Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen ❯ Chapter Four: Anja, Wife of Bardock ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hi! It's me again! E-mail = happy otaku Rosy, people!
Oh, and for you people on the ASMR board that posted in the
"non-cannon couples" post in "Moonie Pet Peeves", this is the
chapter with that one couple I came up with that I said you'd
need to read my story to understand! Enjoy, minna-chan! =^^=

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. I do not own DB, DBZ,
or DB-GT. If I did, I would be the happiest little otaku in
the world! But I'm not. Sailor Moon is owned by the Queen of
Manga / Anime, Naoko. Long live the Queen! Dragonball in all
it's incarnations belong to Akira Toriyama.

The Saiyan King and the Lunarian Queen

by Rosy the Cat

Chapter Four: Anja, Wife of Bardock

Well, it's official. Either I've found my soul mate,
like Setsuna said I would, or I've compleately snapped! You never hear
about people meeting the person they're meant to marry and spend the
rest of their lives with in their dreams!
Even if he is, as Juno-chan would have put it, a "total hunk"!
*^_^* (AN: Blushing 'Rena-Hime! Kawaii!)
Ah well, I might as well get up. I promised V-chan that we
would play hide-and-go-seek today. If this place is to be my home,
for Selene knows HOW long, I might as well try to get to learn my
way around it better...And what better way to do so than to go
running around, trying to find hiding places! Even so, I wonder
how we can possibly have a good game with only two players. I
teasingly asked Nappa if he wanted to play yesterday, and he gave
me a look that would liquify rock...Oh well, I'll keep my eyes
open for likely players...
=^^= (End journal entry!) =^^=
"Rena! I wanna play NOW!!!"
"Chibi-V-chan! At least wait until I've started my breakfast
before trying to drag me off!" You'd think someone would have taught
the kid patience...scratch that; Nappa has the patience of a hungry,
hyperactive puppy; no wonder Chibi-V is so hyper: the only role model
for him around is that bad-tempered moron.
Serenity settled into her seat at the dining table and snagged
one of the bagle-like breakfast rolls that she had tried yesterday, and
started scarfing.
She might be a princess, but she'd like to see any of her tutors
back home withstand Chibi-V's "cute" look. It was enough to have made even
her mother, the unofficial Queen of decorum, inhale a meal.
Someday I just have got to figure out how he does that! (AN:
Where do you think Usagi, and through her, Chibi-Usa, got their shimmery-eyed,
so-sugary-you-have-to-puke look?)
As soon as she finished snarfing her breakfast down (after
carefully checking to see if anyone else was in the room. There wasn't...),
Serenity gave Chibi-V an evil grin, playfully bopped him on the head, and
yelled: "YOU'RE IT!!! Count as high as you can three times, and then come
after me!"
She figured this would give her a reasonable head-start.
She started jogging off, then the mental image of just how fast
this kid could go, three years old or not, and tore off at top-speed for
the garten.
After struggling to remember every number he had ever heard,
and making up even more, over a span of about a minute and a half, the
little prince stared at the ground and wondered how much more counting
he needed to do. Then he frowned, and said "Fudge it. I wanna PLAY!"
and tore off out the door Rena had used.
"...This is such a stupid game with only two people..." Serenity
complained to Chibi-V an hour later and a lot of running around, trying
to find hiding places they hadn't used yet.
"...Hai..." Chibi-V was bored. The only thing more dangerous
than a bored Saiyan that didn't want to take a nap, Serenity would one
day conclude, is Freiza. Bored or interested. His eyes scanned the
admittedly massive garden housed between the outer walls and the Palace
Ooh, bug!
Ooh, BIG bug!
Slightly less boring, but now I've gotta find something to top that...
"Chibi-V! What?...Oh, hello!"
Standing in front of the two was a small Saiyan boy; roughly
about Chibi-V's age, maybe a year or two older. His spiky black hair
was long, about a few inches past his shoulders, and held back loosely
with a simple strip of leather. Rather than the ormor that the inhabitants
of the palace seemed, in Serenity's opinion, to practically live in, the boy
wore a simple dark green tunic and brown pants that had obviously been cut
off at his knees.
"Who are you?" Chibi-V was confused. He never really had seen
anybody else around his age before, mainly because...well, he was a prince,
and the grown-ups were there to keep him safe. His mind absent-mindedly
wondered if this was a new friend, like Rena.
The boy's chest puffed out with pride. "I'm Radditz, son of
Commander Bardock."
Serenity smiled. She'd noticed her young charge's attempt at
decimating the local insect population, and had decided that she REALLY
did not want the boy to get much more bored. Another person would really
help make their game more interesting.
"Hello, Radditz! My name is Serenity, but you can call me Rena!
This is Vegeta."
Radditz finally got his first good look at the princess,
blinked, and blurted "Your hair is weird!"
Compleatly unfazed, Serenity replied, "I like being different.
It makes life interesting. Would you like to play hide-and-go-seek with us?"
"Okay...TAG, YOU'RE IT!!!"
Anja smiled.
As Vegetasai's Minister of Science, a position that meant plenty
of mental challenges to explore and solve, as well as far too much interaction
with their people's so-called "ally", Freiza, for her taste, smiles had become
a rare and highly-treasured commodity in her life.
It didn't help that her husband, Commander Bardock, was off on
missions most of the time. It truley seemed to be alomost a miracle that
they had any time together at all, much less enough to have produced a child.
For all that her husband's indifferent attitude regarding his family
around his team-mates, Anja knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bardock adored
his son, and spent what little daylight he could with the boy, which was
basically any time Bardock had between missions where he wasn't recuperating
from one serious injury or another, off fighting with people that he had no
quarrel with, simply because Freiza sait to jump, and their people weren't
powerful enough to do anything but respond with "how high?".
She was smiling because Freiza had decided to cancel this month's
"conference"; in other words, she wouldn't have to go to that stinking pile
of turds' ship and have hsi scientists lord it over her how much more advanced
their technology was, while she would try (not really all that hard; she was
required to to read her findings out, but there wasn't anything in the
requrirements about the others having to actually hear what she said...)
to be heard over their gloating and read her estimates on how she was more
and more certain that her people would be able to kick Freiza and his
goon-squad's collective butts in another decade or two.
It was fun to know something those blow-hards didn't, but it wasn't
as fun as being able to avoid them altogether.
Now, if only she could find Radditz...
"Where is that boy!?"
Stopping in the middle of the garden walk-way she was on, she
planted her fists on her hips in frustration, cocked her head to the side,
and listened intently for any sound indicating where her wayward son had
gotten to.
She had told him to stay put!
She heard rampant giggling coming from around the corner of the
palace. Ah-HAH! she mentally crowed. I've got you now...!
Striding purposefully towards the giggling, she turned the corner
and saw something quite unexpected.

The game of hide-and-seek had degenerated into a game of "Rena
runs away, and Chibi-V and Radditz try to stop her from leaving a set
area of the garden."
It was rather fun all around, though Serenity had a feeling that
she would have a few bruises come morning.
The three looked up at the voice, and tracked it to a young woman
standing near the corner of the palace. As she started to berate the long-
haired boy, Serenity found herself falling back on her training. In other
words: visually evaluate the new person.
She seemed to be a few years older than Serenity, but not much.
Her hair was medium-brown, cut short and spiky on the top, but it was longer
in the back and woven into a braid. Her eyes, odd for a Saiyan, not only had
irises, but they were a deep magenta. She was wearing a primary-blue body suit,
whith simple, shoulder-padless armor. An emblem of a blue star over a red
square adorned the upper-left corner of her ormor. Along with this were
the standard-issue white boots. Over all was a white labcoat. The ensemble
as a whole gave the impression that this person was both intellectual,
military, and yet non-agressive. It was something about the lack of
shoulder-pads that gave her that final impression.
"Umm, excuse me, miss...?" Having gained the yelling woman's
attention, she continued. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we invited Radditz
to play. He really wasn't a problem"
The other woman's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"
A bright smile on her face, Serenity smiled and offered her
hand to shake. "Oh, sorry! How rude of me! My name is Serenity of
Lunaris. I am...staying here at the palace for the time being. I was
being helpful and taking care of Chibi-Vegeta here."
The other woman blinked, then bowed respectfully to the young
prince. "Forgive me for intruding, Your Highness."
Chibi-Vegeta, who had been about to launch a surprise-attack on
Serenity because he was starting to get bored again, stopped and said, "Oh,
that's okay," absently. Then seeing that the new grown-up wasn't holding
onto and shaking his new friend Radditz, he grabbed the other boy's hand and
said, "Hey Radditz; race ya to dat twee!"
Radditz replied: "'Tay!"
As the two young women watched the boys run off, Anja turned to
Serenity and said, "I am sorry for my behavior. I am Anja, Minister of
Science. Thank you for watching over my son."
Serenity grinned and replied, "No problem. It"
The two stood there in silence, Anja focusing on the two hyper-active
boys, Serenity focusing on Anja.
What is it about her? She seems so...familiar... Serenity
pondered as she allowed her eyes to go out of focus and study the other
woman's aura.
She was startled out of her trance when Anja called out:
"Radditz! We have to go home NOW! Your father is waiting!"
"Papa's home? YAY!!!"
Anja turned to the princess, smiled, and said: "Again, thank
you for watching my son. It was nice to meet you."
Serenity smiled, and replied, "It's mutual, believe me. Feel
free to bring Radditz over to play again!"
Anja smiled, nodded, and proceeded to lead her son back towards
the main gate.
Serenity stared after her, so intent that she ignored Chibi-V's
tugging back towards the garden. What is it about her aura?!? If I didn't
know better, I'd swear that I've met her befo... As Anja and Radditz left,
Anja turned and have her a small smile. Not a smirk; just a small, very
annoying, very familiar smile. At that moment, Serenity's Sight penetrated
something in Anja's aura, and an impossible answer to her question arose,
bringing with it even more questions.
Finally, I've done what I promised myself I would do and FINISHED

Thanks go out to Desolation for his support and constant asking of
whether I'd quit starting new stories and work on finishing this
one, and to my friend, sensei, and mentor, Rhonda.

Go team Rosy-chan! =^o^= -"WAI!!!"