Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Loved At Last ❯ Ask Her ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This chapter is really short, I know. Anyway, this is a disclaimer for this story, I own nothing that you recognize which belongs to J.R.R. Tolkein.
Please read and review.
Chapter Five~*~ASK HER~*~
Once the horses had been properly taken care of (Legolas had helped Succori with Star because of her arm and he is totally over protective) the two headed up to the castle.
So, your sister seems really cool.
Yeah, she is pretty cool.
I can't believe she lasted that long; then again, if she's anything like you, well it isn't so unbelievable.
Thanks, I think. I never got a chance to thank you.
Thank me for what?
For helping me rescue her.
You did all the work; I just stayed out of the way.
You saved my life.
No buts. Ask anything of me, I'll do my best to comply.
She set it up perfectly; I can just ask her and—Hold it hot shot. I don't think that's what she meant. You're right; I should just give up.No; ask her.
Actually there is something you can do for me.
Anything, to an extent.
Go on, ask her.
Now, I'm not telling you or ordering you, but I would like you to consider…
Oh no, he's going to ask me; what do I do?First, calm down. Second, listen. Third, explain your situation; four, answer.
Consider what?
I'd like you to consider a courtship with me.
Succori was quiet for a long time, too long. Legolas couldn't take it.
Look, if you don't want to you don't have to.
No, it's not that—
So you do, oh I was so worried you didn't like me—
Legolas, I haven't said anything yet; we need to discuss a few things first.
Like what?
Like the fact that I am Sauron's daughter.
What about it?
Being with me would put you in grave danger; my life is cursed because of my sire. I just want to make sure you fully understand what you would be getting yourself into. I don't want to put you in danger.
Succori, I put myself in danger every day. If I wasn't prepared for that I wouldn't have asked. No one should have to carry their burdens alone. Not even you. and if you'll let me, I'll help you with yours.
No buts; I know what I'm getting into. I love you Succori, and I want to be with you forever.
Well, I don't know about forever, but I want to be with you too.
I can deal with that.
Legolas moves towards her; he wraps his arms around her wait and Succori closes the gap, meeting her lips with his. The kiss is slow at first, Succori puts her hands on his shoulders, and Legolas caresses her face gently. He pulls her closer and the innocent kiss became passionate and lustful. Legolas's tongue swiped Succori's lips, begging for permission to enter. It was granted. Their tongues battle for possession, Succori finally gave in (something she only did for Legolas) and Legolas explored every inch of her mouth.
After several minutes she dies from lack of air.
The End