Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen ❯ Chapter One: The Warrior King ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hi! It's me again! E-mail = happy otaku Rosy, people! It also equals more wonderful chapters (I hope!) in the future!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. I do not own DB, DBZ, or DB-GT. If I did, I would be the happiest little otaku in the world! But I'm not. Sailor Moon is owned by the Queen of Manga / Anime, Naoko. Long live the Queen! Dragonball in all of it's incarnations belong to Akira Toryamma. And remember peeps, if you meet a kid with a real furry brown monkey tail stuck to his rear; if he ain't nice: HEAD FOR THE HILLS AS FAST AS YOUR LITTLE LEGS CAN GET YOU TO THE HILLS! Although, if you have a car, take that 'cause you are more likely to out-run the guy. =~_~;=

The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen
Chapter One: The Warrior King

25 years before DBZ; DBZ universe; Vegetasai; the Palace:


Napa, guardsman to the Crown Prince of Vegetasai, looked up at his charge, barely managing to hide his disgust with himself. 'I am a fully-trained Saiyan warrior, and this whelp of a two-year-old actually managed to hit me!' he thought. 'Good; the boy is learning, although I wasn't taking him very seriously. It isn't like he caused any real damage.'

The young prince looked like he would be quite happy to oblige his teacher, when he noticed a large flash of light over the courtyard not far from where they were training.

"Napa, what's that?" the little boy asked, pointing.

Against his better judgment, and hoping for the sake of his dignity that if the boy was lying in hopes of ambushing him that he would hear his attacker coming; turned and looked at the courtyard.

"What the *bleep* is that?!?"

"That," for you reader's information, was a classic Sailor Moon phenomena commonly known as one of Pluto's time portals. This portal in particular was just now ejecting a now dressed casually in jeans and a lavender wide-neck T-shirt, along with ankle boots, (AN: I love my boots! =^_^=) Moon Princess.

"Look out below!"

Fortunately for our heroine, along with her dignity, she was a surprisingly good martial artist and gymnast, and therefore, landed in a low crouch which cushioned her impact. Which was a very good thing, since this is about when the planet's higher-than-earth-norm gravity decided to kick in, meaning she didn't have far to go when she fell backwards out of her crouch.


It was at this point that Prince Vegeta arrived on the scene, took one look at her situation, and with the bluntness only small childeren can pull off and get away with, especially if they are cute chibi ones, said "Hey, lady, why are you on the ground?"

To which she responded, "contemplating killing a certain 'friend' when I get home for not warning me about just how strong the gravity is here." After struggling up into a sitting position, she asked, "Who are you, little boy?"

"I'm Vegeta, that is my teacher, Napa-baka. He's really cranky 'cause Daddy kept him up late yellin' at him. 'Course, he's always cranky."

Laughing, after making certain she would be able to sit up without it supporting her, Serenity held out her hand and said "Nice to meet you, Vegeta! My name is Serenity, but you can call me Rena if you want to."

Before Vegeta could respond, Napa yelled, "Prince Vegeta! Get back! You don't know what this person is capable of!"

Ignoring Napa, Vegeta reached out and shook her hand, and asked, "Why did you fall over before? And why haven't you gotten up yet?"

Serenity sighed and answered, "Where I come from, the gravity is much weaker, and I wasn't warned how high your gravity is."

"Napa, what is going on here? Who is this person?"

"Your Majesty, I do not know who or what this person is, nor how she got in here, but..."

It was at this point that Serenity managed to get to her feet and turn towards the newcomer. And promptly froze in shock.

'Dang! He's cute!'

(AN: Now, to clarify the meaning of this thought, when Serenity thought the word "cute", she did not in the slightest mean fluffy-bunny-kitty cute. She meant the "Oh, lord, he looks like a super-buff-movie-star" kind of cute. =~_^=)

Her next thought was that she was glad that none of her Senshi were there; they would either be giving her knowing smirks, or the unmarried ones might be latching on to this man in front of her. Mercury...would probably not even notice his looks and be reading some scientific report, completely oblivious.

'Come to think of it,' she mused, 'until recently I'd probably do the same thing.'

The "recently" referring to the whole reason why she was here: Setsuna had told her that her soul mate lived in this time and on this world.

'Selene, guide your descendant in her quest.'

It was at this point that she tuned back in to the conversation going on around her.

"Now, girl, who are you and what are you doing in my palace?"

Serenity blinked, blushed slightly, and fell back to her diplomatic training.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am Serenity, Crown Princess of the moon Lunaris." Now this was the tricky part. Setsuna had drilled her on her cover story as to how and why she got there. 'Please work, Please work, Please work...'

"As to how I am here, I was caught in some sort of temporal portal back home. One minute I was speaking to one of my friends, and the next I was pulled into the portal, and here I am."

All of this was technically true. She had merely left out several facts which would have merely confused a lot of people.

"I hope that my people will soon find a way to return me home, but until then it seems that I am stuck here."


(AN: And now, we get to see just what King Vegeta's first impression of our heroine was! Tee hee! =~_^=)

'Who the heck is this?' was the first thought that went through the king's mind. As he listened to Napa drone on about wanting to rip the information out of the girl, he felt his focus slipping off towards her. Her large, blue eyes; Her long golden hair, both of which were unheard of among the Saiyans. That strange hairstyle. But what really got his attention was the inner depth, sincerity, and beauty he found in her face; mainly her eyes.

'Snap out of it, Vegeta,' he berated himself. 'Your wife only dead two years and already your eyes are wandering!' Then again, his advisors had pointed out that, despite his son's obvious potential to be one of the most powerful warriors their people had ever known, that merely meant that the boy would be all the more likely to attract Freiza's attention. Therefore, they told him, it would be in the planet's best interest if the King remarried. Were the Prince to be killed by the monster, a hidden heir or so could come in handy.

Not that he would just stand by and let that...thing...kill his only son. Just that a spare can always come in handy.

'As for the girl...'

"Now, girl, who are you and what are you doing in my palace?"

She blinked and blushed slightly.

'Now what was that about?'

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am Serenity, Crown Princess of the moon Lunaris. As to how I am here, I was caught in some sort of temporal portal back home. One minuet I was speaking to one of my friends, and the next I was pulled into the portal, and here I am."

"I hope that my people will soon find a way to return me home, but until then it seems that I am stuck here."

'Well, couldn't hurt to let her stay around. For all I know, she could be some great warrior where she comes from.'

'Aww, stop lying,' his subconscious muttered. 'You just think that she's cute and you want to see if you have any chances with her!'

'Shut up. I do not.'

'Yeah, right.'

"I suppose you can stay. This way and I shall show you to a room you can stay in."

In the background he heard her say "Thank you," along with his son chanting "Rena's gonna stay, Rena's gonna stay..."

Some secret part of him was wholeheartedly agreeing with his son. To which his subconscious replied 'I told you so!'



Yeah, chapter one is done! I am so proud of myself! Thank you God for finally helping me with my writing! 'Till now I just couldn't get my thoughts down on paper and be read as good as they were in my head! Thank you Takehashi-(sp?) sama and Toriyama (sp?) sensei for creating your wonderful imaginary universes. I only hope that I can do the same someday.

Ja ne!

Rosy the =^_^=