InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride & Predjudice: A Sesshomaru Tale ❯ Uninvited Guests & Other Cold Fish ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter three
Uninvited Guests & Other Cold Fish
Kagura woke earlier than she wanted. Her beside phone was ringing. She pressed her face into her pillow and wished it would stop. Her hand grew a will of its own and she reached for the phone.
Kagome's voice blasted through the phone. “Kagura! Hiya girl. Whatcha doing?”
Her half opened eyes found the clock and saw it was really 9:30. Kagura answered in a scratchy voice. “This had better be good.”
“Oh but it is. We've been invited to a party!”
“Really. And whose party is this?” Like she couldn't guess.
“Inuyasha's of course. It's tonight at his lake house.”
Kagura closed her eyes as the beginnings of a headache pressed into her temples. “That's lovely Kagome. You should go without me.”
“No! How could I? Besides that Sesshomaru really seemed to be in to you.”
Kagura sat up wrapping her self in blankets. Molly the golden retriever bounded up beside the bed. Her warm eyes begged Kagura to get up for their morning walk. She patted the dog on her head as she spoke.
“Trust me Kagome. I heard it from his own lips. He is SO not into me. Which is good, because I really don't like him. In fact, I'm not too keen on him or his hanyou brother for that matter. Do yourself a favor and stay home tonight.”
There was a dramatic pause on the other side of the phone. “Yeah Sesshomaru is a cold fish. But Inuyasha is nothing like him. We have so much in common.”
Kagura rubbed her temples with her fingertips as Molly threatened to jump up on the bed. “Really like what, the fact you both have lips?”
Kagome laughed, “Well for starters… Hey you left early last night. What happened?”
“I overheard Sesshomaru refer to me a sad, filthy human and that killed all my romantic urges. I hate people, yokai or otherwise, who think they are superior to everyone else.”
“He really said that?”
“Are you sure he was talking about you?”
“He was talking about the girl wearing the old black dress who he danced with so YES I am pretty sure it's me.”
“What a jerk.”
“Yeah.” Kagura closed her eyes.
“Well then I am glad they are only half brothers. I'd hate for Inuyasha to behave that way.”
“Kagome, you only met him last night. How do you know he isn't that way?”
“He's half human and knows how to crack a smile. The only thing they share is a father and that silver hair.”
“They do have good hair. I can't deny that. But still, please be careful I don't trust them.”
Kagome was doubtful. “I won't do anything stupid but I think Sesshomaru is just a snob. Inuyasha was concerned when he saw him leave.”
“What do you mean?” Kagura slid out of bed and reached for her hair brush.
“After you left, Kikyo scattered and Sesshomaru took an early limo home.”
He would have a freaking limo. Can't take a cab or drive like a normal person. And Kagome is being sucked right into this impossible life style.
“He's such a bastard.” said Kagura.
“Don't you think you are prejudging him Kagura?”
“No. In fact I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life.”
Kagura spent the day working in her tiny back yard garden. Spring would be here soon and she loved her flowers. Many of her clients and colleagues would be shocked to see her at home wearing baggy overalls, on her hands and knees in the dirt. Tonight it was supposed to be icy and she wanted to put a tarp over her freshly planted bulbs.
Molly raced around the yard carrying her red ball in her mouth. Kagura clapped her hands. “Hey Fur Butt, get over here so I can toss that ball for you.”
Molly ran up to her and began an enthusiastic game of keep away. Kagura wrestled the ball away and threw it nearly striking the bird feeder. Molly shot after it.
“Hello Kagura. You are looking very homey today.”
She turned and saw Miroku standing at her garden gate. His face was flushed and puffy. She smiled at the thought he was suffering for over indulging in Zima the night before. Maybe his outrageous behavior was a result of drinking too much. She opened the gate and let him in the back yard.
Molly recognized him and ran up to greet him with a happy tail wagging. He bent down to scratch her ears.
“I came to apologize for yesterday. I was way out of line.”
“Yes you were.” Kagura pulled of her gardening gloves.
He looked around her yard. “This will be lovely when it's in bloom. You are a hard worker. That's a rare quality in today's women. Most, such as your frivolous Kagome, only care about their next manicure.”
Kagura closed her eyes and prayed for patience. “Did you drive out here just to insult my friends?”
Miroku stood. “Oh I've offended you, please accept my deepest apologies. I was merely speaking the truth.”
He put his hand on her shoulder. “I came to apologize but I'm not retracting my suite. I just realized you need more time. I am a man of God and as a result my parishioners expect me to be a family man. I've seen you with your sister Kanna and think you'd be an excellent mother. Don't you see? We can help each other. And the parish gardens are three times the size of your backyard. You'd be very happy there.”
Kagura picked up a shovel and twirled its handle dangerously in her hands. “So does this unbelievable offer take into account I have a lucrative career?”
Miroku frowned. “It's a lovely hobby, I hadn't thought of that. I'd guess we'd have to see how it goes. It's not traditional but I do pride myself on my open mind.”
“Miroku I am not going to marry you. How can you ask me this when you've never even asked me out a date?”
He looked thoughtful. “Want to see a movie later?”
Kagura felt her eyes crossing. “No. Now please leave.”
“It's okay I know all you need is time. I'll see you in church on Sunday.” He waived as he closed her gate behind him.
Kagura sighed. Not if I see you first. Then she decided it was time to find a new church.
That evening Kagura dressed in her best silk robe, pulled up her hair and slathered on an avocado and oatmeal facial mask. She made a pitcher of strawberry margaritas and cuddled up with Molly in front of the one of her favorite movies Shawn of the Dead.
Shawn was beating his zombie roommate over the head with a rugby bat and she was just bringing the glass of frosty strawberry goodness to her lips when the phone rang. She paused the movie and grabbed the phone. I swear to God if it's Miroku I am gonna take a grapefruit spoon to his genitals.
Her eyes narrowed as she heard Kagome's voice. “Are you calling me from the party or what?'
“Yeah…Look I need a really big favor. I hate to ask but you live closer than I do.”
Kagura covered the phone and sighed. “Yes?”
“I've lost my contact lens and now I can't see.”
“That's it.”
“Yeah but I'm stuck here. I'm having a great time but no one will be able to give me a ride until tomorrow and I don't want to spend the night and give Inuyasha to get the wrong idea about me.”
“Is it the limo driver's night off?” Kagura wasn't quick enough to stop the sarcasm from leaking into her tone.
“I don't know. Koga couldn't find him and I don't want to trouble anyone.”
“Do you want me to come get you?” Kagura gave her strawberry margarita a lingering look.
“No it's too early but I know I've left a box of contacts in your guest bathroom.”
“Did you forget to bring your glasses Kagome?”
“Yeah they wouldn't fit into my purse.” She's telling the truth. This is more than just sheer vanity, she's really stuck.
“Okay” she reached for a pad of paper and a pen. “Gimme the address and I'll be there in twenty minutes.”
Kagura found the exit easy enough but nearly passed the private road. The air was already frosty and the road was slick under the light rain. She turned around and went back. After a few minutes she pulled up to a guard at the gate. She gave her name and he pointed to a house at the end of the drive and waived her through.
She left her car with the valet and pulled her sweater around her. The temperature was steadily dropping. She carefully climbed the steps to the house. It was huge and done in white stucco with a Mediterranean flare. Strategically placed spot lights were focused on the house to uplight its architectural details.
A butler answered the door. “Please!” Kagura had to yell over the music. “Can you help me find my friend?”
“Certainly what is his name?”
“HER name is Kagome, she was here with Inuyasha.”
“Well that doesn't tell me allot.” Just how many women are in there?!
“She has long black hair and wears short skirts?”
He raised a white gloved hand. “Ah yes Ms. Higurashi, they've been together all evening. I shall take you her.” Kagura followed him through a huge crowd of partiers, up a flight of steps, down a long hall and to a set of double doors. He opened them and she slipped into a dark wood paneled room that was strangely quiet considering there was a roaring party downstairs. The back wall of the room was made up entirely of glass and looked out over Lake Norman and a spacious deck.
“Kagura! You came thanks so much.” Kagome ran up and hugged her. She took the bag from her hand and raced off to a wet bar sink.
Kagura was wearing jeans and white sweater. She was feeling very out of place when she spotted Inuyasha wearing gray linen slacks and a fancy red sweater. What is it with him and the color red?
“Kagura, right?” he came over and was grinning from ear to fuzzy ear. “Thanks for helping out Kagome. She was really upset when she couldn't see.”
“It's okay. She'll just owe me one is all.” Kagura stuffed her hands in her pockets and tried to think of something else to say.
“You know you broke Koga's heart when you danced with Fluffy last night.”
Kagura's eyes went wide. “Fluffy? Sesshomaru's nickname is Fluffy?”
Inuyasha looked around and put his hand up and spoke behind it in a stage whisper. “Yeah but not to his face if you value your life.”
Kagura really didn't care about Sesshomaru but this was too rich to pass up. “How did this come about?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “He wore this fluffy boa thing in college and it just stuck.”
Once again she was speechless. Well these Inu-yokai are jerks but they sure aren't boring.
“Well Koga seemed to get over it well enough.”
“Yeah but he's a big softie at heart.”
“So does he have a nickname as well?”
Inuyasha thought for a moment, “Nope not really unless you count Damn mongrel wolf mutt as a nickname.”
“Hmm…It is kinda long. You'd have to shorten and make it MTV. Like D.M. to the W.M. maybe.”
Inuyasha scratched his ear. “Nah that's too long. Hey why did you run out on us last night? I wanted to personally invite you to tonight's party?”
Kagura's lips thinned. “Let's just say your Fluffy isn't too fond of us humans. Apparently we are a lesser form of life.”
“That can't be how he really feels. After all has me!” Inuyasha smiled then frowned as he pressed the tip of a claw between his teeth. “But then there was that time he tried to drown me in the bathtub when I was a kid…”
He saw Kagura's expression and waived his hands. “No that was just a joke. He's hard to get along with sometimes but he's not a bad guy. Really.”
Kagura shrugged, “If you say so. But it doesn't really matter what I think.”
Inuyasha was opening his mouth to respond when Kagome shrieked. They both spun around and saw her slipping on the floor in front of the brick fireplace. Kagura's first thought was that her friend was going to hit her head on the solid brick hearth. Inuyasha's hanyou reflexes kicked in and he flew at her and caught Kagome just a mere breath away from cracking her skull open.
Wow. He really does seem to care about her. Kagura watched him carry Kagome to a fat leather couch. Apparently she was barefoot and cut her foot on a piece of broken glass. Her foot started bleeding and she'd slipped on her own blood. Inuyasha examined it and growled. “I intend to have words with whoever broke this glass and left it here.”
Kagura could appreciate he was upset about the incident but this was only further proof of his double nature.
He wrapped Kagome's foot in a clean bar towel and went to retrieve the first aide kit. When his back was turned Kagome gave Kagura the thumbs up sign and blushed.
Kagura sat beside her on the couch. “That cut looks really deep. Maybe we should get you to the hospital for stitches.”
Kagome was deathly afraid of emergency rooms and she began to shake her head. Kagura sighed. “It's for your own good. And besides your VW Bug is a stick shift. You won't be able to drive it with this foot.”
Inuyasha appeared with a white box. “I love her little convertible. She's promised to take me for a ride tomorrow but that can wait.” He glanced out the windows. “Besides I don't think anyone will be going anywhere for a while.”
Kagura turned her head and damnit! It's freaking snowing. I am not stuck here! Please tell me I am not stuck here.
Inuyasha turned on the porch lights and she saw everything outside was glistening under a solid coat of ice. Oh great. She looked at the floor.
“Don't worry guys. I'll put ya up in one of our guest rooms. It's the least I can after Kagome cut her foot. The accommodations here are first rate.” He smiled down at Kagome whose face lit up as though he were the sun itself.
Kagura sat in a black leather recliner, pulled out her cell and called Sango who lived across the street from her. Sango agreed to take care of Molly.
“Really it's no big. I'll let her stay with me tonight. It's so cold I could really use a nice fluffy body like hers to cuddle with anyways.”
Kagura's cheeks burned. “Let's not use the word Fluffy for awhile. Okay?”
Sango was puzzled. “Okay whatever you say. Have fun in the money pit.”
Kagura clicked the cell phone shut. The lights began to flicker. “The ice is weighing down the power lines. We're going to be in the dark any moment now.”
Inuyasha stoked the fire. “Yeah but I have a back up generator that will keep us warm. No extra juice for anything besides the refrigerators and heat though.”
Kagura leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms as the lights gave a final flicker and died. Great, now she really was stuck here.
A voice sounded from the doorway. “Inuyasha, next time we build a house we're burying the power lines. That would have prevented this.”
It was Sesshomaru. Kagura closed her eyes and wondered what she'd done in a past life to deserve this karmatic hell.
“Where are the candles?” She heard a cabinet door open and the click of a lighter. Sesshomaru went about the room holding his candle.
“Is the party still here?” asked Inuyasha.
“Just a few stragglers, most left when they heard the weather was taking a turn for the worst.”
Kagura bit her lip. Weather reports, now why hadn't she thought to consult one before driving out here?
“Whose here with you?”
Inuyasha began lighting additional candles. “Just Kagome and Kagura.”
Sesshomaru's footsteps ceased. And instead of answering he stood in silence.
Well now I know he remembers me.