Urusei Yatsura Fan Fiction ❯ Ataru's Onihood... ❯ Chapter 1: What? He's hurt... this is ominous indeed ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Urusei Yatsura. UY belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, VIZ and some such.
*Sound FX*

Urusei Yatsura: Ataru’s Onihood…

Chapter 1: What? He’s hurt… this is ominous indeed.

Tension was running high in the hospital waiting room. Lum was alternating between wringing her hands, flying around, pacing around and crying… or doing all of them at once. Ataru’s mother was doing pretty much the same, minus the flying of course. They both sprang up when a white clad doctor came to the room and cleared his throat. “Mrs. Moroboshi, Lum-san… I have been treating Ataru’s condition and I have to say that it’s severe.” He hung several x-rays on the wall and pointed at what appeared to be a section of Ataru’s back. “I’m afraid that his spine has been completely broken here and here.”

At this Mrs. Moroboshi broke into a flood of tears while Lum calmly stared at the picture, it was serious but they could cure it right? She was just about to voice her question when the doctor continued. “The damage done to his spinal cord is irreparable… I’m afraid that Ataru will be permanently paralyzed from the neck down. It’s a miracle that he even survived as it is.”

Lum blinked back several tears that threatened to spill. -Irreparable damage… but it’s just a broken back… how primitive are their medical treatments. I definitely have to call daddy… He’ll help me fix Darling right up.- After giving Ataru’s mother a gentle squeeze on the shoulder she whispered “I need to go make a call.” before leaving for her UFO via the window.


Meanwhile the homeroom 2-4 was abuzz with a rumour about Ataru’s injury. The accident itself had been witnessed by one of the girls who related the story to everyone who was interested, which was everyone in the class and moreover pretty much everyone in the whole school. The incident itself had been fairly straightforward. Ataru had pushed Lum to safety and gotten hit by a truck himself and had then been taken to the nearby hospital by paramedics who were surprisingly quick to enter the scene.

The tale caused a multitude of different reactions. Most girls agreed that despite being a notorious lecher and skirt chaser Ataru was willing to risk bodily harm to help a girl, of course the said girl would then be harassed for a reward date or whatever but still. The boys were grateful that Lum had not been harmed but cursed Ataru for being the hero of the story and decreasing their chances with Lum even further. The most common reaction, however, was ‘What the Ataru was hurt… he never gets hurt… the end must be near.’

This emotion was readily seconded by their homeroom teacher Onsen Mark who knew from bitter experience the extent of Moroboshi’s unnatural endurance. He was considering on ending the classes early so that he might find solace in the form of Sake… He was interrupted by the ever so stoic principal of Tomobiki high who turned to speak for the class. “I’m sorry to inform you that your classmate Moroboshi Ataru has been hospitalized. He was injured while saving another classmate of yours from a grievous injury… I was informed by the doctors that he is probably paralyzed for life from the neck down. Seeing as it is Golden Week next week, I would suggest that you take the time to visit your fallen friend… that is all, have a nice day.”

His announcement was taken in a stunned silence, it was one thing for Ataru to get hurt so badly that he would need hospitalization… but to actually paralyze him for life. Onsen Mark began to sweat. -This can’t be… Moroboshi is like a cockroach, he can’t be stopped by something as frail as a truck, even if it’s a fifty-ton truck with a load of live pigs… This is surely a sign of Armageddon, Ragnarok, Acharit Hayamim or in other words the end of the world. I must flee…-

Similar thoughts were raging rampart among the students of homeroom 2-4 along with more complex thoughts like -Poor Ataru-kun… He might be a lecher but still he’s a good friend- from Shinobu. A collective -Ataru… it’s good that you sacrificed yourself to save our sweet Lum from harm… and equally good that you are now out of the way…- from the ‘Lum StormTroopers’. A frown and sigh accompanied by -Damn Ataru… I just hope Lum has some gimmick to fix you up.- from Kosuke.

And finally a ‘thoughtful’ thought of -Moroboshi…You will have the best doctors the Mendo fortune can buy… for the sake of Lum-san and even your own, as you are certainly a worthy adversary who deserves better than to rot away like a vegetable. And it will give me a better chance to offer comfort to the distraught maiden Lum.- from one claustrophobic heir of the Mendo fortune.


Back in the hospital the mood was rather desolate. Mrs. Moroboshi had not quite understood why Lum had left so suddenly and was now wailing in Ataru’s room. Ataru who was slowly returning to the world of the living was understandably irritated by the incessant wailing, which was a norm whenever he was in hospital. Quickly turning his head he noticed that, thankfully, there were no strange women demanding that he marry their preschool aged children, no rice dealers yelling that he had impregnated the dealer’s wife and whatnot.

As an odd touch there was no green hair anywhere though… -Lum you idiot, first you try to get killed by a truck and now you don’t even have the nerve to show up to help me after I get hurt saving you…- Ataru sniffed in irritation and tried to scratch his head, and failing to do that he surmised that he was in a full body cast and was unable to move his hands.

His movement was noticed by his mother though and he was grabbed into a death grip by Mrs. Moroboshi who instantly began to wail even louder. “Oh my poor baby… crippled for life by a cruel fate… WAAAH!!” Ataru frowned at this -Crippled? What the hell?...- It didn’t take long for a doctor to arrive and explain what had happened, an explanation that really put a gloomy pall over the hospital room… moreover Ataru’s mood was darkened by the fact that Lum was noticeably absent.

It was only an hour later when the said alien princess made her appearance, she immediately went over to hug Ataru which caused a visible reaction from the patient in question. After receiving his hug Ataru’s face turned into a mask of seriousness. “Lum…” this caused the Oni girl to blink. “Lum… I know that we’ve had our… disagreements over the past. But now the doctors say that I’m paralyzed below my neck, I can’t feel my arms or anything.” Lum tried to interrupt at this point but was overridden by a more forceful tone. “Lum… I told you that I’d say it on my deathbed, well I’m not dying but close enough so I want you to promise me one thing.”

Lum blinked and asked. “Promise?” At this Ataru nodded and continued. “I want you to forget that I ever even existed… I care you see and now… now it’s too damn late I just wanted you to know that. So please, just forget about me and be happy… just be happy Lum.”

His heart crumbled when the green-haired girl began to smile happily… the heart crumbled and crumbled until Ataru’s brain registered the fact that Lum was actually hugging him while whispering “I’m so happy Darling… now then, where is that doctor?” Ataru blinked at this and was about to question the abrupt change in mood when Lum continued. “There’s a hospital ready for you on planet Uru, a broken back is nothing to any Oni worth her salt… Daddy promised that they’ll fix you up to be better than ever.”

Before Ataru could ask or object to something like this his mother had already zoomed out to grab the doctor and returned in a flash with Ataru’s medical file and several IV medicine bags. The doctor was rather surprised but didn’t object after Lum began to glow slightly and give off sparks that would be directed to the poor doctor should he press the issue. Before Ataru could even regain his bearings he was in a strange alien machine that covered him from waist down and was being transported to the all too familiar tiger striped UFO.