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"To Forge the Master" Reviews/Comments [ 40 ]
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 Reviewed By: DEATHiSnEaR  On: May 28, 2009 10:25 CDT
I'm a Zelda fan, and an Inuyasha fan, and I love all of your stories so far. You're one of my favourite authors on MM, and I have to say that after reading your stories, you've made me enjoy both franchises even more than I already did. But excuse me princess (:P), I have to say that this fic is one of your best. Sure, many here have insisted that this may be the best LoZ fic that they read in a long time, so I'll not repeat what was already said. What I think makes this fic better that the rest of the grid is the characters. Sure STR is well written and FoNG is promising, but they seem to follow a formula that most good Inu!fics obey; no matter what happens, the hero will not loose anything in the end. Love, friendship, relationships; all gain no pain. I'm not saying that's bad, or I'm not saying that the formula is stale, but it seems like after you read the story over and over, you feel that the plot is.. quite predictable. For example, in FoNG, it's pretty obvious that FoNG!Inu will hook up with FoNG!Kag even though he cannot stand her guts there. Something will happen; pow! Cupid's arrow away! It's not bad if FoNG!Inu would get down from the golden throne he created around him, but it's a little weird judging by how FoNG!Inu treats FoNG!Kag like sh*t. And FoNG!Kag needs to queen it up. C'mon! Your the bright scientist of the group that might cure alien illnesses with ease! You should demand SOME respect from your crowd! Now this fic: the characters are familliar, like in most of your fics, and they're in character, just like in most your fics, but they are more.. free? They seem to act like themselves, but at the same time, they act like they want to regardless what the plot demands. I like that in a fic, it makes it feel more.. well, not alive, but more well written, as it feels like the characters are participating in the story rather than act their part. Your Inuyasha fics give this feeling as well, but sometimes the 'filler' chapters makes this go out of focus. At least it's not a habit, as you're a good writer. I'm a big fan of yours, and I understand that you have a life that makes you very busy, so I'll patiently wait for new updates with ease. I simply hope that this review was useful somehow. If you plan to make another LoZ fanfic, may I suggest a ficlet idea? How about you make a small fic that concerns the people's reaction to Hyrule's flooding and their hero not appearing to rescue their land? It's farfetched, but it's weird how the people still believed in their hero centuries later despite that he didn't appear when he was needed. What kept them believing in him? I don't mind if you don't consider it. It's cool. Thank you for reading my big ass post ED.
 Reviewed By: Rena1234  On: May 28, 2009 09:54 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome! This is a really good LoZ fanfic! If you ever get tired of Inuyasha, you should stick with this series!
 Reviewed By: Zeldagis  On: August 31, 2008 09:52 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The best Zelda fic of this decade. I'm surprisied you didn't win any sort of award.
 Reviewed By: Nickstyle  On: May 18, 2008 10:13 CDT
 Reviewed By: Teresx  On: May 08, 2008 04:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful Zelda fic! I loved the real Sheik! :D
 Reviewed By: Dolores  On: May 01, 2008 10:36 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Too great! MORE!
 Reviewed By: Lascarus  On: February 21, 2008 03:35 CST
Probably the best LoZ fanfic I have ever read.
 Title: Oops, seems like I'm a little late :S
Reviewed By: Platina  On: February 19, 2008 16:03 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good Lord. I was so busy with college and work, that without realising I totally missed reading the final chapter of this wonderful story. Well- DAMN! The ending was VERY good; it really ends the story in a full circle and prepares you for OoT properly, unlike the actual VG franchise (like what Angelica Incarnate said previously). The short introduction of Ganon's Gerudan's mother slightly humanized Ganondorf away from the strong iconic villain image he had around him from OoT onwards, and this was an original but daring move for such an ambiguous but power hungry villain like him. Guess this shows just how any person's childhood surroundings change his or her personality forever, no matter how intelligent or gentle natured one could be. This interpretation of Sheik is my favorite so far, and I'm not talking about the Sheik personality Zelda imitated to trick Ganon, but the actual Sheik who lived and vowed with his life to protect the Royal Family and their secrets. Thank you for creating this wonderful LoZ adaption, I trully enjoyed reading every chapter of it.
 Reviewed By: Pansie  On: October 15, 2007 12:02 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Beautiful ending, just read it! You're the best!!!
 Reviewed By: Leo the Great  On: October 04, 2007 21:51 CDT
I'm sorry about your computer, (makes me feel kinda crappy for getting kinda bitchy at you) but i'm glad you got everything straightened out though. I am also glad that you got to post another great chapter, and though I was sad to see the ending, I know all great things must end. Also... Good Job, Keep up the Good Work and all that kinda stuff, I look foward to reading more of your fanfics, no matter what they're based on.
 Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 04, 2007 14:44 CDT
A very effective ending to a well-thought-out piece. I'm sorry if this comes off as very critical or sterile, I don't mean it to be, but I am measuring words carefully so I'm not gushing at you. I think I reviewed a month ago after chapter 20, I'm afraid I am usually one of those who waits until the story is complete to comment--but anyways, I stand by everything I said then: your story is comprehensive and a pleasurable, easy-to-enjoy piece. The ending gives us an ending, but it also starts the circle that is the LoZ world, and you've given us a solid beginning that the games never really will. You breathed a great deal of life into your characters, making them accessible to LoZ fans and those looking for a good read. I have recommended this to friends as a very worthwhile read and hope you consider jumping outside your usual fandom more often =) Not that there is anything wrong with IY, I really like a number of your other stories too, but your venture outside of that fandom has been fun. Best of luck with school and such and I'll continue to watch for updates of your work.
 Reviewed By: Zeldagis  On: October 04, 2007 13:35 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really enjoyed reading this OoT prolouge fic. It was a real well-made Zelda fic, maybe you'll win an award or two for it. About worrying about posting the final chapter sometime after your last one, don't sweat it. Your computer's health and safety comes first after all. Frankly, your chapters are always worth the wait, no matter how long you take to post them, so I really don't see the problem there. I just hope that you didn't lose any important files and that your computer works properly now. Meanwhile, thank you for sharing this wonderful Zelda fic with us. Keep on rockin', lass.
 Reviewed By: Keasha  On: October 04, 2007 13:01 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What a beautiful ending! It truley gets Ganondorf in a different perspective! And I always wondered how exactly the witch sisters managed to steal Ganondorf away from his Gerudo mother in order to raise him into the Zelda villian in OoT. Nicely done!
 Reviewed By: Pansie  On: September 26, 2007 11:48 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hey, good story! But I have to say that your Link blanks out just a tad bit too much for my tastes, even if he's more realistic than the actual Link. I mean, he's the Hero of Courage after all, he can't faint for every Trial that he faces all the time. Having Sheik commenting and being ironic about his blanking moments is really funny though. Update whenever you can please.
 Reviewed By: Turu-kun  On: September 25, 2007 15:49 CDT
This story is marvelous, it's a real masterpiece! But please if you could, try to update your other Inuyasha fics along with this one, especially Foundation of Neo Genesis! (Whenever you feel like to of course :P)
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