Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ zelos ❯ changes ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Arc I - chapters 1-13
Arc II - From this point on

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by myka

Arc II - chapter 1


A/N: Yeah… you can stop screaming now.


Today is Friday… I love Fridays. I can go out on Fridays.

It came as an ultimatum. There is a limit to how much one can take when being confined to the same space over a long period of time. Six months was my limit… And Schuldig's too.

We went on a boycott and demanded that Kritiker let us out of the Koneko. Either they'd tell us where we could go or we would escape and go wherever we wanted. Part of their resistance came because they didn't trust him. Even after all that had happened; even after Esset had sent assassins after him, even after he had told Kritiker everything he knew… Which wasn't much by the way; most of it Kritiker had already dug up by themselves, even the location of Rosenkreuz.

Even after all that, they still didn't trust him. Something that made me very angry and more than a little bit resentful towards Kritiker.

But that doesn't matter right now. Today is Friday.

"Schu, are you ready yet?" I asked as I tapped my fingers gently against the bathroom door.

"Shut your pipehole!"

I frowned. "Well, if that's your attitude you can stay here alone for all I care!"

Those were the magic words. I heard the bathroom door open. "And how much fun do you think you'll have without me?" Schuldig asked as he slumped against the door frame.

My mouth fell open as all sorts of really naughty thoughts ran through my head. The fishnet shirt, that's what did it. That evil, evil, I-want-to-tear-it-to-pieces shirt.

"Ooh, such thoughts Yohji. Anyone would think you're a pervert," Schuldig remarked with a grin on his face.

I closed the space between us with three quick steps and latched my mouth to his as I pulled him towards me. The kiss was fiery, deeper than lust; deeper than love. He was mine…and I was his.

Just as simple as that.

"You seem to be in a good mood tonight," he said with a purr to his voice.

A mischievous smile formed on my face, then I kissed him again. "Ready to turn up some heads?" I asked.

He smirked and only I knew what that smirk meant. "Absolutely."


The club was packed - just the way we liked it.

We found a nice spot in a semi-dark corner and ordered a few drinks as we sat down. Every once in a while our arms would brush against each other, causing goosebumps to run up my arm. Every so often a girl would come up to us and ask for a dance; one which we would decline, sharing a smirk with each other and simply saying.

"We're taken."

Most girls left, others would look at us strangely, which was something we always laughed about.

At one point Schuldig grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "I'll be right back Yotan," he whispered in my ear. "I want to dance when I get back," he added, biting my ear. He rose from the chair and I followed him with my eyes as he left.

He was really, really mine.

"Hey honey hair."

"Honey hair? What the hell?"

I turned to my side where Schuldig had been sitting to find a guy slightly older than me. "Buzz off," I said without even thinking. An arm suddenly fell over my shoulders and I shook it off instantly. The guy was obviously drunk. "I said buzz off," I repeated with a tinge of annoyance in my voice.

"C'mon honey hair, I saw you and the redhead and you're exactly my type." I ignored him and suddenly he fell upon me and actually started touching me! "Get off!" I screamed as I tried to push him away which was no easy task since the guy was almost twice my size in pure muscle. The noise from the dance floor muffled my voice and not even the people close to me noticed that something was up. Now the little dark corner that Schu and I had found didn't seem so nice anymore.

"Let go of me!" I screamed again.

I forced myself out of his grip and was about to slam my elbow against his stomach when the creep suddenly disappeared from my side. I stared blatantly as Schuldig pulled the brute by his hair and forced him away from me.

"If I ever see you as much as ten feet away from my Yohji again, I will not only kill you; but I will chop you up and mail you to your mother. Is that clear?" I could feel the threat in his voice, a very real threat indeed. He meant the words.

The guy shook his head and scrambled away quickly. Schuldig sneered at him as he left and I suddenly felt… angry.

Schuldig put his arm on top of mine and I shook it off immediately as I glared at him. His face showed confusion from my actions.


I glared still. "I can take care of myself, Schu. I'm not some girlfriend you have to protect."

He crossed his arms in defiance to my words. "Well excuse me, but I think I have a right to be possessive when someone else lays their hands on my lover."

"You know that's not what I meant Schu."

He suddenly grinned and wrapped his arms around my neck as he snuggled closer to me. "C'mon Yohji," he purred in my ear. "You can't be mad at me forever." I closed my eyes at the tempting words. I hated it when he did this, hated it. It was manipulative and wrong and made me squirm in all the right places.

Suddenly a new track started playing at the dance floor and Schuldig and I both blinked as we recognized the song. Then he grinned even wider. "Wanna dance Yotan?" he spoke softly in my ear. I shivered for a moment before returning his gaze, giving in to those emeralds I smiled.


My hand was suddenly in his and I was dragged out on the floor by my lover. We both loved this song; it was sort of our song; the first song we dance to and kissed to.

The anger I had felt before melted as I pulled Schuldig closer to me. I kissed him briefly and he smiled.

Friday is definitely my favorite day of the week.


A/N: First I thought this had sequel potential, then I started getting ideas. This is the result. So, what do you think? I swear this had a plot. Trust me.