InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter twenty-one: Bath time and Secrets ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N- Here is chapter twenty-one now. Enjoy reading it.

Chapter twenty-one: Bath time and Secrets

"Mom!" A young female's voice called out as she ran into the room of the one she was trying to find, the morning sunlight shinning in and brightening the day.

"Rin? What is it sweetie?" Kagome asked as she looked at her adopted daughter, remembering how Rin had asked her if she could call her mom.


"Kagome-nee-chan," Rin called out to the older girl, as she ran up to Kagome, finally finding her in the gardens.

"Yes, Rin-chan?"Kagome asked as she marked her place and put her book away, so she could give Rin her full attention.

Playing with her hair for a moment, the small girl suddenly found herself nervous, not knowing whether or not she should ask her question or not.

"Rin, sweetie, you can ask me anything. You know that right?"Kagome's smooth voice calmed the girl's nerves a bit, and Rin nodded her head, and finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Can I call you mom?"

Despite being a bit surprised by the question, she didn't let it show as she smiled down at the girl happily. Throwing her arms around Rin, Kagome hugged the girl tightly.

"Yes, of course, you may call me mom! It would make me very happy, Rin." Kagome assured Rin in a bright voice.


Rin whispered the word, as she hugged her new mother, trying the new long and forgotten word on her tongue again.

Not long after as the sun slowly set, the two, now deemed as mother and daughter, fell asleep in the other's arms.


"I started…"

Kagome's eyes widened and she nodded her head, quickly getting up from the bed. Swiftly walking over to Rin, she held her tightly.

"Okay. Let's do this."

Walking herself and Rin out of her room, they quickly found themselves at Rin's door. Opening the door, the walked over to the bed, while Kagome picked up the bag that was found resting next to the bed. Turning the bag upside down, she watched the items that tumbled out of the bag. Kagome reached for the soap, shampoo, and conditioner, while Rin took her pads, hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

Giving Rin an encouraging smile, she opened her mouth to speak. "Are you ready?" Kagome asked her daughter almost hesitantly.

"Yes, mom." Rin uttered the words to her mother, almost embarrassed.

Walking out of the room and down to the far side of the hall, Sesshomaru came out and smiled at their retreating forms.

~Miroku's Room~

Miroku found himself waking up to his door loudly being knocked on. Getting up from his bed, he walked over to the door, and opened it to find Lord Sesshomaru standing there.

"Milord," Miroku sputtered out as he bowed to him.

"Monk. Gather my half-brother and the demon slayer. Lady Kagome will come a short while after." With those words Sesshomaru walked away from the monk's temporary room.

Sighing at the fact that he had been woken up so early, he grudgingly did as he was told. First, he was going to have a nice soak in the hot springs located on the left side.

Closing the door to his room after gathering his day clothes, he first knocked on Inuyasha's door. Waiting a few moments, the door opened quickly, an enraged Inuyasha glaring at him.

"Get yourself ready, and then go find your half-brother." He spoke quickly before walking closer towards the door…

~Sango's room~

Rolling over in her bed, Sango opened her eyes only to find herself immediately feeling sick. Placing her hand over her mouth quickly, she got out of bed and raced over to the side bowl. Fortunately she made it in time, unfortunately enough; this had been the fourth time during the night she had thrown up.

Sighing, she knew that she would never be able to go back to sleep, especially with the rising sun's rays shining through the window. Hearing footsteps and the sounds of two familiar girls talking, Sango smiled at her good luck, and gathered up the items needed to go to the hot springs as well. Walking down the hall, she was stopped when a small body crashed into hers.

"Good morning Mizuki," She said, helping her fallen niece off the floor.

"Mom and Rin are having a bath together, and I'm going to go too. Are you coming too, Auntie?" Mizuki asked Sango loudly with lots of energy despite the fact it was so early in the morning. Sango smiled at the girl, and nodded her head. Soon they were off going towards the door that led to the hot springs. Opening it up, they found Rin and Kagome taking their clothes off. Mizuki stepping in and stripping fast ran into the hot springs happily.

"Mama!" Mizuki called out to Kagome as she dove into her mother's arms and gave her a quick hug.

The girls spent a little over an hour in the hot springs, cleaning and washing themselves, one by one until each one of the four girls were clean. Once they were through, they stood up from the hot springs and walked out of it.

After drying off, Kagome took her underwear and clothes and began to get dressed. But when she looked over at Rin, she found the young girl having troubles with the pad. Walking over to the slightly confused girl, she unwrapped it, and gave it back to Rin. Blushing red, she mumbled a 'thank you' before placing it on her underwear.

As soon as Kagome finished helping Rin, she went over to help Mizuki who seemed to be having troubles getting dressed. After helping her small daughter with her shirt, they all looked at one another, smiling and walked out together.

"Kagome. I need to talk to you." Sango spoke quietly and quickly as she remembered the time that Kagome had leant her a book about pregnant women.

Nodding, Kagome turned to her two daughters and spoke in a happy tone.

"Rin, why don't you take Mizuki to have some breakfast?"

"Sure mom," Rin said as she took Mizuki's hand and began the walk through the halls and down the stairs to where breakfast would be held.

Turning to Sango again, the two friends walked to Sango's room to find that the maids had cleaned it. Waltzing over to the bed, Kagome sat down and looked at the obviously nervous Sango.

"Sango, are you okay?"

"Kagome…" Sango began to try and tell her friend her problems, but stopped.

"Sango. You can tell me anything. You know that right?" Kagome called out gently to her friend, hoping that the girl would be able to tell her.

Sango nodded her head and began to gather up her courage. Finally deeming herself ready, Sango opened her mouth.

"I think I might be pregnant."

Sighing with relief as she finally got it out, Sango found herself surprised when Kagome jumped from the bed and hugged her hard.

"Okay. We need to be sure about it."

Kagome spoke quickly before letting go of her sister like friend and raced out of the bedroom, only to return a few moments later with a small package of white and pink.

"Here. Take this," Kagome spoke with a smile as she handed Sango the pregnancy test.
Taking it, she turned the strange package over, reading the instructions. Nodding her head, she felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she realized what needed to be done.

Walking to the bathroom, Sango took out the test and sighed as she did the things needed to be done. A few moments later, she was back next to Kagome, staring at the test, hoping for it to tell her soon.

Five minutes passed before Sango finally looked down at the test to see it had…

A/N- I hope you like it. Next one should be done and up soon. Bye