Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ The Secret of the Fae ❯ Casualties of War ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 10 - Casualties of War

"WHAT?" Cramea screamed in a mixture of anger and surprise.

The Pixie laughed. "You didn't seriously think we'd never come back,
did you?"

"Well, I saw no way you could come out of hiding without fearing
attack. Well, at least without our help."

She frowned. "You Nixies will never change. We've always been the
superior race."

This time Cramea laughed. "Superior, eh? Then why have none of you
been seen out of your cloud fortress for ages?"

"We were biding our time, training."

"For what exactly?" Belldandy asked.

The Pixie seemed to have forgotten the others were there as she looked
at Belldandy strangely. "For war, of course. The Nixies chose to mess
everything up. We didn't run and hide. We've just been waiting for the
right time to overtake them."

"And that time is now?" Cramea asked.


"Why are you here?" Urd asked, obviously annoyed.

"I am here to represent the Pixies," she answered in a dignified tone.

"What is your name?" Belldandy asked.

"Seraphim," she answered, curtseying slightly.

"Well, Seraphim, we really have to be on our way. You're welcome to
come along, of course," Belldandy said, bowing slightly.

This reaction surprised Keiichi. So far, in the Fae realm, Belldandy
had been much more assertive than she was in his world. But she seemed
to be acting much more like the old Belldandy toward this Seraphim.

"Wait a minute," Cramea said. "I still don't understand why you need
to come. This isn't about any Pixie revolt."

"I'm all too aware of what this is about," Seraphim answered. "The
Elves have decided they want power. A power, they say, is held by the

"How do you know that?" Skuld asked.

"We live in the clouds," she answered simply. "We see a lot of things.
Though we weren't out and about in the realm, we still know quite a
bit about its happenings."

"Well it's great you kept up with current events," Urd began in a
snide way. "but we really have to get going."

Seraphim nodded, glaring slightly at Urd. "I agree. We should get

Belldandy smiled. "Good. Let's go then."

All eight companions now turned away from the Pixie lakes and walked
to the emerald green pastures that had by now become very familiar.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Seraphim asked, flying above everyone.
Cramea was gliding well below her.

"The Faerie village," Belldandy answered.

"Belldandy," Pacatus began tentatively. "can I ask you something?"

"Well of course Pacatus," she answered, looking at him with a puzzled

"I'm not the only one you know," he said, staring off into space.

"The only what?" Skuld asked.

"What are you talking about Pacatus?" Keiichi asked.

"I'm not the only one. The only Elf who doesn't want war, or at least
want the Elves to win," he said, his eyes looking determinedly

"What are you trying to say?" Callida, sidling up next to him, asked.
She looked both concerned and curious, her big blue eyes painted with
these feelings.

"I'm saying I think I should go back and gather them. They wouldn't
speak out like I did, for fear of banishment. But I know they'll come.
But I must go alone."

"No Pacatus," Megumi said. Her behavior was surprising everybody
lately as they all looked at her with surprise. "We can't break apart.
Besides, you'd be risking your life. And right now is not the time for

Pacatus looked at her as if he was about to cry. "Y-you spoke to me."

Megumi smiled. "Of course."

"Then I shall stay with you," he said, smiling broadly at Megumi.

"Good," she replied, satisfied with herself.

Spirits were high as they trekked the Fae grounds, which were now much
as they were in the beginning of their trip: grassy and flat, with a
sunny cloudless sky.

Belldandy didn't seem to be paying much attention too the Pacatus
conversation as she immediately changed subject. "How many Nixies are
there Cramea?" she asked.

Cramea thought for a second. "About a thousand. Why?"

"Just curious. And Pixies, Seraphim?"

Seraphim was flying well above them but she heard her and called down
"Two thousand."

"And, how long have you been in the clouds? Without coming down, I
mean?" Belldandy asked to Seraphim.

She thought for a second. "Three years, I believe."

Belldandy seemed to be thinking rapidly in her mind. "What is it
Belldandy?" Skuld asked.

"Nothing Skuld. We need to get back to the Faeries. As quickly as


When they came upon the Faerie village, now quite familiar to them,
they saw Belfar was once again waiting for them.

He now saw both Seraphim and Cramea. "How did you get the Pixies to
come down?" he asked, looking quite pleased.

"She came herself, actually," Urd explained.

"As long as we have both their support," he looked to Cramea, who
nodded, and Seraphim, who did the same.

"Then it is time," he said.

"Time for what?" Megumi asked.

"You'll see. We have much to explain to you before this war, or
whatever it is, becomes anything," Belfar said.

Belldandy seemed to be the only one who knew quite what he was talking
about. Pacatus was sniffing the air and looking around shiftily.

He looked at Pacatus strangely. "Well, I have to speak with Malaya.
Meet me there when you're ready." He walked away, into the village.

"I smell something," Pacatus said, his nose to the air. "He's close."

"Who's he?" Callida asked.

"We must get into one of the mounds," he said with fear. "I did not
kill him...we have to get into one of these mounds. Not dead..." and
he began to run, becoming a blur as he was.

Everyone else didn't know what to do. Only when it hit them did they
realize what he meant. It being an Elf, a Dark Elf. The Dark Elf
seemed to come out of nowhere, jumping in the middle of them,
spreading them apart.

It was unmistakably Torvus, only he had no wounds. Callida and Megumi
began screaming. Torvus smiled and took out his sword.

He immediately bounded toward the three Goddesses. They looked scared,
but got their hands into battle positions, creating their special
energy balls. But it was too late.

Torvus jumped into the air, and came down with his sword into Urd's
heart, blood spurting out from the point of contact.

At first no one realized how serious this really was, the full gravity
not coming down on them until Urd fell to her knees, looked around at
them all, her eyes wide and bloodshot, and finally fell on her face.
Urd was dead.

But while this was registering, Torvus had been busy. They now looked
up to find Skuld and Belldandy tied together with what looked like a
vine. Torvus was just finishing the knot. It seemed this vine actually
came from the tip of his finger.

"What are you doing with them?" Keiichi asked boldly.

Torvus smiled. "I'm taking them, of course. Without these Goddesses,
the Faeries will crumble."

"You're not taking them," Keiichi said defiantly.

"And who's going to stop me?" he asked, laughing.

"I am," Pacatus said from behind him. He sounded more malicious than

Torvus smiled again. "Ah Pacatus. I was wondering when you'd show up
to play hero. But you're a little late. I've already killed one," he
said, pointing to Urd. "and I'm about to just take these two on a
little trip."

"You're not going anywhere," Pacatus said, gritting his teeth. He took
his sword out and brandished it at Torvus.

"Now is not the time Pacatus, for silly quarrels. Your time will come
to face me. We shall see if you are up to the task."

Torvus threw his hands out toward Belldandy and Skuld, creating some
sort of visible purple force field around them. It looked like a big
purple bubble.

"Until then, Pacatus," Torvus said, bowing and bounding off. The
bubble followed, as if connected to him somehow.

They could see Skuld looking at them, crying and screaming. They then
looked at Urd, still lying face-down in the ground.

Belfar came back, and saw the scene. "Where are Belldandy and Skuld?"
he asked.

"They were taken," Megumi answered. "By a Dark Elf. He also killed

"Where were you in all of this," he asked Pacatus.

"I was...I was..." he didn't seem to know himself.

"Yes, where were you Pacatus?" Keiichi asked. "Last time you saved us
and this time you just abandoned us."

"Last time?" Callida asked.

Megumi whispered into her ear the story of their first meeting with

Pacatus was looking around shiftily again. "I was...I couldn't have
done anything Keiichi. Not this time."

"Why not this time, but you could last time?" he inquired. His eyes
were glazed over, too dry it seemed to cry. He hadn't really let the
last few minutes sink in, as no one else had. The only thing on his
mind was why Pacatus couldn't save Urd, and ultimately Skuld and

"Keiichi it's complicated," Pacatus offered lamely.

"You better be telling the truth," Belfar said. He looked at Pacatus
seriously. "You just better be."

"What do we do now Belfar?" Megumi asked.

"We are going to the clouds, Megumi. Without Belldandy, Skuld, and
Urd. To the clouds...but things are much more difficult now. But we
still have to go about what must be done if we are going to war. And
now that they have Bell and Skuld, and Urd's life, we are most
definitely going to war," he said all this with much conviction,
making everyone around him fill up with not just hatred for the Elves,
but finally sadness for Skuld and Belldandy, and especially Urd, who
still lay motionless.

Beflar noticed this. "We shall bury her here and now," he said.

He kneeled to the ground and put his hand, palm down, onto the ground.
Within seconds the ground was parting, leaving a nice deep gravesite
for Urd.

"Help me Keiichi," he said.

Keiichi moved toward the body. Belfar took the left side, Keiichi the
right. Belfar could have easily done this himself, Keiichi was sure of
it. But he was glad he still made him a part of it.

They picked her body up and placed it into the bottom of the hole.
They all, Seraphim and Cramea included, began bawling uncontrollably.
Even Belfar shed noticeable tears.

Keiichi glared at Pacatus, who was also crying, but still looking
about in a guilty way, or at least guilty to Keiichi.

Keiichi wanted an explanation, and he would get one. Or else Urd
wouldn't be the only casualty that day.

...to be continued with


A/N: I actually was going to have what will be happening in Chapter
11, happen in this chapter. But soon things began adding to itself and
soon I had a good chapter on my hands. Now instead of the planned 20
chapters plus one Epilogue, there will be 21 chapters and one

Expect Chapter 11 ASAP.

And be sure to look for the winners of the very first MediaMiner.org
Fan Fic Contest, "An Anime Christmas", which I am one of the founders
and judges of. Winners are being announced on December 21, the
ultimate "Best Fic" being announced on the 22.