Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ Rains of Passion ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Rains of Passion"

Iason x Riki
by Kira Takenouchi
NC-17 explicit yaoi

***The Ai no Kusabi world and its characters were created by Reiko Yoshihara. This fanfic was written by Kira Takenouchi and is offered free to fans of Ai no Kusabi.***

The rain fell in torrents over Tanagura, relentless like a mourner crying for a fallen love. Riki once again felt as though he were going slowly out of his mind. It couldn't be possible that his life had been reduced to that of a sex slave. He couldn't get his mind around how he had wound up in Eos, now the elite pet of Iason Mink. More and more his thoughts had turned to Guy; he wondered what his old pairing partner would think if he could see the life he led, if he knew the sexual acts he engaged in on a regular basis. His guilt over his growing attraction to Iason was almost overwhelming; the Blondie could not approach him without eliciting an immediate sexual response, and Riki found that he now actively fantasized about Iason, even initiating the sex. Though he had tried with all his might not to be drawn to the Blondie who had decided to tear him from the only world he knew, his body answered to Iason as if he had been bred only for his pleasure.

He hated Iason. And he...loved him; fuck, his mind was completely twisted up when it came to him. Whatever it was he felt, it was powerful; emotionally, he had been brought to his knees.

Lost in his thoughts, Riki failed to noticed that Iason had returned. As soon as he looked up, he knew something was wrong. Anger was evident in Iason's sharp movements, in the way he held his mouth, his tight features, his dark gaze. His Blondie master was furious about something...and Riki had a sinking feeling it had something to do with him.

Iason stood before him, arms crossed on his chest, one hand to his mouth. Riki made a half-hearted attempt to escape his scrutiny by heading toward the balcony, despite the pouring rain.

"You're not going anywhere," he said quietly.

Riki swallowed, wondering what he'd done.

"I just had a very interesting talk with Raoul," he began.

Riki closed his eyes, now having a good idea about what the conversation might have been about. Fucking Raoul, he thought.

Iason watched him carefully. "Ah. So it's true. I was hoping there was some mistake."

He couldn't believe Raoul had told Iason, after threatening to kill him if he breathed a word. He let out a long sigh.

Iason's voice shook as he spoke, his hands trembling. "In fact, I find this so difficult to believe, I want to hear it from your own mouth," he whispered, leaning in close. "Did you engage in sexual contact with Raoul?"

Riki hung his head. "It was just one time, Iason. And--"

"One time, a thousand times! It makes no difference. What matters is you did it." Iason said through gritted teeth.

"Let me explain," he pleaded. "I had a good reason--"

"There is NEVER a good reason," Iason shouted. "I honestly can't believe you'd do something like this, Riki."

"But it was the only way--"

"That's enough! When I want to hear from you, I'll tell you. You're in for it, pet. Come here." Then Iason grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him over to his chair.

"Please, Iason, not like this," Riki begged, pulling against him. "I'm not a child!"

"Hush!" He yanked on Riki's trunks to reveal his bare flesh and then positioned his pet over his knee. "I'm furious with you, Riki. This is going to be a lesson you'll never forget." Iason whipped off his glove, tossing it to the floor.

"Please, Iason!" Riki begged, terrified.

His master then commenced with a spanking that brought Riki to tears within minutes, long before the enraged Blondie let up. The pain was unbearable, and he found himself kicking and struggling to get away.

Iason's hand was burning and his pet's backside had darkened from his harsh punishment, yet he continued the merciless spanking. He was so angry he could hardly see straight. Riki was now screaming, and he finally stopped.

"You are MY pet," he said, his voice shaking with emotion, "and you are never to touch another Blondie. Is that absolutely clear?"

Riki sobbed his reply, struggling to regain his composure as Iason set him on his feet with one hand.

"I'm still quite angry with you. Leave me."

The mongrel stood for a moment, pulling up his trunks with trembling fingers. The Blondie had never sent him away before.

"Go!" Iason shouted.

Backing away in confusion, Riki instinctively headed toward his place of refuge, the balcony. The pouring rain somehow seemed to match his mood, and he found that he was still sobbing, not from the pain of Iason's discipline, although that had been wickedly severe, but out of hurt over the Blondie's rage and rejection of him and the injustice that he should be so brutally punished over an act Riki had so deplored. As he neared the ledge, he began to feel a darkness rising within him that seemed too powerful to fight, and an answer to all his torment suddenly presented itself in his mind, a solution so simple he wondered that he had never considered it before. He climbed up onto the ledge, and then stood, looking out onto the sprawling city below. Smiling slightly, he thought about what it would feel like to soar towards Tanagura, a few thrilling moments to mark his proud exit from his unbearable existence.

Daryl approached Iason fearfully, quite aware that the Blondie was in a particularly foul mood.

"What is it, Daryl," Iason sighed.

"It was the night you were poisoned, Iason-sama. Sir Riki tried to convince Sir Raoul to put you in the shower, but Sir Raoul wouldn't do it. Sir Riki, he began begging him and agreed to whatever Sir Raoul asked for. That's when it happened. Sir Riki...cried."

Iason listened in stunned silence. Raoul had certainly failed to mention any of these crucial details. Raoul would have him believe that he had tempted Riki to engage in sexual acts simply to prove his unfaithfulness. He sighed, his head falling back onto the back of his chair. When would he learn that Raoul simply could not always be trusted when it came to private matters. He would most certainly be confronting Raoul about it tomorrow.

"Why did you not tell me of this before?" he asked, sternly.

Daryl bowed his head. "I'm sorry, Sir. Forgive me. Sir Riki asked me to keep silent."

"Is Sir Riki your master, or am I?"

"You are my master, Iason-sama. I'm s-s-sorry."

"In the future, I expect you to apprise me of such matters immediately. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now go. I'll think about whether or not you'll be punished for this."

"Yes Sir. Excuse me." Daryl bowed, backing away.

So his pet had sacrificed himself to his nemesis in order to save his master. And he had rewarded this with a relentless whipping, and in a manner he knew his pet especially despised. "Riki," he sighed. He looked toward the balcony, suddenly realizing his pet had gone out in the pouring rain. It was raining so hard, he couldn't even see him.

A flash of lightning suddenly lit up the balcony, and Iason's heart stopped when he saw his pet standing on the ledge, arms held out.

"Riki!" he shouted, dashing out to the balcony. "Riki, no!"

His pet turned and looked at him with a strange smile, then let his body fall forward.

Iason lept to the ledge, grabbing his pet before he fell and dragging him to the safety of the balcony.

"Let me go!" Riki screamed.

Iason held him tight. "Hush," he whispered in his ear. "It's all right, my pet."

"It's not all right! It will never be all right!"

Iason comforted him, his arms wrapped tightly around the mongrel's body, while Riki sobbed inconsolably. "I know, my love. Daryl told me about Raoul. I'm sorry that I punished you. I know I was very hard on you."

Riki's body suddenly seemed to go limp.

"I'll make it up to you, pet. I'll find a way."

The downpour had continued unabated, and master and pet were both completely soaked. Iason loosened his grip and turned Riki around to face him.

"Oh, Riki. I almost lost you," he whispered. "Don't you know how much you mean to me?" He pulled his pet to him and hugged him close. "My pet." Then he took hold of Riki's chin and with a look filled with affection, added, "Don't you know...I would have followed you?"

The dark-eyed mongrel, blinking from the drops of rain that fell on his face, looked up at him with such an expression of sweetness that he felt his heart turn inside out. Slowly he leaned down, offering a kiss to his pet, thrilled and relieved when Riki returned his advances and began erotically sucking on his tongue.

Then it was as though a floodgate had opened, their passion matched only by the intensity of the rain. Wet clothing was quickly discarded, their bodies gleaming wet in the light of the twin moons that appeared briefly from behind the rain clouds.

"You liked this, didn't you?" Iason whispered, positioning his pet by the ledge, facing out. "Spread your legs."

Riki complied, realizing with a surge of excitement what his Blondie master was up to. Iason spread him apart, eliciting a slight gasp of pain.

"I'm sorry, pet." Even in the darkness and rain, Iason could see the bruises already forming on Riki's punished backside. He wiggled his tongue erotically past his portal, taking hold of his throbbing erection with his hand.

Riki moaned, shuddering. "Ah, that's so good, Iason," he breathed. "So fucking good."

Whether it was that particular position, or the drama that had unfolded there in the rain, or the rain itself, which continued to pelt down incessantly on the glistening bodies of the beautiful Blondie master and his smaller, though equally beautiful pet, Riki began to cry out in a manner which was unusually expressive for him. "Fuck yes! Oh, fuck yes! Iason! I'm gonna fucking come!" And then his cries of ecstasy were so intense, Iason almost released just listening to him.

He rose, shaking, desperate to send off his own lust in similar glory.

Riki turned, eyes glittering. "What are you waiting for?" he said softly, with a naughty smile.

With a sharp intake of his breath, he positioned himself behind his pet, pressing his aching organ against the enticingly offered portal, and steeling himself to take it slowly.

"Just ram it all the way in," Riki whispered, his hands face down on the ledge. "And fuck me hard. Like I know you want to."

Iason closed his eyes, feeling a shudder run the length of his body. "Oh pet," he breathed. Then, with shaking hands, grabbed hold of his hips and plunged into his depths. Riki cried out, and Iason hesitated, realizing his movements probably also exacerbated the pain of his pet's punished region.

Riki turned and looked back, breathing hard. "Go ahead, Iason."

Then, taking him with lust-driven violence, Iason's acquisition was quickly accomplished, accelerated by his pet's unparalleled submission and seductive encouragement.

Afterwards, they both went inside, finding towels and fresh clothes set out on Iason's bed.

"Daryl is good at what he does," Riki remarked.

Iason didn't reply, having never thought about it before. At the moment, he was a little annoyed with Daryl for having withheld information he wished he had known much sooner.

"He anticipates your every need."

"As he should." Iason was matter-of-fact, almost curt.

Riki laughed. "You Blondies really have it made, don't you? If I was a Blondie--." He stopped, catching himself.

Iason smiled. "If you were a Blondie, what? Tell me."

"Just...well, I'd get to do the fucking for once." Riki said with a half-smile, eyes glimmering.

The Blondie studied him for a moment, then smiled. "I think I've discovered a way to make things up to you, pet."

Riki looked at him incredulously, not quite daring to hope. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I give my body to you, to do as you will."

"Are you fucking for real?" he breathed.

"Whenever you choose."

"Fuck! I just came," Riki lamented.

Iason laughed. "No need to be in such a hurry. My offer doesn't carry an expiration on it."

Riki was beside himself with excitement, having fantasized for quite some time about taking his Blondie master. Now he was consumed with plans on how it should be accomplished.

Iason was amused with his pet's preoccupation with his promise and found that he was curious as to what Riki would do, anticipating the event with no small amount of pleasure, wondering if rains that fell on Tanagura could ever match the rains of passion that flooded over them now, each day taking them both a littler deeper into the borderlands of paradise.

Author's Note: View Anatra DeSylvianno's fanart for this story at !!! (If it opens to a page with advertising for DeviantArt, just click the "no thanks' button at the bottom of the page to get to the fanart.)