6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Return of the Zombites ❯ Crash and Burn ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's notes:
Again, you know the drill…
Episode recaps… then the intro… yadda-yadda-yadda…
Five minutes to one in the morning. Practically everyone in town had long since gone to bed, and others were just hitting the hay after a long day of work. All unaware… that within moments… the greatest battle was going to commence in the graveyard somewhere in their quiet little town…!
The A-Team was marching forth in with their weapons in hand. Nebula and Serena were even operating the two bicycles they had made, with armored coatings, and secret holes for their weapons.
“Wow… I feel like a total soldier ready for war in this thing.” Nebula said, “And I never feel like that. I usually prefer feeling dizzy, or light-headed.”
Serena raised an eyebrow “Uh-huh… whatever.”
Amelie was still pumped up with nerves of steel. She couldn't wait to get her hands on me and make me sorry for hurting her. That is… once she heard my reason.
Finally… the graveyard was coming up in sight. Some of the others decided to stay hidden over the hills and behind the trees in case of an ambush. Jonesy, Nikki, Jen, Caitlin, and Wyatt continued forth.
They kept their weapons behind their backs as the walked towards the center of the grounds. Jen check her watch, “Ten more seconds.”
“Five. Four. Three. Two. One…!”
A big puff of smoke when off from the hilltop before them. “Look…!” cried Nikki.
“Jude…?” cried Caitlin…
It was him. Only, he was still wearing his Goths outfit and make-up. “So it was you all along.”
“Jude… how could you do such a thing like this?” asked Wyatt.
The young-man simply sneered at them. “You are both mistaken.” He said in a deep, raspy voice. “I am not Jude Lizowski.”
Everyone exchanged looks of confusion. “Dude… I think you really need some serious help.” Jonesy said as he tried to move in closer.
Judas pulled out a switchblade knife. “Stay where you are!”
The others who were hiding behind, particularity Nebula, were shocked to see Jude acting this way, and something told Nebula Jude wasn't the only one there…
Her elbow was acting-up weird and it only did that if she felt danger was near.
The others decided to obey Jude as he stepped down with his knife still poised at them. “Look… Jude…” Nikki said.
“It's Judas…!” he sneered at her.
“Whatever…” replied Nikki, “What are you planning to do to us…?”
Judas' eyes glowed red. “You present a danger to us.” he said, “We must see to it that you are all out of the way.”
Jen looked confused, “Sorry-- We?”
That's when another figure march up over the hills alongside him. “Mykan…?” Amelie muttered under her breath as she peered behind the tree. The others were even more shocked than he was.
“Okay… this is getting way out of hand here.” Caitlin said. “Can't we all just sit down and talk about this…?”
“Silence… mortal!” the young-man growled. “Now I have you all right where I want you…”
The others all sweat-dropped. It was bad enough that Jude was involved in this, but now me too? What worried them the most was what we were planning to do.
Far away from the city, a pair of bozos, who were paused at a crossroad late getting home, were arguing over which way to go. “Duh… we're supposed to go that way!”
“Are you sure that's North…?”
“Of course I'm sure… see… that's the North Star.”
“What that star…?”
Then suddenly the dudes realized, “Hey…! That star is moving!”
“Whoa! Should we make a wish…?”
But suddenly the ground began to rumble as the star seemed to be getting closer. For you see… that was actually the Zombite's ship… and it flew right past the bozos tipping their car over. “Dude… was that what you wished for…?”
“Uh… er… no…!”
Up at the controls, I was still barley getting the hang of everything. “Man…! I don't think I can take much more of this!” Then suddenly I realized I was just passing the Edmonton border lines, but that's when the ship began to hiccup again… and buck all over the place.
“Whoa! Wait… no, no! Easy… wait… hey… YIKES…!”
In the graveyard Judas and the imposter of me were still starring down at the others. “Now… the question is… who shall we kill first.” the imposter said.
“Did he say…” Wyatt gulped, “Kill…?”
The girls shivered in fear.
“I have a suggestion…” Judas said. “Why don't we just kill all of them at once…? Heh, heh, heh…!”
The other guys agreed, and then whistled loudly. That's when the four Zombites came marching up form over the hills. The others were all shocked… “It… it can't be!” cried Jonesy.
“Z-Z-Zombites…!” Jen nearly screamed.
The four minions were hissing and laughing wickedly. “Surrender while you can…” Judas said, “You can't beat us.”
The others suddenly hardened their features. “Okay… Mykan… Jude… you two have officially lost it!” Nikki snapped. “Siding with these… these… FREAKS…?”
Her voice seemed to echo though the nights. This made the Zombites, and Jude and the imposter really steamed. “You've made many mistakes my dear…!” the imposter said, “But that… was your biggest yet. Now… now YOU SHALL PAY…!”
And at the sound of his roaring voice the ground began to rumble, as one of the gravestones, which was wrapped in strange plants form the ceremony, began to glow and POW…! Zombies began to arise from the ashes.
“Oh man… this is not good!” cried Wyatt. The others agreed to him as the Zombite army had already out numbered them and was still growing as more Zombites seemed pop out from the ground by the glowing gravestone.
“Take a good look at us mortals.” The imposter roared, “We are the new rulers of this world. I give you this one last chance… surrender… or be destroyed!”
Then suddenly, the ground was starting to rumble again. “Oh man… what now…?” grumbled Jonesy as the winds began to pick up. “What's that sound…?” cried Caitlin.
Even the Zombites were confused, and then KAPOW…! It felt as if something had rammed into the round hard knocking everyone off their feet, and even crushing some of the Zombite zombies.
Everyone rushed over the hill, except for Nebula, Amelie, and Serena who stayed in hiding behind the trees… and what they saw made them all so surprised that they froze on the spot.
A large vehicle about the size of a huge navy-sub, was all dented, and sparking. Half of it seemed to have sunken right into the roads upon impact, and smoke was flying everywhere.
“Our ship…!” cried Double-Face
YOUR SHIP…?” the others all asked at once.
A brief moment of silence followed, and then the silence was broken when a hatch on the side of the ship began to creek open. More smoke began to fly out through the damaged heap, followed by the sound of someone coughing.
The guy crawled out, and everyone of my friends gasped. Event he girls behind the trees. Amelie almost felt faint. “Mykan…?” she peeped.
“MYKAN…?” the others said gazing back and forth between the real me and the imposter, who was by now really growing nervous.