6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Return of the Zombites ❯ Let's get it on! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A long moment of silence had fallen, and then Jonesy broke it by saying, “Okay… hold on… two Mykans…?”
That's when I yelled up to him, “Guys…! That isn't me!”
The others all gasped, and the imposter decided, “I'm afraid he is right…” and while he was laughing maliciously right before everyone's eyes he had donned his Zombite uniform, helmet and mask.
The others all gasped again in great fear, “DARK SPECTER…! they all shouted.
Dark Specter nodded, “Back from the dead…” he hissed in his monotone voice now that his headgear was back on. “No longer just a decaying spirit in the dark world or an anonymous star
The girls behind the tree couldn't believe it, their first ever glimpse of the leader of the Zombites, and easily… Amelie felt really bad. How could she have misjudged the real me like that, when she knew fully-well that I'd never hurt her…
“Now that my little charade is at an end…” Dark Specter replied. “GET THEM…!”
The Zombites and the Zombite-Zombies all roared angrily and began to charge. “They're coming…!” cried Jen.
Jonesy whistled loudly, “GIRLS… NOW…!” he shouted. Nebula, Amelie, and Serena leapt out from behind the trees. Serena and Amelie fired their bb-guns that surprised the Zombites, and Nebula launched a few of the fire works she had with her. “Let's go guys…!” Jonesy shouted.
“YEAH…!” and they all charged into battle with their own weapons. And Pop… the gunshot of battle fired. The whole cemetery was turned into a battle ground.
Small explosions…
BB-guns, and REAL guns as well going off… but only the real Zombites had actual guns, and they were all knocked away before they even had a chance to use them… but they were still dirty fighters.
“We're running out of ammo!” cried Wyatt.
“Help…!” cried Caitlin, as she was forced to climb up on a huge monumental-gravestone to avoid those angry, yet unarmed zombies… She tried to kick one of them down, but as everyone knows… Zombies are undead, and immune to being killed in such a pitiful pay.
Then suddenly… BANG… POW…! A few of the zombies got shot down by more fire-arms. Everyone turned to face the real me. “While I was onboard I took a look in their private stash…!”
“What…?” Dark Specter growled, and then he saw me toss more weapons to my friend. “Way to go Mykan…!” Nikki cried for joy.
Jonesy cocked his gun, “LET'S DO THIS THING…!” he shouted in a buff voice.
The enemies didn't care, and neither did Dark Specter, “ATTACK…!” and the battle recommenced.
(A-team theme)
We only made sure to use our weapons against the zombies only… the zombies themselves we engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Judas even grabbed a hold of Nebula by the arm, “Ah, ah, ah…” he hissed, “Going somewhere…? Heh, heh, heh…!”
Nebula then suddenly remembered where they were standing, “Oh Jude…” she mocked, and before her boyfriend could correct her, “It's Judas…!
FLOP…! He blanket trap caught him. “Hey… whoa… let me out!” he was stuck tight in a tree, and lost his switch-blade knife earlier. “This is for your own good Jude…” Nebula said as she cut him down and dragged him far away from the battle… and then just left him hanging in another tree.
“Aw man…!”
Jonesy dashed up onto the hill where Double-Face was, and lunged at him. POW… right in the face! “Boh…!” and the Goth went down like a tree. “SWEET…!” Jonesy shouted.
Wyatt and Serena were teaming up. They were however surrounded by a complete ring of Zombies, but then, after they gazed at each other and nodded, they poised their machine-guns, and stood back-to-back and began to fire and move like a spinner taking out all the monsters in the entire ring around them. They slapped each other a high-five, but their victory was short-lived as the zombies were soon up and ready for more.
“Oh, man…!” Wyatt cried.
“Okay… really starting to get mad.” Serena growled. “Let's see how you like a taste of FOXY…!” and she lunged at the monsters with all her might.
Amelie was driving one of the pedal-bikes that the team had built. It protected her from the zombies' wrath, and Nefaria got blinded by the explosives Amelie fired at her. “Touché…”
Cycolpter was already down too, Nikki and Jen showed him Girl-power! Little did they realize that Dark Specter was aiming a small shot-gun he had found straight at their backsides… “It's time to say goodbye…” he shouted finally getting their attention.
The girls screamed as they though it was lights-out for them. “Oh, no you don't!” I growled as I approached him from behind, and tackled him hard, “GRAAAH…!”
He lost his guns and I rode him like a toboggan down the slope. “You and I got a little score to settle!” I spat at him.
Hah! Big words for such a puny mortal.” He roared at me… and no sooner did we hit rock bottom did we snap up to our feet and “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT…!”
Meanwhile, the others weren't having such good luck. “It's no good…” Caitlin cried. “Every time we knock them down they just get right back up again.”
“Man… how do you kill what's already dead?” shouted Wyatt.
Jen suddenly noticed something. “Wait… look there!” she motioned at the large gravestone the Zombites used for their ceremony. The one that was glowing, with the plants wrapped around it.
The Zombite-Zombies seemed to be popping out from it like creatures in a video-game. Suddenly.. The others began to catch on. “We've got to destroy that stone.” cried Nikki, but Jonesy held her gun down, “No, wait…!” he said. “There has to be a way to destroy the gravestone, and get rid of Dark Specter forever…!”
Sadly… none of them had any ideas how, it was hard enough for them to think without having to beat up all the zombies.
As for Dark Specter… he and I were still at it, and our outfits were looking all tattered. I even had some injuries on my face and arms, but I had the current upper hand I was holding him down and ramming heavy punches to his face, even with his mask on.
Then he kicked me off of him, “Don't toy with me!” and he lunged at me beating me senselessly, but fought back with all that I had. And in the midst of the struggle, I kicked off his helmet and mask…
The objects rolled down the hill towards the glowing-gravestone, and POOF… they vanished into the other dimension. “Whoa… did you guys see that…?” asked Nebula.
The others all nodded, and finally figured what to do, sadly this also gave Dark Specter an idea. He tackled me, and we fell behind a bush near the stone, and when we came back out again… “Oh, no…!” cried Jonesy, “Not again…!”
Even the Zombies themselves stopped dead in their tracks…
There were two Mykans once more.