InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Let It Snow ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


In light of not being able to post an official Christmas story while we are still unable to post new stories on this site, please enjoy these Winter/Christmas-y themed additions to my drabble collection. I am so very glad that I had started this little beauty. At least this way I can give you guys something. Actually, I have given you twelve somethings, one for each day of Christmas! Though they have nothing to do with that song and you get them all at once. Enjoy!

Genre(s): General, Romance
Rating: A
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500

~ Let It Snow ~

It was the dead of night, though Kagome seriously doubted anyone was getting any sleep. Outside the protective walls of the abandoned hut she currently shared with Inuyasha, the wind was howling, a fearsome winter storm rattling the walls as the occasional blast of snow shot its way past the loosely hanging doormat, soaking the wooden planks of the threshold. She shivered, thankful for the knowledge that their friends had adequate shelter.

With the approach of the storm, they had stopped at this village for the night, seeking shelter that, for once, Miroku had actually been willing to pay for. Even the bribe of gold had not persuaded the Inn Keeper to permit a hanyou on the premises. Shippou and Kirara were more fortunate. Having sensed the animosity this village held towards youkai immediately upon entry, and knowing they had no time to find another village, Shippou had used his kitsune magic to give himself the guise of a human boy, and Kirara, intelligent as she was, had tucked her tails tightly against herself so that no one could tell there were two, as she nestled down in her mistress’ arms, eyes closed. Kagome, of course, had been outraged at the Inn Keeper’s rudeness, even though Inuyasha had known he would not be welcome. Were it not for his worry over his human companions during the upcoming blizzard, he would have gladly told the Inn Keeper off and demanded they leave. Instead, he had ordered his friends to stay put, insisting that he would depart until morning. Kagome’s worried voice asking where he would go had received no answer as he’d turned to leave, but the Inn Keeper’s wife had chosen that moment to be slightly less prejudice than her husband, as she informed the hanyou of an abandoned hut that no one laid claim to. It was nobody’s business if he stayed there for the night. Kagome had thanked her kindly for the information, surprising everyone by rushing out after him.

He had gaped at her in disbelief when she’d caught up to him and insisted that she would keep him company; it just didn’t feel right staying at the Inn and she wouldn’t abandon him. But instead of arguing, his eyes had softened, a special glow in them he let her see so rarely, and lightly calling her an idiot, he hadn’t protested as she’d walked with him to the abandoned hut.  

“Idiot.” he called her again in that moment, noticing the way she shivered. “You’re gonna freeze.”

Tossing more wood into the fire, Inuyasha unfastened his robes, pulling Kagome into his lap and against his bare chest as he wrapped his robes around her.

“Try to get some sleep.” he whispered, resting his chin on her head as she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck.

“This is…nice.” Kagome murmured, her shivering over.

“Yeah…” he agreed quietly.

Inuyasha couldn’t find it in him to hate the Inn Keeper, and he owed the wife his thanks.

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