon bed, Kaede-sama made lots of warm blankets and candles, and Kouga-kun found all these pretty trinkets to decorate with! Mama even figure out how to hang up the phooo-toooo-guraphs that you brought back from your time on the walls."

"How- - - ?" I can't help but stumble, completely shocked.

"Well, we can't take all the credit," Miroku shrugs good-naturedly. "Your brother was actually a huge help."

"SESSHO-MARU?!" Kagome and I gape, shocked.

"Yeah," Kouga sniffs. "Kind of a nice guy. Better than you, mutt-face."

"Why you- - -"

"Not only did we use that wood he supplied ages ago, but he came over with that green toad thing of his and some human girl named Rin to build the place. He almost did everything himself."

Kagome and I are finding it hard to string two words together.

I don't think I'll ever understand my half-brother. . .

But it's looking like I'll have to thank him.

"Said something," the wolf continued, a small smirk forming on his face, "about not wanting to make any niece or nephew of his worry about the stability of a home that his or her stupid hanyou father would make. Seemed not to trust you very much, dog turd."

Check that on the thanks.

"Well- you- you guys, I- I'm speechless," Kag laughs, still completely taken aback. "Thank you, thank you so much. . ."

"Pth. It was nothing," Sango beams, waving a hand as she links arms with her husband, hoisting Kaguya upon her hip. The little girl giggles and cranes her neck, trying to see Kori from her new position, waving frantically. The pup yawns in response, her lashes fluttering.

"Well, I think we should all head in for the night," Miroku puts in cheerfully, glancing up at the slowly sinking sun as rays of light bounce off of the sheets of snow and ice all around us; the remnants of the storm. Pink clouds obscure the bright disk as the heavens change from red to gold to magenta to violet- tiredly fading to black. "We're all exhausted from the excitement- we should head in early."

"Yeah," Kouga agrees smiling half-heartedly at the monk and his family before turning to mine. "I'll see you tomorrow," he tells Kagome, kissing her swiftly on the cheek- ignoring my growls. But he does eventually turn to me.

And when he does, he sticks out a hand.

I stare blankly at it for a moment, before regarding him with an arched eyebrow.

"Yes. . . ?"

"I'm sick of being jealous," he shrugs, hand still outstretched. "I'm sick of all the tension. You're still a stupid mutt, but I think we're both man enough to admit there's a certain amount of respect between us after all of this."


"Yes. So- I figured a truce. . . ?"

I stare at him dully for a moment, but find myself agreeing with him (especially after Kagome's empathic "AHEM". Kouga and I exchange inconspicuous glances as she does so, and I instantly know who put him up to this. Should've figured. . .).

"Truce," I agree easily, shaking his hand with one arm and supporting Kori with the other. He winks with a smirk, wordlessly announcing that nothing has changed.

But I think he's probably wrong.

With one last grin- and a quick, gentle nose-rub with Kori (Kagome's orders)- Kouga speeds off into the twilight, slipping once or twice on the ice.


"Well, we better say good night, too," Sango smiles, setting Kaguya on the ground. She takes Kori from me with a perky smile, before placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Night night, honey," she coos, and the pup waves her mini hands happily. Miroku does the same, giving her a soft peck on the nose before holding her carefully up for Kaguya to say sweet dreams. The child does so with a giggle and a smile, promising that tomorrow she'll be over bright and early.

When this little, half-hour exchange is over (an exchange that Kag-chan and I silently hope won't happen every night) we begin to head inside- Miroku, Sango, and Kaguya hopping towards their house, and Kagome- carrying Kori, and I towards ours. But wait. . .

Hm. . . ?

I pause, glancing over my shoulder from the doorway.

Shippo stands there; biting his lip, looking a bit too embarrassed to follow. I honestly think he believes I'll kick him out, even after all this time.

With a sigh, I tilt my head at him. "Well, what are you waiting for, kid? Come on home."

. . .

He smiles at me, silently- his eyes saying it all. Thank you. . .

With that, he leaps quickly to my side, beaming from ear to ear as I push him gently into the warmth of the house. I sigh, shaking my head as a joking grin takes over my lips; watching him jump after Kagome and Kori. "You're such a stupid runt, Shippo. . ." I murmur as I close the rush-reed flap, listening to my mate gush about the crib the kit had made. "Don't you ever change."


"Inu-chan. . . ? Are you okay. . . ?"

I glance behind me, taking in Kagome's concerned expression as she leans against the doorway to Kori's room, a hand across her pained abdomen as she blinks at me through the dark. I smile slightly and nod, reaching out to grasp her hand as she joins me next to the pup's homemade crib. Shippo truly did an excellent job on it- not that I'm gonna tell him. His ego's fed enough, thanks to Kag. . .

"I'm great," I smile, squeezing her hand as she, too, leans against the frame of the crib, resting her chin on her arm as she crosses it over the wood frame. "Just thinking. . ."


"Kori," I laugh silently, an amused expression on my face as my eyes hood themselves. I watch as my little girl rolls over in her blankets, ears flicking on occasion.

"What about her?" Kagome asks conversationally, she, too, staring into our daughter's face.

"I just. . . can't believe she's real," I admit softly.

"Believe me," my mate drawls, her voice a bit wry though she still seems good-humored. "She's VERY real. . ."

"I know. . . but it's weird, isn't it?" I sigh, blowing my bangs away from my face as one of my hands lazily dangles into the confined bedding. "We've known about her for nine months. . . we've prepared for her, we've worried about her, we've loved her. . . but it's still doesn't feel like we're parents yet. I still can't believe I'm. . . you know. . . a father."

I give a small start as I feel Kagome's arms wrap around me, her gentle giggles warm in my ears.

"That's so oddly deep and honest for you," she teases, poking me lovingly in the ribs. "I love it." Then she collects herself and simply smiles. "But I know what you mean. I feel the same. I think. . . I think this is one of those things you just learn as you go. I think it's one of those things that you never quite master, but no one really cares. I think it's one of those things that- if you try really hard- if you really want it- it'll all work out in the end."

"I want to be a good father," I whisper, watching Kori's soft features glow in the weak candlelight.

"Than you will be," Kagome beams, lacing our hands together once again. "I believe in you. Shippo believes in you- he already thinks you are. My family believes in you. And I know Kori believes in you, too."

Silence reigns for a moment, and then I find myself asking:

"Why did you name her what you did?"

"Kori? It means `ice'. I think that should speak for itself." She chuckles with quirked lips.

"No. . ." I shake my head, turning my face to the right in order to glance down at my mate. "I mean the. . . you know, middle names."

"Ahhh. . ." She nods, a sly expression finding its way onto her flawless features. "You wanna know about the Kikyo Ramen part."

"Very much so, yes."

"Well," she sighs thoughtfully, then bites her lip, trying to think up an explanation. "I guess. . . I guess it's my way to apologize."

"To who?"

"To you. To her. To her memory in general. She wasn't a bad person. . . Now that she's at peace, now that she's once again the Kikyo she was in life, I think this is a good way to honor her. I think she'd appreciate it. And. . . I just felt it was right. Besides," she giggles, blowing our daughter a kiss. "She has Kikyo's eyes."

I guess I can't argue that.

"And as for the second middle name?" I question coolly, turning around so my back is against the crib and Kagome is before me. "Ramen? I should smack you, you hypocrite." She winks.

"I thought about it for a while. Ramen is kind of a cute name, huh?"

". . . You scare me, love."

"You know you adore it," she kids, grinning at me through half-lidded orbs of azure blue as I grab her wrists and pull her forward, our noses brushing.

"I know," I breathe. "And I also know your mother is going to blame me when she hears it."

"Which reminds me- we'll need to visit soon. She'll want to see her grand daughter pronto- and my friends will expect me to bring Kori to the mall to show her off," my mate informs, eyes flicking back to her bag, which lays abandoned in the main room.

I gently turn her chin so she faces me again. "No malls," I frown. "No no no." I kiss her after each no, emphasizing my point.

She smiles against my lips. "Believe me- I'll fight tooth and nail to get out of going. But I will need to buy her a little hat, won't I? Can't have people seeing her ears. . ."

"I feel bad for her already," I can't help but sigh over dramatically, resting my forehead against Kag's as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Having to grow up with demons, perverts, wells, time traveling parents, modarn-day Japan as well as the past. . ."

"I think she'll survive," Kagome nods knowledgeably. "After all, she's got us to help her through all of it, right?"

"Right," I agree with a smile, as our lips gently find one another- - -

And Kori begins to cry.

We break apart with a jump of surprise, a quiet laugh, and an exchanged grin before turning our attention to our pup.

Let parenthood officially begin.

- - -

I know a lot of you were hoping for a little boy- or twins- so I apologize. I just see Inu-chan as being the father all boyfriends would dread. XD Anyway. . .

As I said- THERE IS STILL AN EPILOUGE. Both to this fic and Mermaids. They will be posted right after I write the outline and first chapter for my next ficcy poo. XD

Hope you enjoyed!

Please R&R!

Ja ne!