Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ The Secret of the Fae ❯ Revolutionary Girl ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I have outlined this whole fic. There are 21 chapters and one
Epilogue. So, we're about halfway there. I hope to hear what you think
up to this point. The next chapter will be coming quickly, but after
that each chapter will be a little more difficult to write as a lot of
important things happen.

Thanks for reading!


Chapter 9 - Revolutionary Girl

Cramea didn't take much of a liking to Urd. "Pleasure to meet you,"
she said sarcastically.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine," Urd replied. She looked at Cramea with
the utmost loathing.

"I don't know what your problem is but I am not here to argue," Cramea
said. Her high-pitched voice tried to sound slightly intimidating, but

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I am the best," Cramea replied simply.

Urd laughed. "Best at what?"

"I am the best warrior," she said in an indignant tone.

Urd once again laughed, this time in a more sardonic way. "A Nixie a
great warrior? All you Nixies can do is lie and steal."

"We do not lie and steal!"

This time Urd didn't laugh. She glared at Cramea in a way none of them
had seen Urd look. "You're all the same. I was born here, where we
stand. Those Elves wanted us out, you wanted us out. When we finally
got sick of the whole place, and we're about to leave...you took over
our land. Created these lakes, before we had even left."

"Urd that's not how it happened," Belldandy said, looking at her
sister in a concerned way.

"Shut up Belldandy," Urd roared. "You were too young to know. Skuld
wasn't even born yet. They took over what was ours."

"But..." Keiichi was surprised at his own courage. "if you were going
to leave, why did it matter?"

Urd rounded on him like a panther. "We didn't even get to say goodbye.
What was rightfully ours they took, before we were done with it."

"What was this place like before you left?" Megumi asked.

Urd looked near tears. "I barely remember. All I know was there was a
beautiful castle, with huge spires. That's all I remember..."

"What happened to it?" Callida asked.

"War. The realm was at war as will be soon. Everything was
destroyed..." Urd said.

"Do you remember the war well?" Pacatus asked.

"Of course I don't," Urd said shortly. "That's just what happened.
What was left of the place the damn Nixies took over with their

Cramea looked at Urd with both respect and pity. "I am sorry that is
what happened to you, but I assure you that the Nixies and the Pixies
do not practice such ways any longer."

Urd wasn't about to like this Cramea after just that. "How are you a
great warrior? There has not been a war in the Fae realm since the
Goddesses left."

"Oh but that is not true," she answered. "There was a war. Not a
realm-wide war, but a war still the same. It was a revolution."

Urd laughed again, but in a less mocking way. "A Pixie revolution,

Cramea nodded. "You see, the Pixies and Nixies that were in power were
as you remember us: liars and stealers. Are whole existence depended
on stealing from others. We were not very popular."

This was an interesting story to Keiichi. It seemed this Fae realm was
not that much different than his own world.

"But we were not all as unscrupulous as our leaders. I was one of the
most frustrated as anyone with our leadership. So, I began recruiting
people similar to myself. Soon I had many Nixies on my side - enough
to overthrow the Nixie Hierarchy. But the Pixies above us weren't as
easily swayed. As you probably know, the differences only begin
between the two different kinds of Pixies at where they live. Nixies
are much more intelligent and less hostile. It's a lot easier to
reason with a Nixie than it is your run-of-the-mill Pixie."

"Okay, enough bragging. What happened?" Urd said.

"Well, the Nixies together overthrew the Nixie Hierarchy. But, the
Pixies still stood as what we hated. They didn't like us much after
that, but they leave us alone."

"You mean, they are still the same?" Skuld asked.

"As far as I know," Cramea said, shrugging. "But we haven't been in
contact with them for ages."

"That doesn't sound like the Pixies I remember," Urd observed. "They
were always in everyone's business. Never could get rid of them."

"Well, without our help, they can't do much. They've become complete

"What a pity," Urd said.

"Well," Belldandy said. "I hate to cut the history lesson short, but
we really should be off."

"What's that?" Pacatus asked, pointing to the sky.

"What?" Callida asked. "I don't see anything."

"Elf eyes are better than anyone else's," Belldandy explained. "Well,
except for--"

"It's a Pixie!" Cramea declared, looking awestruck.

"--Pixies," Belldandy finished

"What?" Keiichi said in disbelief.

Sure enough, it was a Pixie. She stopped about five feet from the. She
was quite a sight. She had milky white skin and long, blonde hair. Her
eyes were large and bug-like, and were a caramel color. She was
wearing a gold-colored dress that came to her knees and had
gold-colored high heels to match. The shoes had a white fur ball on
the tip. This looked even more like Keiichi's predisposed notion of a
fairy was, one from fairy tales he had read as a child.

"What do you want?" Cramea asked in a mixture of hatred and disbelief.

The Pixie smiled. "I'm coming with you of course."


That was short. Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but that's my
favorite way to end chapters! I like making my chapters short, as
well, because I think it's easier to read that way. Long chapters are
fine (as we get further in this fic, the chapters will get a bit
longer), but short ones are better because you can just come and read
a chapter quickly and not have to come back just to finish one
chapter. It's just easier on me and also on you, the reader. I suppose
that's it for my long-winded discussion on chapter length. Until next