Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Butterflies and Blizzards ❯ Trial pt. 1: Heart ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Now each team of two will have to work together to get to the top of the peak. There they will pick a single ice flower and bring it back.  It does not matter how as long as you are back before sundown. Any questions?"

"Master, what of Isabeau?"

Kuai stepped forward, "As my student she will still have to make it to the top of the peak and pick a flower. But she will do without asking for help."

That caught Fay's attention and she quickly glanced at Bi-Han and he gave a slight nod in answer. She smiled widely.

"One other thing to note...No teams can sabotage each other...there will be eyes watching your every more."

A roar pierced through the air and all the students gasped when two Frost Dragons dropped down out of the clouds.

Bi-Han grinned, "There will also be people placed in secret on the trails leading up to the peak, so there will be no place to hide. Anyone who gets hurts will be removed from the mountainside immediately."

Kuai raised a hand and the students turned to face the mountain face excitedly.

"Good luck everyone! Your trial begins...NOW!" And his hand dropped.

The groups of two scrambled forward and Isabeau looked to Kuai and he nodded.

She smiled and squaring her shoulders turned to the mountain, eyeing the peak with interest.

She took off for a run.

'Alright. Lets do this.'

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

When the last student disappeared into the mountainside, Bi-Han turned to his brother.

"Why are you making her do this alone, Kuai?"

The younger cryomancer smiled. "I know she can. We have trained countless mornings on this mountainside. She knows the layout better than anyone else."

"So its a test as well as a trial? Why?"

Kuai dropped his head, his hands coming up to his face.

"Yesterday I took her to the peak."

"Wait...the peak? The spot you only go to? Shit, Kuai."

Kuai locked eyes with his brother. "I have asked her to think about becoming my disciple after this."

Bi-Han was shaken. His disciple? But that would mean...

"What of your feelings for her?"

"I cannot tell her. She must never know of them."

His brother stilled, pain flooding his face.

"I don't want her away from my side, Bi-Han. Even if it means she stays there as my disciple...I will take it."


"She is a incredible prospect for the Lin Kuei, she will be a much needed asset."

Bi-Han shoved him. "You absolute dumbass. Yes, we have to think of the Lin Kuei but you also have to think of yourself...of your happiness too! You care for her...more than I have ever seen you care for anyone. Don't throw this possibility away, brother."


"No more."


Kuai's gaze snapped to him.

Bi-Han grabbed his shoulders,  "Now you fucking listen to me. That woman has changed you...and for the better. You are much more relaxed around her. You light up when you talk about her and when you look at her...You trust her with your life, right?"

His brother nodded and Bi-Han smiled, "Then why not trust her with your heart as well, brother?"

Kuai shook his head, "I have to think of Isabeau and what she would want."

Bi-Han snorted, "Bullshit. The emotional tension between you two is thick...its been aggravating to watch you two skirt around each other because of the rules. If anything she is thinking about what you would want and what the Lin Kuei ask of her. She is too much like you. I have a feeling that she won't say anything until you do."

He grips his shoulder and shakes it lightly. "Use tonight as a stepping stone, little brother. Tell her and let things fall into place on their own."

"But the Lin Kuei-"

"Will be fine. You have acted honorably the entire time you trained her...but tonight....she will no longer be a student. She will be on equal footing so talk to her and maybe find some peace."

"When did you become so wise, Bi-Han?"

"Well, its basically the same advice I've given myself."

Kuai searched his brother's face and smiled, "Fay?"

The older one cleared his throat and turned his face away. "I...umm...wanted to speak with you about that."

"What do you want to speak about?"

Bi-Han suddenly looked very nervous as he fidgeted in front of him. Kuai chuckled.

"She seems like a gentle soul. And you have become much like your old self because of her. I approve."

 "Y-you do?"

"I am glad you have found someone that makes you happy. She has pulled you from the shadows and back into the light."

"Then do one thing for me brother? Talk to Isabeau. Not as her teacher, or grandmaster, but as you, Kuai Liang, the man."

"I'm not exactly an expert on these things."

"Who said you had to be? As long as you are honest...that will be enough."

"Still doesn't make it any easier, Bi-Han."

"No, but the alternative is worse..."

Kuai nodded in agreement. It could be worse, he could end up losing her.

His chest ached sharply at that thought.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

The air was crisp as she climbed higher, taking even slow breaths to conserve the thinning oxygen. It was a steep climb and it would only get more difficult.

She gripped the rock ledge above her and swung herself up onto it, quickly rolling to the side as the rock underneath rumbled, a piece breaking off. 

'That was too close.'

Her hands turned to ice and she gripped tightly, forming daggers in her hands.

The quickest way to the next ledge would be straight up...she only hoped the rock face would hold.

She had a mission to complete. Isabeau would prove that his training wasn't in vain...that she had been worth his time and effort. This yearning for his validation was all-encompassing...ingrained into every pore of her being. She wanted him to be proud of look at her with that soft look that made his eyes darker blue and the gentle smile that sent her pulse thrumming.

Slamming the daggers into the rock she began to climb, her mind racing over what happened the previous day.

Kuai went to all that effort just to help her see her first dawn in five months, but when she had almost fallen...he had caught her and pulled her to safety...right on top of himself. Okay so he had tripped, but he never trips...he was usually so graceful. And that short amount of contact had set her nerves on fire, her skin still burning where his hands had sat.

Then finding out he had made tea and had already went up there to hide it there just to surprise her with it? To her it seemed almost...romantic, the thought he put into it all. Watching the sunrise in his personal spot and then drinking tea with him...her stomach flipped.

Then he had to go and ask her to become his disciple.

She couldn't deny that she was attracted to him...very attracted to him, but she also knew that it wouldn't...couldn't go any further than this yearning she had for his touch...for his hands on her flesh. She shivered before shaking her head. 

While the rules did not forbid feelings there was still a certain honor to uphold. He was the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei after all and her teacher as well.

'Not after today.' Some dark part of her whispered...the part that wanted him viciously...the part that clawed at her with its desire and passion to touch him and to be touched by him.

After today, while she would no be longer be a student and free to approach him with it, if she agreed to be his disciple...she would be forbidden to act on her feelings. It would besmirch the Lin Kuei and after how hard Kuai had worked to renew the clan...she wouldn't undo all that.

This was so damn confusing and aggravating at the same time.

But goddess, he had felt so solid beneath her hands, combined with his hands on her hips and his voice softly saying her name...

She slipped a moment before righting herself.

"Okay Izzy, stop daydreaming about him and get moving."

Pulling herself up onto the next ledge she sat for a while and breathed deeply.

She had to stop thinking about him and focus. This was the finals and she was on her own.

A rumble caught her attention and she looked out into the distance. It was growing

That only meant one thing...a storm was coming...


She had to move faster but first she had to warn Kuai.

Closing her eyes, she focused on her hands and ice blossomed and a small cloud of butterflies fluttered to life.

Talking quickly, she sent them on their way back down the mountain towards Kuai.

With how dark the sky was already getting, the storm was going to be bad. 

She squared her shoulders and continued to climb up the mountain face.

Kuai was waiting for her to return with the ice flower and she was going to...

Storm be damned.