Other Fan Fiction ❯ (Rakin Bass: JACK FROST)... Jack is Back! ❯ Man-to-Man ( Chapter 12 )

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The Cossacks tried and tried with all their might, but they seemed to be no match for the imposing strength that Jack possessed.
Even the Cossacks who were at the tops of the towers didn't have a chance, “You're going to regret it if I come up there!” yelled Jack.
The Cossack nervously threw down his gun, “Forget about this, I Quit!” and then he ran off.
He wasn't the only one running away; many of the soldiers were abandoning the base.
The rest stayed behind, only to have Jack knock them down with his sword, and freeze them with his Frost.
He didn't even have to use the door on the castle to enter; he changed into his Sprite-state, and just passed right through the wall.
He was greeted by no less than six soldiers who tried to open fire, but Jack had already Froze them solid.
* * *
From in the Dungeon, Krusha was growling like bear. “What is going on here?!” he asked himself.
“He doesn't even know where the door is… but he's tearing through my army like it's a paper cut-out!”
“Why don't you just face the facts, Krusha?” said Barry from in the cage, “Obviously, Jack seems to be too much for you to handle!”
Krusha was still wearing his X-ray glasses, so he was able to see the Sprites and hear them as well.
“I don't care what you think!” he roared, “Even if he makes it up here, he'll have to get past me to get through to you!”
* * *
Down below the Dungeon area, Jack wasted no effort in crushing all that stood in his way.
The Cossacks had already quit trying and just plain ran away like crawling cowardly cats!
Jack climbed up the last line of stairs and then burst through the steel door at the top.
Finally there was no more waiting, Krusha Kraus and Jack Frost had met face to face.
“Are you the guy in charge?” Jack asked the big Cossack, “Yes, I am Krusha Kraus, the leader in chief of the Red Ribbon Army!”
“And you are Jack Frost… the one little sprite who has caused me and my army enough trouble!”
Jack pointed his sword at Krusha, “You bet I have.” Said Jack, “And you know why I've come!”
He tuned to the cage behind Krusha, and smiled at Elisa, and she smiled back at him along with the other sprites.
“I'll only tell you this once, Release my friends right now!”
Krusha just laughed, “Oh… and what if I don't feel like it? What is a puny winter sprite like you going to do about it?”
This made Jack's anger rise, “I don't care if you will let them go or not… you will release them even if I have to force you to do so!” he growled.
Jack pulled out swung back his sword, and charged straight toward Krusha, but before he even got close enough…something strange and red popped up in front of him.
“One more step boy, and you'll be burnt to crisp!” sniggered Krusha. “This fire-wall reaches from one end of the room to the other!”
“And since you are a Frost-Sprite… though you are immortal, you can get badly hurt if you try to pass through this!”
Jack saw no choice but to change into his mortal-forum. After he did, he tried to break through the wall again, but was shocked backwards.
“Silly little sprite!” Mocked Krusha, “Do you really think I would make it that easy for you?”
“I also equipped the wall with electrical-currents. Now you can't get back here in either of your states!”
“Oh no…Jack!” cried Elisa. “save your tears, my pretty!” said Krusha, “After I'm done with Frost here, I'll have no further use to keep you here!”
“I'm going to do away with you, the same way you and your husband, that pathetic night, killed my brother…Kubla!”
Elisa began to quiver in fear, but Jack wasn't going to just allow this madman to hurt the woman he loved.
“Elisa had nothing to do with Kubla's death!” he yelled. Krusha turned around and asked, “And just what do you know about my brother's demise?”
Jack knew this would get him in trouble, but he summoned up all his courage… “I KILLED KUBLA!!!!” he shouted.
Silence… and more silence followed, “Excuse me?” said Krusha with red blazing through his eyes. “What did you just say?”
“I caused the avalanche… which killed your brother.” Replied Jack “He deserved it…for all the crimes he committed!”
Krusha lowered the Force-field, and withdrew his sword. “You… killed my brother!” he growled, “You may have beaten him, but you will not beat me!”
“We'll see about that!” said Jack, “And to prove my honor, and love for Elisa… I'll fight you man-to-man, in my mortal-state!”
Elisa and the other sprites looked shocked. Jack could be killed if he stays as a mortal.
They were about to talk him out of it, but Krusha had already approached Jack right in the face.
“You mean to say… You won't change into a Sprite?” he asked. “I give my word on it, Kraus!” replied Jack.
Krusha and Jack's swords parried one attack after the other. As Jack struggled to keep his guard up Krusha punched Jack in the face, and he fell to the ground.
“NO…Jack!!!” cried Elisa.
Krusha laughed as he stepped forward. “It seems that you are not the great warrior you thought!” he said.
He grasped Jack's neck and looked hi straight in the eye. “Take a deep breath, for it shall be your last!”
He raised his sword read to strike Jack's heart, but he parried with his own sword, and kicked Krusha in the gut sending backward into the wall.
“Wrong again, Krusha!!”
Jack was only pretending to be down. Sir Ravenaugh had taught him many rules of battle, and one of them was..
“Always keep your enemy guessing!”
The Battle continued. “You won't win!!” said Krusha, “We shall see!” protested Jack.
In the midst of the Chaos, Krusha accidentally smashed the control box for the cell.
The shield on the cage vanished, allowing Elisa and the Sprites to escape. “Oh no… No it can't be!” cried Krusha. The Sprites had him completely surrounded.
“Give it up, Krusha!” said Barry, “Your nightmare making days are over!” added Daisy.
Krusha backed into a corner, and dropped his sword. “Now put your hands over your head!” said Lilly
“Like this!” said Krusha sinisterly. He pressed a secret switch on the wall and dropped down through a trap door.
“Do you really I would make it this easy you nasty little seasons?!” his voice echoed though the door.
“Quickly!” said Jack to the other Sprites, and changing into one himself, “We have to find him!”