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"KALERAGETSUSEI : BK 4 OF TOSOV" Reviews/Comments [ 13 ]
 Reviewed By: goku mum  On: August 17, 2003 12:11 CDT
Sorry, I am late with reviewing the last chapters, but mm.org wouldn't let me in for ages. I appreciated, that you managed to introduce the new characters of x-over with the other animes in a way, that even those poor people, like me, who don't know these animes are able to understand the fic. Thumbs up for your really good job! The plot of the fic is enormous, has unlimited potential and always new surprises. Keep going!
 Reviewed By: goku mum  On: July 22, 2003 16:03 CDT
The little half chap helped to get an overview of all the characters you borrowed from other animes. But it would also be helpful to understand their relationships.
 Reviewed By: Christina G. wytygr74@hotmail.com  On: July 13, 2003 04:05 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
i knew it! ChiChi was a bitch of the first order! i hope she gets sent to hell.

Glad Kakarot is finally seeing the light. that boy sure does need his head checked. who in all the halls of Hades would leave Vegeta? but jealousy is a devil.

there are still some misspellings and gramar work needed. but the story is still cool. can't wait for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: birdy  On: July 04, 2003 11:06 CDT
I'm so happy that you are a perfectionist that's one thing I enjoy about reading your story is the lack of bad spelling (God knows I'm not the greatest speller out there but some of the misspelled words I've run across make me wonder what they teach or if they teach anything in school these days.) so continue to check these things so the story stays injoyable for the future.
Now about the story real quick please make kakkarot get some since about him, this on agian off again love does not seem to be love at all in my book vegeta has lived longer so of course he has more of a past but if he stays faithful to kakkarot there sould be no problem. So hope you get another chapter out soon I'm enjoying chapter 49 now. Just thought I would dash this off before begaining the chapter. GOOD LUCK-KEEP WRITING
 Reviewed By: sunrissa [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2003 16:19 CDT
I HAVE NOT FALLEN OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET. GOMEN NASAI AND A 1000 PARDONS FOR THE DELAY. My beta, goku_mum had pointed out that the fic is riddled and plagued by the demons of typos, grammatical errors and mispellings. I have been working on making corrections and also deleting trouble spots that interfere with the clarity of the fic. I will be writing more. don't abandon me! :-( *SOB* I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to my hobby. I've read too many fics where no grammer or spell checking has been performed or prereading B4 posting. It's tuff to follow a gr8 fic the stumble over mispelled words, shoddy grammer, makes me cringe. I just want a good fic. Again, my apologies.
 Reviewed By: birdy  On: June 16, 2003 21:19 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Stay tuned what stay tuned we are not getting any younger out here in the fandom and unlike saiyans we do not have extended lives PLEASE WRITE MORE ITS BEEN SO LOOOONNNNGGGG. I've have become very addicted to this fic and its indepth charactors, but damn months between chapters makes it hard to keep with even a very good story. I'm sorry to say I do not check back as often anymore because there is not much activity here any more. And believe you me I don't do very many reviews for fics until its a last ditch effort before abandoning the dingy so to speak. Hope you update soon this is one of the better long fic.
 Reviewed By: Christina G. wytygr74@hotmail.com  On: May 24, 2003 05:23 CDT
whoa! just how many kids have they had? i thought rabits multiplied fast! damn! lol

oh. and poor Bulma and ChiChi. NOT! it must really be a knife in the gut to see that they weren't needed at all. lol. dang. does that make me happy.

so you mean Vegeta would become a full female? wow! a female Vegeta would make me consider going les.
 Reviewed By: goku mum  On: April 08, 2003 10:55 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
thank you for the new chapter. I hate when they have a fall out, but hope they will get together and resolve their problems again.
 Reviewed By: lina (the one who still doesn't have an account anywhere)  On: March 07, 2003 17:41 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Be warned I have to release some steam. But I still like you story, I'm only a bit angry because it took me very long to find you again.

Why did you never tell me that you moved here?! You just whre you posted befor without telling me! Do you even remember me? I think I was the one who wrote the most reviews and also sent you an email about what you were going to do because of that stupid removing of the nc-17 of that other page. And then one day you are gone without notice. I still like TOSOV, but I was and am hurt because you moved and no one told me. *cries* Do you remember me? The one woh still has no account? I still have to read the parts I missed because I didn't know you moved her and thought that you have left completly! Please don't scare me like that again!

Well as said I still like your story, and I still don't know what YYH is about, I haven't come accross a Manga called it anywhere. Plese don't be offended because of my rant up there, but I was really hurt when I wasn't able to find you anymore.
 Reviewed By: goku mum  On: February 26, 2003 10:50 CST
What!!! Chichi and Bulma didn't still give up! They even found new "females" for their sons and just stay on planet! It makes me gag. And the nourishing saiyans mmmmm.... I need a picture of Vegeta nourishing his quads.... anybody wants do draw that? The crossovers are a bit difficult for me as I don't know the other animes, but I hope you will make the characterizations clearer in the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: goku mum  On: February 10, 2003 14:43 CST
OMG, what did happen? Are the babies dead? What a disaster! Please get the next chapter out quickly, such a bad cliffhanger! ouaaaaaaa
 Reviewed By: Velmora  On: December 12, 2002 14:23 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's nice to see you resumed posting this great fic here. The new chapters gave some further details to impending warefare, two immediate aims ahead: the torture planet and Queen Cold. I am looking forward to your new chapters.
 Reviewed By: Goku Mum  On: October 27, 2002 14:30 CST
Ah, I love the worms scene when Vegeta completely panicks. And all the many chibis being born. A tremendous saiyan soap opera. Keep on writing.

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