InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pride & Predjudice: A Sesshomaru Tale ❯ Insensitive ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Twenty-three
One of the chosen few who fell for you

Kanna sat on the hotel bed watching Ghost Hunters on the small television mounted to the dirty wall. Naraku was on the other bed reading The DaVinci Code. Thankfully he was ignoring her. Her stomach rumbled but at this point she knew better than to say anything.
When it started the trip was the most exciting thing she'd ever done. Then she met her fellow campers. The sea turtles were cool but her bunk mates were a drag; too many rules and no fun.
When she got an email from Naraku she was thrilled that someone older and incredibly good looking as him would find her, a stick with hair, interesting. When she explained she felt like camp was more of a hard labor sentence than fun he asked her to fly back and meet him at his beach house.  
And why not? He made it sound like the MTV beach house and Kagura never allowed her to go to the beach alone. At school all of her professors knew Kagura and gave her regular updates. One skipped class always equaled a call from home. So there was no sneaking off or playing hooky to go to the beach.
Kagura had reason to be over protective. In those first dark months after the death of their parents Kanna ran away from home. She was only gone a week but that stunt cost her dearly. She'd lost Kagura's trust and she'd spent the last six years proving how responsible she was so Kagura would let her go away to school. Now where am I? What was I thinking? I'll never be allowed to leave the house again. God I hope I get to see Kagura soon. Anything is better than this.

But five days ago Naraku's offer was too good to pass up. So she'd ditched her boring teammates and hopped the first plane out. Sneaking away had been a cinch. The last straw came while they were sitting around a fire on the beach. They were in a country where the legal drinking age was practically non existent but her new “friends” only wanted to talk. The others were above such things as partying but Kanna wasn't. Screw them if they don't know how to have a good time.

Naraku picked her up from the airport and took her to Fuddruckers. Over the world's supposed largest burger he explained he had forgotten he'd rented out his beach house but not to worry because they could still have fun. He wanted to make it up to her by staying on the strip on Ocean ave. Kanna couldn't imagine anything more exciting or romantic.

At first it was fun. They roller bladed across the wooden board walk and went to the Pavilion amusement park. She'd held his hand and they walked on the beach as the sun rose. Kanna was torn. How was she going to tell Kagura she'd stolen her boyfriend? Only a complete bitch on Jerry Springer would pull something like this. But she knew what she felt and was sure it was real, even if he'd yet to kiss her.

On the third morning he'd gone out for breakfast and came back pissed. She never found out what he'd seen but later he was on the phone yelling about some “Goddamned wolf.” Naraku threw her stuff in the suitcase and moved them to this rat nest of a hotel room. He refused to let her go anywhere and his good mood was dead. When she tried to hug him but he'd pushed her away.
Later he felt guilty and made it up by taking her to dinner at the Melting Pot a fancy fondue restaurant where he bought her a glass of wine. But even then his demeanor was chilly. And his cell phone rang non-stop. She was fascinated when she learned he spoke several languages including Arabic. He's so worldly but now I'm not so sure that's a good thing.

Now all there was to do was watch TV. She loved Ghost Hunters but Naraku hated it. He'd fumed and lectured, “Really Kanna only a child would believe in that kind of crap. Besides you shouldn't screw around with what you don't understand.”
That is an odd thing to say. But when she'd asked if he'd ever seen a ghost he responded by throwing the phone book at her head. She ducked it easily but it was unsettling. So now she watched the show on mute with closed captioning and pretended she wasn't a prisoner.

His cell rang and he flipped it open. She feigned sleep as she listened.


Naraku laughed, “Really, that's great. Man, I really owe you one. How the hell did you pull that one off?” He stood and pushed the blinds aside and looked outside the window.

“I'm still setting on that transaction.” He stepped away from the window after setting the blinds back into place.

He frowned and punched the thin painted wood door. “Damn it! Not everything is about money. I want my way here. I've never asked you for a favor before.
Kagura heard a muffled voice yelling over the phone. Naraku winced and shouted back.

“But this is my deal and whatever happens it'll be my ass on the line not yours. Roger this can pay us too.”
He snatched up his brief case and began tossing random papers and clothes into it. He kicked the bed as he passed and Kanna lifted her head. Naraku was still on the phone but he motioned to her bags.
She shrugged and began packing as fast she was able. Naraku barked into the phone.
“Fine, I'm taking care of it now. I'll make the meeting tomorrow but you are missing out on a fucking goldmine.”
“Whatever. Okay man.”
“No. I'm cool. See ya.” He snapped the phone shut and turned to Kanna.
“Get a move on. We're heading outta here.”
Kanna forced a cheerful face. “Can we get some dinner…maybe?”
Naraku frowned. “Maybe, it depends.” He pulled out a small black gun and checked the safety before slipping it in his the waist of his pants. Kanna's heart jumped and she backed away until her back brushed against the wall. Naraku's head pulled up at the sight of her movement.
He pulled the gun out and pointed it at her. Kanna's face paled and her only thought was I'm gonna die and it's all my own fault. I can't believe I ever liked you!
Her pulse raced and she could feel her heart beat in her wrists. “Please…just don't...”
Naraku laughed then shrugged and slipped the gun back in his waist. He licked his lips. “You're cute when you're worried.”
The whole world was in slow motion and the moments were measured in her heartbeats. Three heart beats passed and she forced a nervous high pitched giggle. “Yeah I've heard that before…” she studied her shoes.
Kanna stepped back and sat on the bed, dangling her feet over the floor. Naraku knelt before her putting his hands on either side of her.
“So Babe, what'll it be?”
Kanna's eyes went wide with fear and he laughed. “Stupid kid, where do you want to eat? Famous Sam's corner or the IHOP?”
Her stomach twisted at the proximity of his hands to her body. “Um…I'm not hungry.”
He frowned and leaned forward. “Stupid little bitch. You are just like your damned sister. You never know what the hell you want.”
Words flew from Kanna's mouth before she could stop herself. “Did you hurt her?”
“Hurt Kagura? Hell no, that bitch is a block of ice.” He ran his finger down the bridge of Kanna's slender nose. “But I think I know one way to get to her.”
Kanna winced and he laughed as he stood up then resumed packing.
Kagura and Rin dozed in the back seat. Kagome leaned her forehead against the window and watched the lights of the freeway. Inuyasha drove in silence. His eyes kept straying over to her motionless form. His fingers tapped out a beat on the leather cover of the steering wheel.
Kagome sighed and watched her breath form a fog on the a/c chilled window glass. What do I say? Now that I know why he broke it off, it still doesn't make this any easier. He such an independent soul, who would have thought he would take orders from his half brother?
Inuyasha took one hand off the wheel and scratched his ear, then his nose. Damn her! She's thinking about me and it's making me itch.
Kagome turned her head and watched him carefully run the tip of a claw across his nose.
“Hay fever?” she asked.
“Huh?” he glanced over. “Nah…just a thing.”
“Oh.” She turned back to the window. “I know you dropped me because Sesshomaru asked you to.” Kagome hadn't meant to say it but there it was. She was relived.
Inuyasha almost swerved into oncoming traffic and had to put both hands on the wheel to right that car.
“Who told ya that?”
“Sesshomaru.” Does it matter how I found out?
Inuyasha shrugged. “That isn't like him.”
Kagome added, “I understand he's not been his usual Machiavellian self.”
He gave a cutting laugh. “Oh he hasn't changed that much.”
Kagome pushed on. “But you digress, this isn't about him.”
Inuyasha hit the turn signal and turned onto a rest stop exit. Kagome sat in silence while he parked the car and pulled on the parking break.
“Bathroom break?” she asked reaching for the door handle.
Inuyasha opened his door and shut it softly behind him. Kagome followed him up the walk way to the little hut that sheltered the vending machines. He leapt atop a picnic table and sat on back his haunches. Kagome followed his lead but choose to sit at the bench. It was odd to see him on all fours on top the wooden table, very uncivilized. Anther aspect of his other darker side he kept closed off.
Kagome asked “Why are we here? Shouldn't we be going after Sesshomaru?”
Inuyasha's white fetlocks fell over the shoulders of his black t-shirt as he studied her face in the cheap florescent lights of the vending machines.
“Sesshomaru has that well in hand. We have a few moments.”
Kagome blinked. “Okay?”
Inuyasha's voice was low. “Do you think I am Sesshomaru's puppet? That I jump at his whims?”
Kagome grasped her upper arm with her hand and looked down at the cracked pavement. “I had hoped not.”
“Kagome there is so much more to my world than you realize. I didn't obey an order. I thought about what my world would be like for you. I thought you'd be better off without me.”
Kagome looked up frowning. Inuyasha winced when he saw the black fury burning behind her eyes. “Is this some cheap, lame ass way of saying it was you and not me? How stupid do you think I am?” How can he do this?
She stood. “Inuyasha, I'm going back to the car.”
He threw out his hand and caught her upper arm. “No! Please wait.”
“Well what is then?”
He drew his bottom lip into his mouth and two sharp points flashed in the weak light. “I don't live like a mortal, I mean I do but it's different.”
“Oh really?” Kagome's hand found her hip.
“I'm over sixty years old for one thing and I've killed people. Not often but it does happen. I come off like a partier but our family is a serious business. We've artifacts we watch over and other obligations I can't go into. When father accepted me it was unheard of. Sure there are other half-bred bastards but none had ever been accepted into the yokai world before.”
Kagome tilted her head and answered in a biting tone. “I knew you were different. The ears gave it away.”
Inuyasha ran a claw thorough his hair. “Funny girl, but I cared too much for you. We were too serious. I can't bring you into my world. It's just too different.”
“And so what is Kagura to Sesshomaru then? Looks he is taking a risk on her.”
Inuyasha's lips thinned. “I dunno what's going on with that but if he does take her then she's in for a shock.”
“What kind of shock?” Kagome wanted to get to the bottom of Inuyasha but was now worried about her friend.
“Well Sesshomaru is the head of the family and a major Taiyokai. It'd be like becoming the first lady cept everyone frowns a lot and has pointed ears. There's allot of boring functions, culture and paperwork.” He swatted moth away from his face.
“Is that it? You thought I wasn't suited to such things?”
Inuyasha's head began to hurt. “I just thought it was best to end it early than have this fight later on. I was supposed to wed a yokai not a human and that's final. I've promises I have to honor and not one of them could ever include you.”
Kagome's eyes shone with a pain that surprised him. “You dumped me because you wanted to marry me?”
Inuyasha muttered. “I just liked ya too much. You were supposed to be a fling, just someone to have fun with but it got too serious.”
How can he be so matter of fact after all we shared? I fell way too hard and so fast…
Kagome's hand flew back and she slapped him across his face. His eyes bugged in his head then narrowed to angry slits as the red print of her hand formed on his cheek.
“What the hell was that for?” He touched his face inspecting the damage.
She spat, “For being a stupid ass! How can you decide such a thing after only knowing someone for three weeks? And who knows! I might have been the perfect wife. But you will never know because you won't give me the chance. You barely even knew me…” Kagome turned on her heel and stormed back to the car.
Inuyasha watched her leave as he pulled his legs to his chest and pressed his face into his knees. It's been months since I last saw her and it's like no time has passed at all. Oh Gods what have I done?
Kagome took enormous satisfaction in slamming the door once she was in the car. Kagura made a noise but slept on. Rin opened an eye.
“So, guess he didn't say the right thing?”
Kagome closed her eyes. “No he didn't”
Rin's soft voice carried from the tiny back seat. “He meant well you know. This has been killing him.”
“I don't care.” Kagome put her face in her hands.
“It's not the same for them you know.”
Kagome sniffed. “Same for who?”
“The yokai, they live differently than us humans. That's why I've been sent away to school. To learn how my side of the world lives.”
Kagome whispered. “Then explain Sesshomaru and Kagura.”
Rin's voice was wistful. “Wish I could. It just appears he's lost his mind.”
“If he's free to lose his mind and we all know how anal Sesshomaru is, than what's Inuyasha's problem?”
Rin answered honestly, “Except for me, I don't think either one of them has ever had care for anyone but themselves. It must've been quite the shock for them. Maybe Inuyasha can't handle it. Kagome as humans we are frail. Inuyasha will live to be well over a hundred. Those pictures in the hall back at the house, they aren't of his grandparents. That's his father and Sesshomaru's mother. Yokai don't suffer loss well and maybe he was afraid of what losing you would do to him.”
Kagome turned to face Rin over the headrest. “Ya know for a kid, you're pretty damned smart.”
Rin kicked back on the bench seat and grinned. “Yeah that's what they tell me!” She added with gusto “And I'm eighteen hardly a kid.”
Sesshomaru's phone rang on the leather seat beside him. He picked up the phone and flipped it open without missing a beat.
“Sesshomaru-sama, this is Starch.”
He pressed the speaker button and tossed the phone back onto the passenger seat.
“You have news?”
“Yeah, looks like Naraku is on the move.”
Sesshomaru frowned and his displeasure was evident in his voice. “Do we know his destination?”
“Nope, but we are right on his ass. He's at a Denny's off King's Highway and he's got the girl. They aren't heading back to the room because he took their luggage when they left. I'd make a run on him now but the diner is full of people...”
Sesshomaru bit his tongue. “You made the right decision. Don't take him on by yourself. He's a hanyou and damned dangerous. He'd delight in taking as many innocent bystanders with him as possible.”
Starch's voice crackled, “I agree. So how much longer till you get here?”
Sesshomaru looked at the dashboard clock. “Half an hour.”
Bridget Jones: I read that you should never go out with someone if you can think of three reasons why you shouldn't.
Mark Darcy: And can you think of three?
Bridget Jones: Yes.
Mark Darcy: Which are?
Bridget Jones: First off, I embarrass you. I can't ski, I can't ride, I can't speak Latin , my legs only come up to here and yes I will always be just a little bit fat. And you, you fold your underpants before you go to bed!
Mark Darcy: No, hang on! That-that can't be a reason.
Bridget Jones: No, it's not a reason! But you're not perfect either! You look down your nose at absolutely everyone and you're incapable of doing anything spontaneous or potentially affectionate.
Bridget Jones: It feels like you're waiting to find someone in the VIP room who's- who's so fantastic, just the way she is, that you don't need to fix her.
Mark Darcy: Bridget, this is mad.
Bridget Jones: And perhaps you thought you found her.
[long pause]
Bridget Jones: Do you *want* to marry me?
[awkward silence]
Mark Darcy: Look- I-
Bridget Jones: You see, you can never muster the strength, to fight for me.
[long silence. Mark opens his mouth and closes it again. Bridget walks out]
…………Bridget Jones's The Edge of Reason