Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yusuke's Cousin the Miko ❯ Surprises and Arguements ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay peoples! Here's the next chapter.


Everyone stared at Koenma with shock evident in his or her eyes. It had been only a few moments ago when the rest of the gang arrived.

"Why is it so hard to believe that I'm Kagome's father, Rei is my mate, and Sota is my son?" Ryu asked, his eyes narrowed in annoyance, he sat behind Rei with his arms around her waist

"Whoa hold up! If you're her father then why is Kagome fully human? Shouldn't she be half demon or something?" Inuyasha asked, his mouth voicing what was in his brain.

"Well you see Inuyasha, Kagome's father and I come from demon families." Rei explained, "In my family, it doesn't matter if the parents are full demon or half. It's not what the parents are that makes the children. It's hard to explain but, the blood chooses if their human or demon and if it chooses demon blood, it decides what type they are. Two pure blooded Dog demons could have a child that could be a pure blooded Hawk demon."

"Kagome's blood choose her to be human then?" Kurama asked, surprised, with Yoko thinking about inside his head.

"Yes, my blood choose that I would be human but that's not the extent of my family's blood." Rei said sighing.


Our mysterious red head woman walked into a bar with an unemotional look on her face. She walked into the back and came face to face with a steel door. She knocked twice before knocking again. After a few moments, the door opened and she was pulled into a hug by an 8 year old who had the most innocent smile on his face, revealing his two sharp fangs.

"Auntie Aki! Where have you been!? I missed you!" The little boy mimicking his mother crossing his arms over his chest, and putting on as serious expression.

"I've been around little Suya. Now, where's your mother?" Our red haired beauty named Aki, said, allowing a small rare smile seep onto her face.

"I'm right here Aki. What do you need?" A woman answered. Her black hair was done in a long braid cascading down her back and to her waist, and her orange eyes glittering with a mischief that could rival a cat's.

"I need information on some girl named Kagome Higurashi, Yuri." Aki said setting down the little boy as he wiggled out of her grasp.

"Come with me then Aki." Yuri said, walking into the room beyond the steel door. They walked threw several rooms, before they came into Yuri's bedroom. Suya was dropped off in his room so he wouldn't be a bother.

Yuri produced an orb as big as your fist that was glowing yellowish. She held it in her hand, over her bed and closed her eyes.

"I wish for information on the person Kagome Higurashi." Yuri spoke and files on Kagome Higurashi appeared before her. Aki picked them up and thanked Yuri before leaving.

Aki reappeared home with in minutes and sat down on her couch, opening the file.

It took her almost all night before she was done. She had this far away distant look in her eyes, before snapping out of it. She willed the file to burst into flames and it did so. She walked into her bedroom, opened her closet and picked out black baggy pants with a blood red long sleeved shirt and a black vest to match.

After dressing, she got out her weapons. Her dragon whip that was indestructible and her katanas both made from black crystallized gold. She quickly put them away in her secret spot that was unnoticeable, and left her home to the roof. She whistled and jumped into the air to be caught by a giant black feathered falcon, once again.

`Mistress, are you going to help the young miko?' asked the falcon in her mind.

`She is what she is, Moon. If she is not trained properly, we will have to bring her down once again.' Aki replied, as they now flew over Tokyo.

`Mistress, we are straight above the shrine, would you like to wait until morning, or make your entrance?' Moon asked, circling around the shrine.

`We'll wait. Find us somewhere to land.' Aki said, glancing down at the shrine. Moon flew them out of sight in minutes to a spot that was close, but out of their reach of sense.


Genkai sipped her tea, concentrating on two auras that had just entered the grounds of her shrine. Both auras materialized from the shadows, the auras belonged to Aya and Ayume.

"Genkai-sama, we found out where the enemy is. It seems all they want is Kagome, with everyone else dead." Aya said, bowing.

"Yep original, alright." Ayume said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"To bad they never suspected that she'd have so many friends that'll die for her. Especially when their that strong." Ayume noticed Aya's stare at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

Genkai nodded before getting up and walking to the door.

"Can we go now? We did what you asked, besides, the miko can get training from the demon lord. We have duties to get back to." Ayume asked glancing at Genkai as she stopped.

"Yes, the favors you asked of us are done. The miko will learn with her friends, she will catch on quickly, and hopefully learning the meaning of life, unlike her incarnation." Aya said leaning back on the wall, staring at Genkai.

"Yes you may go. Nevertheless, remember to alert Mi-chan about the situation down here. Hopefully the goddess of Hope could help us." Genkai said and walked out of the room, not bothering to glance at the twins, as they shimmered out of existence.


Rei brought in another kettle of tea before explaining.

"The blood that Kagome shares with me will be the one who also chooses her life mate. It won't be up to her." Rei sat back into the waiting arms of Ryu.

"What do you mean? Kagome-chan doesn't have any control of her life?!" Sango asked, her temper rising, as she sat across from Rei and next to her was Hiei, who was leaning agents the wall.

"No! Kagome always has a choice! It's just that before Kagome knows it, it has made a connection; it seeks out her soul mate. It guides Kagome to him, hoping she will realize it." Rei said closing her eyes in exhaustion.

"I would like for all of you to go back into the past. Naraku will be weaker, and I'm sure there are a few people wanting to get back to their own time." Koenma said glancing at Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.

"Feh, we'll leave now then." Inuyasha turned around and headed toward the stairs.

"Oh no you don't! We'll leave when Kagome wakes up you slave driver!" Sango said bringing Hiraikotsu down on his head before he could argue.

Sota took this time to come into the room.

"Hey why's Inuyasha on the ground?" Sota peered over at his hero before looking at Sango as she still had her weapon on his head.

"He was trying to drag Kagome back to the past with him." Yusuke said smirking at the half demon before stepping on his head.

"I'm gonna go tell Keiko I'll be leaving, don't let that idiot drag Kagome to the past Hiei, that's an order." Yusuke waved without turning around and walked out the door.

"Mrs. Higurashi, may I use the phone to call my mother?" Kurama asked, and smiled at Rei when she nodded her head.

Ryu stared at Kurama as he left the room. He knew the fox had an interest in his daughter, the thought made him start growling, over protectiveness kicking in. However, Rei put it in check when she elbowed him in the gut lightly.

"Your daughters a big girl, let her live her life. Besides, she has enough of that with Inuyasha and Yusuke." She said in her motherly tone.

Sota who had stayed in the room while everyone exited, most going to check on Kagome, looked at his mother who was in a guy's lap he didn't know.

"Who the heck are you? Another of Kagome's friends?" Sota poked Ryu's feathers, making Rei burst out in laughter.

"He's your father dear." She said, after calming down.

"Oh, do you play Playstation?" Sota asked, making his mom face fault. Clearly, she was expecting something more dramatic, but she smiled when she saw her mate's confused face.

"What's a Play-station?" Ryu said, subconsciously tilting his head, showing his confusion, making his son smirk evilly at him. Sota grabbed his hand and dragged him to the T.V., opening the cabinet under it.


It was three days later, that Inuyasha was still trying to drag Kagome back, but with pretty much everyone against him, he could do nothing.

"Let me go!" Inuyasha yelled, struggling at the vines Kurama had summoned up to hold him. He was being held upside down, with his claws tied behind him. His brother was smirking at him from the couch clearly enjoying his brother's situation.

"What's so fucking-"vines came up and closed around his mouth making so he couldn't talk.

"Thanks Kurama." Yusuke said, cracking open an eye. It was about eight in the morning, but everyone was there and ready to go to the feudal era. That is if Kagome ever woke up. As if on Que, Kagome came walking down the stairs, yawning, and in a white tank top with red shorts. She looked around and found everyone just staring at her.

"What?" Kagome said looking down at her attire, checking if she had anything on her.

Sango and Boton tackled her practically crying, that is until Hiei commented on how weak woman were which got Sango attacking him.

"Were glad you are awake Kagome." Kurama smiled at her, with Ryu just walking into the room, noticing his daughter was blushing a little.

"Took ya long enough to wake up cuz." Yusuke said, draping an arm across her shoulders.

"Anyway the toddler over there wants us to go back in time better get ready so we can leave after the blood goes to the idiots head." Yusuke turning Kagome to look at Inuyasha, who was starting to turn purple.

"Your stuck carrying him when he passes out the cuz." Kagome said quickly slipping out of the grasp of her cousin going mad.


Short chapter yes I know. But all of the chapters I wrote for you guys disappeared from the computer and it's driving me nuts to know what happened to them, and I thought that you guys would want an update rather than just waiting. I might be going to my lil sis's house so don't expect much, but I most likely will be able to update while I'm down there.

Ja, yes, complaints are wanted, Review plzz!

~White Fox 612~