InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride & Predjudice: A Sesshomaru Tale ❯ Of Doves and Pigeons ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six
Of Doves and Pigeons: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.

        The waiter finally left and Naraku glanced towards the ladies room. “Isn't your friend going to be upset that you ordered for her?”

        Kagura twisted her napkin. “Kagome? Nah, she orders the same thing every time we eat here. If she's unhappy she can share some of my food.”
        A light smile played across his lips. “It's charming that the two of you are so close.”
        “Yeah well what are friends for? So what do you have against Sesshomaru?”
        The waiter returned with his Southern Comfort and Coke. Naraku drank took a quick sip before beginning. The ice clinked against the side of his glass.
        “Inuyasha and I grew up together. My father worked under his father Inutaisho for many years. Their relationship surpassed that of employee and employer and they were great friends.” He stopped for a sigh and another drink.
I lost my father to cancer when I was sixteen and Inutaisho took me on. Father left me a tidy sum and Inutaisho added to it. While we were in Oxford Inutaisho died and he left the management of my trust to Sesshomaru. Once I was ready to wed I discovered the fund was empty and a lifetime of work and savings was gone.”
Kagura's hand fell to the table. “Why would he do such a thing? He doesn't appear to need any money.”
Naraku frowned, “It wasn't about the money. He was showing me my place.”
She brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I don't understand.”
“My father was half human. So I am a bit of a hanyou.”
Silence.  Now everything fell into place.
“So did you marry?” She glanced at his hand and saw no wedding band.
His tone was very matter of fact. “No, he made sure that was ruined as well. So you can understand why I avoid him.”
Kagura was speechless. She knew Sesshomaru was cold and prejudiced but this was cruel. She didn't like him but she never thought he would take it this far.
She swallowed. “I had no idea he was that vindictive.”
“Sadly he is.”
A suspicious shadow crossed her mind. “Did Kikyo tell you that we danced at the Bank party?”
“No. But he is an amazing dancer. His mother insisted we all take lessons.”
 Can he dance like that too? Kagura dismissed the appealing thought. “Oh. But you still keep in contact with Kikyo?”
“Yes. She wasn't involved in what happened.”
“Does she always invite you out to her girl's nights out?
Naraku smiled, “Are you concerned she asked me to pit you against Sesshomaru? Well if she thought she could hurt you she would. But she loves that damn mutt and won't hear a bad word against him. She'd launch a personal and very public attack against you before she'd risk her beloved Fluffy's reputation.”
Then does that means it's all true. He did such a horrible thing just because his friend is mixed… Is anything sacred to him?  
He reached out and covered her hand with his.  She felt the warmth of his hand seep into her skin. “Please Kagura, don't feel sorry for me. I've landed on my feet and have a great career. But if he's danced with you than he must be interested in you and it's important for you to know his true face.”
Naraku held her gaze but she glanced away. “I'm glad you've come to terms with your misfortune. You've done quite well for yourself despite him.”

        Kagome returned and immediately noticed the dark cloud that had descended over the table. She folded her arms. “What'd I miss? Did someone die?”
“Kagome,” asked Kagura, “Aren't you seeing Inuyasha on Friday?”
She broke into a big grin and ran her hand through her waist length Indian ink hair. “Yes, we're going to the masquerade.  You are too, remember?”
Kagura bit her lip. “Oh yeah. I forgot I promised Joe from upstairs that I'd go.”
“And…” Kagome's eyes glittered wickedly, “costumes are mandatory.”
“Great. Isn't this the benefit ball where we paid $50 a ticket?” she mused aloud wishing she had the guts to stand up to her coworkers and tell them where to stuff their charity dinners.
Kagome dove into her martini. She stirred the drink and bit the cherry from the swizzle stick. “Yup and they've already cashed the checks. No stop payment's gonna get you out of this one.”
Naraku interjected. “Kagura, go to the party. I have tickets but I think I'll sit this one out. But you go and have fun. Inuyasha's a harmless goofball and you will be fine now that you know Sesshomaru's true nature.”
Kagome drew her breath in through her teeth and hissed. “Why would you say such a thing about Inuyasha?”
Naraku turned and smiled at her. “We were close when we were younger.
She narrowed her eyes, unsheathed her claws and descended up him. “If you honestly knew him then you would never call him a goofball. He is very intelligent and generous. He is the head of our securities division for Christ sakes! He reports directly to our CFO*. Just because he's a nice guy who knows how to balance work and fun doesn't mean you should dismiss him so easily.”
“Touché!” He toasted her with his drink. “My deepest apologies.”
Kagura's stomach clenched. She's only known Inuyashafor a week and she's completely lost her mind! God I hopeshe isn't home at night morphingtheir photos on the computer to see what any future children mightlook like! Kagome huffed and turned her attention back to her drink.

Kagura gave a pained smile and announced, “Okay new topic! So Naraku what did you do after you graduated from Oxford?”
“What every good boy does, I joined the military.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Really? Are you still in?”
He sighed, “No my back was injured during a stint in Bosnia, I still have the scar. Damnedest thing, it's shaped just like a spider. I was awarded the purple heart though.”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she practically saw the words “war hero” flow though Kagura's thoughts.
“So where did you attend school?” He held Kagura's gaze and seemed genuinely interested. Kagome was surprised. And I was beginning to think he just really liked the sound of his own voice.
Kagura twirled her straw between her forefinger and thumb. “I got my BA in history at Francis Marion University.”
Naraku cut in “Never heard of it.
“Its really great small school in South Carolina. Then I got my masters in finance at Duke.”
“Ah so you were a Blue Devil then.”
“To the day I die!” Kagura lifted her right hand and placed it on her heart.
“So banking wasn't your first love then?”
She was wistful. “Nope, it was archaeology but that doesn't pay the bills.” Naraku shook the ice in his empty glass. “Few fun things ever do.”

        Dinner was served and it was superb. Kagome dug in to her Pasta De Vinci and seemed blissfully happy. Naraku watched Kagura as she only picked at her Santa Fe salad.  She kept the conversation flowing and they learned only a few other points of interest about their new friend. He had no pets or family which suited him fine because he traveled a good bit.  It'd been five years since he'd seen the Inu-yokai and he'd yet to meet Koga. He was a master chess player and his fireplace mantel was dedicated to his collection of trophies.
Kagome began to wish she hadn't encouraged Kagura to flirt with this man. He seemed nice enough but it was just a thin veneer. She knew Kagura probably thought he was multi-layered and complex but Kagome was sure he was only hiding the true depths of his lack of substance. His eyes were mesmerizing but once he realized they held no effect over her he turned them exclusively on Kagura.
Kagura was receptive to his attentions but held back.  Why would he tell a complete stranger the intimate details of his life? What Sesshomaru did was unforgivable but Narakuseems awfully ready to discuss itwith anyone.
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The evening wore on and Kagura began to see Naraku as a bit of a kindred spirit. He was a self made man who didn't have an obscene fortune to fall back on if he failed.
“My dream vacation would be going on an Island cruise where I could swim with sea turtles and dolphins.” Kagome tipped back the cool shot glass of Tarantula tequila and slammed it down on the table top.
Kagura's finger traced the rim of her glass. “I would go to England and walk along the Antonine wall that runs the border of England and Scotland. It was built by the Romans and has lots of ruins. Also there is a small church where the actual Macbeth is buried. I'd love to take my camera.” She deftly tilted the shot glass and drained it.
Naraku lifted a brow. “Shakespeare buff huh?” He muttered, “Nothing new under the sun.” Then he reached for his shot glass but Kagome put out her hand and stopped it. “No. You've got to reveal your deepest and darkest secret or your dream vacation first.”
Naraku nodded. “Okay. A private island and…” He winked at Kagura. “You.” He leaned back and emptied the small glass. He glanced down at his watch and winced but shook it off. “Okay if you could be anything in the world what would it be?”
Kagura who was reduced to a serous case of the giggles filled her shot glass from the blue bottle. She saluted Naraku with the glass. “If I could be anything on God's green earth then it would be the wind. Because the wind is the freest spirit on the planet.” She took the shot and dropped the heavy bottomed glass on the table where it rolled and tipped over on its side.
Kagome stuck her finger out and wagged it at Kagura. “Girl! You are such a lush.”
Naraku laughed. “Good one babe.” He filled his own shot glass. “If I could do anything I wanted then I would rule the world.” He closed his eyes and shot back the tequila. Kagome sat bug eyed staring at him. She elbowed Kagura who was only capable of nonsensical laughter.
“Umm…don't you think Naraku, that it's a bit scary for someone who deals in heat seeking missiles to want to rule the world?”
He frowned as he considered what she'd said. “Lady Kagome, you have a valid point but I must also say heat seeking missiles don't kill people, people kill people.” Kagome agreed with that statement when it came to guns but try as she might, she couldn't see how it applied to heat seeking missiles. She bit her lip and studied Naraku. He turned to her and laughed.
“Your turn Kagome.” He pushed the half empty bottle towards her. She stood. “If I could be anything in the world right now then it would have to be Kagura's sober ride home.”
“And I guess that means this is good night then.” He pulled his keys and wallet from his pocket. Kagome thought quickly. “Did you drive here?”
He shook his head. “Nope took a cab and I imagine there is one outside with my name on it.”
“Good” She linked elbows with Kagura and forced her to stand. Kagura felt shaky but fine. No actually she felt great. She grinned at the incredible attractive vision of a man before her. He returned her smile and pulled a thin white card from his pocket and pressed it into her hand.
“Kagura, I'd like to see you again under more sober conditions. Is that okay?” He watched her face for a reaction.
“Sure, I'd love to.” Kagura reached out to hug Naraku and he stepped forward. Kagome pulled her back out of his reach. “Thanks for an interesting evening. Have a safe trip home.”
He nodded.
*****************************************************< /div>
Kagome drove Kagura home. Kagura sang along with the radio. “I'm quite contented to take my chances…against the Guildensterns and Rosencrantzs….It's a matter of Cain and Able… And I can feel you knee underneath the table…. How can you want him when you know you could have me…?
He's with the pigeons pecking crumbs; I'm on my deathbed bleeding… Ferocious Angels send me falling stars but I know just how dangerous wishes are…But I'm not too smart to go barging off roof tops, no…”*
Kagome patted her on the back. “Okay Spin Doctor karaoke queen, we are home!”
She unlocked the door and was met by a grateful Molly who danced around them before making a break for the back yard. Kagome draped Kagura over the couch. She was conscious but very relaxed. A light tapping came from the front door and she looked up to see Sango standing in the door frame.
“Howdy!” Kagura waved enthusiastically. Sango shut the door behind her and stood over Kagura.
“What happened to her?” She gestured to Kagura.
Kagome sighed, “Tarantula Tequila and a dangerous man.”
Sango's lips formed an O. “Ah. Sounds like I missed a great evening.”
Kagome fluffed Kagura's pillow and avoided her flailing limbs. “Kikyo stood us up.”
Sango nodded, “But you knew; no you even hopped she would.”
Kagome grinned, “Yeah, well we totally got our wish.”
“So did she meet a guy at The Cheesecake Factory bar?”
Kagome shook her head. “Nope, Kikyo ditched on us along with an old friend or flame of hers so we had dinner and drinks together. His name is Naraku and...” She tossed her hair for emphasis, “He's all that and a bag of chips.”
“Yup tall, dark with beautiful long brown hair.”
Sango's eyebrows skyrocketed. “Great hair?”
“The best.”
“That's a recipe for a Kagura disaster right there.”
Kagome nodded. “He's strange though. He claims he grew up with Inuyasha and they used to be close but I don't see it.”
“People change Kagome, who knows?”
A weak but determined voice came from the couch. “I know!”
Sango turned her head. “You know what my little lush?”
“Naraku told me the truth about Sesshomaru.” She pushed herself up on the couch cushions.
Sango laughed, “Okay what's this mysterious truth?” She raised her hand. “Wait. Don't tell me. He's really part poodle.”
Kagome choked back a giggle.
Kagura frowned and blinked as Sango turned on a bright light. “Hey! Turn that off! No. Sesshomaru is a bigger ass than we first thought.”
“How is that even possible?” ask Sango.
Kagome perched on the arm of the couch listening intently. She'd been dying to find out what Naraku had told Kagura while she was in the restroom.
“They grew up together. When Naraku's father died Sesshomaru's father took him in and managed his trust fund. Eventually he died as well and left the fund in Sesshomaru's care. Naraku was planning his wedding when he discovered he was broke. Sesshomaru squandered the trust on purpose to hurt him because he is part human. Then he did something to ruin the wedding but Naraku never said what happened just that Sesshomaru was at fault.”
Sango asked, “Kagura you silly drunk why didn't he seek legal action?”
“I don't know. He did mention part of the fund was provided by the Inu family so maybe he couldn't.”
Kagome was quick to ask, “Did he say anything about Inuyasha?”
She was relieved “Good but I doubt he would be involved in something as horrible as bleeding a trust fund dry just out of hate.”
“He seemed to place all the blame on Sesshomaru.”
Sango stood thoughtfully and stroked the top of Molly's head. “I guess it makes sense. It seems we should really watch our backs from now on. Now I know why Sesshomaru isn't in banking with Inuyasha.”
Kagura frowned. “Why?”
“He likes to remain aloof above everyone else and banking would involve rubbing elbows with us mangy humans. He is a financial god, even better than Inuyasha but he stays in law. So if he lost a trust fund then it was probably on purpose.”
“Oh lord, why would anyone do something so horrible?” muttered Kagome. “He lost Naraku's family fortune and on purpose too!” Her heart dropped at the knowledge this vile man was her Inuyasha's brother.
Kagura lifted her head. “One good thing came out of all of this.”
Sango tugged playfully on Molly's soft golden ear. “What?”
“I think I've got a date!”
“With Naraku?”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Who else? You know he sells heat seeking missiles to the military? That's so morbid.” She shook her shoulders in revulsion.
Sango shrugged it off, “Well we are living in different times and also consider this. Someone has to do it.”
Kagura flopped her fuzzy head back down on the couch pillow. “Sango, I think you need to cut back on the kick boxing classes. They are making you bloodthirsty.”
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*CFO means Chief financial officer; they usually are a CEO or report directly to the head CEO.
*How Could You Want Him When You Know You Could Have Me….by the Spin Doctors from Pockets Full of Kryptonite.
Bridget: Wait a minute... nice boys don't kiss like that.
Mark Darcy: Oh, yes, they fucking do.