InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Roomies ❯ First Fight ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: The First Fight
“ You gotta stay away from that guy. He's only interested in one thing from girls like you.” Inuyasha calmly stated as he closed the door to the apartment. Kagome turned to face Inuyasha still holding the groceries. Her eyes flashed with anger.
“Girls like what?” Her tone dared him to say something idiotic and he new he had tread onto dangerous ground. `This guy's as dense as a rock.. Didn't he notice I was defending him like 2 minutes ago?'
“ You know... the innocent type.” She was practically fuming her hands now on her hips.
“ Naïve.. that's what you mean right Inuyasha?” Kagome's face grew bright red with immense anger. This conversation was getting heated fast and Inuyasha needed to make it end.
“I-I didn't say that.. You're insinuating..”
“ But that's what you're thinking.. That's what you meant!” Kagome screamed. “What the hell do you care who I see?”
“ I don't. I could care less who you fuck. That's your business.” But he did care and he didn't want that mangy wolf's paws on her. Kagome's voice softened and her eyes watered a bit.
“ That's right Inuyasha.. It is my business.” Kagome turned away, Inuyasha sighed laying a hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking away. She had tears in her eyes.
“ Wait… I do care.. We're friends aren't we? And friends care about one another?” Kagome bit back a smile at Inuyasha's obvious uneasiness at their mild spat.
“ Yea, yea yea. But just to let you know.. I probably wouldn't have gone out with him anyways.” Inuyasha sighed with relief. “ Maybe just once to piss you off.”
“ Feh. Why would it piss me off?” Kagome just rolled her eyes at the hanyou whose demeanor had completely changed.
“ So then it WOULDN'T piss you off if I were to go out with him?” Inuyasha couldn't stop the small growl in his throat. “ Ah, I see. Okay then I'll call him first thing in the morning to set a dinner date.” Kagome smiled at Inuyasha's horrified expression as she went over to the couch.
“ Feh. What do you wanna watch?” He asked sitting on the couch next to her taking the remote from her hand.
“ I don't care.” Inuyasha flipped angrily through the channels taking his aggression towards Kouga out on the remote. “ Oh cheer up Inuyasha I was only kidding about that Kouga thing!” Kagome giggled girlishly.
“ I don't know what you're talking about.” Inuyasha said smartly as he continued to flip viciously through the channels. Kagome turned towards Inuyasha getting a good look at the growing bruise around his right eye. He had a vertical scratch along his cheekbone just below the bruise. “ What ARE you staring at wench?!” Inuyasha barked finally. She'd been staring for nearly a minute now and it was just unsettling because he didn't know why.
“ You're getting a black eye.” Gently Kagome reached her hand up her fingertips lightly grazing the darkening bruise. Kagome's soft touch caused a heat to grow within him. He closed his golden eyes drifted shut gritting his teeth to keep from pulling the girl's petite form into his arms. His fangs shown as he grit his teeth her simple and harmless touch made his mind go wild with thoughts. Kagome's warm hand left his face.
“ Sorry did that hurt?” She saw his eyes close as he grit his teeth from what she perceived as pain. “ Let me get you some ice.” She stood up to go to the kitchen.
Inuyasha breathed in deeply, her scent hung in the air surrounding him as her touch lingering on his skin. Kagome came back into the room a faint smile playing on her lips as she held up a ziplock bag of ice. She sat back down next to Inuyasha gently holding the icepack to Inuyasha's face. Inuyasha yelped as she placed the icepack against his face.
“ Oh geez! Sorry! Uh… here.” She held out the bag of ice. “ You do it.” Inuyasha put it up to his face. He took her hands up to support the bag of ice. He inconspicuously caressed her hands with his fingertips. Kagome's scent spiked for a moment as he was holding her hands. He raised an eyebrow and noticed the faint pink glow on her face.
“ I'm too lazy to hold it up. It's your fault I got this anyways.” Inuyasha turned back to the tv as Kagome tended to his bruised face.
“ Yea, yea yea. Did you eat yet?” Kagome asked pressing Inuyasha's numbed cheekbone with her index finger.
“ Mhm.. Ramen.” He grumbled, he was starving but he didn't want Kagome to stop tending to him. She was so gentle and caring, a genuinely good person.. He hadn't met anyone like that in years.
“ That's so not food.” She scolded; she was starving too but didn't want to admit that. He was hurt and she felt partially responsible for the minor injuries he'd received. Plus she didn't want him thinking she was a pig.
“ Sure it is. It's the ultimate food. I could live off of ramen and beer.” Kagome rolled her eyes as Inuyasha smirked.
Inuyasha's stomach growled loudly.“ I guess I could still eat..” Inuyasha said bashfully.
“ Good. `Cause I'm starving. Let's go!” Kagome jumped up from the couch putting on her shoes.
“ This is so yummy!” Kagome squealed taking a huge bite out of her cheeseburger then shoving a few fries into her mouth. Inuyasha couldn't help but stare at the girl with his mouth wide open. He'd never seen her eat like that. She giggled girlishly after noticing Inuyasha gaping at her. “ Aren't you gonna eat?”
“ Uh, yea.” Inuyasha for once paced himself as he ate. “ You don't eat like any girl I've seen.” Kagome squinted her eyes as she swallowed the last of her cheeseburger.
“ Hm.. I'm so hungry and since you're paying for dinner I'm just going to let that comment slide.”
“ Well thank you then.” Inuyasha smirked as he chewed slowly.
“ I think this place is my favorite out of everywhere we've eaten.” Kagome said thoughtfully as she looked around the small diner. It was friendlier than all those fancy-shmancy expensive restaurants they always ate at.
“ Why?”
“ It's more relaxed and I don't have to worry about getting myself all spiffed up to come here.” Inuyasha thought about it, she did act more comfortable here than at any other place they'd been to. And to be honest he felt more comfortable there, or maybe he just felt comfortable because of her. “ You okay there buddy? You got quiet for once.” Kagome said smiling.
“ Feh.” Inuyasha finished his burger and paid the waitress. “ Must admit this is cheaper than Hayashi.”
“ No DUH! Oh whatever. Oi Inuyasha! You're eye's not as bad earlier.” Kagome said happily.
“ Of course it is.. I AM a hanyou. It'll probably be gone by morning.” Inuyasha chuckled as Kagome glared at him.
“ So I took care of you for nothing?!” She asked with playful anger.
“ More or less.” Kagome punched him in the shoulder as they got into the elevator of the dorms. Kagome pressed their floor number before pouting to Inuyasha.
“ You're such a baka!” Inuyasha chuckled as she gently pushed him towards the wall. They got out of the elevator and Kagome squealed happily as they approached the door. There was a bouquet of bright red roses in front of their door. Kagome picked them up as she stepped inside, smiling as she smelled them. “ They're from Kouga.” She read the card tied to the bouquet.
“ He's already sending you flowers?!” Inuyasha's voice cracked with surprise. “We saw him 5 hours ago.”
“ Must say, he really goes for what he wants.” She placed the flowers on the coffee table before stretching out across the couch. “ Too bad I hate red roses.” Kagome had closed her eyes but opened them up to peek at Inuyasha who was smirking. “ Do you think I should tell Kouga to give me different flowers next time?” Kagome took a quick look at Inuyasha with half opened eyes. His forehead was furrowed and he was pouting in the most adorable way, just like a child. Kagome giggled and he relaxed finally realizing she was messing with him. “ I like orchids.”
A/N Beedle-dee-bop