InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Don't Know What You Have 'Till Its Gone ❯ Release the Rage (Part I) ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

{Disclaimer: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me so don't sue. ::sighs:: unless someone would like to give him to me. I would have a ball playing with those ears.}

You Don't Know What You Have 'Till It's Gone

By Striking Falcon

Chapter Eleven: Release the Rage (Part I)

Sango tossed her boomerang again, the massive bone slicing through the disfigured demon in front of her. She kicked another demon, sending it toward Miroku. He smashed the end of his staff against the back of its head. Sango gasped for air as the torrent of attackers relenting for some unknown reason. She glanced at Inuyasha and nearly fainted. Beside him, fighting shoulder to shoulder, was Sesshoumaru, the reason the other demons stopped attacking her and Miroku. He smashed through the beasts like water through a dam. Sango stared in amazement, then looked at the clearing as something blue entered the field.

"Miroku, is that Kagome?" she asked as Miroku turned around. The gasp from the monk told her she was right. Sango studied her friend anxiously. Kagome stood beside a tree, her hand bracing herself as she surveyed the bodies strewn across the field. 'She looks like some kind of princess,' Sango noted, watching Miroku as he walked toward Kagome. In an ice blue kimono with what looked like diamond sticks adorning the bun in her hair, Sango had never seen her dressed like this. 'She doesn't look hurt,' she thought as Kagome smiled at her. 'As a matter of fact, she looks happy. Could it be because of-' A shriek pierced the air on her right. Sango turned around and paled.


Shippou tried as best he could to fight the massive creature, but the giant wolf demon toyed with him like a game of cat and mouse. Shippou was batted from hand to hand like a ball. The wolf picked him up, grinning through bloodstained teeth.

"What should I do with you?" he asked aloud as Shippou squirmed. "I know. Earmuffs! I need a new pair, anyway!" He scratched Shippou's back, ripping through his haori. Shippou screamed as tears streaked down his face. He wished for one person, the only person since his parents to ever risk her life for his.



Kagome glared at the demon as it picked up Shippou, getting madder by the second. Her hands fisted and her lithe figure trembled slightly, the tendrils of hair framing her face started to lift off. The wind picked up, nearly matching Miroku's Wind Tunnel. As the wolf demon clawed Shippou's back, his desperate voice rang out in Kagome's mind.


Kagome blinked and started forward, the wind circling around her flapping against the silk of her kimono. The cherry blossoms on her left sleeve glowed a vivid red.


"Hey YOU!"

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stopped mid blow. They looked at each other, then over their shoulders; their foreheads nearly touching. The demons attacking them stopped to look as well. Sesshoumaru shoulders slumped slightly as Inuyasha gasped.

"What the fu…" Inuyasha breathed, unable to finish due to shock. Sesshoumaru could do no better as they watched Kagome march across the field. She was headed straight for a wolf demon, who held Shippou in its hand. Blood dripped from Shippou's back.

"Oh great," Sesshoumaru muttered.

Inuyasha glared at him. "What?"

"Her left arm is glowing," Sesshoumaru stated, pointing.

Inuyasha shrugged. "So?"

"We now have a bigger problem."


Kagome jerked the sticks out of her hair, the wind picking up the freed strands. She stepped in front of the wolf, the sticks twirling in her hands like mini batons.


She sank the sticks in the wolf's eyes. He dropped Shippou and swatted desperately at them as Shippou jumped on Kagome's shoulder, kissing her cheek.


Her fist connected with the wolf's face, cracking its jaw in three places. The blinded wolf growled and raised its hands to grab her.


Kagome grabbed the wolf's wrists, crushing the bones. The wolf yelped in surprise.


She ripped his arms from their sockets, tossing the bloodied limbs to the ground. The wolf cried out in agony.


Her hands shot forward, digging into his chest. Kagome's fingertips emerged out his back.


Her hands separated, splitting the poor creature in two. As its blood rained down on the field, Shippou cheered. Inuyasha and the others stood, mouths wide open.


"What-was-that?" Inuyasha whispered. Sesshoumaru paled as more demons ran to attack the new threat.

"I gave her something to protect herself. I forgot to tell her not to get angry while she wore it."

Inuyasha glared at him. "This is what happens when she gets mad?"

"This is what happens when someone she cares about is in danger. She saved Rin one afternoon with that same power. The spirit living in the dagger-"

"You gave her a possessed dagger?!"

"Can I finish? Anyway, the spirit living inside the dagger reacts to the owner's feelings, as long as the owner is female. It protects her, and anyone she deems necessary. Kagome's power freed the spirit. It has taken over her body, giving her an undetermined fountain of strength to defeat her enemies."

Inuyasha smiled. "So what's the problem?"

Sesshoumaru frowned slightly. "Kagome sees everyone, except Shippou, as an enemy."

"Piss," Inuyasha cursed.



Shippou ducked inside Kagome's haori as the onslaught of demons surrounded them. Kagome glared at them, the wind around her swirling frantically. She suddenly dashed forward, making her way to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Demon after demon leaped in her path, slowing her down but not stopping her. Kagome backhanded one demon as her right foot smashed into the chin of another, breaking both demons' necks. She swept the feet out from under another, then shattered its ribcage with one good stomp. Kagome leaped off the shoulders of an approaching monster, stomping on its collarbone before she sailed over Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's heads. She landed with impressive grace before Naraku. Her left sleeve glowed fiercely, the blue in the kimono totally forgotten. Sesshoumaru reached for her, but Inuyasha jerked his hand back.

"Are you crazy? Didn't you just say she saw us as a threat? Or are you particularly looking forward to having your ass kicked by a 5'1", 16 year old girl?"

"She can not hurt me," Sesshoumaru stated, but kept his arms by his sides. Even he didn't know if that statement was true, but he had to say something. Inuyasha smirked.


"You," Kagome hissed, her hand wrapped around her left wrist.

Naraku smiled. "Where have you been? I hear you've left one dog for another. You certainly like to run through the family, don't you?"

"Watch your mouth, Naraku!" Inuyasha growled, he and Sesshoumaru ready to step between the two at a moments notice. Naraku ignored them.

"You've grown. I believe you're more powerful than Kikyou ever was. I didn't think that was possible. I'll have fun tainting you."

He reached for her, his fingertips caressing her chin.

"I'm going to enjoy listening to you scream. I wonder where I should begin: here in front of your mate, or alone in my chambers."

He jerked Kagome forward, a sick smile plastered on his face.

"Maybe I should ask him." He glanced at Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru.

"What do you think? Now or later?!"

His laughter rang out across the clearing as Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru scowled, their growls nearly as loud as Naraku's laughter.


Sango and Miroku made their way closer to them, confused.

"Why would he say Kagome's Inuyasha's mate?" Sango asked. Miroku shook his head as he nearly tripped over someone's arm.

"I don't think he was talking to Inuyasha."

"Then who was he- Oh."


{Snoring comes from the couch onstage below SF and Kagome, who are still in the rafters.}

Kagome: {::whispering::} Welcome back! We're still up here, b/c Sesshou is asleep below us.

SF: {::sitting beside Kagome::} Yeah! Jerk! I should throw my shoe at his head! Oh well, keep going!