Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bakura and the Wolfgirl ❯ Argues! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Riz: Ok, my stack of reviews has been filled with arguments but...^^ we all got over it, which is good or great! And I e-mailed 4 people that should be the girl friends of Seto, Marik (not yami), Yami, and Ryou. The 4 people are LilyIris(Seto), KyoKyo[Marik(not yami)], Yamifanner(Yami), and Sami-Otaku(Ryou).
Shacel: Uhh, does Shamona & Celine know about this?
Riz: we must not tell them...even thought it hurts...so bad...that's why I'M NOT HAPPY!! IF SHAMONA AND CELINE FINDS OUT!! THEY'LL TAKE THIS FANFIC DOWN!!!
Shacel: o.O no, seriously, why aren't you happy?
Riz: ...I have no idea ^^ ANYWAYS! DISCLAIMER!
Disclaimer: Riz doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh
Riz: Now to the chapter!
~Bakura's POV~
I slowly opened my eyes only to see a girl. /A girl? A GIRL?!/ I thought. I widened my eyes only to see the mysterious girl that was chase by those fools. “HII!” shouted the mysterious girl. I quickly jumped out of the bed and stood up to face her.
“Who are you?” Bakura asked. “I'm Riz, what's yours?” The girl asked. “Bakura, now, why did you bring me here?” Bakura asked. “Uhhh, you pass out after you vanish all of those thugs, which by the way, I have to thank you” said Riz as showed a warm smile. Bakura blushed but hides it quickly. “I could have taken them all out by myself so no thanks required” said Bakura.
~~Riz's POV~~
`What the, why is he acting like a jerk!?' I thought. “What's that supposed to mean?!” I loudly asked. “It means you could have died without me there!” said Bakura. “Hey, I was leading them a trap then you showed up!” I shouted. “Well, I was going out for a walk and it's only for men to walk through alleys, girls are too afraid to walk through the alleys!” said Bakura. “Well, this girl got a brave heart!” I said.
~~Original POV~~
“As if! You were running away from those thugs”
“For the last time, I was leading them to a trap!”
“Yeah right, you don't have the brains for it!”
“KITAGAWA! THIS IS ALREADY YOUR LAST CHANCE AND YOU BLEW IT!! TIME FOR YOU TO MOVE OUT NEXT WEEK!” shouted the manager as he walks away. “No...” said Riz. “Hey, I thought your name is Riz” said Bakura. “It is... Kitagawa is just a name I have to cover up myself...now, if you don't mind...GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT!!!” shouted Riz as Bakura went out quickly.
~~~Bakura's POV~~
`Stupid girl...who needs her' I thought as I walk back home. When I arrive, I was about to knock the door but the door opened by itself. “WHERE WERE YOU?!” shouted an unhappy Ryou. “THE WHOLE GANG HAVE TO LOOK FOR YOU!!” shouted Sami. “HEY!! I JUST GOT BACK!! SHOW SOME CONCERN OF ME!!” I shouted. `Gee, they didn't care' I thought.
“WE ARE!!! ALL OF US WERE WORRIED SICK!!!” shouted Ryou. “Look, I'm sorry I did that, now could you let me in! I'm freezing!” I shouted as I went inside. Ryou then got on to the phone.
“Hey Yugi...It's ok, Bakura just arrive...Yeah it is, I'm sorry that you have to go look for him...yeah, and I'll see you tomorrow...ok, bye” said Ryou as he put down the phone. “Ok Bakura, spill it, where were you?” Sami asked. “Walking through the alleys, a girl bumped in me, she was chased by thugs, I have to fight, I passed out when I send 20 thugs to the shadow realm, the girl brought me to her apartment, we argued, she kick me out, and then I went all the way home” I said.
~~regular POV~~
“You bumped into a girl?” Sami asked. “Yup” said Bakura. “You fought for her and send all those thugs that chased her to the shadow realm?” Sami asked. “Yep...” said Bakura. “And then you pass out and she brought you to her apartment?” Ryou asked. “Yeah” said Bakura. “And then you both argued?” Ryou and Sami asked the same time. “Yes!” said Bakura.
~While this continues, let's get back to me of how well I was doing~~
~~Ok, I wasn't doing well~~
“Oooh! Now I have to live into another home!” shouted Riz. She was outside the building apartment with her bags that contains all her stuff. Since she shouted at Bakura to get out the manager came back, changed his mind, and told her to pack her things now. She was outside, so cold and so mad.
“Hey!” a voice was heard behind her. Riz then reacted, does a backward flip, and landed on the back of some one. Riz grabbed the man's right arm and twisted it. “Who are you and what do you want?!” shouted Riz as she twisted the arm even more making the man screech in pain. “AAAHHH!! RIZ! IT'S JUST ME!! ICHIKURO! NOW LET ME GO!” shouted the familiar voice. “Oops!” Riz said as she let go of Ichikuro's arm, gets off of him, and helped him up. (Ichikuro has shoulder length brown hair, black solid eyes, and wearing black clothes.)
“What are you doing here?” Riz asked. “Oh, nothing, just went out for a walk” said Ichikuro but Riz(I) knows that he was lying. “You're here to tell me I Love you...again?” Riz asked and Ichikuro said quickly, “Yup.”
“Knew it...” muttered Riz as Ichikuro glared at her. “So you got kick out?” Ichikuro ask. “Yeah and so?” Riz asked. “Where are you supposed to live now?” Ichikuro asked. “The streets I guessed...I'm a good butt-kicking girl! I also can kick your butt so don't ask me anything!” Riz said.
“Wait, hold on! I just wanna ask-” before Ichikuro finished the sentence Riz then said, “And there goes the “ask” out of his mouth.” Ichikuro gave her another glared but shook his head and repeats it again, “I just wanna ask if you can crash into my apartment than the stinky streets. It might be worse then the stinky apartment.” said Ichikuro. “Maybe your right...but if you do anything perverted to me when I go to sleep! I swear your apartment is going to be mine!” said Riz. “Alright! Alright! Sheesh...” said Ichikuro.
The next day...
Riz wakes up in 8:30 A.M.; she was sleeping in Ichikuro's apartment. Since there were 2 rooms; Riz slept in the guest room. She got up and turned on the shower. Riz sighed happily. “Today is Sunday! Tomorrow's school! And I have to enroll...but how?” Riz asked to herself and sighed heavily. “I did! Even I got you too!” said a happy voice behind Riz that made her jump.
“What are you talking about?!” Riz loudly asked. “Well...yesterday... I sort of...enrolled myself to this school but when you said you don't go to a school...I uhh...enrolled you...” said Ichikuro. Riz just stand there, staring, and staring. “Ichikuro...that was the nicest thing you've ever done to me...well, besides giving me flowers and chocolates” said Riz.
“I know!” said Ichikuro happily. “So how about we go somewhere to the mall?” Ichikuro asked. “Fine but that doesn't mean you and me like-like” said Riz as she went in the bathroom, close it, and lock it.
~~Riz's POV~~
I took off my PJs and went inside the shower. I was thinking about that Jerk, Bakura.
“I could have taken them all out by myself so no thanks required” said Bakura.
“That stupid, lazy, butt jerk...if I see him again, he wishes he never met me” said Riz but she couldn't get Bakura out of her mind.
~~With Bakura~~
Bakura woke up somehow. He checks at his clock and it was just 8:45 A.M. Bakura got up and walks around the house, only to find Sami sleeping in the couch. Bakura walk to Ryou's room and he's still awake. /They might be tired from last night...I'll go and take a shower/ Bakura thought.
He took a very cold shower, that's right, cold shower. Why? Don't know and don't care. While he put shampoo on his hair, he thinks about that stupid girl, Riz.
~~Flash Back~~
“Uhhh, you pass out after you vanish all of those thugs, which by the way, I have to thank you” said Riz as showed a warm smile.
~~Scene changes~~
“What's that supposed to mean?!” Riz loudly asked.
~~End Flash Back~~
`Gee...I really did blow it...' Bakura thought. After he took shower and got into his regular clothes, he smelled something in the kitchen. `MMM... smells like pan cakes...' Bakura thought as he went to the kitchen and he was right. Sami was up making pan cakes and Ryou was arranging the table for some forks, spoons, and plates, also made juice.
“Morning” Bakura said as he sat down to the table. “Hey uhh Bakura, Ryou and I were thinking if you can come with us to the mall along with the rest of the gang, what do you say?” Sami asked. “You want me to go with all of you to the mall because?” Bakura asked. “You have to or else!” Sami said. “Or else what?” Bakura asked. “Or else you want have breakfast this morning!” said Sami then Bakura's stomach was grumbling. “Alright! Alright! I'll go! Just hurry with those pancakes!!!” shouted Bakura.
“YAY!” shouted Sami as she quickly put the pancakes on Bakura's and Ryou's plate and then she went over to the phone and called Lily(LilyIris). “Hey Lily!”
“Hey Sami! What's up?”
“You wanna go to the mall today?”
“Sure! I'll ask Seto! Seto you wanna go to the mall today?.....YAY!! Seto said yes!!! Also, Mokuba's coming
“That's great! I'll see you at 2:00! Bye Lily!”
Sami hung up the phone and dialed another number. “Hey KyoKyo! It's Sami! Do you wanna go to the mall today?”
What time?
“2:00! Mokuba, Lily, and Kaiba are coming too!”
“Uhh, you there?”
I'll come and Marik said he'll come along with Malik!
“That's great! See ya then!”
Sami then called Jacquelyn
“Hey Jackie!”
Hi Sami, what's up?
“Do you wanna go to the mall today at 2 PM?”
Sure!! I'll bring Yugi and Yami!
“Sweet! See ya then!”
Sami hang up and then called: Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Mai. After that, Sami rest and ate her pan cakes.
~~With Riz & Ichikuro~~
Riz was cooking bacons while Ichikuro was putting down the plates. “So when can we go to the mall?” Ichikuro asked. “Probably 2:00 pm” said Riz. “How many money you got?” Ichikuro asked. “I got over about 1,500 yens” said Riz as Ichikuro widened his eyes. “Gee, I only got a thousand yens” said Ichikuro. “Yeah, sure...” said Riz.
I wanna skip to 2:00 P.M.
10 minutes before 2:00 PM
“Bakura! It's time to go!” shouted Sami from down stairs. “Alright! Alright! Sheesh, women” said Bakura. “What did you say?!” Sami shouted. “Nothing!” said Bakura. For about couple of minutes, they arrive at the mall and went inside. Only to meet Lily, Seto, Mokuba, Yami, Jacquelyn, and Yugi so they have to wait for the rest.
~~Back with Riz/Ichikuro~~
5 minutes before 2:00 PM
“Ok, I got all my yens, you ready to go?” Riz asked. “Sure...” said Ichikuro as they both went out and took the bus to go to the mall. After about 3 minutes, they arrived. “Gee, that was quick” said Ichikuro. “That's because you have to annoy everyone in the bus” said Riz. “Oh...so what's the point?” Ichikuro asked. “NOTHING!!!” shouted Riz. “Then why were we having this conversation?” Ichikuro asked.
“UUUUGGGHHH!!!! ONE! TWO! THREE!” As Riz continued Ichikuro began to run inside the mall. “FOUR! FIVE! YOU'RE DEAD!” shouted Riz as she ran inside to chased Ichikuro but accidentally bumped into some one. “WATCH WERE YOU GOING!!!” shouted a familiar voice. I look up to see none other than-
Riz: Cliffy!
Bakura: O.O NOOOOOOO!!! T-T I wanna see the rest
Riz: No way, Jose! Nobody should know except me!
Bakura: Humph! Alright...
Riz: ^^ that's my cute little Bakura, ahem, anyways, what do you all think?
Seto: Sucks!
Tea: Hey! That was mean!
Seto: So?
Lily: Seto! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this fan fic
Seto: Oh...-_- right
Lily: *rolls her eyes*
Sami: ^^ It was great!
Ryou: :) yes it was!
Jacquelyn: It's ok!
Yami/Yugi: YUP
KyoKyo: Well, it's not that crazy but at least it was ok
Marik (not yami): Yes, it's ok
Y. Malik: Sucks!
Riz: >.< how about let the readers think about it, Malik! Please readers, REVIEW!!!