6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6TEEN: Attack of the Zombites (Or) Nebula's Big Mistake ❯ This is no game ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In less than two days, the mall was already turned into one of those old hangouts, the kind a motorcycle gang hung out at.
The stores were all busted up, and the merchandise was just used to the Zombites own needs.
They took old soiled clothes and used them to feed their bonfires. They played Rock music for endless hours, rode their motorcycles in the store.
And worst of all, Dark Specter was right, the police seemed powerless to stop them.
Every time the police got close within ten yards of the doors something strange and unusual happened.
“Okay, ready the tear gas… We're going to flush them out of there!” snapped Ron.
The cannons were loaded, but the Zombites always seemed to be one step ahead of their proceedings.
The Canisters were fired, but the Zombite, Krus, just meditated where he was, rubbing his hands and reciting a chant.
“Ha-kun Tang chan… Ha-kun Tang Chan!” and surprisingly, the canisters fell short and ended up spraying the cops instead.
Most of them began to run, but Ron wasn't giving up. “You haven't won yet Maggots!” he yelled. He picked up an I-beam and held it like a lance. “ENGAURD!!”
He began charging to break the door open.
“Ha… silly fool!” chuckled Krus, “The dark spirits have more power in their fingers than you do in you whole body.”
Then he rubbed his hands together and recited another chant, and when Ron hit the door, he bounced right off it as if he just hit a wall made of rubber.
Now Ron was freaked out. “Let's get out of here, those maggots can sting you!” and he and his men ran off.
Caitlin and her folks had a big house, and that's where the gang was now. Since the mall was a total wreck.
“I can't believe Jude is actually one of those guys.” Said Wyatt.
“Tell me about it.” Said Nikki. “Even Jonsey isn't stupid enough to d something this crazy; No offense!”
“None taken.”
All of them felt really bad for Star though, no wonder she was all sad an weepy this past week. Her Ex-boyfriend being responsible for theses attacks…
“I'm not sure I blame him.” Said Jen, “He did tell us that he was broken hearted from his break up with Star.”
“So what, man…” said Jonsey. “There were tons of other chicks at the mall, why didn't he just go for it?”
Jen threw a cushion at him for that. “Jonsey, how could you say a thing like that?!” she snapped.
“Yeah… didn't you hear how Sad Jude's story was.” Added Caitlin.
Now that Jonsey really thought about, Star was Jude's first real girlfriend, but he never expected it would end up like this Just one break up and Jude goes Gothic.
“It doesn't matter anymore.” Cried Nebula as she hugged one of Caitlin's stuffed Dogs. “Jude hates me… he really hates me!”
Jen sat down beside the blue Goth. “I don't think Jude hates you.” She said.
“Well… then…. Why would attack us like this?” asked Nebula, “Why would he even join up with those… Freaks.”
Confused everyone, true Jude wanted to try and become a Goth so he could still stay close to Star, but joining up with the Zombites, that was deep.
GB-one suddenly spotted something. “Wait… Nebula… What's this on your hand?” he said.
Everyone looked closer and saw what looked like Black blood on her hand. The same hand she touched Jude with back at the mall, the Black spot on his neck.
“Hey, come to think of it…” said Caitlin. “Colin had a black spot on his neck, just like Jude.”
“Yeah… that chick that licked me had one too.” Said Jonsey.
“Wait…” said Wyatt. “I got a good look at most of those Goths. Only half of them had spots on their necks, but all the rest didn't.”
Everyone began to think of this as a peculiar thing. “Caitlin… your parents are Doctors, correct?” asked GG-one. “Do you think they can do a test on this stuff, whatever it may be.”
“I don't know… but we can try.” Replied Caitlin.
She asked her folks about the blood on Nebula's hand, and they were more than willing to help them do a test, but it would take some time.
About Six to Eight weeks.
The team gasped at that statement. They couldn't wait that long, they had to get that answer quickly.
Caitlin always dealt with this, so she knew what to do, and offered her parents to cut her allowance for Six to Eight weeks.
“Did we say weeks.” Said Caitlin's mom. “Because we really meant hours.” Added her Dad. They took a sample of the blood off Nebula's hand and got right to work.
In the meantime, Jonsey steeped outside on the balcony for some air, and was still pondering over this case. He was still in the Spy-Brigade and saw the Zombites as the first evil brotherhood he could stop.
But how… he didn't know a thing of what was going on. Some of the Zombites were hanging out at the mall, but Dark Specter was still out there.
Even though he never appeared ever, except on the video-phones. He was still out there, and really considered dangerous.
And like he said… He could release the whole army at any time, and then the town would really be in trouble, that was probably why no one was trying to come up with anything to try and stop him.
“Hey, you okay?” asked Nikki.
Jonsey turned. “I don't know how I should feel right now.” he said. “Wyatt is right you know, I've never done anything this serious before.”
Nikki walked up to him. “Jonsey, it's your first ever case. It's no surprise you'd feel this nervous.”
“That's not what's picking at me.” Replied Jonsey. “In the Video-games, when I die, I get another chance, and if I still fail, I can always come back another day…”
“But this is no video-game, this is the real thing.” His voice was starting to sound serious. “Out there, If I get killed just once, it's Game Over.”
“And If I fail… everyone's history.”
Nikki never knew Jonsey had it in him to feel flipped out like this, but then again, she was flipped out to, all of the them could've died at the hands of the Zombites.
And one of their best friends was now working for them, almost as if it were deliberate.
Soon, Caitlin's folks said the tests were completed, and they knew what the sample was.
Everyone, dashed to the labs.