Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen ❯ Chapter Two: Sparring and Swimming Lessons ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hi! It's me again! Email=happy otaku Rosy, people!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. I do not own DB, DBZ or DBGT. They belong to their respective creators. As far as the series' goes, all I own are videos of the first 3 SM movies, History of Trunks on video, 2 DB mangas, a DBZ manga, and a nice collection of SM mangas. Don't sue me...I have practically nothing as far as money goes!

The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen
Chapter Two: Sparring and Swimming Lessons

Serenity was surrounded by mist; she had no idea where she was exactly, but it somehow reminded her of her mother's hugs; back when she had been little, and her Gandma was alive and Queen; before she had known about her Aunt Serenity, her mother's twin who had died long before Little Serenity's birth. Back then, it had been Grandma and her mother, the Crown Princess Tranquility, who had been pestered by the Council of Elders, advisors, and their courts. No worries, and hugs ment something back then. After Grandma died and Okaasan became Queen, then 'Kaasan only hugged her in court; they lost the close bond between them, the hugs only for show and always too short and with no warmth.

"Hello?" she called out into the void. She was therefore quite surprised when a voice answered back.

"My Lady, are you here?"

Of course, you must understand that what she said next took her compleatly by surprise, seeing as she hadn't even come up with something to answer it with.

"I am here, beloved."

'Hokay; where did that come from?'


'What the...o.k., who are you and what the heck is going on here?!?'

'I am the voice of your soul; that which is the true you; I am incapable of deception of any kind, not even self deception.'

'O.k., then where am I and who the heck is the guy who called me his "Lady", who is...admittedly drop-dead gorgeous as far as I can see, but still...'

(slight burst of mental laughter) 'You are in the relm of of dreams, Elysion; he is your soul mate. As for his specific identity, all will be revealed to you when the time is right.'

At this point we focus on what is going on in this dream the princess is having.

"My Lady, finally we meet. I have waited so long."

"I am happy as well, my love."

(Insert PG-rated mush and mushy-talk as the dream sequence fades.)

+++++++++End dream sequence++++++++++

Serenity bolted upright in bed; her breathing was heavy and very shaky.

She hadn't had a nightmare as most people would think if they saw her now. On the contrary, her dream had been the happiest she had had in months, if not years. The reason why she seemed so upset was due to the shock of finding out that there most definately was a soul mate out there for her.

Of course, she would have preferred it if she had actually been able to see his face!

As she calmed down and slowed her breathing, she frowned and thought, 'Stupid dream. What's the use of knowing you have a soul mate if you don't know what he looks like so you have an idea of where to look for him?!'

She sighed, got out of bed, took a shower, put her hair into a single braid, and changed into a white gi with a lavender tank-top on undernealth.

'Oh well,' she thought, 'maybe tonight I'll dream about that guy again and actually learn something useful...'


"Yeeouch! Watch where you're going, oops, sorry Your Majesty," she said sheepishly. "I guess that I'm partly to blame, seeing as I wasn't paying much attention myself."

The king himself was quite surprised, though not quite in the same way as his young house guest. 'Is this the same person I met yesterday; the one who displayed such polished courtly manners?' Surprisingly, he found that he rather preferred the princess when she was blunt and didn't gloss things over.

"It is alright, Princess; I admit I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going either." Gesturing down the hall towards the dining area in a mock courtly fashion, he said, "Would m'lady accompany me to my humble dining hall? I do believe she remembers the way from last night."

Grinning, he fell into step behind her as she started walking down the hall; his smile grew wider still when he heard her muttering, "M'lady my Lunarian butt..."


'Well, now I have an idea how Okaasan felt about my eating habits back home...' Serenity thought wryly as she leaned forward against the railing around her bedroom window. 'Chibi Vegeta alone ate about as much as one of Juno's school lunches she used to pack for herself, and even I would have had trouble finishing it!'

(AN: In case you haven't figured it out yet, "Juno" is the name I'm giving Lita/Makoto's mom, the previous Sailor Jupiter.)

As her thoughts began to wander, she noticed that there were loud yells and other noises coming from an area of the palace. Curious, Serenity followed the sounds until she came to some sort of sparring room, with everything from weights to practice swords and punching bags. And in the middle of the room was Chibi Vegeta and Nappa, apparently trying to kick eachother's butts into a conveniently located wall.

"Hey, that looks like fun! Can I spar with you guys? Pwity Pwease?"

In typical little kid fashion, the prince answered before his teacher could respond, much less get his brain to acknowledge the princess' presence.

"Sure 'Rena; I'll spar wiv you!"

Grinning, our heroine moved to take Nappa's place in front of the prince and made a traditional martial artist's bow towards her opponent, then promptly went into a relaxed looking fighting stance. At which point, the two simply started wailing on eachother.

The sounds of the fighting lessons also had reached the ever attentive ears of King Vegeta. They were nothing new. What actually got his attention as he walked past the partially open door to the sparring room was the sight of Princess Serenity, still wearing the gi she had worn to breakfast, and apparently easily holding her own against his son. 'Waitaminnit...' the king's brain muttered. 'Go back a few seconds...Princess in sparring room, holding her own against my son who everyone says has the potential to be our greatest fighter...wearing an outfit that makes her look quite lovely (mentally whacks self in the head for thinking that...)...Princess in sparring room, holding her own against my son...Oh, man, I've gotta see this!'

Silently he entered and leaned against a wall that was in shadows and simply watched.


"Ha ha, ya couldn't hit me if I held still, Vegeta-chan!"

"Could too, and don't call me Vegeta-chan!"

"Ok, Chibi V-chan!"

Serenity laughed as she dodged the little Prince's charge and expertly flipped him backwards, moving fluidly to pin him to the mat.

"Pinned ya!"

King Vegeta was honestly impressed by the girl's skill. She had been on his world less than a day, and yet had already adapted to the gravity increase enough to be able to fight. Granted, her opponent was only two and a half, but he could see real talent and potential in the girl.

As the princess stood up and offered a hand up to the prince, the king stepped forward.

Surprised, Serenity looked up, stood in contemplation for a brief moment, grinned, and said, "You're on!"

"Good. To make the fight relatively fair, I swear that I will not use anything other than my body and mind. No tricks."

Confused, Serenity looked down at the prince. "Chibi V-chan, what does your dad mean when he says 'tricks'?"

"He means ki blasts and powerups. It's where you channel life energy, or ki, into energy blasts that you launch at your opponent. You can also use ki to make yourself fly or be faster, stronggerer,...whatever."

"Oh. I gotta learn how to do that sometime."

Moving back to her starting position, Serenity waited for Vegeta to make the first move. She didn't have to wait long. Surprised, she dodged out of the way of his charge, moving with him while going into a spinning jump kick that dazed him for a moment, giving her time to regroup and reassess her situation.

After about another ten minutes of trading blows, Serenity saw an opening, ducked, lashed out with a sweep kick, and quickly moved to pin him down before he could regain his bearings and get up.

"Do you yield?"

He simply grunted, which she took for a yes. Moving fluidly, she stood up and commented, "If it makes you feel any better, the only person who has defeated me in hand-to-hand combat after I finished my training was five thousand years old and an expert in hundereds of fighting styles. That, and she had the body of a twenty-year-old."

Throwing back a sunny smile over her shoulder, she called out "Ja ne! Oh, and by the way, was that a swimming pool that I saw on my way here?"

"Umm, yes...You are welcome to use it."

"Arigato, Vegeta-sama."


After returning to her room to change into a swimsuit and get some towels, Serenity skipped back to the enormous indoor swimming pool.

Upon entering the pool area, she kicked off her sandals and quickly removed the t-shirt and shorts she was wearing over her swimsuit. (What, did you think she would go running around a palace of all places in her swimsuit with nothing covering it? I have two words to say to people who thought that:!) After ditching her shorts shirt, and towels on a low bench set next to one of the surrounding walls, she gracefully dived into the pool's deep end after checking the depth and giving herself a running start.

Surfacing, she easily went into an elementary backstroke, standing up when reaching the shallow end. She smiled to herself as she squeezed some of the water out of the braid she had put her hair in that morning and called out: "You can stop hiding and come on out, Chibi-Vegeta-chan."

With an astonished look on his face, the young prince came out from his hiding place; the overhead rafters supporting the pool deck's roof.

"Howdja know I was there?" he asked in impressed amazement.

"I can sense energy, usually magical, but your 'ki' energy is high enough that I felt it pretty easily. A handy trick for sparring with you later," she teasingly replied. "You can come on in if you want, V-chan."

While looking longingly towards the water, the child said quietly, "I can't."

After blinking repeatedly in surprise, Serenity asked "Why not?"

"Don't know how to swim."

Thinking for a minute, Serenity smiled and said, "kick your boots off and ditch your shirt. Then you can come in by the steps where it is really shallow and I'll teach you!"


King Vegeta smiled slightly as he watched his son splashing in the pool from a distance. He marveled that fate would send such a kindhearted person to his kingdom of all places. He also found himself wondering if there was a way to thank his guest for all she had done with her zany antics and kind ways.


Woo hoo! Chapter two is done! I am so proud of myself! I've been working through some writers block and my mom banishing me from the Internet 'till my room is clean. But she doesn't read my stories, so who cares!

Ja ne!
Rosy the =^^=