Love Hina Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my anime road trip of chaos ❯ more chaos and the pigtails that wont come out any time soon. ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Anime road trip of chaos

me: now we're off to paris!

hehehe,poor bakura, i am NOT going to take out those pigtails anytime soon.

yes we will be going to atlanta,but we will be going to paris first then maybe atlanta a little later in the story.

in this chapter i am going to put bakura into lots of trouble and chaos.


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as everyone is leaving IHOP su frantically skips all the way to the limo-chopper so she can be the pilot.

"shane." calls su.

"yeah?" asks shane.

"where's paris?" asked su.

everyone except for su does a anime fall.

"shane!!" yells a angry bakura.

"what?" asks shane to bakura.

"what was that warm metal thing i was sleeping on called?" asks a confused looking bakura.

"its called a furnace heater." replied shane.

"i see, i must sleep on more of those then,they give a nice warm tingling feeling all over my body."replies bakura

"i don't know him." says ryou.

yeah,me neither." replies yami.

"EVERYONE GET ABOARD RIGHT NOW!!" yells an impatient su.

everyone does what their told and in no less then two minutes,the wings of the limo-chopper rise up and start to rotate.

"hey shane." calls bakura.

"what?" asks shane starting to get a bit irritated by all of the questions.

"why does everyone always point,stare or laugh at me whenever they see my face?" asks a curious bakura.

"maybe it's because your wearing p..........." AMK was cut of by kaori.

"we dont know so dont ask us ever again." replies kaori quickly.

"huh? fine." replies bakura

"i swear,if that guy asks me a question ever again, i will have him pounded into a pulp." warns shane.

as everyone is flying su is looking for a old ruined not so great looking apartment to blow up with her missiles.

"argh,wheres a old, abanded ,building when you want one to blow up?" asks a ticked off su.

"who knows,who cares so shut up please." says shane impatiently.

"shane?" asks bakura

"arrghh,i cant take this anymore!! take this bakura! ASH BOMB!" yells a ticked of shane who throws a small bomb into bakura's hands.

"huh?what th......" bakura gets cut off by a loud explosion.


after the explosion, bakuras pigtails were still intact,while bakura's face was black.

"smells like bacon" replies bakura.

everyone does a anime fall,which once again causes the chopper to swerve up and down,narrowly missing two skyscrapers.

as everyone gets up, su starts speaking.

"stop fooliing around,i'm looking for the nearest hotel to land on so i can make some modifications!" yells an also irritated su.
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at the nearest hotel.
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"okay,everybody might as well take a one hour break seeing as i need at least a hour to make some modifications."says su.

after that said,everybody splits up,going their own way.
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as ryou is heading back to the limo-chopper,he quickly decides to go look for bakura,his evil half and bring him back as well.

as soon as ryou finds bakura,bakura is laying on top of a furnace heater getting starnge looks at him.

"uh bakura?"

no answer.


still no answer.

"if you do not move right now, i will take away all of your 'peephole monthly' and give them to miroku.

"you wouldn't." answers bakura.

"oh yeah? try me." replies ryou.

"grrr,fine what do you want?" asks a now angry bakura.

ryou takes this moment to get revenge on his evil half.

"i just wanted to ask which magazine of 'naked guys weekly' you would want." answers ryou.

"the one with the best pictures of........." bakura stops mid sentance after he realized what he had just said.

everyone in the now formed crowd start to back away slowly from the 'gay man who looks like a escaped mental ward person'.

"in the name of RA i shall kill you!!" yells bakura as he chases ryou around the building.

as the two reach the roof top, su and everyone inside are about to take off when ryou jumps in the nick of time catching kagome's hand and pulling him up.

bakura attempts to make the same jump but he misses about a foot and miracously grabs ahold on one of the missile on the limo-chopper.

just then su spots a old,ruined,abonded building ,locks onto her taget and......

"MISSILE AWAY!!" yells an excited su.

"crap" was bakura's only reply

with that said,bakura was launched heading towards the abonded building screaming.

"OH RRRAAA HELLLLLLLPP MEEEEEEEEE!" yells bakura as he braces for impact.

just before he can get killed,bakura is transported to the limo-chopper by shane's author powers.


"calm down bakura,your okay" says kagome who is trying to calm down bakura.
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the rest of the night was peaceful except for the occasional swerving in between buildings.

after a while of swerving in between buildings a arguement starts.

"su,you've had the wheel all day and not to mention we have almost gotten killed countless times so give it here." says shane trying to get a hold of the steering wheel.

after that is said, a tug-o-war begins and the limo-chopper starts to madly swerve to the left and right until.........

"i give up,go ahead,kill us all." says shane in an irritated sarcastic tone.

"YAY" replies su in a victorious tone.
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2 hours later
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as soon as the chopper lands on top of the roof of the nearest hotel,everyone gets out to look a the nice veiw of paris at night time.
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inside hotel.
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everyone has their exact sleeping positions as the last chaper,this time without any fires.
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next morning,outside of hotel.
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"okay,this is what we're going to do today,we are all going to split up into groups and meet back here in about three hours,agree?" asks shane.

"agreed" answers everyone else in union.

the groups are as follows : yami and jacquelyn

kaori with ryou and bakura

terra with sesshomaru

shane with naru

AMK with miroku

kagome and koalla su
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about an hour later,everyone is hoplessly lost.
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me: chapter 7 coming soon...........i hope.

i tried to make this chapter a lot longer and i MAY have succeeded but im not 100% sure.

plz R&R about how you like this fic so far and plz read my other story "secrets can hurt" if you have time.

if you want to be in the story this is what you need to fill out:



hair colour/style

eye colour:


clothes: (you will be wearing multiples )


paired with:

if the person is not in the story i will put them into the story but they have to be from any one of the three animes listed in chapter 1.

no naru, she's mine.


p.s. i really suggest that you read "secrets can hurt" it has 11 chapters and is pretty good,if you do READ AND REVIEW it.

i am thinking abou taking everyone to new orleans for mardi gras.

plz R&R.