Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen ❯ Chapter Three: Neko-chan and Mamoru ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hi! It's me again! Email = happy otaku Rosy, people!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. I do not own DB, DBZ, or DB-GT. If I did, I would be the happiest little otaku in the world! But I'm not. Sailor Moon is owned by the Queen of Manga/Anime, Naoko. Long live the Queen! Dragonball in all of it's incarnations belong to Akira Toriyama.

The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen
By Rosy the Cat
Chapter Three: Neko-chan and Mamoru


"What is up with this stupid, dang, foggy, dreamland! I don't give a dang if this is where my subconcious wants me to be, I wanna be in a normal dream that makes absolutely no sense and that I'll half forget by the time I wake up! Is that too much to ask for?!?"

You guessed it; once again, our heroine is in that weird, cloudy dream realm that Darien/Mamoru was pestered with his past life's memories in, only in this case, it's being used by the subconsciouses of two people to play that ancient and favorite pastime: MATCHMAKING!

(AN: Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch...Sorry, I've got Fiddler on the Roof stuck in my head. Is it just me, or was that ghost in the fake dream sequence beyond freaky? It gave me nightmares for weeks after the first time I saw it!)

After much muttering to herself, Serenity realized something. Something she was rather surprised that she hadn't noticed before.

She had full control of what she said and did!


"I take it that you had not control over what happened last time either?" a masculine voice asked from behind her.

"Eep! Don't do that! Geez, you almost gave me a heart-attack. And, to answer your question, you are correct, sir." Serenity responded afterjumping and spinning a half-corckscrew turn to face the other person.

"Sorry," he chuckled lightly in a deep, soothing voice. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay. Nice outfit, by the way. Looks like something my dad would wear."

Scowling, he growled out "I didn't exactly have any choice in the matter. I just found myslef here and I was wearing it." Looking down, he assessed his outfit. A red tunic, black pants, and white armor covering his torso, along with white shoulder patds that jutted out and white armored boots trimmed in red and black. (AN: For the SM fans, picture Prince Endymion's outfit, only substitute in the different colors.) A red cape hung from his shoulders, completing his ensemble.

"Well, it actually isn't too bad; a tad more formal than I am used to, but close enough. Besides, at least I can move relatively easily in my clothes. You, on the other hand..."

Serenity blinked in surprise, opened her mouth to retort, and happened to catch part of her outfit in the bottom of her field of vision.

"Oh, my, Lord..."

Our Hime-chan found herself dressed in a floor-length white dress that hugged all the right places and loosened only just enough to smooth over her hips, creating a glamorous and entirely feminine effect. To say the least, she was not pleased. Also, her reaction wasn't long in coming.


(AN: Serenity actually said the word bleep. Don't be substituting in cuss words, because, quite simply, I hate curse words and have said one of them only twice in my entire life. Not to mention that I myself have said "what the bleep" on several occasions of intense anger. You got a problem with my squeaky-clean vocabulary, take it up with my parents. And may God have mercy on your soul, 'cause they can be really scary when they're mad.)


It is at this point that the mysterious stranger burst out laughing. Not the maniacal laughter that Serenity had always pictured demon lords having when she was bored in history class, a muhaha type of laugh, or that evil witchy-poo cackle. Nope. His laugh was deep, warm, and had a distinct ring of sincerity. She rather liked it.

"And what, may I ask, is so dang funny?" she growled out, glaring at the armored figure as he attempted to reign in his mirth, her eybrow going into an angered state of hyperactive twitchiness. Although, to be honest, his laughter didn't really bother her all that much. Weird.

"Heh heh...forgive me, but I am not exactly accustomed to women who are their opinions around me. Much less their opinions on their clothing."

"Yeah, well, get used to it, 'cause that is the way I am! Stupid dress...I'd rather wear something that I can fight in and not worry about tripping or catching a heel on my hem..."

The male figure blinked in surprise. "You are a fighter?"

"Yes, and if you make one chauvinistic remark, I'll kick your sorry butt!"

"No, I am merely surprised. I myself am a fighter. You know, seeing as this is a dream, you could probably just change your clothing by thinking about it."

"Hey! That just might work!"

Concentrating, Serenity focused on the image of something more suitable for combat. She ended up in pants, a short-sleeved t-shirt, and sneakers. And it was all in white.

"Not too bad, but I wish that I'd gotten some color choice. Hey, are you going to try switching out of that armor? It looks kinda bulky."

"No, I'm okay; I'm used to fighting in armor, just not armor like this. It isn't a big enough difference as to get in my way."

"Okay...say, how did you know this is a dream, and how did you know that I could change my outfit?"

"Well, to answer your first question...a voice in the back of my head told me that this was some sort of dream world the last time..."

"Oh, um...I just want you to know that Ihadnocontroloverwhathappenedlasttime, and itwasmysubconsiouswhodidthatwirdstuff, and I'msorry! pant, pant! Yeesh, that musta set a speed-talking record!"

After blinking several times as he tried to sort through what she had just said, he smiled and said, "Actually, I was quite aware of those facts. I myself had no control over what happened. But to get back to what I was saying, I knew that you could alter your clothing because I heard somewhere that, once you realize that you are dreaming, you can change the dream to suit your purposes."

"COOL!!!, what do you wanna do...Umm, sorry, I don't know your name." Serenity said sheepishly.

As he opened his mouth to tell her his name, that pesky subconscious of his popped up in his head.

'No, you dolt! (AN: Tee hee, I just love the word dolt! =^^=) You don't tell her your real name!'

'And whyever not?'

' can't think up a reason right now, but it's part of the rules!'

'Okay then, Mr. Know-it-all, then what do I tell her to call me?'

'I don't know; tell her to thik up one for you herself!'

"Um...why don't you think up a name for me" 'D'oh! Oh, great, that sounded real good...yeesh, am I a moron...' (AN: In some things, yes! =^^;=)

Serenity laughed and said, "Let me guess: your subconscious told you to say that?"

He swore.

Still smiling, she continued. "My subconscious and I were also having a bit of a yak-fest, and going by how much your eybrows were twitching, I figured that you were too."

Giving a defeated sigh, he nodded and said, "So, what should we call eachother?"

Tilting her head to one side in consideration, she analyzed him for a while and spontaneously declared: "I'll call you Mamoru!"

Twitchity-twitch! "WHAT!?"

Still smiling, Serenity went on as if he hadn't said anything. "It fits you perfectly!"

"Um...what exactly does 'Mamoru' mean?"

Blinkity-blink! "Oh, means 'Protector', actually."

Smirking, he asked "And just what is it that made you think of a name like that for me?"

"Well, for one thing, there's your armor."

"What about it?"

"Well, it just brings into mind the picture of a knight or a warrior of some kind. And, generally, knights and warriors tend to be protecting something or other." Shrugging, "It's just the first thing that popped into my head, really."

"...Okay...hmm...maybe something to do with some sort of feline creature..."


"Well, you do tend to be very defensive, and you are a bit picky..."

"FINE! You can call me Neko-chan!"

"Very well...Neko-chan. Now, what would you like to do?"

"...hmm...D'ya wanna spar for a while, Mamoru?"

"I would be honored, Neko-chan"

And that was the beginning of what would be a friendship that Serenity would come to hold as dear, maybe even more so, as her friendships with her senshi.

Yay--ME!!! Chapter three is done! I am so happy, I could do a little dance of Otaku happiness! In fact, I think I will! (insert dancing-and-happy Rosy-chan!)

If you people who are reading this at my site, and have seen it on Sailor Balls or Steph-chan's site, the reason why they might be ahead of me in updating my story is that, like I said last chapter, my mom had banned me from the computer except for emailing people. But now I'm back, and my dad kindly offered me the use of his PC. (pulls out pom-poms and waves them happily!) Go 'Tousan! =^o^=

See ya next chapter, minna!