Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma the Amorous Over-Sexed Nympho ❯ Enter Ryoga ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ranma the Amorous Over-Sexed Nympho
Chapter 5; Enter the Lost boy (Song lyrics from R-Kelly's 'Feel'n on yo booty')

"This ain't Tokyo!" Answered the first farmer

"That's five hundred mile north 'o' here!"

"I see, forgive the commotion," replied the boy as he slung his umbrella onto his backpack, "Ranma Saotome, prepare to meet me!" Ryoga continued to march southwestward.

"You can hide from out man-to-man battle no longer!"
______________________________________________________________ ____________________

Kasumi put the umbrella in the holder and slipped off her shoes. She sighed gratefully that she had the whole house to herself. Akane, Ranma, and Nabiki decided upon Ranma's idea of attending a communal bath, which would ensure the redhead was kept *quite* busy for a while, and their fathers had gone out to drink on a whim, which would ensure that they came back extra drunk.

Kasumi set her library books down on the kitchen counter and put up what few things she needed to buy for tomorrow's breakfast, when she heard some music playing low in the background.

"Hello? Anyone home?" asked the eldest Tendou daughter as she slowly approached the den. It wasn't a song she was familiar with; she hadn't heard much American music, though this song had a nice beat. Her grasp though on English was limited..

-"This is my song, for real, no doubt.
-So the DJ's making you feel the down.
-As I walk you to the dance floor, baby get your dance flow.
-Put your hands around me..."

"My, what a catchy tune," said Kasumi cheerfully.

"I'm glad you like it, is it putt'n you in the mood yet?"

Kasumi paled at the voice, and looked around. The lights were dimmed, a bottle of sake was sitting chilled on the den table with a single candle and one wine glass by it; she knew instantly she had been set up, "uh, Ranma-kun, I thought you went to the community baths."

The redhead shrugged at the question, "Decided I had better things to do, like..." Ranma gave Kasumi a smoky glare that forced the older girl to take a step back, causing her to trip over the couch and fall into sitting.

"Doesn't this music just make you wanna.. move?" Ranma-chan began to sway sensuously, dragging her hands slowly up her thighs, and then across the soft silk of her red shirt, somehow hiding the motions of unbuttoning each wooden fastener as her hands traveled upward. Inwardly, Ranma congratulated herself, maneuvering everyone to be out of the house for a while, much longer than what she probably needed to get the job done (not that she wasn't gonna use every bit of time available), selection of music (American R&B probably had the highest ratio of sexual references to any other type of music, quite easily earning it the title 'Booty music'). She made sure to have Nabiki find the most potent sake available, though from what she had seen earlier, Kasumi obviously had a high tolerance.

Kasumi found herself swaying, and when she realized it, stopped herself quickly, "No, must resist, someone will be home soon, just hold on," thought Kasumi to herself, then immediately thought again, "Fuck that, RUN!"

Kasumi attempted to obey her own advice, but made the mistake of looking back at Ranma. She found herself hypnotized by the gracious movements the other young girl was making as she slowly slid her shirt off her shoulders.

"Saotome sensual arts technique: hypnotic cobra sway," Thought the redhead to herself, as she adapted one of the Anything Goes techniques that would be utilized to paralyze your opponent for a strike, for another purpose entirely. She backed herself against the wall and started to grind her back purposefully as her hands roamed her torso. She heard Kasumi's gulp as she closed her eyes and continued her provocative dance for her one-person audience, adding a low sensuous moan for effect.

Once Ranma was satisfied that her prey wouldn't be going anywhere until she was finished, Ranma slowly strode towards the seated girl and slowly guided her up.

Kasumi sighed in defeat, "Resistance is futile, isn't it?"

"Totally," Ranma said in triumph as she attempted to press as much of herself as she could into the taller girl, gyrating suggestively, "I'm doing this for you, you know?"

-"Playas wanna play
-Ballers wanna ball
-Rollers wanna roll"

"Then you wouldn't mind stopping for me then?" Kasumi asked hopefully.

"Just think if this as a way for me to say thanks. You cook great, do my laundry for us, and keep house. I mean you deserve a reward for that."

"Oh, it's *really* not necessary!"

"Yes.. it is," Ranma moved the other girl's hands onto her butt as she started to guide Kasumi to the music.

-"Feelin on your booty, yes I am!"

Kasumi 'eeped' and tried to slide her hands back up, only to have Ranma firmly move them back onto her bum.

-"And I hope you like it girl"

Ranma giggled a bit, seducing people in this manner was fun, "I've never done this for anyone before, but you're special. You deserve to have this taken nice, and slow."

Kasumi had almost been lulled, and Ranma was more than ready to move on.

"Really, Kasumi-chan, you need to relax, and... I... know... just... how... to... do that," each word was punctuated by a kiss onto Kasumi's jaw line, as the younger girl guided the eldest Tendou daughter to the floor. Kasumi wearily gave up all hopeless resistance.

-"Boooty, Boo-hooty!
-Boo hoo hoo ty
-Your boohoooty..."
_________________________________________________________ _________________________

"WAIT!!!" Kasumi shot up, throwing the younger girl off of her.

"What? What?" Asked Onna-Ranma, spitting out one of the buttons she had bitten off of Kasumi's blouse

"I need to start preparing dinner!" and with that, Kasumi pulled her blouse tightly together and was up in a flash an in the kitchen, a slew of noises came from out of the kitchen, a sign of the frantic rushing the eldest Tendou daughter was amidst. In truth Kasumi was trying to make as much noise as she could to make it sound as if she was as busy as possible. She had just *barely* managed to resist the other girl's advances. She feared though next time she wouldn't be able to hold out.

Ranma blinked a few times, and then snapped her fingers in agitation, "She's strong."
______________________________________________________________ ____________________

The following day...

"Ranma, get back here!" Nabiki chased the pigtailed boy with a bucket of water, determined to have her raging libido quelled. Ranma had no intention of letting the girl catch up with him, for Kami's sakes he *needed* a rest. He wasn't sure where his girl side got her stamina, but even with his martial arts endurance, he was beginning to wear.

Ranma leapt the stream of water that was jettisoned from the pail, when his sense of danger went off.


Ranma twisted in the air, his attacker's umbrella just missing his arm as Ranma landed in a one handed handstand. The pigtailed martial artist pushed himself away as the ground gave way into a crater.

"You...!" Ranma stared at the crater formed where he had just landed, realizing that coulda been his head under the tip of that umbrella.

"You haven't changed, I see you're still good at running away," stated the stranger as he brought his umbrella to his shoulder and stood up.

"Ranma-sama, is this someone you know?" enquired Akane.

Ranma looked up in recollection, then grabbed his face in concentration, "YEAH!! Uh... sure, he's... he's..."

"Careful, or you'll blow that dim bulb of yours," interrupted Nabiki as she upended a cup of water.

"Just tell me one thing, Ranma, Why did you run out on our... where did Ranma go?"

"Nabiki took Ranma-sama, they'll be busy for a while," stated Akane.

"Ranma-sama?" Repeated Ryoga in question, "why do you call him that?"

"She, um, Ranma-sama, that is...." Akane stuttered, trying to find a way of delicately phasing her predicament.

"Saotome, you cad! How dare you abuse this poor girl!" Ryoga bellowed, raising his umbrella threateningly, "Wait a minute, 'she'?"

Akane chuckled nervously, then looked in another direction.
____________________________________________________________ ______________________

"Ranma," Ryoga considered his nemesis as he walked through what he thought was Southern California, "I shall have my revenge. You did this to my life, you made it a disaster." Ryoga held a walnut in between his fingers, and crushed it.
___________________________________________________________________ _______________

"Well, Ranma-sama, just what did you do to this Ryoga?" questioned Akane, snuggling up closer to the smaller redhead.

"Hmm, I wish I knew, I'd like to put whatever it was behind us and... find a way of making up for it."

"Seriously, Ranma-sama, is your answer to everything sex... oooh, do that again!"

"Heh, when it comes to your buns... hey, waitaminute..."
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________

"Uh, Ranma? This letter came for you from a boy named Ryoga Hibiki," Kasumi handed the pigtailed girl the letter via extendaclaws, in case the girl decided to make a grab at her.

"Geez, Kasumi, it's not like my bites are gonna leave permanent marks," stated Ranma with a smirk as she took the letter, "hmm, I see he's challenging me to a fight yesterday."

"Oh dear, I think you're late then, Ranma."

"Na, as I recall, the guy has the lousiest sense of direction, probably won't be for about a week or something. But in the meantime, I think I can find a way of keeping myself occupied," Ranma glared suggestively at Kasumi's body in a way that made her feel... unclean.

"Oh my, I think I... have something somewhere else to do away from you, sorry Ranma," Kasumi made her hasty retreat from the redhead's presence.

"No problem, I'm patient," whispered Ranma-chan with a sinister smile.
________________________________________________________________ __________________

One Week later

"Hey, over here! Saotome's having a showdown!" shouted a student, waving others to come see.

"So, Ranma, you finally had the guts to show up," stated Ryoga smugly, he was gonna enjoy ripping his rival in half for what he had done to him and confusing that poor Akane girl into thinking he was a 'she'.

"Listen, Ryoga, I didn't come here to fight, okay," Ranma said in attempted appeasement, "just... take this."

Ryoga snagged the curry bread out of the air, "What is this?"

"Well, that makes us even, right?"

"WHAT?" Ryoga exclaimed, "Is this some kind of JOKE?"

"Jeez, greedy Jerk. Okay, here," Ranma tossed over another package of bread, followed by several others, "Happy now? Did I forget anything?"

"You think this is FUNNY?" screamed Ryoga, extremely insensed.

"Well, this is a 'bread-feud' isn't it?"

"You think a bread eating contest will avenge my honor?!?" Ryoga replied, non-plussed, "Besides, these are all passed the 'best by' date!"

"Don't blame me for having to wait a week for you?" Ranma casually replied.


And the fight was on.
___________________________________________________________________ _______________

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A GIRL?!?" Yelled Ranma as he renewed his attack with vigor.

"Other than that Tendou girl?" responded Ryoga smugly; Ranma apparently didn't hear him in his rage.

"Well, WHO'RE YOU CALLING A GIRL?" Ranma's foot slammed through the fountain, igniting a geyser. Ryoga blocked the spray heading for him with his umbrella. As he landed he scouted around for his opponent.

"Over here, stud."

Ryoga looked over to see a well endowed redhead grinning at him in a way he found wholly uncomfortable, "Uh, excuse me miss, but did you happen to see Ranma Saotome around here?

"Right before your eyes, wanna see more of me?" Said the girl sweetly, her meaning anything but as sweet and innocent as it sounded, as she made a subtle move for Ryoga's crotch.

Everything snapped into place for Ryoga as he brought his umbrella at a jab towards Ranma's face, forcing her to bend back away, having it stop just before her nose, "That's why Akane Tendou called you a girl!"

"You're an astute one," replied the girl casually.

"So, you have a Jusenkyo curse too," Ryoga commented, taking a few of his bandannas off and begun to whirl them around.

"I wouldn't call it a 'curse', wanna see what it can do?" Ranma-chan suddenly paused, "Huh? Whaddya mean 'too'?"

Ryoga's reply was several bandannas flying in her direction with seemingly razor edges, forcing Ranma to dodge and spectators to duck and cover.

"I'll go get you some hot water, Ranma-sama," stated Akane as she left the redhead's side.

"WAIT, DON'T!" Ranma's warning went unheeded as a few wayward cloth shurikens headed in her direction. Fortunately the raven-haired girl tripped on a tree root and twisted her ankle, allowing the flying weapons to sail over her with only damage to her school jumper. Ranma ran towards the other girl to assist, leaving herself open for Ryoga's follow up attack.

Ranma turned just in time to see the heavy umbrella heading towards her like a spear.

"It's over!" proclaimed Ryoga, "even if you dodge my umbrella, my bandannas will strike you from every direction!" with that, the lost boy hurled a maelstrom of bandannas out at an arc towards his opponent. Ranma spun on her toe by the umbrella, catching it by the handle as it went by her, and swung it around, allowing the momentum from the swing to open it up. Ranma brought the open umbrella to bear, blocking the bandannas with it.

"Say, isn't that umbrella..." started Daisuke, "incredibly heavy?"

Ranma leapt with Akane snuggled in one arm out of range onto a bicycle shack roof in order to avoid any follow-ups from Ryoga, "Akane, you okay?"

"Ye-yes, Ranma-sama," replied Akane meekly.

"Good, I don't want to see you get hurt because of me," answered Ranma sorrowfully.


"Hey, what happened to 'Ranma-sama'?" The redhead joked, then felt the roof they were on begin to collapse.

Ranma brought Ryoga's umbrella up to guard as the lost boy's belt collided with it and wrapped around it. With a tug, the umbrella was cut in half.

"Put me down Ranma-sama, I can take care of myself," Stated Akane.

"What are you, stupid? First you get in my way then you..." Ranma was silenced by the slap she received upon her and Akane landing.

"You, you hit me..." stated the pigtailed girl in awe. Akane tried to bring herself to apologize, but couldn't find it within herself to do so, instead turning to run with tears in her eyes.

"A-Akane..." breathed the redhead, barely sensing the attack behind her. In one fluid motion, Ranma dodged the belt, rose her right arm straight around in a rising diagonal chop against Ryoga's wrist, then slammed her left fist into Ryoga's gut.

"You MIND! We're having a moment here!" admonished Ranma, and then turned to follow Akane.
"AKANE LOOK OUT!" Yelled Ranma, no way would she make it in time to stop the rogue belt from reaching the other girl.

"Huh?" Akane spun around, to see what Ranma was warning her about, causing her hair to raise up.

Ranma saw Akane's eyes widen, and assumed the worse. The redhead immediately rounded upon Ryoga, her irises once again red.
__________________________________________________________________ ________________

The Ryoga pile twitched on the ground as Ranma-chan looked down upon it with distain, before taking off to catch up with Akane.
________________________________________________________________ __________________

"Akane, wait up," demanded Onna-Ranma as she approached the other girl.

"What did you want," asked Akane tiredly.

"I, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, is that all right?" asked the redhead.

"Oh, sure, you wouldn't want your number one sex toy to get damaged, would ya?"

Ranma inspected the other girl, "Well, at least it's only your hair, thankfully, but now what am I gonna have to grab onto when we..."

Akane turned away with a maddening blush on her face.

"I'm kidding," Ranma-chan said as she cupped the other girl by the chin and turned Akane to face her, then brought her into a warm kiss, which the other girl melted into. "Now how about we see if Kasumi can fix your hair up, then take you over to the doctor's to have your ankle examined?"
____________________________________________________________ ______________________

"Hello, Dr. Tofu!" Greeted Akane as she walked into the clinic

Dr. Tofu paused, then looked around for Ranma, once he was satisfied she wasn't there, he replied, "Well well, cut it short again, eh?"

"Mm hmm, "Akane allowed the chiropractor to look at her after ankle sitting down.

"Looks, like it's just a light sprain," affirmed Dr. Tofu, tenderly examined the young girl's ankle.

"Doctor, do you think it... looks good?" Asked Akane, idly tugging at a strand of her short hair.

"Oh, yes, it's very cute. Short hair always did suit you better." Tofu looked up after Akane's tear landed on her leg.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" He asked in concern

"It, it's not that," replied the raven haired girl, "it's, it's so embarrassing"

The doctor sat down next to the girl and put his arm around her, "tell me what's wrong."

Akane didn't withhold the tears as she cried onto his shoulder, and continued for some time, "Tha... thank you, I needed that, and I'm sorry."

"Oh, there's no need to apologize," replied Tofu.

"Yes there is," Akane insisted. With that, Akane maneuvered herself into holding the doctor in a full nelson and lay back, forcing the doctor to look up to see a nude redhead girl descending upon him from the ceiling in a belly-flop.

Tofu screamed.
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________

Somewhere in Osaka, Ryoga relentlessly hunted for his rival, "Just wait, Ranma, Saotome, I'll find your dojo, and fight you to the death!"
_______________________________________________________________ ___________________

End Vol. 1