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"The Journey to the City of Endless Night" Reviews/Comments [ 281 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lannie  On: September 14, 2007 22:40 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It is a wonderful story, I'm only on chapter 58, but it is so great. One of the only stories in which I will read that there are 70 chapters and actually want to read them. I've read all your other stories so I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, I love the Sesshomaru and Rin side of it. And I'm so happy that she's a sorceress, even though I always expected great things from her. To be quite honest, I don't think it's quite out of character the way they two act, mainly because who knows what goes in private when Jaken is not around, and the fact that Rin is still quite young in the series, but I love what you have done. Please update soon!
 Reviewed By: j0yrid3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 05:34 PDT
Okay before I forget, what's with Rin climbing onto Sesshoumaru's lap all the time? Nevermind that I've never even seen her do that ONCE, but the repetition of it is getting noticeable. Other than that, everything's great. Go fish! ROFL...brilliant!
 Title: Great story!
Reviewed By: j0yrid3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 04:32 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have to congratulate you on the great story! I've only read a few chapters so far, but I was intrigued by the non-Inuyasha characters...the whole world sort of reminds me of Tolkien's Silmarillion. It's very original to include Sesshoumaru, Rin, Inuyasha and Kagome in such a world. The writing style is wonderful, your grammar and spelling is near perfect and the plot keeps a reader waiting. I'm not one for long stories, but yours feels like it's worth the time. Sesshoumaru's character is very well drawn, but not entirely "in character", in my POV. He expresses genuine feelings for Rin (I don't doubt he has them, but I don't think he would show them so openly), holds her in his arms in front of everyone and also he accepts too much from Inuyasha, despite his arrogant, proud character. Of course, it may be put on account of the situation they're in. Really, the story is one of the best I've ever read and I look forward to finishing it :)
 Reviewed By: Dark Avenger [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2007 23:02 PDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! The Feudal Association is a group that presents awards to fanfiction and fanart in the InuYasha Fandom several times a year. Our official website can be found here - http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/aug2007art.html http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/aug2007.html And our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs can be found here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open August 1, 2007 - August 15, 2007. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! Winners will be notified by me after August 15th. ~ The Daimyo
 Reviewed By: Dark Avenger [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2007 22:56 PDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! The Feudal Association is a group that presents awards to fanfiction and fanart in the InuYasha Fandom several times a year. Our official website can be found here - http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/aug2007art.html http://feudalassociation.cadkitten.com/aug2007.html And our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs can be found here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open August 1, 2007 - August 15, 2007. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! Winners will be notified by me after August 15th. ~ The Daimyo
 Title: New Fan
Reviewed By: Sci-Jess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2007 15:30 PDT
You have updated. I really enjoyed the chapter. Poor Silk, can not handle being in a dark cave. I would feel the same way if I was him. Who is the Child of Light? Is is Kagome, Inuyasha, or Rin. Must make that point clear very soon; like the next chapter. 
 Reviewed By: Bookreader9999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2007 08:53 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really enjoy this story. It does a great job of combining the two worlds into a very enjoyable story. It features all the elements (action, suspense, romance, adventure, etc.) of an exciting epic. Can't wait for your next update!
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2007 18:24 PDT
Liked how after all his driving you crazy, Miroku came through like a hero and not a clown...Your handling of the sacrifice was good...Buddhist and shinto sensibilities don't mix well with such dark sacrificial practices, even when people try to convince themselves that dying thus is actually a good thing...and once again, Naraku produces an offspring/incarnation/detatchment true to the old pattern of betrayal...good touch. Liked how Miroku really shows his truth worth at moments like when he was protecting Silk. He really is a very strong character, even if we tend to think of him in comic relief mode a lot.
 Title: Litele_one contd . . .
Reviewed By: I am Foxglove [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 06:51 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Gah, stupid character limit cut my review off . . . Where was I? Oh, yeah . . . And wow - Rin's really coming into her own! I'm so glad they had that talk with her, I was worried about the insecurities she was dealing with, they could have been so detrimental to everything. But she truly is talented! She seems to have a formidable Will, and I have few doubts as to whom she learned that from . . . ^_^ But apropos to Sesshomaru - He's taking these changes in his stride, poor old dog, though it's difficult for him [I felt so sorry for him when Poledra was hugging Rin - he really is lost without her, isn't he?]; but she is growing up. I was wondering, now that she's entering that adolescent stage, will she start getting into female companionship as well? I'd love to see all the ladies in the group enjoying some 'Girl Time' together. And while they're doing that, the guys could group up for some 'Guy Time' of their own and be all, like, manly men, and stuff . . . [translation: pine after the women while they're gone] XD Now that'd be funny. I think, actually, it'd be interesting to see Rin interacting with the rest of the group; I don't think she's had much interface so far with Sango, Miroku, Myoga or Ce'Nedra, Silk, Velvet and Belgarath . . . But hey! I guess there's still plenty of time for all that! So until next time my dear . . . Ja, mata!
 Title: From litele_one [LJ]
Reviewed By: I am Foxglove [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 06:49 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
[Chap69] Okay! Next chapter! *rubs hands together* Sess/Rin loveliness . . . YAY! ^o^ I can never get enough of that . . . I knew Sesshomaru would have a lot to think about in his next featuring chapter. Poor guy. It's been a rough couple of days for him . . . I'm glad he was able to have some much-needed quiet time with Rin. I dread to think what might happen if he couldn't catch a moment of solitude like that, otherwise he might spontaneously combust; even though he seems to be getting used to having so many people around him so much of the time, his inherent nature appears to be one of steadiness and calm. His persona is quite recognisable to me because, funnily enough, he reminds me of my uncle's dog, Tyson. Ty's a long-haired german-shepherd/greyhound mix, an all-out awesome dog, and I love him to bits . . . He'd make a great bodyguard [and has fulfilled that role on several occasions . . .]. You see, he's a very reserved dog; people often think he's just unfriendly but he's not. He's very composed, no-nonsense, unlike my uncle's other two dogs, Bebop and Taz, who would be more along the lines of say, maybe Shippo and Inuyasha. XD If the other two get too noisy or excited, Ty will either growl at them til they shut up or literally just get up and stalk out of the room. The funniest thing I've ever seen him do was stand on a Chihuahua that was annoying him while we were sitting in the veterinarians waiting room [thing kept yapping at him and bouncing around him while he was just sat there doing nothing. Ty literally sat there, picked up his right paw, and plopped it on top of the thing's head. LOL] When my cousin was a baby he used to lie next to her cot at night to keep an eye on her or lick her hands and feet through the bars when she couldn't sleep. He's so quiet, sometimes you don't even know he's there. He can be protective and very aloof when it comes to people he doesn't know, so it's easy to see why some might think he's just one of those dogs who's not affectionate. And yeah, he won't jump all over you when you walk in the door or lick your face clean; but then he'll come along and sit down next to you for hours, or quietly invite himself along when you go for a walk. When I last stayed in the house I woke up to find Ty had slept on the floor beside my bed all night. When I got up he followed me downstairs to keep me company while I made a breakfast, and by the time my uncle woke up and came downstairs I was sitting on the kitchen floor with a cup of tea, a copy of Dracula, and a very comfortable Tyson sprawled on the floor next to me with his head in my lap. ^_^ That's sort of the way I relate to Sesshomaru's character. There's more to his nature than the stoic front that he maintains, and no doubt the turmoil over the course of the past days will have taken its toll. And because of those barriers he's erected in regards to his emotions, when some of it does manage to slip through, it can be all the more vivid and forceful. But maybe, just maybe, it's not such a bad thing for him to be learning to deal with his feelings. I think his apparently inconsequential memory of his father's errant forelock proves this - a fond memory perhaps not engaged in decades or even centuries. His father truly was important to him at one point, and yet Sesshomaru had never allowed himself to grieve. My hope is that, now he's finally facing these things, he can begin to move on, and let go of the negative emotions accumulated in the past. And maybe that's already starting to happen . . . He let Inuyasha in on Rin's lesson! He might've played that down a bit, but jeez - We all know how protective of that girl he is . . . I wonder if Inuyasha realizes the magnitude of this? Sesshomaru's just made a gesture of real trust in him . . . And wow - Rin's really coming into her own! I'm so glad they had that talk with her, I was worried about the insecurities she was dealing with, they could have been so detrimental to everything. But she tru
 Title: From litele_one [LJ]
Reviewed By: I am Foxglove [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2007 06:45 PDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear Farawayeyes! First things first, I'd just like to apologize for my reviewing tardiness . . . Gomen nasai! I've had a lot to deal with since the sudden reappearance of my birth-father after years and years and it's thrown everything up into the air, as you can probably understand, so I haven't had much time for fan fiction for a while . . . But now I'm back, and here follows my personal response to chapter 68 of the fantastical Journey to the City of Endless Nights. Can I just say, Jaken really does endear himself to me sometimes. This being one of them. Yeah, he can be annoying sometimes, but ya just gotta love Sesshomaru's little green fanguy . . . ^_^ You might be interested to know, that my first impression of this instalment was that it was almost movie-like. Epic. Like the Lord of the Rings films, if you can understand me; such a sprawling landscape, so many new faces, all very foreign to the IY cast . . . It's storytelling on a vast scale. There are several storylines progressing simultaneously, character introductions and continual character development, mysteries posed and unfolding, intricacies and great attention to detail in scenes varying from elaborate ballroom functions and journeys across great oceans to simple campsite interaction and travelling scenes. The scene of the arrival in Boktor, for one, was very vivid to me. You could picture them clattering up through the cobbled streets, and you could just see poor Jaken clinging onto the back of Eriond's clothes after such a long journey on Horse . . . He seems to be really frustrated that he cannot be with his Master. Would I be right in thinking that part of it may be loneliness, too? Usually, he has Rin and even Ah-Un at least when he's waiting for the Taiyoukai; but now all he has are strangers he has yet to adjust to and foreign surroundings, and not to mention he's now been taken from the place he was told to stay . . . You do have to feel a little sorry for him. But it seems now he's going to have his own part to play, and I 'm glad to see it. I'm also glad to see that he finally seems to be settling into a kind of friendship with his temporary companions. So! Some new characters thrown into the mix . . . I'm not quite sure I like Varana, but I find Porenn, Fulrach, Anheg and Brand quite engaging. Korodulin, too . . . Although that might just be the way he speaks . . . ^_^;; I hope we get to meet the Gorim, eventually. I must say, it was very interesting to hear about the state of the rest of the land since Naraku's arrival. This chapter outlined, I think, the fact that this coming conflict is not just an isolated fight, it extends to far more than just those in our travelling party - this is a war. The effects of the final outcome, whatever it may be, will be felt near and far, across the land. And if that's not enough impetus to defeat Naraku and Nahaz [who I have to say I'm intrigued about, but in an "ooooooh, I reeeaaally don't like the sound of this guy" kind of way], then I really don't know what else would motivate either of the two Inu brothers other than the safety of their pack. I guess we'll see how it goes . . .
 Title: Another good one!
Reviewed By: doggieearlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2007 17:46 PDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Jaken… first getting dragged away from where Sesshomaru told him to wait, and then into the affairs of mortals, no less! I bet he is more than a bit irritated that the one guy refuses to believe he's real, and on top of that, the table is too tall for him to reach the food. How humiliating! Things seem to be going from bad to worse, until he speaks up. At least some of the leaders were wise enough to realize that his suggestion might have some merit because he wasn't blinded by knowing the history of everyone there. And the one can't accept it because he doesn't. And I can just see the two of them yelling at each other, neither listening to a word the others said and deafening everyone else in the room. I think poor Jaken is also jealous that InuYasha is with Sesshomaru, while he, the pure demon, is not. It's too bad he doesn't wait as patiently as Rin does when she gets left behind. It does look like he'll get to put his diplomatic skills to use. Good for Porenn, wanting to put him to work and make him useful. I'm sure he'll do a good job even if he wasn't so elegant when he was angry. Poor Sesshomaru - instead of answers, Rin just keeps giving him more questions. I guess now he's going to be worried, trying to figure out how to keep his thoughts he doesn't mean for her to hear to himself. Maybe he was thinking out louder than he thought, but he'd better watch what's going through that brain of his now. It's also funny how she can speak with the birds. It seems appropriate for her, somehow - very fitting. I can just see her surrounded by little birds bringing her flowers. Only now, what's Sesshomaru going to do with them? It does seem to cheer him up a bit, though. Poor Rin, still feeling guilty about something that wasn't really her fault. It must have been hard for Sesshomaru to sit by while Poledra tries to help her work through it. She also makes a pretty impressive barrier if Sesshomaru can't break through it, and neither can InuYasha with Red Tessaiga. I can just see our poor hanyou flying through the air - and the smirk Sesshomaru must have had on his face when he did. And now Sesshomaru knows that Rin lied to him about starting the fire. I wonder how much longer before they start to figure out how she learned that. Another excellent chapter, and I look forward to see what's in store for them next.
 Reviewed By: Bookreader9999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2007 18:54 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
You do a great job with the interaction between Sesshomaru and Rin!! I'm glad you found time to update!! I love this story!!
 Title: Fantastic
Reviewed By: Andross  On: June 18, 2007 09:48 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I give you 10/10, instead of writing an essay as to why I rated your story as such, Ill put it into a smaller context. I would pay money to read this. Takahashi-san herself would be impressed by this im sure. I love your story and urge you to continue the great work. Being around the same age I can understand the difficulty you have balancing all the things daily life throws your way. You've got real talent btw, I couldn't write a story this good even if I sold my soul for it. Keep up the great work. Andy
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2007 19:50 PDT
Interesting about the birds and their songs and Rin...I'm interested if that interaction with them will have more significance later on? I've been enjoying the conflict between Sess's awareness that Rin is starting to mature, his discomfort with it, his need for control, and although that she's a wonderful and gifted child, she's still filled with the insecurities that tween period (or whatever you want to call that transition period between childhood and full-blown teenager). I've been enjoying these parts a lot. Boy, that's some barrier Rin can put up....
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