Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Return to Fanelia ❯ Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The troops were suited up in their guymelefs and ready to battle. The enemy was already there, and prepared. The surprise to everyone was the fact that they seemed reluctant to crush the city. Instead they stayed outside of it, so that little would be destroyed. They stood there and hoped the people of Freid would attack them first.

Soon the battle was in full fledge. Such a battle scene that had been seen before, yet was still amazing. The clank of the swords hitting each other, the slain bodies on the ground, blood seeping into the ground that all of this fighting was for, the guymelef wreckage surrounded by flames… such were the scenes of battle.

Halfway into the fighting knights of Asturia came to aid with the fighting, on the side of Freid of course. Van jabbed his sword into the chest of a guymelef, lacerating the driver to the point where he was almost cut in half. "I'm down!" the driver gave his last words before the guymelef fell as well, killing them both.

Van then ran to help another guymelef who was trying to fight five others at once, although he really didn't seem to need help. The both of them managed to take them out. Swords flew. Van knocked the sword out of one's hand and then bashed in the armor over its face. "AHHH!" the blood-curdling scream arose from what was left of the guymelefs face armor. Not paying attention, Van attacked the next, slicing it in half with ease. To his surprise the other three were already down.

"Allen?" Van asked.

"Van?" Allen asked at the same time. "Your skill has improved, but you should be back in Fanelia."

"I was here first, I am entitled to help if I want to," Van contorted.

"What are you two doing?" the elderly Caeli knight from before asked. "Attack the enemy, not each other. Now get going… the battle isn't over yet." With that he attacked another guymelef sending deadly blows onto its head.

* * *

"We need more cloth in here!" Millerna exclaimed. "He's going to die if we don't bind these wounds."

Merle bounced into the room, glad to be of help, with some more cloth. "You know, princess, I know a better technique for closing wounds like that. Here let me show you," Dryden then stitched up the wounds on Millerna's patient.

"I had no idea that you knew about medicine, Dryden," Millerna replied. 'He looks so handsome helping out these people like that,' she thought.

"As I said, my intelligence is second to none," with that Dryden went back to helping his own patient. But still he was watching her out of the corner of his eye, proud that she was so amazed with him. 'She loves me,' he thought to himself.

"Humph… I came all the way over here and you people don't even need my cloth… honestly," Merle scowled.

"Yes, we do, Merle," Millerna took some cloth and wrapped up the freshly stitched wounds. Then she addressed everyone who was helping in the room, "We must not dawdle, the wounded are falling every second. Please make haste while retrieving them as well, but be sure not to take the enemy soldiers."

* * *

Van and Allen were fighting, but not each other. It seemed that Freid was going to win, when all of a sudden they felt like they were being lifted up into the sky. "Huh?" Van wondered.

"What the?!" Allen piped in. "Where are we going?"

"How should I know?" said Van bitterly.

The fighting stopped momentarily below as all saw the two guymelefs being hoisted into the air by odd beams of light that seemed to go nowhere. Soon they were out of sight and they went back to fighting.

Van and Allen found themselves in an odd room. The walls were all gray, as was the floor. The room was large and round, with no door in sight. "Welcome to my humble abode," a voice boomed.

Standing in front of them was a tall sorcerer and an even taller swordsman… Balgus.