Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Can I find happiness? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Can I find happiness?

Author: Shoueki

Disclaimers: Weiss not mine( 'nuff said)

--> I'm feeling quite sick because of the food in the mental institution…

Chapter 2


The redhaired man was starting to curse himself ,mentally.

'*I do need a servant* what a lame excuse' he thought.

' I could do the household chores by myself… except cooking of course, and where the hell would he sleep? He was starting to have second thoughts about letting the brunette stay in his house but when he looked at Ken…

'Okay, he stays, but he couldn't sleep on the sofa. Even I would not sit on that old thing…"

"What's your name?" he stated but when the brunette winced a little he realized the tone that he just used. He coughed a little and asked the same question, but a little softer this time.

"What's your name?"

He looked at the brunette but the later on looked away.

"My name is Ken." He mumbled.

"Well what work can you do, Ken?"

"Um…I could…cook."

'Yes' the redhead rejoiced. 'No more takeout food that tastes like Styrofoam!'

"Well then you could, start by cooking breakfast."


Ken was really scared. He was scared out of his wits when the stranger in front of him asked his name, but he felt better when he was asked in a softer tone. So… he decided to push his luck a little.

"Um…" he started lamely.


"What should I call you?" he asked while his eyes were lowered towards the floor. The stranger had beautiful eyes but they still scared Ken a bit.


"What should I call you?"

This question was lingering inside his head.

'What could he call me?*Master* is out the question, might as well be called by my name.'

"Aya, you could call me Aya" the redhead replied.

*Aya*,that's a girl's name!!! Ken thought

'Ah!Screw it!!!His parents have their reasons right!?'

"um… what breakfast would you like… Aya….san ? he finally asked

'Aya-san? I sound older if he calls me that! Oh well, we're not really that close ….yet.'

"I eat anythin' so just cook what you could make from the things inside the ref."

'That tone again' Ken silently prayed that his new *owner(?)* would stop using that tone…

'Why couldn't he use that nicer tone before… Well at least he's not a bad as Kase.' Instead of starting to burn from anger on the spot, can went to the ref. And looked at the contents.(cooled him down too.)

~After sometime~(Can't think of what food Ken could have whipped out, just use your imagination on this one)

'That was really good' Aya thought inside.

"um… How was it?" Ken asked cowardly.

"Edible" was his only reply.

Aya was starting to go out of the door when he turned around to face Ken.

" and good. Edible and good. I have to go to an appointment so just busy your self with whatever you want to do, well maybe you could do some chores." With that he left.


Ken just stared at the door with his jaw nearly hitting the floor.

'First he's cold then he warms up a little. He's quite weird but I like him better than Kase.' finally he grabbed his jaw and returned it to its rightful position. He remembered the redhead's eyes.

'They're beautiful but they look like they're piercing… Should let that softness in his voice reach his eyes…' with that thought in his head, Ken started to look for something to do.


'Shit' Aya cursed. 'Why the hell did I act that way! *edible* what kind of answer is that. At least I realized it in time… He is not a threat to me, so I should be nice to him… It scares him too… I don't want to see him scared…'Aya lost his train of thoughts when he arrived at his destination.

"Ayan!" the familiar voice spoke.

"Don't use that nickname on me Kudoh." He stated with murder in every word. This man was his associate but that did not stop him from acting coldly towards him, but to his disadvantage, this Kudoh person was not really scared one bit.

"sorry, I'm just excited to tell you something."

"What is it Yohji?" he asked.

He was wondering inside. The only thing that could excite him like that was well… nothing that could catch Aya's interest.

"I found the bastard whom killed your family." He stated finally.

Now Aya wanted to cut his own tongue because this was of great interest to him.


"Well it really wasn't easy to track him down you know, but surely, I, the great Yohji Kudoh was able to track him down… with the help of my apprentice of course… but he would not be able to…"

Aya wanted to kill Yohji on the spot but too bad for him, he still needed the information that Yohji had.

"Just get to the point." He said annoyed.

"Jeez, okay, don't be so uptight about it. I think his name is Takatori…Reiji Takatori. He has this group working for him… and he has this guy named… wait… I forgot… I think it's connected to cold [1]…wait… I got… Kase."

Yohji just can't have the professionalism sometimes. Aya sighed, Kudoh was a pain in the neck, but he was useful too.

"Okay, thank you for the information. Just tell me if something new comes up."

Aya was starting towards the door when he remembered something.

"Tell Omi, thanks for his help."

Yohji was starting on his speech again when Aya went out and shut the door behind him…


It was already nighttime when Aya arrived home. He was stunned because he almost saw his reflection on the floor. (a/n: I'm exaggerating but it was clean). The kitchen smelled nice too. He would have eaten the air if he could, but the real thing would be better. Aya walked towards the kitchen when he saw Ken sitting on the chair of the dining table. His head was resting on the table so the readhead concluded that he was asleep. The food was already set on the table and there was an empty and used plate in the sink.

'He already ate before me… but he can't sleep here.' Aya thought as he looked at the brunette's sleeping form.

'Now where to let him sleep?'

a/n: hehe, here's the second chapie! Hoped you enjoyed it so far. Not much interaction between them but I'm just building up the story…anyways, tell me what you think.

-->…but I kinda miss Farfie… screw the food!