InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Another Assassin ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I just wanna say about the title, I know a lot about Greek Myth. and in all the stories I've heard, it is a box. Yes, I admit that what I said isn't true. ONE story said a jar and that was when I was little and it was a moppet babies episode.

Chapter 2 - Another Assassin

Miroku shook Kagome and Sango awake. Sleepily, both girls rubbed their eyes open, and Kagome let out a big yawn. Stretching and rubbing her eyes once more, she was surprised to be awaken by Miroku, especially since it was still pitch black. "Miroku, what's with this?"

"Really," stated Sango. "Couldn't you wait until morning?" Miroku looked away and pulled both of them two their feet. "MIROKU!"

"Listen, Inuyasha was just acting all strange. And then he ran off," informed Miroku.

"Inuyasha acting strange?" wondered Kagome aloud. "Is there a demon anywhere?"

"Not that I could sense," declared Miroku. Kirara grew and then they all hopped on for the ride after where ever Inuyasha ran off to.

Inuyasha expression looked questionably. He obviously had never seen this one before. He held Tetsusaiga tightly and readied himself for the battle against this stranger. [Who the hell is she? ] he wondered as the figure before him stepped out into the almost full moonlight. Eyes narrowed as all her features came clear to him, until the nearly full moon.

Her eyes danced a harsh gray color with a demonic slit in them, narrow and hazy as she glared down him in the now silence. Eyes watched over Inuyasha's every move. Her hair was a deep, rich brown color, but at many of her locks included red tips. Some of her hair came down in front and hooked into a golden bracelet. One of each side covered the sides of her face. The rest of the long mahogany and maroon hair fell to the ground, but not before a third bracelet engulfed it. Around her neck was laced a lose necklace of demon fangs. It was too dark to see what her kimono looked like, as the tree tops almost entirely covered the moonlight. But out of the top of her head, he noticed a pair of dark gray and maroon striped, long ears grew. The dragon ears pointed backwards as the demon in front of him stood still. In her left claw, she clutched a long black staff. The staff was much taller than her and at the top of it was a purple gem that was flashing in what little light he had.

"Who are you?" asked Inuyasha. The demon just stared at him.

"That is to no importance of you."

"Like hell," snapped Inuyasha. "Kinda different killing someone when I don't know their name." The demon smirked, but didn't do anything.

"Testy aren't we?"

"I'll show you testy." Inuyasha pointed his Tetsusaiga at the demon. "You're getting a one way ticket to hell."

"I've heard of your Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha," she stated.

"So you've heard of me?" asked Inuyasha, not letting his guard down. "It doesn't matter since you're going to die." The demon rested the large black staff in the crook of her arm, and clapped her hands together.

"We are very sure of ourselves aren't we?"

"Like hell I'm sure. I'm going to cut you up into pieces and get back to my friends."

"Hmm. And what if the tables turn?" asked the demon placing the staff back in her outstretched hand. "What if you are the one who dies. What will become of Miroku, Sango, Shippou... Kagome?" Inuyasha growled.

"You're never going to touch a hair on her head," he snarled, raising his Tetsusaiga above his head, ready to strike in the heat of anger.

It's not like they can tell when I'm coming. Its a little trick I love to play. As I see, it worked. You came alone."

How come I'm the only one who heard you?" asked Inuyasha. "You were loud enough for Miroku to hear you or even wake up Shippou." The demon chuckled slightly.

Loud was I?" she asked. Inuyasha's mouth dropped as the demon's mouth never moved, yet still he heard a voice. "Its only a mind game. Your mind told you I am loud, but am I?"

So your a mind demon?" asked Inuyasha, his grip on the Tetsusaiga tightening, ready to swing the phantom sword.

You could say that," replied the demon, this time talking out of her mouth. "Then again, you couldn't."

What?" wondered Inuyasha. "You're not making any sense. I came here for a fight, not a lesson on telepathy!" The demon pointed her staff and gem at Inuyasha, a smiling broadening over her face, as she took another step towards him.

A fight yes, but that beautiful Tetsusaiga will be mine!" declared the demon.

HA! In your dreams," replied Inuyasha. [Tetsusaiga can only be handled by one with human blood. It would reject her in a heartbeat anyhow. And there is no way some stupid demon is going to get my old man's sword. ] The demon chanted something low that even Inuyasha's sensitive dog ears had a hard time picking up. But what he did see was the gem at the end of the staff glow a bright purple. Inuyasha looked at it funny, but as the light built up, out shot a laser heading straight for Inuyasha. Jumping out of the way, the tree line behind him completely was engulf. When the light resided, nothing was left of two trees depth. Inuyasha landed and looked back to see the ashes. Snapping his head back at the demon he smiled. "You missed a little."

That would be your luck," replied the demon, hissing. "For next time, I will make sure I hit." The staff started to light up again.

I don't think so!" shouted Inuyasha, running up, and swinging Tetsusaiga. "WIND SCAR!" The technique of the sword activated and Inuyasha aimed straight for the demon. But as he was about to strike, the demon countered a defense. Blocking the strike with her staff, the gem light up to a deep blue color. Inuyasha tried pressing all his might into the blow, but the staff just wouldn't break. A light appeared around the staff and Tetsusaiga, that gave Inuyasha a better look at her purple rimmed eyes, and her face seemed angelic. The two weapons were evenly matched and both Inuyasha and the demon were thrown backwards. [How's that possible? ] wondered Inuyasha. [Time to use my Bakuryuuha... ]

INUYASHA!" shouted Kagome from behind him. Inuyasha turned around. They weren't there yet, but close. He spun his head back at the demon, who's staff rested upright.

We shall continue this in privacy," she slithered. Suddenly a giant pair of black dragon wings appeared behind her. With the blink of an eye, she soared up and was gone. Inuyasha panted a bit, and also frustrated that the battle ended so soon.

Are you alright!" cried Kagome, jumping off of Kirara. Inuyasha put Tetsusaiga back in its sheath.

I'm fine," he replied.

What happened here?" asked Sango.

It looks like there were trees over here," commented Miroku, hopping off of Kirara, leaving Sango aboard. Inuyasha walked over towards the others, and sighed. "What happened to you? You were acting all crazy, like you were possessed." Inuyasha looked back in the direction he had last saw the demon.

Long story," he replied. "Come on, lets get out of here." The group walked back to the camp site, and Miroku and Inuyasha stayed awake.

ith the dawn of morning, Miroku had fallen asleep, but Inuyasha stayed wide awake the entire night, thinking of the dragon demon, and when she would come back and strike. Kagome, Shippou, Sango, and Miroku rolled out of their sleep and they all started off again. Inuyasha led the group, as the others stayed a bit back.

So did Inuyasha say anything about what happened last night?" asked Sango, leaning over towards Miroku, whispering. Miroku shook his head.

He didn't mention anything to me," replied Miroku.

You know I can hear you!" shouted Inuyasha back at them. "And how would Miroku know, he fell asleep an hour after you did." Miroku laughed sheepishly. Sango rolled her eyes, and Kagome giggled a bit. Shippou jumped onto Miroku's head, and looked down at him.

Well, I can tell that I'm glad Inuyasha stayed awake all night. I smelt a demon where Inuyasha was," replied Shippou. "And I wouldn't have wanted to be attacked by one."

Good for you," sarcastically commented Miroku. "Oh, and don't build up his ego."

Hey look!" shouted Inuyasha. The others caught up to him, and looked down from the break in the woods.