Invader Zim Fan Fiction ❯ Zims War ❯ Drafted ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“DIIIIIIIIIB!!” Gaz yelled with a distinct hint of overwhelming rage.
“AHH! I'm right here! What do you want??” He responded slightly annoyed by the wail of his name.
“What!…is all your creepy, alien hunting, Junk!! DOING IN MY ROOM?!”
“I ran out of space in the garage.” He said as if that was a good enough reason.
“Well…GET IT OUT!!...”
“…And Put It Where! Exactly?!”
“I don't care! Just not…anywhere near me.”
Dib sighed in defeat, and dragged his heavy E.T. machine out of his sister's room. She just sat there, tapping her foot until he was out of the way, then proceeded to stomp into her inside and slam the door.
Once he managed to cram the bulky machinery into his closet somehow, Dib laid down and began to ponder what he would do tonight.
“It's been a while since I forted Zims evil plans. Maybe I can find out what it is before he even makes it and destroy it before he can…” He was cut off by his dad bursting in the room.
“Hello Son!” he said in his normal tone.
“Umm…hey dad, you need something?” Dib said with a small amount of concern in his voice.
“Gib! I have good news!”
“Dad…first of all, my name is Dib, and also you never have good news. So what is it?”
“I just got finished speaking to a specialist, and it turns out that you're CRAZY!! I'm sending you to the Defective Head Meat Institute.”
“…What! You can't do That!!” Dib was stunned.
“Oh ho ho, my son. You know that you can't have a kitty, you're…INSANE!!...remember?” His dad answered.
“That…That has nothing to do with what I just said!”
“Of course you are son. Now come on time to go!”
Just then two big guys came in and hauled Dib off in a straight jacket and a mussel. He struggled at first which was soon silenced by a tazer shocking him for a good 5 minutes.
“Wait! Ouch!... DAD! Ouch!… Help me!!”
“Sure thing son, see you in a hundred years.” Membrane said waving.
Meanwhile at Zims house…
GIR was chasing a squirrel around the yard in circles, screeching and yelling and...screeching. Zim had just come out of the lab and was going to see how Tak was doing. He came up through the garbage can elevator, and walked into his living room where she was...supposed to be at.
“Tak? Where did you go?” He called. Puzzled, he walked to the door, put on his disguise and went out in an attempt to look for her.
“GIR!” Zim yelled. “Have you seen Tak anywhere?!” Zim asked. GIR saluted in his dog suit, and then said in his duty mood voice..
“Sir! She is right behind you!”
“Ehh?…” Zim turned around and saw nothing but his house. “What are you talking about there is no one here but us.”
Just then an Irken ship flew out of Zims front door, destroying most of his yard and the entire face of his house, before it swooped right over his head and out into space. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!” Zim screamed.
GIR (still saluting) responded with “Sir! Subject Tak is now in front of you and exactly 2 miles out into space! Shall I pursue Master?
“Negative GIR. If she still wanted to kill us, there would have already been another attempt.” Zim said. GIR still stood there saluting.
What happened to him? By now he should be running around and screaming something about tacos. “GIR, what is the matter with you? How come you're acting so…not broken?”
“Sir! If your are referring to my new behavioral actions, the Irken known as Tak repaired the Duty Mode section of my brain.” He spoke in a serious tone.
“She did WHAT!?” Was all Zim could say, unnecessarily loud of course.
“Shall I repeat myself master, or was that just an unethical, emotional reaction to the current situation.” GIR stated to the now jaw dropped invader. All Zim could do was stare into space for a minute.
`Why would Tak do this?' He thought to himself. “GIR, you may…umm…at ease?” Zim spoke not knowing exactly what to say. His robot dropped the aluting hand and gave a loud…
“OKEE DOKEE!” before going back to chasing the squirrel. Zim just stood there trying to figure out why she would, fix his Robot.” His thoughts were cut short when he became aware of the very large crowd of people gathered around the wreckage of what was once his base.
“Ummm….Hey Look Over There!! IT'S A!...uhh..A!….ITS THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE EVER WANTED!!” Zim yelled and pointed to behind the mass of people.
The crowd turned around only to see a farmer who was holding a leash attached to the bell on a cow. Said farmer then smiled at them and waved a friendly hello to the crowd. The group looked rather disturbed and turned back around to see a fixed house, a nice yard, and a weird green dog on leash tied to a tree. They all just shrugged and went on with there oblivious lives.
“Well that was close.” Zim said who now inside with his back against the door and sighing heavily with relief. “Well I guess I'll go see if Tak left any bombs here before she left” Before Zim could take a step an alarm in his Pak went off. A hologram of an irken general appeared from his two way video phone thing in front of him.
“Congratulations!!” He said. “You have been….DRAFTED!! to planet Conventi-uh (kon-ven-she-uh. the Irken controlled planet where the Great Assigning took place) immediately! in now.
End of Chapter 3