InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter twenty-two: Sango's Rage and Inuyasha questions ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A.N- Another chapter, just for you fans. Have fun reading it.

Chapter twenty-two: Sango's Rage and Inuyasha questions

The test showed up with two pink lines, indicating that she was pregnant. Sango's eyes left the test and looked at Kagome.

"Well?" Kagome asked gently.

"It has two lines," Sango whispered before she fainted to the ground, her eyes never leaving Kagome's face.

"Sango, you're pregnant!" Kagome said, happy for her friend, but stopped when she saw her face.

"Sango?" Kagome asked the girl quietly.

"I'm going to kill him. Kill him!" Sango yelled out loud as she got up and paced around her room.

"Sango, you okay?" Kagome asked. Sango stopped and looked at Kagome.

"No. I'm not. I'm pregnant with Miroku's child, and I can't do this!" Sango spoke loudly, breaking down crying into her hands not a moment after.

"Sango, you can do this," Kagome replied as she began walking over towards her friend.
Getting on her hands and knees, Kagome took Sango into a hug, while she rocked her back and forth, trying to create a nice and soothing motion for Sango.

"Oh Kagome…"Sango whimpered to her.

"Sango, you'll be okay," Kagome said, while thinking about Naraku and how they would be able to defeat them.

"Kagome, what did you do when you found out that you were pregnant?" Sango sniffed out when she had finally calmed down.

"Well… When my mother asked me if you could be pregnant, I began freaking out. I was so scared about if I was or not, and when I finally did know, I didn't come out of my room for two full days." Kagome replied calmly and quietly, taking a deep breath before moving on.
"I was very scared that my family would look at me differently, my friends too. But when I finally came out of my room, my mother took me aside and we talked about it. For the first two months, I was very emotional about being pregnant, so my mother took me to a course for young women who have been raped and become pregnant," Kagome replied once again to Sango then taking another breath she started to move on with her story.

"They helped me out a lot, and I found that I wasn't all that scared anymore… Until I found out that I was having twins during my fourth month. Before that I did start reading pregnancy books that people wrote in my time." Kagome said as she finished.

"Oh," Sango said softly while thinking about all that Kagome had said.

"Hey, Kagome? You brought some of those books back with you right?" Sango asked.

"Yes, I did Sango." Kagome stated to her friend.

"Would it be okay with you…" Sango trailed off, and Kagome finished her words for her.

"If you can read it?" Kagome finished her sentence.

Sango nodded.

"Yes, that is why I brought them here, for you and Kikyo." Kagome said as she looks at Sango once again.

"You knew?" Sango asked with her eyes widen.

"No, but I knew it would happened sooner or later," Kagome answered truthfully to Sango.

~Inuyasha and Sesshomaru~

"So, where are the girls?" Inuyasha asked while pacing in his half-brother's office.

"This Sesshomaru hears them talking," Sesshomaru replied as he tucked the information in his head. As he was interested in those books that Kagome was talking about with the demon slayer while his beast was trying to get out, so that it could talk to its mate.

A knock came from the door, already knowing who was there, he spoke out. "Come in."

The door opened up to see Miroku standing there with his staff and monk outfit on.

"Milord," The monk stated as he bowed to Sesshomaru.

"Miroku, stop it!" Inuyasha cried out.

"Inuyasha…"Miroku started to say, but stopped himself so that he wouldn't get a headache from him.

"This Sesshomaru wants to know exactly why you are after Naraku," Sesshomaru ordered to them.

Inuyasha nodded his head to his brother. "Remember my story about Kagome?"

Sesshomaru nodded his head at Inuyasha, and waited for him to continue.

"Well, it was Naraku's fault that Kikyo died, and I was pinned to the tree." Inuyasha finished, nodding his head for Miroku to start his explanation.

"Milord, my great grandfather was cursed by Naraku, and every male until Naraku is defeated, will be cursed as well. My wind tunnel is his doing," Miroku replied.

Sesshomaru nodded his head and looked at the men before him.

"What of the wolf prince and the demon slayer?"

"With Sango, her family and village were slaughtered by him, and Naraku has her younger brother within his grasps. Koga had some of his tribe members slaughtered by Kagura, under the orders of Naraku to kill them." Inuyasha stated to Sesshomaru.

"This Sesshomaru says thank you." Sesshomaru said as he dismissed them.

Miroku walked out of the room, while Inuyasha stood at his half-brother's desk.

"What?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Sesshomaru, I need to ask you about something." Inuyasha asked as he looked around the room, not looking at Sesshomaru.

"Well, Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru waited for his brother's question.

"Do you know about the Mating Ritual?" Inuyasha finally asked as he looked at Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru nodded his head.

"Well, there are five to six areas that have to be completed before you mate. Before you ask, yes. This Sesshomaru's beast disregarded the ritual rules."

Inuyasha nodded his head to his answer.

"One area is Trust… Your partner has to trust you in all forms. Like how with me, Kagome trusts the humanoid form of me and the beast form, yet not the humanoid beast form, when my beast takes over." Sesshomaru replied. "With you, Inuyasha, Kikyo would have to trust you in your human form, half demon form, and when you are in your demon form."

"When she trusts all three forms, you may go on to the next Trust area. That is to trust your partner. Kagome has to trust me, and this Sesshomaru has to trust her." Sesshomaru spoke out evenly.

Inuyasha nodded his head, understanding the information given to him about the mating ritual.

"The next area in the mating ritual is Confrontation, meaning you and your partner has to argue until things are decided. This area has only one step, but this area helps the couple with talking about their problems and situations. Even This Sesshomaru is still on the first area with Kagome." Sesshomaru said.

Inuyasha nodded his head as Sesshomaru wondered what he could do to help Kagome trust his best in his humanoid form.

"After the confrontation area is done, you will next go on to safety, meaning that you are to be sure your mate or to be mate is sage at all times. You protect them until they go to bed, and in return, your mate protects you as well. It works on both accounts. Questions?"

Inuyasha shook his head no to Sesshomaru, waiting for him to continue on with the mating ritual.

"Good. The next is the friendship area. Your mate to be and you have to have a friendship within the mating, otherwise it won't work. This area is hard for most demons to actually do." Sesshomaru uttered out.

~Kagome and Sango~

"You ready?" Kagome asked as she stood outside with Sango.

"Yes, I'm ready, but shouldn't we tell Lord Sesshomaru where we are going?" Sango calmly asked her friend.

"I have a feeling that he already knows." Kagome answered Sango.

Sango widened her eyes at her friend's words and opened her mouth to speak.

"Kagome you mean he knows…. All."

"Yes, but he won't say anything right now." Kagome promised Sango.

Sango nodded her head to Kagome, and got on Kirara. Kagome following suit, walked over to Kirara and got on her as well. Kirara took off in the air and flew towards Kaede's village.
Soon Kirara landed in front of the small hut that Kagome had. Getting off of Kirara, Kagome walked into the hut and looked at the bookshelves to gather the books on pregnancy for Sango, and some other items for the children to play with.

When she felt some shards coming fast towards this way, Kagome took out her bow and arrows. But as Kagome walked outside to greet Koga and Ayame, she sighed thinking "Thank god."

"Hi Koga, Ayame," Kagome greeted the two wolf demons.

"Hi Kagome," Koga said.

"Kagome-chan," Ayame replied to her friend. "Sango-chan, I missed you guys!"

"I missed you too, Ayame," Sango stated as she hugged Ayame.

Next Kagome hugged both of her friends.

"So what brings you out here?" Kagome asked.

"Well, I would like to tell you that we are having a ball to celebrate our mating, and this is for you." Koga stated as he gave her a scroll.

"Thank you, Koga," Kagome replied.

"Okay, that is all," Koga said as he swept Ayame off her feet and raced back home.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one will be more on the rest of the mating ritual. Kikyo and Inuyasha will start the mating ritual between them. We will see Rin, Mizuki, Toga and Shippo next time too. Bye