InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Leo and Kana ❯ Vol. Three Chap. Seventeen: War of Nerves ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

War of Nerves

Leo has other reasons too. In modern time, things grew complicated. Before he left, Leo came downstairs. When he made it to the kitchen, shock came across his face. A woman with long dark brown hair sat with her daughter at the table. Leo narrowed his eyes.

“Hisako?” he asked. The woman turned her head, eyes puffy and red. Leo sighed.

“What happened?” he asked. Natsumi ran over and hugged his legs. Leo patted her on the head. Hisako sniffled.

“He's gone!” she wailed. “I left him!” More tears welled up in her eyes. Leo frowned. More like he left you, he thought, sneering. Natsumi clung tighter.

“So it's over-over this time?” Leo asked. Hisako nodded as she wept.

“What now?” he asked. His sister sniffled. Like he needed to ask.

“How long are you staying?” Leo asked.

“Leo!” he heard behind him. The boy turned his head. Motoko walked into the apartment with groceries in her arms.

“Ma?” Leo asked. “What are you doing up?” Motoko walked over to the kitchen.

“I went out to get more food,” she said. Leo could see where this was heading. Hisako would be staying here for days and days. No job. No attempts to find one. They would raise Natsumi for her. Leo rubbed his forehead.

“Typical,” he muttered.

“What did you say?” Motoko asked.

“Nothing,” her son lied. He walked away to his room.


“You really need to talk to her,” Kana said.

“What would be the point?” Leo asked. “She's not going to change.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Don't look at me like that,” he said.

“But she's your sister,” the nymph said.

“So?” Leo asked. “You don't know how she is.” Leo put a cigarette in his mouth.

“I just can't deal with all of them right now,” he said.

“So you're just going to run away?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “I'm just trying to focus on me. Us.” He was about to light when he got a sharp jab to his abdomen.

“Ow!” he shouted. “What was that for?”

“I hate when you smoke,” Kana complained. “It hurts my lungs.” Leo had a cross look on his face. He wrinkled his nose.

“Get off my back,” he complained. “Let me have this.”

“No,” Kana said.

“Come on now,” he said.

“I said no,” she said. Leo gritted his teeth as he puffed up his cheeks. Thousands of cruel things ran through his head.

“How rude!” Kana shouted. Leo said more into his head. Kana broke into a screaming rant.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha and Kagome watched them from a distance.

“Who's he talking to?” Inuyasha asked.

“Kana, I guess…” Kagome said.

“Ah,” he said. They watched Leo-Kana seemingly argue with each other. This was going to take a while, wasn't it? Oh buddy…

Fighting with Myself