InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Amuck Time ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Drama/Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, blood, mention of demonic sex drives and prelude to consensual sex, plus blatant Star Trek plot device parody, LOL
Word Count: 500

~ Amuck Time ~

“Once every twelve years, when the stars align, all male canine youkai enter a period of sexual frenzy known as the pun-farr. It’s during this period in which mature, unmated males will seek out potential females for their life-mates. If two males desire the same unclaimed female their instincts will drive them to fight for her, victor take all. If a male is unable to find a mate, the blood-fever will worsen for one moon cycle, causing most to fall into madness before the fever eventually passes. Only the strongest are able to survive the pun-farr without succumbing to the need to mate.”

Wide-eyed, Kagome thanked Myouga for his explanation, as she, Sango and Miroku continued to watch with horror the battle happening before them. Inuyasha had been exceedingly cranky lately, with no explanation other than it was none of their fucking business, but the real trouble had started when Kouga suddenly showed up, crimson staining the edges of his eyes. Crimson was staining a lot more than his eyes, now, though Inuyasha also had a few injuries. It looked to Kagome that he was trying to avoid killing Kouga if at all possible, and for that she was grateful.

Absently, the miko wondered what would have happened had Kouga not shown up and exacerbated the situation. Would Inuyasha have eventually gone mad from the blood-fever? Would he have snapped and taken her, or resisted to the very end no matter how crazy it made him? Why keep something so important to himself? Was he embarrassed? Ashamed? Why couldn’t he have just told her? Did he honestly think she would have been disgusted? Afraid? After everything they’d been through did he seriously not know how she felt?

Of all the stubborn, thick-headed

Kagome really wished Myouga would have shown up with his warning sooner, though she couldn’t blame the flea. Assuming Inuyasha made it out of this fight alive she’d have a major bone to pick with him. Right after she helped him purge the fever from his blood.

Kouga knelt, defeated, even the power of his jewel shards no match for the strength of Inuyasha’s human heart. Even though the hanyou loved Kagome so much that he knew he could never defile her, there’d been no way he could let Kouga have her.

“Surrender now and I’ll spare your life.”

Knowing he was beat, the ookami left, tail between his legs.

Approaching his friends, Inuyasha’s eyes were unsure; he knew what Myouga had told them.

Meeting Kagome’s eyes, he looked as defeated as Kouga. “It would be best if you went home for awhile.”

She squared her shoulders.

“And risk you going mad and taking another? I don’t think so.”

Fisting his suikan, she boldly yanked him into a kiss.

Pulling back, she could see the war within him. “Kagome…?” He was shocked.

“To the victor go the spoils.” she replied teasingly.

Miroku and Sango blinked, suddenly finding themselves alone in the clearing.

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