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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: Redi Hebi  On: January 11, 2008 01:30 EST
Great as always, update again soon!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: ladygriddlebone [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2008 00:49 EST
Ah, this chapter made my day. I got the email alert just before I left work, so it was nice to have something to look forward to when I got home, and then you left it on such a cliffhanger! I can hardly wait for the next chapter! This chapter was definitely interesting (and unexpected), the way things worked out. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next with Miroku and Sango, as well as Kagome and Inuyasha.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2008 19:27 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good chapter. But, MAN, it ticked me off...in more than one spot. It's not that I didn't like how it was written; I just hate bigots. And this chapter referred to plenty of them. I'll start with the obvious. I hate that Inuyasha still has such a hard time with bigots attacking him, but at least he found out that he has a new ally, at least publicly.....his brother. Sesshoumaru has finally stepped up to the plate, it seems. That's good. And Inuyasha also got Kagome's unconditional love for him reiterated again, so it went better than it could have once again. Its just a shame that he has to deal with that type of crap at all. There has got to be a special spot in very hot place reserved for bigoted people, fictional or otherwise. The whole notion just burns me up. As for Sango, she is in a heck of a dilemma. She may be reluctant to confide in Miroku about what happened to her, but part of her story seems about to be revealed, whether she's ready or not. Miroku already knows about the scars and the story behind them, of course. But Sango doesn't yet know that. And I can't wait to see if she will at least share part of that with him. She likes him a lot more than she has admitted, even to herself. I love this story, and I will definitely be looking forward to the next update.
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2008 18:48 EST
Wow, this chapter is really full of emotion. Love how Sango and Miroku are growing closer, and K stands up for IY. Slowly but surely he's coming out of his shell. Very clever, using the art gallery to hide the youkai underground. And it's still hoity-toiyt enough to satify Sess's ego. Poor Sango, to have to face that. But will she actually escape Miroku, or will this lead to them opening up to each other more, and thus building mutual trust? Much potential there. Very good chapter!
 Title: Oh GOSH!!!
Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2008 18:27 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Everything was going fine!! Okay, except those comments... but everything was just "cool". Even Kagome's Mom was helping Sango, or at least leaving Sango with sthg. to think about! And now, that freaking drunk idiotic guy! Jeez, Sango's inner conflicts and story is appearing like an iceberg! Mmmm... a lot is going to happen next. Maybe not everything will come out in the open but, surely, some issues are going to be addressed or need to. Cathy... you are creating a big, huge mystery here! You are leaving us like RT with her last chapter!! LOL Keep them coming! Thank you a lot for this update!! I was FAN-TAS-TIC!!! And -certainly- Murphy's and his laws... freak me out! LOL. Excellent job!!! Genious! Congrats!!! :clap::clap::clap: (Missing DA emoticons! LOL)
 Reviewed By: youkaineko [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2008 05:58 EST
There are two things that I would like to see in the up coming chapter(s) Kagome and Sesshomaru never actually talked to each other, so I am very curious how that will go. There needs to be some kind of confrontation, after all don't all dogs need to establish pecking order? I mean sure he knows she Inuyasha's female, and he is throwing them an engagement party, but he doesn't know how strong willed she is, or how willing she is to protect Inuyasha. The other thing I want to see is more I/K intimacy, not the sex scenes tho more of those are always welcome, but the little things that they don't even know they are doing that let the world know they are a couple. There seems to be a lack of those small little touches and looks couples give each other when they are in that early phases of intimacy. Oh they have the knowing what the other is thinking and feeling down pat... five years will give you that. But they only just started the physical aspect of their relationship, and even if they are both painfully shy about public displays of affection like kissing, I don't think they would stop the hand holding or invasion of each others personal space. The subtle caresses, the getting lost in each other, and forgetting that there is a world outside of them is missing from how they are behaving.
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2008 03:23 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Still catching up! LOL Great chapter!!! Love all the fancy things! LOL Hey, I'm a girl! But what I really enjoyed was reading how both couples are fitting -not the outfits-. Inuyasha and Kagome -as usual- are a gorgeous couple. The way they interact, their "little things", their "knowing how the other is feeling" Love, is a wonderful thing and you show it. Great that Sango is opening herself and, particularly, strongly realizing to herserlf what she is feeling towards Miroku even able to give him a chance when the opportunity arises. It's great to see that she is able to "see" the other Miroku, the one behind the mask. Beautiful work, beautiful chapter! Dear, beyond your "fears" about AU you are doing a splendid and magnificent job!!! Congratulations and keep going!!! Thank you so much for this chapter!! Thank you a lot for one of the best AU stories in IY's fandom!!!
 Title: Gorgeous people!
Reviewed By: Rihannon [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2008 14:00 EST
Well… this one was… Ahhh! It just… This is the first time I regret the fact that I have no idea of anything about fashion, designers and jewelry. I barely was able to realize what they all are wearing for the evening. Not your fault. Then, I watched in your journal and found the links to the gowns. Oh! InuYasha would look so incredibly beautiful in that tux. I wish I could see him with my very own eyes. Anyway, I can tell they all were fancy and gorgeous. Good thing, I mean, Sesshomaru is expecting them to be nothing less than appropriate. About the story… InuYasha is so sweet, but also very mature, not like the hanyou from the Feudal Era, but I still see him as the very same good hearted InuYasha we all love. It makes me wonder if Minoue's InuYasha is the result of a different life, I mean, he shows a lot of suffering in his background, but he is a gentleman. Maybe he was born and raised in a time and environment that allowed him to be so, but also comes to my mind the idea of that he could be born a lot of time before (I don't remember if you said how old is he in this story). I'm sure that if our rude favorite hanyou survived the Feudal Era, five hundred (or so) years later he could be like this present time InuYasha, a lot wiser and skillful in many ways. Well, just wondering. I love the way you made InuYasha so different and yet the same. And it also works for Miroku. I guess he has to be like that, and make Sango suffer a little, but I hope he's going to be nice to her, and stop being such a womanizer. But, please… don't rush! I see a lot of potential for them in this story. I'm looking forward, and I know you are very busy, but is not like I'm loosing something by asking: please update soon!
 Title: Please Write More
Reviewed By: inuyashacutie [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 02, 2008 07:10 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was amazing i really liked it
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2007 02:23 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another good chapter. Inuyasha sounded SO gorgeous in this chapter. We know he is anyway....but MAN. Kagome was probably thanking her lucky stars here, lol. As for Sango....wow. If only Miroku knew how much progress he's made. And all of that being a relatively good boy. Sure, he's had a few lapses....but for him, he's beena VERY good boy. And, it's paying off. I can't wait to see how you continue to turn up the heat on them. But, I'm really anxious to see what happens at the gala next time. Kagome's right; Inuyasha is extremely nervous for some reason. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing so much of what he hates....shopping (and, on a side note, he seems to have really good taste). My guess would be that he's afraid that Kagome will be tested by some of the snobs at the event...and some part of him is still afraid that he'll lose her. Man, that witch Kikyo did some damage....but she also had a big assist from some of the other simple-minded bigots of the world. Kagome will just have to show Inuyasha what she's made of....my guess is he'll be pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to see what's next. Good update.
 Reviewed By: hemlockglade  On: December 30, 2007 21:51 EST
"Unable to go back to sleep, Sango got up and went to her computer…"- apparently, I have a dirty mind - Of *course* she'd be doing class readings (^_^;;). Though, shoe shopping websites would not be out of the question, what with the Christian Louboutins appearing later in the story (alas, I'm a Beautifeel girl myself, what with the demands of working feet). As always, enjoying the story and looking forward to the next installment!
 Title: ooooooooh
Reviewed By: fawn of the woods [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2007 11:24 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awesome!! awesome!! stupendous!! I can't wait!!
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2007 10:14 EST
I have to say, this chapter made me hungry! Lovely meal, and very fortunate for our fellows that it was so substantial. They needed it, in order to keep up with the shopping divas. So, Sango's having dreams of our monk, eh? Hmmmm, maybe this will soften her even more toward him, if he behaves himself! Will there be drama at the reception? Surely things can't stay smooth forever? What with wolves and angry ex girlfriends, things are bound to heat up!
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2007 06:38 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry my tardiness!! LOL. The "old man" is always tricking them, some. After all, he loves his grandaughter and he knows -deep inside- that they are one for the other. He is an old man with his old customs but, he can bend things, a little if he is proofed wrong. Always liked how you portrait Kagome's family!!! Good that Sango is realizing what she is feeling, it will take time -after all she went through, what we know and what we don't, to make her really free. It's going to be a hard way but, sort of, she is starting her recovering and -sooner or later- she will open up when she feels comfortable enough with her new "family". She is building up her confidence, we must give her some time. Poor Miroku, hard to stop being who he always was!! He is showing how important Sango is, and that's new to him too. Love Inu/Kag relationship!! It's so good to have them in this stage of their relationship!!! For once, the worst angst situation is on the other couple! LOL Good chapter! Thank you for the update!! Merry Christmas to you!!!!
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 19:47 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Imagines InuYasha just popping out of his clothing... drool... Anyway... Great chapter!
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