6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: 2-2-1 ❯ Served. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Jonesy was still rubbing off the pie from his face when he came to the lemon. “Thanks a lot, Nikki.” He sneered at his girlfriend. “Thanks to your little prank, I got canned from the best gig in the mall.”
“You're quite welcome.” Nikki mocked.
“It serves you right anyway, Jonesy.” said Wyatt. “You did cause a lot of trouble for Mykan.”
“Totally.” added Jude. “Even I know when enough is enough.”
“At least things have all worked out now.” Jen said, but that's when everyone heard the sound of Darth squealing.
It didn't matter if he wasn't a nerd anymore; contacts, clear face, no braces, buffed up body. Christo and Blade still liked to toy with him and dip him in the garbage cans, however… I stopped along my way to the lemon. “Christo… Blade…!” I called. The jocks turned and saw me, and remembering our bargain. “Drop him…!” they did as they were told and walked off.
Darth was so relieved that he gave me a huge discount-car for “Stereo-Shack.”
I got to the lemon, and took my seat on the bar-stools next to Caitlin, as we couldn't really take anymore chairs from the other tables… and she got up to give us all our lemon-smoothies. “Oh uh… I'll help you.” Jonesy said and he took a few drinks off the heavy tray.
“Thanks Jonesy…” Caitlin said.
“No prob…” replied Jonesy sounding a little sneaky. We all drank up, but then Nikki suddenly began to cough and gag. “What the heck is this…?” she cried through her coughing.
The rest of us couldn't understand it. Our smoothies were just fine. “JONESY!” we all huffed when he held up a small salt shaker. “Paybacks are always sweet.”
(Ending Theme)
-I'm 7teen, I have found own way.
I love my job and a live at the mall today.
And I am on my own now and forever.
I'm… 7teen, life was sweet though we grew up way to fast,
Still the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan.