InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride & Predjudice: A Sesshomaru Tale ❯ Boxing Clever ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Five Boxing Clever

Breakfast was casual and served in the dining room near a large window overlooking the lake. Everyone helped themselves to the large platters of croissants, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit that set in the middle of the oval, dark cherry table.

Sesshomaru seated himself across from Kagura. His face was buried in a copy of The Wall Street Journal.  Kagura watched his head bob up and down over the paper. Once she was certain he was fully engrossed she reached across the table and plucked a croissant from the platter. She turned the pastry upside down so that it resembled a crescent moon and held it up to her forehead. Then she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

Kagome's eyes bulged and she covered her mouth with her cloth napkin to hide her smile. Inuyasha slammed his mug down and rolled back in the chair holding his sides laughing in silence. Koga chuckled and hid it by faking a cough. Kagura rolled her eyes. It wasn't that funny…

        Sesshomaru suddenly slapped his paper down and sent a suspicious glance about the table. Inuyasha was pushing eggs around his plate with his fork and Kagura stared at the wall feigning boredom. Sesshomaru frowned and she saw the tip of a white fang between his lips. He sighed and went back to his paper.
        Kagura broke into a grin as Kikyo strolled into the room wearing a tight white sweater and short black skirt. She snatched an apple from the platter and bit a large chunk from it. She surveyed the table as she chewed.
        “So does anyone have any plans for today?”
        Inuyasha stretched his arms. “Not really. I was going to check out the snow but it's not safe for Kagome to be outside on that foot.”
        Kikyo frowned. “It snows so rarely here, are you going to let her ruin it for you?”
        “She is my guest. It would be rude to leave her.”
        Kagome flinched. “I don't mind. I can stay here with Kagura; don't stay in on my account.”
        Inuyasha leaned close to Kagome and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “No. I've seen snow before. It's no big deal.”
        Kagome leaned into his arm and smiled. Kikyo bit back a curse; she hated to see her cousin waste himself on someone so obviously inferior.
        Kagura watched the whole exchange and groaned inwardly. She hated petty games. Screw this. She stood up from the table and picked up her mug and plate. On her way to the kitchen she said, “I'm going for a walk. I'll see you later if the snow doesn't melt.”
        Kagome frowned as her friend left the room. Kikyo laughed, “She's clearing her own dishes? How pedestrian.”  
        Sesshomaru lowered his paper and watched her leave. “Kikyo in the real world most normal people don't live with hired help.”
        Kikyo pasted a false smile on her lips. “And tell me, what would you know about that?”
        Kagura retreated to her guest bedroom. She found the bed made and the room as it was the night before. Creepy, it's like this place is run by little invisible elves.
        She opened the closet and found several long coats that easily fit her. There were also scarves, gloves, swimsuits, sweat pants and t-shirts. Why do they have all these extra clothes? Were they placed here for guests or left behind?
        She pulled out a long white coat and put it on. I can't wait to get out of this house! Kagura stuck her head out of the door and saw the hallway was clear.
        Kagura strolled the grounds of the lake house and discovered she wasn't as isolated as she'd first thought. She could easily see the neighboring houses. Smoke wafted from their chimneys and lights shone from the large windows. Kagura wanted some peace and a moment alone. The closet thing to solitude was a bench at the end of the boating dock. The dock was lit up in tiny white lights. Even though it was ten in the morning the lights stood out against the blue water and dark gray sky.
Kagura seated herself on the large wooden bench and stretched her arms. The coat was warm and her gloves fit perfectly. She closed her eyes and tilted her face towards the sky and heard…nothing. Perfection. She pulled her book from the coat pocket, leaned back into the bench and began reading.
She was so absorbed in her reading she missed hearing the approaching foot steps. Or it could simply be that as a yokai, Sesshomaru stepped lightly and silently. Kagura had twenty minutes of blissful solitude and then she looked up and found him standing over her.
“And a good morning to you too.” She muttered.
He was wearing of all the crazy things a big white fur coat. Fluffy was the only way to describe it. Well now I know how you earned that ridiculous nickname.
He tilted his head to see the title of her book and silver hair spilled over his shoulder. Like I said before, you're an ass…but with great hair.
When Sesshomaru was still silent Kagura said, “Get a bell around your neck, why don't ya.” Then she returned to her book.
His rich and superior tone broke the silence. “Irving Stone's The Agony and the Ecstasy?” He sat on the bench beside her and Kagura's face burned as she realized she was alone with him.
“I see you prefer a little light reading when you are hiding out in the freezing cold.”
“It's not light.” She said from between clenched teeth.
His voice was crisp, “I beg your pardon?”
“I said it's not light. It's one of the best books ever written.” She turned her head and saw he was leaning towards her.
Sesshomaru gave a kind smile and Kagura was so stunned she nearly fell of the bench. What the hell? Then he said softly. “I agree.”
Kagura bit her lip and stared straight ahead. “His genius and passion are so real.”
He laughed quietly. “I remember how Michelangelo fights with the Pope. I've never thought highly of men who viewed themselves as gods and I appreciate any man who shares my opinion.”
“Yes.” It was all she could say. Now I feel stupid. What can I say that will show I am not a brainless idiot? Baka! Why do I even care? I wish he'd leave already. What is he doing out here anyway?
Sesshomaru clasped his hands in front of him. “Why are you hiding out here? The others are gathered round Inuyasha's ridiculous big screen TV watching God only knows what kind of drivel, but you are out here reading a book half the size of the Bible in the freezing cold.”
Kagura's nose began to itch and it was hard to resist the urge to scratch it. “I'm not hurting anyone by being out here.”
He sighed, “While that's true, this is still highly unusual.”
She turned to face him. “Why? You admitted yourself this place gets too crowded for you. Why should it matter if I want to be alone with my book?”
“It's not that you want to read, although reading is an unheard of pastime for most other guests in this house, it's that you've run out here to do it.”
Kagura spat, “I didn't run. I walked, slowly even. And I announced at the table I was going outside. That is hardly running.”
“Regardless, it is very cold out here and I'd prefer it if you came back inside. This house has a wonderful study with a fireplace. You can read there.” He turned his intense gaze on her and she could feel him willing her to bend to his wishes.
She opened her mouth to grudgingly accept his now appealing offer but something else entirely fell from her lips. “Why do you hate humans?”
Oh shit. That was my voice? Oh well at least the answer should be interesting.
Kagura returned his stare and decided not to back down. He insisted on forcing his attention on her but distained her. If he was going to seek her out then she deserved an answer.
“I don't hate anyone.” He blinked then followed with, “but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed.”
Bigoted ass! “But Inuyasha, he's half human and half yokai.”
Sesshomaru looked down at the wooden planks of the dock. “Two wrongs do not make a right, besides he cannot be helped. He is what he is. I doubt there is a serious bone in his body.”
Kagura snapped her paperback book closed and stood. “You condescending, pretentious, narrow-minded dick head! Nothing is ever good enough for you.” She turned to leave and heard him behind her.
“I appreciate your feelings for me however my beliefs are grounded in hard fact. Inuyasha's life has not been easy. He's a half breed and both sides have made him suffer for it. It's unnecessary and pointless. Had father had even an iota of common sense then this never would have happened.”
His foot steps stopped and Kagura glanced over her shoulder to see he'd turned to face the water and was leaning on the wooden rail. His stupid fluffy coat billowed out around his slim figure. She had the nagging feeling his last sentence was about something other than Inuyasha but she decided to take the chance to flee while she could.
Sesshomaru listen to the sounds of her retreating foot steps. Father was a fool…
He watched a boat speed across the lake. A great bird of pray swept down from the gray sky and snatched a fish from the water in its talons. Usually he was moved by such sights but today he only could think of his father. I shall not make the same mistakes.
Wed 8:20pm the Cheesecake Factory.
Kagura sat alone at the table she'd reserved at Kikyo's request. Kagome was late because her little brother needed to borrow her car but Kikyo was late simply because she could be. Kagura was certain of it. It was a mean, spiteful trick. She stirred her Candy Apple martini and watched the hovering waiter. He'd asked her four times if she knew when her party would arrive and she'd manage to stall him so far. He was very unhappy to waste his best table on one plain woman.
Kagome sprinted up to the table and pulled out a chair. “God Kagura, I'm so sorry but Souta was really stuck.”
“Girl, it's okay.”
Kagome looked at the empty seats. “Where are the others? The ladies room?”
“Nope. We've been stone cold stood up.”
Kagome fanned herself with the menu. “Figures ya know. That bitch.”
Kagura grinned, “Yeah but this is much better without her. I don't know if I could've stood her for a full dinner. That's why I started drinking early.”
“Hey I want one of those too! It smells like a caramel apple.” exclaimed Kagome reaching for the martini glass.
Kagura whisked the glass out of her reach. “Whoa girl! Where's that waiter? We'll ask for a smaller table and order you your own drink.”
“Is that him coming over?” Kagome pointed to a man in a blue pin striped suit approaching the table with meaningful strides.
Kagura narrowed her eyes trying to hone in on his features. The restaurant was dark and his features were a blur.
“No that's not the waiter but who cares! We should talk to him anyway.” She leaned forward on the table for a better view.
He was something out a portrait. He had aristocratic features, an open smile and long flowing sable hair that spilled freely over his shoulders. What is it with me this week and guys with great hair? When he stopped at their table Kagura fell into the warm depths of his deep brown eyes and thick lashes.
“Ladies, allow me to introduce myself. I am an acquaintance of Kikyo's, Naraku. She regrets she cannot be here tonight with us but she has a flat tire.”
Kagura's first thought almost flew from her lips. Flat tire my ass.
“I am sorry she isn't here to introduce us but as I've no other plans for the evening I was wondering if you would mind my company.”
Kagura glanced across the table at Kagome who was nodding enthusiastically. Kagome was in the first stage of love when everything was perfect and she wished the same for her friend. This Naraku character looked like he might just be the ticket.
Kagura gestured towards an empty chair. “Sure pull up a seat.”
“Thank you.”
She watched him look over the menu. “I can't believe Kikyo had the nerve to ditch us this way.”
Naraku laughed, “She is pretty selfish and punctuality has never been her strong suit.”
Kagura liked him even more.
“Let's show her up by having fun without her. Then she'll be insanely jealous she missed this.” He closed the menu.
Kagura smiled, “You really know how to push her buttons don't you?”
“Yeah but I should. We practically grew up together.”
“Really? I pity you then.”
“It wasn't that bad. Once you tune her out she's quite passable.”
Kagome excused herself and left for the restroom. Kagura waved her away and turned back to Naraku
“Hmph, I'll have to take your word on that. So what do you do?”
“I am a private contractor for the military.”
“Interesting. What kind of things do you do for them?”
He signaled to the waiter who was thrilled to see the table filling up. “Weapons. Heat seeking missiles mostly.”
A chill ran up Kagura's neck. “That's a dastardly business. Why don't you just lie when people ask what it is you do?”
He smiled tightly then looked down. His hair swung in front of his face. “Because I abhor liars.”
“Fair enough.” allowed Kagura. He lifted his head and she saw the white tip of an ear peek out from his hair. Hmm…yokai. But then why should I be surprised?
“So what was it like growing up with Kikyo?” She tossed her head and wondered if she should be ashamed to be flirting with a yokai who sold death.
“It was interesting. Her cousins were something else.”
“Then you know Inuyasha and Sesshomaru?”
Naraku frowned and toyed with his napkin before unfolding it in and spreading it on his lap. “Yes.”
Kagura's mouth opened as her mind spun. There is something more to that yes. “You don't like them?” She asked cautiously.
He glanced up. “Inuyasha is nice enough but Sesshomaru. Let's just say we've gone our separate ways and it's for the best. I prefer to avoid him at all costs.”
“He is kind of cold, did he insult you?” Kagura didn't know why but she had a driving urge to find out more.
“Very much so in an unforgivable way, back when we were at Oxford…”
The waiter chose that exact moment to appear. “Are you ready to order?” His pen was ready on a white pad of paper. Kagura flipped open her menu in a hurry to pick something, anything just to get rid of the waiter and hear the rest of Naraku's tale.