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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Reviewed By: InuyashasBiggestFan offline  On: November 23, 2006 08:36 EST
awe... so sweet. Update soon!
 Reviewed By: dark irish sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 22, 2006 23:31 EST
yay! XD another great chapter! i luv this story! ^^ can't wait to read more! :D
 Title: loving it
Reviewed By: adea neri  On: November 22, 2006 23:08 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
i have read all of your fanfic anf all of tthem keep me wanting more. you are such a wonder writer. gimmie more.
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 22, 2006 08:03 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow!! I spent all day yesterday and all night reading the 3 "Live and Let Die" stories up to this point. Fantastic! Your attention to detail is great! The explorations of feelings and relationships is top-notch. Terrific plotline. Characters all absolutely believable. I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Kudos!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: November 18, 2006 22:02 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yipee!! Part Five of the review!! Squeals happily!! Chapter 14: Kagome is under the Goshinboku. I think that is one of my favourite places for both Inuyasha and/or Kagome to be. If they had to live in the past I would love to see them live near it or in it's sweeping branches. Sighs all romantically.. Kagome had to admit to herself that she is doing better training wise without Inuyasha around. She is definitely one girl who is completely taken by her beloved. Sighs. Loved the way her thoughts wander off into the gutter thinking. Oh wow!! They can communicate over that much distance!! Awesome!! Another exciting and refreshing detail to this so delicious awesome and exhilarating story that is woven! Oh!! I have just started reading the Mystical Psychic Phone Call!! Yay!! I'm finally there!! Oh I wanted to bang my head.. they were all fluffy bunny-ish with the I Guess bit. I loved the way they are more open when they are speaking in their minds to each other. Loved that she told Inuyasha what she did to Kikyou! I chuckled at that!! Glad Inuyasha is supportive of Kagome here! I wonder if Inuyasha's eyes had flashed red (redder?) at hearing Kikyou tried to attack Kagome. Okay, so Sango whacked Miroku for keeping her away from Kohaku. Good for Miroku that he was able to speak to Sango and explain that Kohaku need time. And then Kagome asking about Inuyasha's welfare during the Full Moon. You keep Inuyasha so wonderfully in character it's amazing! Oh, and will we learn more about the Inu no taisho? Here we go maybe Kagome can assure Inuyasha she really liked it last full moon. On my!! I can't wait to read up the phone sex again!! Squeals!! Good girl - that Kagome making sure the coast is clear before getting Inuyasha to play with her. Is Inuyasha getting turned on by Kagome's dirty sex talk? Will he ask her to do it again with him? Will they use this in their foreplay in the future on occasion? That was just as hot if not more erotic! I am fanning myself! I think I'll need a cold shower after this one! Kagome told Inuyasha it was natural to do this, So sweet and caring of Kagome. Letting him know she did this as well. Shocked! Inuyasha is going to be asked to explain to Souta!!?? He was able to talk to Shippo but to actually Talk about self pleasuring! The poor Hanyou.. I think he would rather get sat instead or groped by Miroku.. Oh dear, even far away, another misunderstanding and not giving Inuyasha time in letting him explain himself. Kagome needs to work on jumping to conclusions. But that is part of her character. She jumped to the thought that Inuyasha thought of Kikyou while doing that. Want to smack her for that. She went and made Inuyasha feel awful. Thankfully they got it cleared up! Myouga and Totousai went to tell Inuyasha about the rings glowing and to their surprise find him glowing as well! I loved that Totousai felt more confident in his task! That was touching! Making his character more enhanced! Kudos!! Whoot!! I didn't really understand the line "For he had noticed what Myouga apparently had not - that they couldn't see InuYasha's hands with good reason." Sorry, I think I missed the info plane on that line. Blushes embarrassedly.. Please keep up the most Amazing, Excellent and Masterful Work!! Totally Rock, You Totally Rock!! Can't wait to review the next chapter!!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: November 18, 2006 20:10 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we have Part Four of the review coming up!! Chapter 14: Literary Goddess! I am SOOO loving this story! All the neat twists and turns, the plots that unfolds perfectly timed! The way Inuyasha and the others are slowly growing and maturing with their characters! With how you keep them so true to the way Rumiko created them! Squeals with joy! Inuyasha has a braid of Kagome's hair? How did he get a lock? And how did he manage to keep it hidden from Kagome all this time? The yanking of fangs by that youkai and the tool he uses to do it makes me flinch and cringe as well. So Totosai needed Kagome's hair, blood, Inuyasha's fang and the diamonds from his attack... I wonder what he will surprise them with... I am left still since I got into Inuyasha to figure out how does Myouga speak without a mobile mouth? I am happy that Totousai accepted the request! Myouga is just a little too blood thirsty isn't he? I think that Myouga might have some Tick in him... for the swelling up part. Such a true to character response from Inuyasha when told the time frame. Lol!! And to make Inuyasha be his errand boy while he is there is too funny. Cool!! Kagome felt the bite as well!! That is an awesome and amazing extra touch! I love the connection they have!! Kikyou really lacks in the people skills doesn't she? I knew it Kikyou would want to strike at Kagome... And I can understand Miroku's reluctance in striking Kagome... he would have to face two death givers... in the form of a very ticked off Sango,... and then an irate Hanyou. Good for Kagome!! Hooray!! She blasted Kikyou!! Sent her flying!! Even better Kagome has finally struck Kikyou and made her land ungracefully on her ass!! Hooray!! Glomps Doggieearlover and squeals happily!! Kagome is coming into her own!! Kudos!! Hooray!! Whoot!! Whoot!! She is getting out of that shadow that is Kikyou! Bravo!! Bravo!! She will be able to hold her head high! If she thinks after this that she'll never be as good as Kikyou... she'll need a butt kick herself! Awesome!! Awesome!! Superb!! This was perfect!! And a great way for Kagome to show herself to Kikyou! YES!! Kikyou is left speechless!! Gaping like a fish!! YES!!! Whoot!! I also really enjoyed how Kagome dealt with Miroku as she faced off with Kikyou! I LOVE this story!! Excellent!! Kaede is a great teacher!! She is asking Kagome to describe what she did at each step!! I am so in awe of your talented and so very gifted writing!! LOL!! Kikyou had to slink off and lick her wounded pride!! Again Kikyou has underestimated the power that is in Kagome!! At least Sesshoumaru stayed and accepted the ass dropping he got from Kagome. She must be exhausted from all that miko work she did. And I chuckled at the thought of Kaede spending too much time with Sesshoumaru. Just like Kagome to be honest about why she is improving more. Yep, Miroku does make up LOTS of excuses for his unwanted behaviour. I wonder if he'll ever accept the responsibility for his perverted actions. Probably not. I don't feel it is in his character to do so. Inuyasha really doesn't like staying still does he? Oh Dear the full Moon! What is Inuyasha going to do with himself!? He wants to subdue his youkai self around Kagome under the Full Moon? What is the boy thinking. I could have sworn Kagome rather enjoyed herself that night. I hope she has a good talk with him. Isn't annoying when people do that? Talk as if you aren't there... giggles... Poor Inuyasha, I don't know who is worse... Miroku, Sango and Shippou or Myouga and Totousai... He needs to go off and be by himself this night. So Kikyou still feels Kagome is tainted by being with Inuyasha on some level. Well, she has learned differently hasn't she. I am though slightly puzzled by the way Kikyou felt she was spared. Had she been a demon she would have been purified. Didn't Ursaue say that Kikyou had become a vengeful demoness before she turned into dust? I guess I'm a little confused in my concept of what Kikyou is or became.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: November 18, 2006 18:15 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Part three of the reviews!! Yay!! I think I'm on a roll!! We get to meet Sesshoumaru's wife?! Squeals I can't wait! Kagome and Inuyasha know her? And will be shocked to see her after all these years...? I am just eager to find out who she is!! Rin!!??!! Yay!! Runs around squealing!! Rin!! Does some somersaults!! Yay!!!! Whoot!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! Bravissimo!! Kagome did rewarded her sweet Hanyou for his wonderful gift idea!! I think I rather like reading the Kagome can tire Inuyasha out in their love making! Finally Shippou is not slamming into Kagome! That, I enjoy! I like it that he waits to be gathered up. He is definitely learning his manners! Whoot! I love, just love how you present Kaede's character! Was Miroku trying to pry into Inuyasha's decision or was it concern or just trying to be a darn lecher...? He kissed her cheek in front of the others!! This is awesome, the way you are showing Inuyasha slowly getting comfortable with his affectionate displays in front of the others! Very realistic! Very smoothly written! Oh my Kikyou has shown herself to Inuyasha. I don't think she'll be happy with the results after that betrayal she dealt him. I snorted when Kikyou said she means no harm. And then wanted to smack her up the head when she was going to slander Kagome again. Sighs... I kind of was expecting Inuyasha to do a little more to defend Kagome, but I can understand that he still has the memories to recover from still before he can do that. I enjoyed that Miroku has really Talked with Inuyasha about his relationship with Sango. It shows that Miroku is trying to grow up. Yes!! Miroku has apologized and this was from his heart and soul!! Excellent!! Brilliant!! Another brilliant display of Inuyasha's intelligence and observation! Heh... So I was right Miroku was just being nosy and try to pry into something not his business. I hope someone points out to Miroku that he can't fall back on that line because his problem is that he is very much understood. And now onto chapter 14!! Chapter 14: Inuyasha the poor hanyou... he does have a lot of guilt. I hope he will get more self confidence. He is right, if he was there Kagome would go into protect Inuyasha mode and wipe the floor with Kikyou. True, that Kikyou could help Kagome but would she also try to harm Kagome in the pretence of training Kagome? I love that Inuyasha will allow Kagome to make the decision on her own, that he trusts her that much! Swoons happily!! I also love how Inuyasha is also concerned about Sango's welfare. I loved Kagome's reaction to sensing Kikyou. Her powers flared. I am wondering if Kagome does accept Kikyou's offer if she would be more aggressive towards her... Are we going to see some Kikyou butt kicking from Kagome? Sango just found out that Miroku knew Kikyou was around. He smoothly lied this time I wonder how Sango is going to feel when she finds out he has known all the while when she showed up. I don't think she'll be thrilled to learn that. Very smooth and very open with what Kaede told Kagome but it also kind of hinted at Kagome being a lesser person to decline Kikyou. I'm not too sure how to take that bit. Will think on it. Yay! Time for Rin and Sesshoumaru fluffiness!! Loved the way Rin presented her wishes to Sesshoumaru! She did it with respect and honesty. Kagome has a diary!! Giggles... I can just imagine the very naughty dreams and fantasies she would have secreted away in her diary. I wonder if Inuyasha has ever notice her with a journal... or if he has ever thought about looking at it... Or if he had to keep Miroku away from it... Errr... that is the most foreseeable possibility. True to the character reaction with Totosai! He does hide a lot.. Giggles.. I just a very silly image of Totosai with super Buggy eyes! He certainly is rather blunt about making that statement. Poor Inuyasha. Here we have Myouga!! I wonder why he usually hangs out with Totosai.. Super!! I again loved the way you do not neglect Inuyasha's intelligence!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: November 18, 2006 16:56 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we go onto part two of the reviews. I so am loving and thoroughly enjoying this story Literary Goddess!!! Kudos!! Whoot!! Woot!! Bravo! I admit it I cried a little when Jii-chan hugged Inuyasha and said he would be honoured to marry them. I loved the responsibility and maturity that you gave Kagome when she went through the diamonds. Swoons happily! Only taking a few with her until they know more about the Jeweller. Even if Jii-chan had recommended him, with the stories that Jii-chan tells it can be hard to determine truths... (Recalls pickle incident). Oh! A delicious twist they can sense youki coming from the store!! Wonderful!! And when Mama asked about something wrong that was a great cover-up by Kagome! Usually she isn't very good at that!! Familiar youkai? Oohh!! The Buzz and Click? I didn't understand that part... Did they have to ring or did they step on a pressure mat or something similar? Totousai?!!! Oh my!! I wouldn't have guessed him for the futuristic jeweller!! What a delightful and splendid twist!! Yay!! Awesome work!! Okay... slight mystery there! Totousai has a nephew?! Eepp!! There are more of him around! Giggles!! Oh my word!! The description you gave of Totousai's appearance has really floored me!! Him in a three piece suit!! Oh wow!! That is tooo Cool!!!! And he doesn't smell bad anymore?! That is even better... I do have to wonder is he still the coward like Myouga and does he still have his cow/bull/ox steed Momo? Oh my, the last name!! That is funny!! And suits him well! Mahjong! It's one of my favourite games!! Yay!! I love the explanation Totousai gave for being in the Jewellery business!! Very realistic very true... What exquistes twists you have in here!! All so very refreshing to read and see!! Awesome and Masterful work!! I am curious though to know approximately the sizes of the pieces from Inuyasha's attack they had gathered up. I think I'm wrong... I was picturing the spears from his attack but to fit in the pocket they sound smaller. That was soo very cute as well!! Kagome selecting the one diamond that resembles Inuyasha's ear!! Love it!!! I wonder when she gets her ring back if it will still be shaped still like Inuyasha's ear... I like Kagome's choice in the band metal. I have another question... Will Kagome wear the ring in Sengoku Jidai or just in the future? I'm asking because wouldn't a regular engagement ring catch on her clothes and weapons? Oh that was very funny for Totousai to say his mind isn't as sharp as it used to be. Blinks!! Wait!! Did Totousai just carry on a conservation without being a bubble-brain air head? Goes back and re-reads... yep!! He did!! Wow!! I wonder how this will be explained... giggles... Inuyasha's was trying not to laugh and Kagome was trying not to either! Have I told you how much I love and thrill at this story? So very awesome!! I had to laugh when Inuyasha complained that Kagome was making his head hurt with all her questions! Oh my, who Is Totousai speaking to!? Tai Youkai?!! Sesshoumaru!! Oh wow!! COOL!!! Sesshoumaru is collecting the diamonds? I wonder why? Oh the explanations giving them all headaches, chuckles, I would get a headache too. I like these little hints that you give us to tantalize our appetites! And wet our curiosities!! Squeals!! Love it! Oh Inuyasha is being secretive and evasive! How naughty of our favourite Hanyou! I melted into a puddle of warm and fuzzy goo when Inuyasha explained to Kagome his plans!! So sweet of him!! I hope Kagome rewards him for his sweetness! I can't believe SesshouMaru would stealthfully twist the events so that Kagome's jii-chan will win and get to meet Totousai! I loved the history that you provided us with in regards to Kagome's father!! And to how they were helped to move in with jii-chan. I loved the added history of the family troubles that Jii-chan and Kagome's father had fought. I enjoy all these additions that only increase the richness of the story! Making it more realistic.
 Title: great chappie!
Reviewed By: dark irish sorceress [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 17, 2006 21:04 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
another great chapter! and yay! Sango and Kohaku will be reunited! i wonder how it will turn out? ^^
 Title: yeah!!
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2006 23:07 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AMAZING YET AGAIN!! *raises hand in triuph* plz continue!! i luv this story!! it brings excitment and wanting 2 my exedingly boring life (thats sad isnt it?) *looks down sadly* oh well!! its worth it..plz update soooon!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: half-inu kagome  On: November 14, 2006 21:34 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your stoury was absolutely great ive jus got thro readin the first 2 parts of it and jus finished reading it to day how do u join IYFG,because i would like to vote for this book it deserve to win thank you 4 writting this book it brought meaning to my boring life (boy i wish i had an old well in my back yard may be my world wouldnt be so dull):)
 Reviewed By: sessy_lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2006 17:41 EST
its another chappter does happy dance lalala cant wait till the next one sends writing vibes
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSi  On: November 13, 2006 12:51 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yipppeeee!! Squeals with much Joy and Happiness!! Another delightful chapter or two!! I'm going for a two for this time!! Try to get chapters 13 and 14 together!! Hooray, Literary Goddess has more chapters posted!! Yay!! So here we go starting off with Chapter 13: Ah so that is why Mama Higurashi was there watching Kagome and Inuyasha. She had to let them know they have company and can't indulge this time. Nice!! A very smooth transition into the next chapter from the previous one! Awesome work! Oh wow... I think Eri better watch her step around Kagome for quite a while. If she can throw a Tai Youkai onto his butt I dread... nah... I would love to see what she is going to do with Eri when she gets a hold of that Wench. Hmmm..., I wonder why her friends came over as well? I'm feeling a little nervous about what they are planning to do to Inuyasha and Kagome. I hope they aren't going to hurt them. I do like the conservation they were having while waiting for Kagome and Inuyasha. I did choke a little on a laugh when they made the comment about the size of a guys package... I like how you keep all the characters so true to the way Rumiko has written them! Kagome's manners are so refreshing to see and read! Love it! Oh dear Kagome's friends also want to talk to Inuyasha! GRRR! I can't believe Ayumi did that to Inuyasha and Kagome!! That was totally uncalled for!! Grrr!! The rudeness!! Why would she be so uncaring of Kagome's and Inuyasha's privacy and feelings!! (Nikkie is rather annoyed right now at the rude behaviour of her friends!) I hope Kagome will let her friends know that was uncalled for! I hope she won't let Ayumi get away with it!! Inuyasha is not going to be comfortable nor is this going to help his self image! Nice to state that comment. I still can't believe the lack of respect they have shown for Inuyasha and Kagome! Why could they have just asked and then insisted for the truth instead resorting to this awful stunt!! Okay, okay... I am still grumbling about it. Darn it!! You write so Beautifully!! You have me having a fit over that scene! A sure sign of a Excellent and Amazingly Gifted Writer!! To be able to involve the reader, draw them into the story and merge them so well that they can physically respond to any scene that is written and read!! Wonderful!! Amazing!! Kudos!! Kudos!! Bravo!! Poor Inu ears getting blasted so from Yuka's squealing! Argh! I can't believe she is going to let them get away with it!! I would have expected at least a reprimand! After all Kagome went after Eri. But then Kagome does tend not to defend Inuyasha at times when she really should. Argh! Still not happy at their behaviour! Grumbles! I hope Kagome gets them to swear an oath not to tell anyone! I can't believe they are prying... or maybe it is nosy?... about Kagome's and Inuyasha's private life! Hummph! They are acting similar to Miroku! Chuckles... everyone is out to get his ears... I really liked the way Inuyasha said they could touch his ears only once, and making that firm. Love this story!! Can you tell...? Love it!! And I love that Inuyasha was able to show Kagome affection so openly and in front of her friends from the future!! Amazing writing!! Bravo! Bravissimo!! Sweet!! I chuckled at Inuyasha whispering to Kagome that if she didn't stop rubbing his ears they would be giving her friends a show! So very cute of him! I wonder if Inuyasha will question Kagome's comment of "..they will take him away.." and why it worries her so much? Would he brag that he can't be caught? I wonder if Kagome would explain to Inuyasha the cruelties that Scientists would bestow upon him? I love !Love!! how Inuyasha after eating excused himself to go help out Jii-chan around the shrine! That was also so very touching!! Can't wait to see more!! Sweet and touching when Kagome went out to thank Inuyasha for behaving himself! I am gushing over the maturity Inuyasha had displayed by going to Jii-chan and asking him to perform the marriage cermony!
 Reviewed By: InuyashasBiggestFan [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2006 08:29 EST
You are amazing! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 17:40 EST
you love an evil cliffie don't you? i have to say i love the 'in the well' lemon. wonderfully intense and perfect for the two's personalites. and inuyasha as a panty theif, who would have guessed. at least kagome wasn't too upset about it but damn, what a sneaky hanyou. naraku is gonna have a hard lesson in sending cronies to do his own work when he finds out that no one was trying to kill each other (athough kouga may still do something stupid to get his ass kicked. i'm not sure how well he's dealing. he may accept their mating but i don't think he's happy about it.) and myouga...yeah, press inuyasha when he's boardering on a full demn. bright flea. i awlways thought there was more to totosai than he let on and you're showing it wonderfully. i can't wait to see what he designs for them in both the future and the past. and if sesshomaru decides to make his future debut when the rings and necklace are presented to them. poor shippou...still such a child. rin will be good for him. and kaede will be good for sesshomaru...not like that!!! she's good in that she can read him and is not afraid to talk to him like he is simply one of her 'grandchildren' like she treats the rest of the group. i can't wait to see where this goes!
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