6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6TEEN: Attack of the Zombites (Or) Nebula's Big Mistake ❯ Fire in the Khaki Barn ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As the gang was leaving the Mall, they noticed how bright it was far in the distance.
“Wow, look at that sunset.” Said Caitlin, “Isn't it romantic?”
The others smiled, but when Wyatt looked around. “Uh, guys… The sunset's way over there on the other side.”
Jonsey sniffed the air, “And, uh… why does it smell like barbeque?” he asked.
Everyone sniffed the air, and Jen gasped. “Something's burning!” she cried. “Let's go!”
They arrived at the scene where a lot of people were crowded around the burning gas station. “Oh, man… what happened here?!” said Jonsey.
Suddenly, a little ways away from the crowd. There was Star and her friends. “Hey, you guys alright?” asked Caitlin.
“We're alright.” Said GB-one, “But my beautiful car was totaled in the crash. It's gone!”
“Whoa… you crashed into the station?” asked Nikki, “Deliberately, just to please your so called Dark Spirit friends.”
“Hey, take it easy!” said GG-One. “We were just minding our own business, when these three bikers came and forced us into this.”
“You were attacked?” asked Jen. “Well, who did this to you?”
“Well, we didn't actually see their faces.” Said GB-two, “But we could tell that they were in fact, Goths.”
“Okay, Goths did this to you?” asked Jonsey. “But why would they do that, if you both serve the darkness?”
“Well, we don't know why.” Said GB-one, “Only Nebula may seem to have a clue about it, but…” he pointed over… and everyone turned towards the sobbing Goth girl.
“Whoa… she sure looks blue.” Said Wyatt.
The Goths nodded. Only Nebula actually saw one of the Biker Goth's faces, but every time they tried to ask her who it may have been…
“Well… see for yourself!” said GB-two. He walked over to Nebula and asked her again who she saw. Nebula's eyes widened, and she broke down and sobbed again.
“Whoa… she must really have seen something bad.” Said Jen. “Even Caitlin doesn't cry this much.”
“Hey!” snapped Caitlin.
Sadly, nobody knew what to do. Nebula saw who one of these guys were, but she didn't seem to want to tell anyone, it was so painful.
The Next Day
Nebula and friends were invited to hang out by the Lemon. Nebula's eyes were red from all her crying last night, and her voice was a little dry.
She sure looked depressed, she just drank what had to have been her 15th lemonade, and paid Caitlin way too much for it. Some of her cups even fell on the floor.
“Littering…” came the voice of Ron Rent-a-cop. “That earns you a warning missy.”
“Oh, back off man! Can't you see she's depressed?!” snapped Jonsey. Ron suddenly looked ashamed of himself.
“Oh, I'm sorry…” he said. “But you there, you get a ticket for telling an officer to back off!” he passed Jonsey the ticket. “Consider yourself warned!”
Jonsey threw the ticket away.
“Ugh… I can't take this anymore. I'm going to work!” said Nikki, and she stomped off to the Khaki Barn.
But when she got there, she found the clones all tied up and gagged by the very clothes they were folding. “Oh-ho… now this is something you don't see everyday.” She laughed.
The girls struggled and tried to scream. “What's that? I didn't quite here you.” Nikki teased. “Come on you three, what's going here?
A shadowy figure poked his head through the plants outside. He gently pulled out a remote control and tapped the big red button.
BOOM!! three Dirt bombs buried under clothing displays in the store blew up and smoke was everywhere. Nikki fell over and the Clones were covered in dirt and crumbled dry wall.
Shoppers passing by went wild with fear, and the gang was running to the danger zone. “Nikki!!” cried Jonsey. “Nikki, answer me!”
Nikki came out from the smoke all filthy and coughing too. “The Clones, their sill inside.” She cried. “I can't believe I actually feel worried about them.”
Jonsey passed Nikki to Jen. “I'm going in!”
“What?!” cried Nikki, “Jonsey, No!”, but he already disappeared into the black dust, and worst of all, now a fire was starting to brew up in the store.
“I can't believe he just did that!” said Jen, “Is he crazy, or just dumb?”
“My money's on crazy and Dumb!” said Wyatt.
The Mall security guards, including Ron, arrived on the scene and began closing off the area. “Alright, Maggots, what have you done now?” he snarled.
“What?!” snapped Caitlin, “We didn't do anything!”
Suddenly, the fire inside the store began to spread, and was getting bigger by the minute.
“Jonsey!!” cried Jen. “Jonsey, get out of there!!” she tried to move closer to the store, but the decent guards held her back.
“Stop, you can't go any closer, the ceiling is about to collapse!” he cried. “Please, you have to get back!”
“Please, my step-brother's in there!!” cried Jen, with tears forming in her eyes.
A soft coughing and wheezing was coming from the smoke, and there was Jonsey leading the Clones outside to safety. “Give me a hand!!” he cried.
The guards helped him and the girls away from the store just as a big flash of flames erupted from the door, and the ceiling caved in sealing up half the entrance.
The security guards arrived with Fire extinguishers, and emergency Fire hoses and dealt with the mess. The Khaki barn was a total wreck.
The clones were filthy and covered in ashes, but they were okay. Nikki actually was relieved that they would live; At least another day.
“Jonsey, Jonsey, are you alright?” asked Jen.
Jonsey nodded while trying to catch his breath, but when he looked up he was just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure dressed in black escape from a mall bush and run off.
Soon afterwards, the mess was dealt with, but the Khaki Barn needed serious renovations and repairs. Nikki and the clones were going to be out of work for quite a while.
“What do you mean the fire was no accident?” asked Jen. “Are you saying someone planted bombs in the store?”
Nikki nodded. “I thought the clones were just trying to pull my leg, and then… KAPOW!!”
“Well, what I want to know is why the water sprinklers didn't start when the fire broke out.” Said Caitlin.
Nikki told them that security boys examined the sprinklers, and signs point to that they were cut off.
Jonsey even told them about the Dude in black he saw running up the hallway. “Who was that guy?” he wondered.
Just the mention of who that guy was made Nebula bang her head against the table and cry again.